

在 芒果濕熱產品中有10篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【當造水果】芒果是屬於夏天的味道 ⭐以為青芒果未熟? ⭐青黃芒果是兩個不同品種 #星期一踢走BlueMonday 青芒果 vs 黃芒果 夏天到處都見到芒果的蹤影,金黃色澤、軟綿多汁的口感有誰不愛?且慢!有時看到青皮芒果是未熟透嗎?青芒果及黃芒果是兩個品種,青芒果外青內黃,果肉口感較爽脆,味道帶微...


芒果濕熱 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-08-17 03:58:55

【當造水果】芒果是屬於夏天的味道 ⭐以為青芒果未熟? ⭐青黃芒果是兩個不同品種 #星期一踢走BlueMonday 青芒果 vs 黃芒果 夏天到處都見到芒果的蹤影,金黃色澤、軟綿多汁的口感有誰不愛?且慢!有時看到青皮芒果是未熟透嗎?青芒果及黃芒果是兩個品種,青芒果外青內黃,果肉口感較爽脆,味道帶微...

芒果濕熱 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-06-16 16:36:52

【食材不濕】坊間說食物「濕熱」或「濕」其實是對吃了該食物後身體反映出來的現象的描述而已  ⭐理論上是沒有濕的食材 ⭐袪濕前先明白甚麼是濕 #星期三CheckCheckMail  「濕熱」食材會致濕? 濕滯少女:「最近芒果當造,但很多人說芒果『濕熱』的水果,其實是甚麼意思呀?」  Ch...

  • 芒果濕熱 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-16 18:23:20
    有 67 人按讚



    青芒果 vs 黃芒果

    芒果 — 性熱,具益胃、止嘔、止暈、解渴、利尿作用。多種原因造成的頭暈皆可食用芒果紓緩症狀;適合慢性氣管炎咳嗽、氣喘患者食用;皮膚敏感及過敏體質患者須謹慎食用。糖尿病患者不宜進食。

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    Green mango vs Yellow mango
    It is not difficult to find shops selling mangoes during summer, and it is an absolute delight to indulge in the sweet and juicy fruit. We often think a green mango is an unripe mango, but that is not always the case.

    Green mangoes and yellow mangoes are actually two different varieties. Green mangoes have green skin but yellow flesh. Its flesh is crunchier and more sour in taste, and they are suitable to be used in salad and cold dishes. Yellow mangoes, on the other hand, are softer and sweeter, and they are often used in desserts or consumed directly.

    Many people believe mangoes are ‘damp and hot’ in nature, but the term ‘damp heat’ is in fact used to describe the body constitution and the cause of illness. Since mangoes are warm in nature and are sweet and sticky, they can easily cause dampness to accumulate in the body and cause phlegm. Hence, individuals with a heat related body may experience damp heat symptoms.

    Nonetheless, mangoes are good for the stomach, can relieve nausea and dizziness, quench thirst, and induce urination. We should be able to enjoy mangoes by consuming an appropriate amount of the fruit based on our body constitution.

    Mango - Hot in nature. It can nourish stomach, relieve vomiting and dizziness, relieve thirst and promote diuresis. Dizziness caused by various reasons could be relieved by eating mango. It is suitable for those with chronic bronchitis cough or asthma. Those with skin allergy and sensitive body type should eat less. It is not suitable for diabetic patients.

    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。
    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #濕熱

  • 芒果濕熱 在 唐安麒 Angel Tong Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-06-11 21:00:01
    有 176 人按讚



    #芒果 #濕熱 #果糖 #不時不吃 #健康 #食療 #唐安麒
    KK Box:bit.ly/3r6x6Q3
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  • 芒果濕熱 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-06-10 19:09:35
    有 349 人按讚

    Understanding damp-heat ingredients
    “Mango is in season now. But some say mango is damp-heat fruit? What does that mean?”
    CheckCheckCin: You always hear that some ingredients are damp or damp-heat natured. Let's figure out what "dampness" is first.
    “Dampness” and “ heat" only refers to the cause of symptoms in Chinese medicine, for example, common sayings such as “the weather is humid”, “dampness and heat in the digestive system” all refer to that. If you have difficulty circulating fluids leading to symptoms such as itchy skin, fatigue, abdominal pain, loose and sticky stool that stuck to the toilet after eating certain ingredients, you may have “dampness” or “damp-heat”. That is why people say that these kinds of ingredients are "damp heat" or "damp" natured. These sayings refer to the body reflection of those with specific body conditions after eating certain ingredients, but do not mean the nature of ingredients are “damp”.
    Mango is hot in nature. It can relieve vomiting and dizziness, relieve thirst and promote diuresis. Dizziness caused by motion could be relieved by eating mango. It is suitable for those with weak body conditions. However, those with damp-heat and yin deficiency body condition should eat less to prevent worsening heat-related symptoms. Mango is an ingredient that activates wind, so it is not suitable for those with sensitive body types such as eczema and skin allergy. Otherwise, it may lead to allergic reactions or make symptoms worse. Mango's wind activating characteristic and heat-related nature is why people refer to it as "damp-heat", which is actually the reflection of the body mentioned above after eating it.
    #男 #女 #長者 #小童 #我疲憊 #我煩躁 #濕熱 #痰濕 #水腫 #肥胖

  • 芒果濕熱 在 果籽 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2017-05-05 20:47:29


    《果籽》 栽種品味,一籽了然。

