

在 nervous比較級產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 很多人問 #達伶,在家裡防疫的這段時間,除了吃美食把自己養胖胖之外😂,還在做些什麼事呢? The answer is…. 上 Engoo Online English線上英文課!!!!!!!! 一邊增進自己的語言能力 一邊拯救台灣 ✔️ #線上課程 真的好方便 宅在家也不覺得自己太廢、太浪費時間~...

nervous比較級 在 KayLA Chang✖️張凱拉 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-04-23 19:19:32

《樂寶貝❌游泳趣》 . 按摩、游泳、洗澡一級棒的寶寶SPA Awesome SPA that provides babies massages, swimming and a refreshing shower . 我和貝殼都喜歡游泳所以也希望未來雙Z寶可以和我們一起游泳不怕水 Mr.Shell a...

nervous比較級 在 Mandy Chin | Creator Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-02-01 07:42:17

“這個月,是一個很值得紀念的月份” 第一次YT裡坦然地說出內心的黑暗 影片裡,赤裸的說明自己在憂鬱裡時常聽見的聲音 / 開始敢開口說的緣起是在公司的會議 每一次開週會都會抽個題目,交流除了工作以外的事 那天的主題是:「人生最低潮的時候」 帶著有點畏懼的心裏表達了那份憂鬱 而他們所給我的回應 讓我覺得...

nervous比較級 在 凡鳥手札 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-07-11 08:51:58

#凡鳥升學其壹佰玖拾壹 【英文作文】 如同大家封面所看到的,這篇文章內含抽獎資訊。 再更單刀直入地說 . 『這一篇文章,是要來和大家分享一門有關英文作文的課程,同時,提供一些小福利』 . 至於推薦的課程為何? 推薦的緣由又是什麼? 這些東西,會在接下來的文章跟大家進行交代。 ___ 在過去,我曾...

  • nervous比較級 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-31 18:54:26
    有 3,104 人按讚

    很多人問 #達伶,在家裡防疫的這段時間,除了吃美食把自己養胖胖之外😂,還在做些什麼事呢?

    The answer is….
    上 Engoo Online English線上英文課!!!!!!!!
    一邊增進自己的語言能力 一邊拯救台灣
    ✔️ #線上課程 真的好方便

    不開玩笑,很久很久以前,long long ago ~人家我英文是不錯的😊
    高中時期, #English 可是我最愛的科目

    自我介紹裡 總有一句....Iam very nervous now😭😭😭

    (by the way~線上教材是免費的唷)

    還有,小時候我去過羅馬參加舞蹈藝術節表演的事,我用比手畫腳加上破爛英文,跟她分享 Rome Colosseum 羅馬競技場是這段旅程剩下的記憶,她說非洲也有羅馬人來蓋的競技場!!!!,她今年暑假要去看看!

    第二堂課的老師Marko P 跟我一樣

    engoo 其實也有台灣講師 的選擇

    我 才 不 要
    ✔️附上註冊連結: https://lihi1.com/ZzC3L

    #英文口說挑戰 #口說王 #一對一線上課程 #english #speaking #challenge

    #達伶姐姐 要再去book一堂英文課囉!!❣️
    響應 #教育部 #停課不停學 #英文 #語言
    本文由 #engoo 贊助 👍

  • nervous比較級 在 Travel with Winny 一起跟昀去旅行 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-07-24 10:42:45
    有 133 人按讚

    在歡樂的週末結束後,回到了繁忙的現實💔 大型家具已經被 York 拆開,我笑著說床墊在地上,好像我們房間是廉價妓院一樣😹

    辛苦的 York 這週末不只每天上班,下班後還要打包行李並載去公婆家🏠 就算這樣搬家當天搬家工人還是花了三個小時搬運傢俱!不經讓人驚覺東西有多少😱

    由於費用是以三小時來計算,最後快到三小時的時候超級心急⏱️ 很怕花三個小時五分鐘就會算三個小時半的費用😂

    雖然找華人比較便宜,但他們真的常常沒力氣啊...😥 York 基本上是他們第三個人手,旁邊的小弟還真的就站在那裡😑 懷念紐西蘭的毛利人!每個都好壯💪💪💪

    Ps. 明天一早飛凱恩斯囉~✈️ 但其實真正願望是可以睡久一點...😭

    After a happy weekend❤️ Back to a home without bed frames, everything is ready to be moved😅 I said our room looks like a cheap brothel😂 Don't you think???

    Poor York had to work full time over the weekend and pack the house🏠 Luckily it didn't rain as expected🌤️ The move was successful after three hours.

    Although I got a bit nervous towards the end since I'm scared it may go up to 3 hours 10 mins then I will have to pay 3.5 hours😅

    Sigh.. Asians are still too skinny, miss NZ's buff Maoris💪 Off to Cairns tomorrow, but we just wana sleep✈️

  • nervous比較級 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-05-13 03:07:15
    有 3 人按讚

    【桃花桃花開了嗎?】(English writing below)




    當年周杰倫出道時,把鴨嘴帽壓得低低的, 談不上很有自信,專輯卻賣得不清不楚。



























    Is self confidence, or faking it, able to attract wealth?

    A few weeks ago, a FB friend remarked that I am very confident in my FB lives, while she was always nervous before her FB Lives.

    This got me thinking about the issues of self-confidence, good looks and Peach Blossom luck.

    When Jay Chou first debuted, his baseball cap was pulled very low to hide his face, as he was not very confident of himself. Yet, his first album sold like hotcakes.

    Compared to Wang Lee Hom, Jay Chou's features are not outstanding. However, his popularity has proven to be more far-reaching than the former.

    Why so? Because of his Peach Blossom luck, hence the unexpected rise to stardom.

    Jay Chou's Peach Blossom luck isn't directly reflected on his facial features, but in his songs. Hence, fans will attest to the worthiness of listening to his songs a hundred times.

    Most people think that Peach Blossom Luck is related to love and lust. They are right. Hence many famous people tend to have some sex-related scandals. Jay Chou once said, he is definitely a filial son, but is not a good man.

    In my FB Live last Thursday, I mentioned that for one to be successful in business, you must have some degree of Peach Blossom Luck.

    You need the love and support from the masses (be it suppliers, customers, employees, partners etc), and you will have a much easier time doing business.

    If you cannot be unique in the eyes of your customers, then you are easily replaceable.

    A person in Peach Blossom Luck will give out a kind of light from his/her body, attracting the eyeballs of people, who find him/her irresistible and are unable to take their eyes off the person. He or she is a walking magnet of attraction.

    The same words spoken by Mr A elicit no response from his readers, but when Mr B says it, a furry of likes, shares and comments rush in like a tsunami.

    The difference? Peach Blossom luck.

    But these Peach Blossoms can only bloom wildly throughout the meadows, if you are in the right line of work.

    As I said before, Jay Chou's Peach Blossom luck is in his songs (note: songs, not singing voice). Hence the sales from his movies and hosting will not be better than those from his music.

    Among the Four Heavenly Kings, Jackie Cheung is not the most handsome. In his early days, he has not much self confidence either. But his Peach Blossom Luck is in his singing voice, hence winning him the esteemed title of The God of Songs and selling over 25 million records as of 2003.

    I once told a young man from my Feng Shui workshop, that his writing did not have any Peach Blossom Luck. Hence, if he wishes to make his first pot of gold through copywriting, it is impossible as he is unable to win the hearts of his clients, and hence, their customers.

    The secret code of Peach Blossom Luck can be hidden in a person's Bazi or luck cycle. When you understand your own Destiny, do the right work in the right industry, and know how to unlock your Peach Blossom Luck, success will come much faster.

    A male client of mine worked as a Executive Chef, which totally fitted his Bazi needs. However, he was struggling financially. I got down to the nitty gritty of his work scope, like what he had to do everyday. That was when I realised instead of doing A, he was doing B, which led to his financial struggles. Once I pointed out to him what he needed to change, he found a better job with much higher remuneration.

    If you are not born with Peach Blossom luck, then you can rely on the power of a auspicious name to improve your inter-personal relations. This was what I did for myself.

    The next way would be to set up a Feng Shui formation in your home/shop, to boost your popularity.

    When I activate the Peach Blossom luck for my clients, I do not put monetary gains as my priority. Some clients have poor discipline, while some enjoy too much the attention from the opposite sex. If I am not choosy about which client to help, I will break up many happy families.

    When you talk about fast food, the first place to come to mind is undoubtedly McDonald's. Many young children do not know the term "fast food", but they definitely know the name "McDonald's". During my teaching lessons, when the young children were asked to draw their favourite food, many of them would draw French fries. The thing is, they did not only draw the string potatoes, they also drew the fries and coloured them inside a red-coloured Letter M box.

    Obviously McDonald's peddle junk food, yet they easily win the hearts of young children, and even "sensible" adults cannot put it down.

    Such is the magnetism of super Peach Blossom Luck.

    As you read till here, do you now know how to activate your own Peach Blossom Luck, and not let it harm you and your family?


    If you are still clueless about it, I welcome you to seek my services. Let me help you open up the valley of 10-mile Peach Blossoms in your Bazi.
