擔仔麵 Taiwanese Danzai Noodles
The dish is a iconic street food from Tainan, Taiwan. It features oil noodles with br...
擔仔麵 Taiwanese Danzai Noodles
The dish is a iconic street food from Tainan, Taiwan. It features oil noodles with braised pork mince and fresh shrimp in a broth.
肉燥 / 食材:
肉燥 / 步驟:
(1) 將絞肉以中火油鍋拌炒至鬆散,放入紅蔥頭末拌勻。
(2) 放入紅糖及醬油拌勻,倒入熱水,再放入水煮蛋拌勻。
(3) 將醬汁以中火煮至沸騰,轉小火悶煮30分鐘。
鮮蝦高湯 / 食材:
鮮蝦高湯 / 步驟:
(1) 將蝦殼以中火油鍋拌炒至熟透,放入紅蔥頭末拌勻。
(2) 倒入雞高湯,以中火煮至沸騰,轉小火煮10分鐘。
(3) 放入鹽拌勻,再將高湯隔著細篩網倒入空的鍋中備用。
擔仔麵 / 食材 1人份 :
擔仔麵 / 步驟:
(1) 以中火汆燙鮮蝦、韭菜、豆芽,燙熟後撈起備用。
(2) 同一鍋中,放入油麵汆燙30秒,撈起放入小碗中。
(3) 於碗中倒入鮮蝦高湯,再放入肉燥及其他配料即可。
Braised pork mince / Ingredients
200g pork mince, 10g mince shallots, 1 tsp brown sugar, 2 tbsp soy sauce, 500ml hot water, boiled eggs (optional)
Braised pork mince / Steps
(1) Stir fry the pork mince over medium heat until cooked, add mince shallots and stir well.
(2) Add brown sugar and soy sauce, stir well. Pour in hot water, then add boiled eggs and stir well.
(3) Boiled over medium heat, turn to low heat and cover the pot, then simmer for 30 minutes.
Broth / Ingredients
3 shrimp shells, 10g mince shallots, 600ml warm chicken stock, 1/2 tsp salt
Broth / Steps
(1) Stir fry the shrimp shells over medium heat until cooked, then add mince shallots and stir well.
(2) Pour in warm chicken stock, boiled over medium heat, turn to low heat and cook for 10 minutes.
(3) Strain the shrimp stock through a fine mesh sieve, then set aside.
Danzai Noodles / Ingredients
100g yellow noodles (Oil noodles), shrimps, Garlic chives (cut into pieces), Bean sprouts
Danzai Noodles / Steps
(1) Blanching the shrimps, garlic chives and bean sprouts over medium heat until cooked, then lift all ingredients out of the pot.
(2) Add the yellow noodles, balancing over medium heat for 30 seconds, then put the yellow noodles in a small bowl.
(3) Pour the broth in the small bowl. Add braised pork mince, braised eggs, shrimps, garlic chives and bean sprouts in the small bowl.
#台灣美食 #晚餐 #午餐 #小吃 #料理 #相機食先 #taiwanesefood #noodles #台湾料理 #台湾グルメ