[爆卦]Hunker down是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Hunker down鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Hunker down這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 hunker產品中有14篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過874的網紅多益達人 林立英文,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, With isolation, domestic abuse activists fear ‘explosive cocktail’ “Safer at Home.” It’s a slogan of choice for the mandatory ( ) confinemen...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過75萬的網紅志祺七七 X 圖文不符,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#昆蟲恐懼症注意 #是說為什麼志祺很像在比中指 按這裡,你可以幫助志祺七七繼續日更: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiWXd0nmBjlKROwzMyPV-Nw/join 註 4:17 這邊說的「進化」是我們自己的用語。實際上這種因為體內激素轉變而改變習...

  • hunker 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-01-26 23:10:02
    有 2 人按讚

    With isolation, domestic abuse activists fear ‘explosive cocktail’

    “Safer at Home.” It’s a slogan of choice for the mandatory ( ) confinement ( ) measures aimed at curbing ( ) the spread of the coronavirus. But it’s not true for everyone.

    As the world’s families hunker ( ) down, there’s another danger, less obvious but just as insidious ( ), that worries advocates ( ) and officials: a potential spike ( ) in domestic violence ( ) as victims spend day and night trapped at home with their abusers, with tensions ( ) rising, nowhere ( ) to escape, limited or no access ( ) to friends or relatives — and no idea when it will end.

    “An abuser will use anything in their toolbox to exert ( ) their power and control, and COVID-19 is one of those tools,” said Crystal Justice, who oversees ( ) development at the National Domestic Violence Hotline, a 24/7 national hotline in the United States. In cities and towns everywhere, concern is high, and meaningful numbers are hard to come by ( ). In some cases, officials worry about a spike in calls, and in others, about a drop in calls, which might indicate that victims cannot find a safe way to reach out for help.

    In Los Angeles, officials have been bracing ( ) for a spike in abuse. “When cabin fever ( ) sets in, give it a week or two, people get tired of seeing each other and then you might have domestic violence,” said Alex Villanueva, the sheriff ( )of Los Angeles County.

    “One of the key challenges of this health pandemic is that home isn’t a safe place for everyone,” said Amanda Pyron, executive director of The Network: Advocating Against Domestic Violence, based in Chicago. “Victims and the abusers have to stay at the scene of the crime.”

    Similar concerns have arisen in hard-hit ( ) continental Europe. In France, “it’s an explosive cocktail,” says Nathalie Tomasini, a leading lawyer for domestic violence victims there. Being trapped in an apartment with an abusive partner, she said, is akin to ( ) “a prison with no open window.”

    In addition to intimate partner violence, concerns have also been raised about child abuse. In jurisdictions ( ) everywhere, the chief worry is not only that coronavirus tensions could trigger more abuse, but that with kids out of school, more cases could go unreported or unnoticed.

    “If kids are not at school, those reports aren’t getting made,” said Jessica Seitz, public policy director for the advocacy group Missouri Kids First. “That’s really a crack ( ) in the system.”

    Without educators ( ) in place, “We really need neighbors to check on next-door children and children in the neighborhood,” said Tom Rawlings, director of Georgia state’s Division of Family and Children Services.

    Back at the National Domestic Violence Hotline, which is based in Austin, Texas but has staff working remotely now, advocates are urging people in potentially risky situations to use the more discreet ( ) chat and text options available on their website, and to formulate ( ) a personal safety plan. This could include setting up a standing call with relatives or establishing a code phrase to signal an emergency.

    因疫情封城禁足 反促長家暴危機

    為遏止冠狀病毒傳播而頒布的禁足令,選用「Safer at Home」(待在家更安全)作為口號,以強制民眾待在家。然而,待在家裡並非對每個人來說都會更安全。




    「這種大流行病的主要挑戰之一是,家裡並非對每個人來說都是安全的地方」,芝加哥「網絡:反家暴倡議」(The Network: Advocating Against Domestic Violence)的執行董事阿曼達‧派蓉說道。「受害者與施暴者只能待在犯罪現場」。



    倡議團體「密蘇里州兒童優先組織」(Missouri Kids First)的公共政策主任潔西卡‧塞茲表示:「如果孩子們不在學校,這些案件就不會被通報」。「這真是系統的漏洞」。



    #高雄人 #學習英文 請找 #多益達人林立英文
    #高中英文 #成人英文
    #多益家教班 #商用英文

  • hunker 在 Pure Storage Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-05-21 13:44:02
    有 3 人按讚

    Standing still and hunkering down may feel like a safe option in turbulent times, but it’s a guaranteed way to help your competitors leapfrog over you.

    Instead of sticking with the status quo, be a paradigm shifter, with this advice for being the change your business needs to see.

  • hunker 在 The One Way Home with Tim Oh Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-05-17 11:00:09
    有 11 人按讚

    Happy Sunday!

    Here's a charity campaign I did some years ago, depicting Rosie the Riveter. She was a cultural icon during World War II as she represented women who had to work as the men were at war.

    Now, may she represent all our frontline and essential workers that head out every day to keep our country moving.

    May it also represent each of us, as we hunker down and stay home to make sure we can get through this together.

    Stay home and stay safe! We CAN do this!

  • hunker 在 志祺七七 X 圖文不符 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-03-14 19:00:20

    #昆蟲恐懼症注意 #是說為什麼志祺很像在比中指

    註 4:17
    這邊說的「進化」是我們自己的用語。實際上這種因為體內激素轉變而改變習性、能力與外觀的「動作」叫做什麼,中文世界沒有精準的翻譯,英文通常也只用 become(變成)這類的動詞而已。

    00:59 上千億隻蝗蟲的攻擊!
    02:38 蚱蜢餓肚子,就會變蝗蟲?
    03:20 蝗蟲餓肚子,就會超進化?!高清無碼蝗蟲出沒警告!
    05:10 大謎團:蝗災到底是怎麼結束的?
    06:33 今年的蝗災會進入中國嗎?
    08:34 我們的觀點
    09:25 提問
    09:53 掰比

    【 製作團隊 】



    【 本集參考資料 】

    → 🦗 中央社東非蝗災數十年僅見 宛如聖經景象[影]:http://bit.ly/2uS7Yos
    → 🦗 DQ|舉目所及都是蝗蟲 東非地區陷蟲蟲危機:http://bit.ly/2uMZiQ3
    → 🦗 自由時報|蝗災不止!索馬利亞宣布進入「國家緊急狀態」:http://bit.ly/2vAtvCf
    → 🦗 中央社|人道危機逼近東非 蝗災肆虐1300萬人嚴重缺糧:http://bit.ly/2x3EUeh
    → 🦗 India Today|How India saved itself from desert locust invasion on crops:http://bit.ly/2TwE94Z
    → 🦗 Science|In Somalia, an unprecedented effort to kill massive locust swarms with biocontrol:http://bit.ly/2IiHfnS
    → 🦗 自由時報|東非蝗災蔓延亞洲 印度16.8萬公頃農田遭殃:http://bit.ly/2VFrdg0
    → 🦗 維基|直翅目:http://bit.ly/2x7BHun
    → 🦗 How a single locust becomes a plague:https://bbc.in/2TjnYJs
    → 🦗 【KTV】龐麥郎-我的滑板鞋 官方MV:http://bit.ly/39eMWiJ
    → 🦗 中央社|東非蝗災肆虐 沙漠蝗蟲大舉攻進南蘇丹:http://bit.ly/2PHAIHG
    → 🦗 Hunker|Life Cycle of Locusts:http://bit.ly/3al8Row
    → 🦗 In Somalia, an unprecedented effort to kill massive locust swarms with biocontrol:http://bit.ly/2IiHfnS
    → 🦗 農傳媒|蝗蟲過境戒備!揭非洲沙漠飛蝗的歷史不歸路止於此:http://bit.ly/2Ickv9e
    → 🦗 how did locust plague usually end:http://bit.ly/32JNJWs
    → 🦗 Hunker|Life Cycle of Locusts:http://bit.ly/3al8Row
    → 🦗 維基|中國蝗災史:http://bit.ly/3aq8Zmy
    → 🦗 香港01|【歷史探秘】夥伴皆驚「蝗」 當古代中國人遇上蝗蟲(上):http://bit.ly/2TCbtHO
    → 🦗 香港01|蝗災惶哉:中國如何應對這場昆蟲戰:http://bit.ly/38isU5x
    → 🦗 香港01|【亞非蝗禍】放雞鴨可以對付沙漠蝗? 科普雜誌解釋為何不可行:http://bit.ly/39jmUe1
    → 🦗 人民網|新疆:10萬鴨子滅蝗蟲:http://bit.ly/2Trr5Oc

    【 延伸閱讀 】

    → 🦗 立場新聞|中國百年蝗災回顧 — 天災與人禍:http://bit.ly/2TzD4cB
    → 🦗 香港01|【歷史探秘】中國蝗神信仰的始終:八蜡廟與劉猛將軍:http://bit.ly/2Ig5i72
    → 🦗 20140624 科技苑 牧鸡治蝗:http://bit.ly/2TinEuB
    → 🦗 China will not send ducks to tackle locusts in Pakistan, says expert:http://bit.ly/2wqpuAm



  • hunker 在 Frugal Outdoors & Camping Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2017-10-31 13:33:44

    Me & Kord were participating to an exhibition event in Ipoh and we plan to do wild camping rather than stay in a hotel.We drove to the nearby forest park to hunker down