

在 indicated產品中有302篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過14萬的網紅Focus Taiwan,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, The two patients linked to the cluster, who were both in quarantine when they tested positive for #COVID19, live in New Taipei and Taoyuan, respective...

 同時也有281部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5萬的網紅Hunter 物理治療師,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【教練,我想打籃球─十字韌帶重建後何時可以回去運動?】 有在運動或看運動賽事的人,應該對於十字韌帶斷裂這樣的運動傷害不陌生。雖然現今的醫療可以將斷掉的十字韌帶做重建,但並不是每一位運動員都能在手術後順利重返運動賽事,或是恢復到和過去一樣的運動表現。根據統計,如果不計運動賽事等級的話,在十字韌帶重建後...

indicated 在 Wilson Sim 沈斯涵 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-24 07:55:02

[Beijing] Emperor Qianlong of the Qing dynasty is a known Casanova who had many concubines, but he was also a caring father (to most of his children)....

indicated 在 ゆう さかな Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-16 07:30:35

旧香川県立体育館(丹下健三 / 1964)を耐震改修し利活用するアイデアを募集しています。事業者の手が上がらない場合は、取り壊される可能性のある危機遺産建築です。サウンディング調査の参加申し込みは、9月30日まで。 Former Kagawa Prefectural Gymnasium came ...

indicated 在 QiuTing 洪萩庭 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-05 18:58:42

Rejuvenate yourselves with clean, safe and better air with negative ion using FORESTAIR by @euyansang_singapore 💚 Eu Yan Sang’s NEW FORESTAIR is 100%...

  • indicated 在 Focus Taiwan Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-12 18:20:46
    有 172 人按讚

    The two patients linked to the cluster, who were both in quarantine when they tested positive for #COVID19, live in New Taipei and Taoyuan, respectively, and their low CT levels indicated they were infected recently, a health official said.

  • indicated 在 Dr 文科生 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-10 20:01:31
    有 802 人按讚


    1. 有病人同家屬總係覺得要脅要DAMA就可以即刻有醫生睇或者要求照咩掃描或者抽咩血都得


    2. 家屬好鍾意BD打電話要求醫生update病情


    3. 病人同家屬總係覺得大聲d兇醫護人員之後就可以快d插隊

    但其實你爆完我一輪,我要入房飲啖冰水calm down下先幫到你安排更多嘅嘢,爆完我係唔會令件事快咗。

    4. 好多病人同家屬都會覺得醫生每日見得5-10分鐘,都無用心去睇



    5. 各位同業有無其他想補充下?

  • indicated 在 Focus Taiwan Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-03 22:51:50
    有 245 人按讚

    The Taiwan government's online vaccination appointment system started accepting new bookings at 10 a.m. for people aged 23-28 who had registered prior to July 19 and indicated their willingness to obtain an #AstraZeneca shot. #COVID19

  • indicated 在 Hunter 物理治療師 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-07-03 19:30:08

    有在運動或看運動賽事的人,應該對於十字韌帶斷裂這樣的運動傷害不陌生。雖然現今的醫療可以將斷掉的十字韌帶做重建,但並不是每一位運動員都能在手術後順利重返運動賽事,或是恢復到和過去一樣的運動表現。根據統計,如果不計運動賽事等級的話,在十字韌帶重建後能回到運動場上的比例大約落在56%-100% (不同研究有不同結果)。但如果要恢復到受傷前的運動表現的話,則只有13%-69%的人有機會能做到。即使回去運動後,也有20%-25%的機會再一次受傷。在面對韌帶重建的個案時,我們是否有甚麼方法可以評估個案是否具備回到運動場上的能力,或是個案達到甚麼標準之後,未來受傷機率可以比較低呢?這次的影片將跟大家分享四個用來評估十字韌帶重建後,何時可以重返運動場上的測試動作。

    People who like to play sports or watch sport events might be familiar with ACL rupture. Although we can reconstruct the ruptured ACL with modern medical technology, not every athlete can return to sports after the reconstruction, not to say regain his previous performance level. It has been indicated that the rate of return to sport at any level ranged from 56%-100% (Different research has different result.). However, only 13%-69% athletes can regain their pre-injury level of performance. After back to sport, up to 20%-25% athletes will experience contralateral tear or re-rupture. When faced with those ACL reconstruction clients, do we have any method to evaluate whether client is ready to return to sport? Is there any standard client can achieve, which indicate the risk of injury could be relatively low? Today’s video will show you 4 single-leg hop tests commonly used to assess functional performance and predict when to return to sport for ACL reconstruction clients.


    #教練我想打球 #十字韌帶斷裂 #重建 #運動員 #受傷機率 #物理治療 #跳躍測試 #ACLrupture #reconstruction #athlete #physiotherapy #hoptest #backtosport #riskofinjury

  • indicated 在 Dainghia25 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-24 20:32:51

    Scarlet Nexus : How to Perfect Dodge

    Dodging is an easy feat to do in Scarlet Nexus. Enemy attacks are telegraphed quite well, leaving you enough time to move away before an attack lands.

    Being able to keep out of harm's way contributes to shorter fights and the use of less items and other resources that you might need for some of the game's tougher opponents.

    As the attack nearly completes, simply dash away to safety. If done right, this will trigger the Perfect Dodge, indicated by a glow that surrounds your chosen character.

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    ▶ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/dainghia25

  • indicated 在 美女健身聯盟 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-05-31 17:46:16

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