

在 average翻譯產品中有27篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過27萬的網紅Follow XiaoFei 跟著小飛玩,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 7 月2021在世界各地同時發生的洪水比近期歷史上任何一個月都多。 平均每天發生3次大洪水。 隨著地球變暖,暴雨變得越來越頻繁。這段影片花費了7天在拍攝、剪輯和字幕翻譯,在菲律賓、巴拿馬、哥斯達黎加、印度、尼日爾、阿富汗、哥倫比亞、巴基斯坦、意大利、美國(4個州)和孟加拉國都有災情,與此同時,中國和...

 同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過803的網紅樂筆 x 日光實驗室,也在其Youtube影片中提到,歡迎光臨~我是樂筆! 「為什麼要做Podcast?」這問題我也問自己100遍了! 我有資格開寫字帳號嗎?有資格發揮影響力嗎? 是的,我很平凡。但即便很平凡,只要願意,也可以為主做夢! 如果想知道完整故事,歡迎播放聽下去! (LUKE1:78-79)因我們神憐憫的心腸,叫清晨的日光從高天臨到我們,...

average翻譯 在 品牌女子A娜|行銷菜鳥救星 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-02-03 15:45:02

INGramer這個 #網站 最有名的功能,其實是下載 IG 裡的照片和影片 但其實他們的分析工具也很強大哦! PS. 各種分析工具都只能當參考 絕對不能只看單一工具、某個數值 也不要因為數據不好就低估自己 或是數據優良就停止創作了!  ⭕️Average users activity ...

average翻譯 在 Tony Capatch 柯龍 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-11-02 12:52:53

兄弟,我為了你超級驕傲。不管你今天第幾名在台上,我尊重你的原因因為你的心中一直在追蹤人生的目標和不常走過的路。 我為什麼這麼愛這個運動比賽。這個sport呢? 因為這個sport跟其他比有一個特別的差別 要第一名的話你沒辦法靠著關係 要第一名的話沒有任何天份幫助到你 要第一名的話沒辦法作弊或有接...

  • average翻譯 在 Follow XiaoFei 跟著小飛玩 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-03 22:31:39
    有 986 人按讚

    7 月2021在世界各地同時發生的洪水比近期歷史上任何一個月都多。 平均每天發生3次大洪水。 隨著地球變暖,暴雨變得越來越頻繁。這段影片花費了7天在拍攝、剪輯和字幕翻譯,在菲律賓、巴拿馬、哥斯達黎加、印度、尼日爾、阿富汗、哥倫比亞、巴基斯坦、意大利、美國(4個州)和孟加拉國都有災情,與此同時,中國和西歐的洪水也仍在持續著。

    July 2021 saw more concurrent flooding around the world than any month in recent history. An average of 3 major floods a day. Heavy rain storms are becoming more frequent as the earth gets warmer.
    In the 7 days it took to film, edit, and translate the subtitles for this video, it flooded in the Philippines, Panama, Costa Rica, India, Niger, Afghanistan, the UK, Colombia, Pakistan, Italy, USA (4 states), and Bangladesh . Meanwhile the flooding in China and Western Europe is still ongoing.

  • average翻譯 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-15 13:38:56
    有 64 人按讚


    分享《The System: Soviet Periodization Adapted for the American Strength Coach》書中的一段話,用簡潔直白的話語,把課表設計中的「科學」與「藝術」說得很清楚了,下面附上原文和我的譯文:






    Throughout the process, is important to keep in mind that what we do as strength coaches is a combination of science and art. The science demands that we know why something works. That is imperative for the selection process, and if you know how something works, you will know how to progress it.

    If you do not know why something works and you choose to use it, maybe you get lucky... and maybe you do not. When you think, “This is great! My athletes are getting better,” you need to ask yourself, “Where do I go from here?” If you do not know why something is working, you will not know how to progress or adapt it for continued gains. That is the importance of the science.
    The art of coaching is saying to yourself, “We need to squat; we know that is important.” The question now is, “Should we front squat, back squat, or split-squat? What weight should we start with? How many sets and reps? How can I best teach this movement?”

    These questions rarely come with clear, definitive answers, and your path will have to take into account the variables. This is the art of coaching. If you asked these questions of 50 coaches, you might get 50 different answers, and not all of them would be in your best interest to follow.

    In the field of strength and conditioning, this is the aspect that takes the most time and commitment to develop and refine. Ultimately, cultivating balance between the art and science of coaching is what separates the elite from the average.
    (extracted from page 98)

  • average翻譯 在 寶總監的寶之國與他的狗王子 Empire of Director Bao & Niku & Baku Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-30 06:30:08
    有 3,090 人按讚

    Apei wrote many things into my Baku book. Mainly how to raise dogs, his life experience with dogs and about dog breeds. Its very useful information so please take a look. I translated it into English for everyone to read.

    I wanted to raise all the big dogs available around the world. I wanted to takes turns raising all the big dogs, but I fell for Mastiff.

    Ever since when I was very young, I had a dream to raise all the big dogs available throughout the world. I started working at a very young age. Over the years, I had owned a Neapolitan Mastiff, Great Dane, Caucasian Shepherd, and finally now I am totally focused on taking care of my Tibetan Mastiff.

    To be honest, no matter what the breed, each dog is cute & lovable in its own way. Having own so many dogs, I slowly figured out what I like the most.

    Neapolitan Mastiff, for example, has saggy faces and very short hair. If you don’t clean him up after a meal, the dog can very easily have allergic reactions or skin diseases. It’s quite a chore taking care of this breed of dogs.

    Great Danes are beautiful and usually possesses a lengthy body, but I like ones with a thicker and wider body.

    Caucasian Shepherd is perhaps a breed that is closest to my ideal type. However, shepherds are more primitive, they are not that friendly to small dogs.

    As far as Tibetan Mastiff goes, they are loyal, and gentle around kids, women, and other small animals. Especially during winter, a Tibetan Mastiff would change into a long fur coat, appearing so confident and proud, as if everything else is beneath them.
    When I got to owning a Tibetan Mastiff, that’s when my heart and mind went: “This is the one!” And so… I have been raising one ever since.

    All the dogs I had previously, I have always had them until they passed away peacefully in my arms due to old age. The average lifespan of large-sized dogs are usually a lot shorter than small-sized dogs. 10 -15 years, I would say, is probably the max.

    To manage a large-sized dog, the key is on teaching. I often tell my friends: “As a dog owner you have to be dominant, you have to be more dominant than your dog.” Show ‘em who’s the boss in the house, so to speak lol. As a dog owner if you wish to take your large dog out for a walk, you have to start taking them for a walk when they are still very small, let them get used to walking alongside you, this is basically to socialize them.

    Remember tho, you are taking them for a walk, not the other way around. You have to let them see more, let them become familiarize with what’s happening on the outside. This way, it will lessen the occurrence of your dog having violent reactions to unfamiliar or unknown objects.

    Basically, unless your dog is sick, a dog only starts biting people out of “fear.” They fear that his owner will be attacked, that’s why he goes into “combat mode.” Of course, a dog that is less socialized or a dog with a less dominant owner will more likely become violent (including biting) when they feel threatened or panicking.

    This is the owner’s fault, and not on the dog. Once you improve upon the way you walk the dog and educate the dog the right away, the dog’s violent behavior and violent tendencies will show an improvement.

    Mastiff also goes by another name, “guardian dogs.” If you let a Mastiff stay in one place for over 30 minutes, he’ll think that this place is his place, his territory, and will starting defending it by being aggressive to passerby, this is something to be aware of.

    The question that I was asked the most is… “Mastiffs eat a lot, don’t they? So you must’ve spend a lot of dog food, right?”

    I am more catering to my dog, that’s for sure. I’ll let him eat the good stuff --- beef, full chicken, lamb… But you don’t have to do it like me, tho, just feed him regularly so your dog is not hungry. If you have the time, take him for a walk or a jog, or bathe him, he is going to be really really happy if you do so.

    Lastly, I want remind everyone, as far as large dogs go, because of their huge physique they have tons of pressure on their feet, so it’s best for a dog owner to raise a large-sized dog on a non-slippery floor. Also, for a dog that is not yet 6 months old, don’t let the dog do too much jumping and running because his hip joint isn’t fully developed yet. That’s two things you should keep in mind. So as long as you take the time to walk your dog and do a bit of exercise, you’ll be able to keep their legs healthy, which will reduce a lot of the dog’s leg problems.

    No matter big or small, a dog is family. If you got one, please take care of him/her for the rest of its life. Lastly, just want to say, You reap what you sow.

  • average翻譯 在 樂筆 x 日光實驗室 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-02-20 09:56:33




    Welcome to Sunlight~~
    "Why do I start a podcast?", I have already asked myself for 100 times!!
    Am I qualified as a calligrapher? Am I influential enough?
    Exactly, I’m just an average Joe! However, I can dream big for LORD with a willing mind!
    If you want to know my whole story, please play and keep on listening!

    (LUKE1:78-79) Because of the tender mercy of our God, Whereby the dayspring from on high shall visit us, to shine upon them that sit in darkness and the shadow of death; To guide our feet into the way of peace.

    Apple Podcast、KKBOX、Spotify 🔍歡迎光臨

    - - - - - -


    - - - - - -

    主持人兼編輯 Host/Editor:樂筆
    剪接師 Sound Editor:Papa.H
    翻譯 Translator:Youli

  • average翻譯 在 DREAM清醒夢LUCID Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-09-05 08:00:00

    I am a bullet original song link here.
    《我是子彈》歌曲表演: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BmFw...
    澳門蓮花衛視Macau Lotustv: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4GuK...

    If I translated Chinese propaganda for the average westerner they would not believe what the Chinese communist party was saying. The media frothing at the champs over trump while xi jingping makes one war mongering statement after another and no one bats an eye lid. If the west doesn't wake up and realise the wolf that is at the door soon, it will all be too late. The tide must first be slowed, then stopped and then turned. We must change the way we think about our civilisation and start protecting it instead of destroying it. The Chinese communist party have already shot two missiles in the south china sea. A war with China is one we might not win.

    ▶ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/dr34mlucid
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    (也可以直接到LINE貼圖商城的創作者欄位搜尋:清醒夢 或 dr34mlucid )

    #dr34mlucid #ChinaandTaiwan #解放軍

  • average翻譯 在 李根興 Edwin商舖創業及投資分享 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2018-09-03 22:12:11


    我相信好多阿媽都同阿仔講, 大個咗要搵到錢,大個咗要結婚,大個咗要生小朋友建立家庭。 咁樣才會有開心嘅人生。佢哋講得啱唔啱呢? 

    根據哈佛心理學教授Daniel Gilbert 指出,答案在影片裏....



    而家喺星加坡同我老婆同三個女,趁開學前放下放假。 我相信冇人會反對人生其中一個最開心嘅時候就係同屋企人放假去旅行嘅時候。

    包括我在內,我相信好多阿媽都同阿仔講, 大個咗要搵到錢,大個咗要結婚,大個咗要生小朋友建立家庭。 即是唔係咁講,都肯定唔會講大個仔要窮,記住成世要孤單一個人,唔好結婚同有仔女,種下禍根。 

    咁其實我阿媽、同你阿媽講嘅嘢啱唔啱呢? 有冇科學根據? 錢能唔能夠買到快樂? 結咗婚係咪真係會開心啲? 生咗仔女咁又點呢? 根據哈佛心理學教授 Daniel Gilbert 過去30年嘅研究, 佢話阿媽以上三大智慧係啱啲唔啱啲。 而家同你逐一講講。

    今個月我剛剛就去咗佢喺哈佛講Happiness 嘅一課, 循例我好鍾意坐第一行,佢無話唔俾影,個個學生喺咁影相,我又唔係學者,我只係一個專賣鋪嘅生意佬都同你分享下我學咗啲乜。

    第一:阿媽話,大個仔要搵到錢。 咁錢係咪越多,會令你越開心呢? 答案,yes! 真係,越多就越開心。 Never go back down. 邊個扮清高,話錢買唔到happiness係錯晒。 有錢人就係開心過窮人。不過根據哈佛教授Daniel Gilbert 指出, 錢喺大約去道每年六萬蚊美金嘅收入, 即係每個月三萬九千蚊港幣,你就大約已經買到95%嘅happiness。 諗真啲,每個月三萬九千蚊港幣,其實真係唔係太多。 當然世界每個地方嘅生活水平唔同, 但個idea 就係如果你要再開心啲,更加多嘅收入其實如果你同樣嘅洗法都只係畀多你人生5%嘅開心。 

    咁點樣洗法先能夠更加開心呢?1. 買多啲經歷,買少啲嘢。 因為經歷,例如去旅行,每個人係獨特嘅,無得比較。 但如果你買咗架法拉利,見到側邊嗰人揸住架林寶堅尼, 你就覺得點解佢架車仲靚過你。2. 洗多啲喺人哋身上,洗少啲喺自己度。 點解有錢佬好鍾意捐錢, 因為幫人都係一種滿足感。3. 放多啲錢係關係上, 有人同你分享,遠遠開心過自己一個獨食。 信不信由你,我幫到個租客做生意,我都真係好開心。 佢賺多一萬,遠遠開心過我自己袋晒。

    Breakdown 呢,睇下呢個chart, 開心嘅程度, work 工作, commute 即係揸車搭車去上班嘅時間,TV 電視就係咁開心。 好多人話有錢之後就攤喺度乜都唔做, 但其實嘆喺度開心嘅程度,同work 都差唔多。 咁乜嘢係最開心呢? 教授話係 talk and sex. 你明啦,我諗唔使翻譯。 佢話,所以如果你有錢嘅話唔應該休息多啲,係應該多啲 talk while having sex.  真係佢話㗎,今晚試試。

    第二, 結咗婚係咪真係開心啲呢? 呢個我有些少利益衝突,即使唔係,我都唔可以講大聲。 但研究指出,答案又真係,係喎。 過去嘅50年嘅研究指出,結咗婚嘅人就係開心過未結婚嘅人。再細緻啲睇,結咗婚嘅人就係開心過cohabiting 同居嘅人,同 single 嘅人。 離咗婚 divorced 或者 separated 分開咗嘅就最唔開心。 

    但結唔結婚,隨著歲數都好影響開心程度。 佢哋全部都係二三十歲嘅時候最開心 ,去到四五十歲就中年危機,七八十歲嘅時候又回覆童真。 但留意喎,四五十歲未結婚嘅人係最唔開心, 因為一世人入面唔知最終結唔結到。 去到六七八十歲呢就認命,開心返啦。

    但記住喎, 以上嘅圖雖然結咗婚嘅人係開心啲。 你要搞清楚,係因為佢結婚而開心,定係因為佢本身係個開心嘅人而吸引多啲人想同佢結婚呢? Correlation (相關)唔等於 Causation (因果關係)。 教授話你要搞清楚個關係喎,佢都未有答案。

    佢只係知道結咗婚嘅人,都唔係all the way 開心㗎喎。 結婚之後嗰一兩年係最甜蜜嘅, 之後就一般啦。 我結咗婚13年啦, 都細細聲同你講唔會相差太遠。 但離婚呢? 男人? 離婚前一年就最悲哀,之後就一支箭咁標上去。 女人就反而比較平穩啲喎。 我諗男人最明點解啦! 

    第三, 睇完錢同老婆,睇下生仔女啦。 Kids are pain in the ass, 我諗好多父母都會贊成。 原來阿媽話結婚一定要生仔女先至開心,呢個係錯㗎喎。 唔怪得知,我最開心嘅旅行,通常都係同我老婆兩個人去嘅旅行。

    教授Daniel Gilbert 話non parents, 一般係開心過parents, 更開心過 parents with minor children. 即係有細個嘅小朋友,即係我呢啲,係最唔開心。佢話研究數據指出,小朋友出世頭幾年係會令你越嚟越唔開心。 諗真啲,又啱喎。 啱啱出嚟嘅時候,成嚿飯咁,同佢玩乜都得。 篤下佢,彈下佢,no problem 。之後又要playgroup, 又要諗幼稚園,又要諗小一入學,真係想死。 我最近先至成日煩緊我細女要去小一入學面試。 小一入學嘅壓力係遠遠大過自己去大學或者求職面試。 當年見傑青個panel 我都冇咁大壓力。

    數據指出作為父母,開心嘅程度,talking with friends 係最開心,eating 第二,grocery shopping 超市買餸第三,doing housework 做家務第四,咁being with children 同細路一齊呢? 只係高過做家務少少。

    全世界嚟講, world average 都係無細路係開心過有細路.... Just by 少少。 結咗婚嘅就好啲, 但整體上都係無細路開心少少。 如果你係單身single 嘅,你就更加唔開心。Divorced 離咗婚嘅, 係最唔開心。 因為大家都明白,離婚最難搞嘅就係仔女。 反而widowed 寡婦/寡佬就遠遠最開心, 因為始終老公或者老婆走咗之後,仔女可能就係佢哋唯一嘅伴。

    雖然全世界整體上都係無細路開心過有細路,但每個國家都有所唔同。美國呢就係比全世界好啲,Montenegro 又名黑山共和國就係最好, Macedonia 馬其頓就係最差。 香港我就無數據,我估應該好啲嘅,始終有工人姐姐幫手。 但一講起小一入學,我諗個個父母就會話我哋同Macedonia 差唔多。

    總結,點都好,有細路係開心嘅,不過唔好為佢哋而煩惱太多, 我成日同我老婆講 number one rule of parenting: Relax!  

    結婚? 好吖,only if you find the one you love and he or she loves you too。Love 唔到like 喎。 Like 喜歡係想得到,love 愛就要付出。唔好為結而結。

    最後,錢可以令你開心啲,但如果你能夠買多啲經歷,洗多啲喺人哋身上,同埋建立關係上面呢,你會更加開心。教授話 try to talk during doodoo 係最開心,今後搵錢、結婚、生仔、點算好,你懂啦!

