

在 磅蛋糕食譜產品中有99篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 只做奶油磅蛋糕有點無趣,想到之前做了瓶蘭姆葡萄乾,就來做個大人風味的蘭姆葡萄磅蛋糕 ~😉 這款磅蛋糕不用泡打粉,以全蛋打發方式做,也能烤出完美裂痕唷 做法👉https://haruhii.pixnet.net/blog/post/47863751 -- 🔥滿兩千折一百最後三小時~ 記得用👉9/17折...

 同時也有15部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過40萬的網紅糖餃子Sweet Dumpling,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hello friends! Today we're going to share with you how to make a perfect cake for everyday--French Dried Fruit Fruitcake (Cake Aux Fruits Confits / Fr...

磅蛋糕食譜 在 嗨 吃貨小姐梨安?台灣美食吃透透? Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-17 02:23:26

颱風天在家自己做蛋糕🍰🍋 江江~今天是特別的動手做系列🤗 之前疫情在家關了幾個月,是不是有很多人也變成料理小能手了😂我也在這時間開始嘗試起烤蛋糕了~畢竟不能出門又想吃蛋糕的時候只能靠自己(握拳✊🏻 《 食譜介紹 x @hi.pearan 🍐梨安小姐烤什麼 》 🔺今天簡單跟大家分享一個簡單的甜點...

  • 磅蛋糕食譜 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-17 21:26:26
    有 59 人按讚

    只做奶油磅蛋糕有點無趣,想到之前做了瓶蘭姆葡萄乾,就來做個大人風味的蘭姆葡萄磅蛋糕 ~😉

  • 磅蛋糕食譜 在 Beauty美人圈 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-29 16:00:00
    有 25 人按讚


    #beauty美人圈 #甜點 #食譜 #磅蛋糕

  • 磅蛋糕食譜 在 大肉哥與小菜妹。新台傭日記 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-03 17:04:22
    有 39 人按讚

    🍰🧁 #開團預告 #HOMEKit烘焙組 #三盒免運 🍪🥧

    宅在家真的需要新鮮事來激起火花,疫情前我很愛跟小孩在家玩烘焙,但這段日子煮正餐就夠疲累,哪有閒情逸致找食譜、備材料,還要接受可能失敗的挫敗😢後來發現這個,可以在家開心DIY的HOMEKit烘焙組,只要選擇想要的點心,省去事前繁瑣準備過程,偶爾想烘焙一下也不怕買一堆材料用不完,跟著 #教學影片 輕鬆完成,新手上路也能完勝登場!💯

    自助烘焙體驗品牌 #Funsiamo,疫情期間為了不方便到店內DIY的大小朋友,特別推出一系列的「Funsiamo HomeKit」居家烘焙組,只要一盒,從配方、備料到教學一手包辦!嚴選日本蛋糕粉、法國發酵無水奶油等,連香草萊姆酒也有!用料實在,不只好玩更專業的好吃😋,還能讓孩子手作放電,總共有 #11種超人氣甜點可選唷~

    以下幾款不只#適用烤箱 #氣炸鍋也可以:




    爸媽們,防疫在家的日子已過兩個月,快要沒梗了嗎!暑假還有一半,為了迎接美好的九月要堅強下去!防疫不鬆懈,沒事宅在家最好!準備好吃好玩的 #HomeKit烘焙組,享受 #親子DIY 時光,現在任選三組免運,料理組常溫保存於通風乾燥處即可,過程紀錄還可以當暑假作業,完美!快來手刀下單😊

    Funsiamo #HomeKit #親子烘焙 #磅蛋糕食譜 #DIY

  • 磅蛋糕食譜 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-11-14 20:15:06

    Hello friends! Today we're going to share with you how to make a perfect cake for everyday--French Dried Fruit Fruitcake (Cake Aux Fruits Confits / French style fruit pound cake).

    We love dried fruits, and we know there is a classic cake made with dried fruits and tastes like pound cake, but more flavorful and delicious. It’s a perfect everyday cake, and also a good idea for the holiday, like Christmas.(Yes, you can put dried-fruits in red and green)

    About the dried fruits, you can use any dried fruits you have or like. And the dried fruit can be soaked with cointreau or rum. If you don’t have any alcohol, you can use lemon juice or orange juice instead of it. This cake is perfect, fabulous, sweet and moist, it went down well with the family, hope you like this video.

    This is an #ASMR ver, you can check out the other version that with BGM and Voices in Chinese if you like:
    How to make French Dried Fruit Fruitcake Recipe
    Dried Fruit Fruitcake Recipe

    ☞ Cake mold: 17x8x6cm

    ✎ Ingredients
    dried figs 40g
    raisins 20g
    dried apricots 40g
    cointreau 10g
    all purpose flour 110g
    unsalted butter 110g, soften at room temperature
    pour powdered sugar 80g
    egg 1, large size (about 60g)
    egg yolk 1, large size (about 20g)
    baking powder 1.5g, aluminum free

    ✎ Instructions
    1. Place the raisins in a bowl and pour with hot water, soak for couple seconds, drain and pat dry with a paper towel.
    2. Cut the dried figs and dried apricots into small pieces.
    3. Add raisins, dried figs and dried apricots together in a bowl, pour cointreau and mix well. Leave to soak for at least 10 minutes.
    4. Brush the butter in a thin, even layer over the sides and bottom of the pan.
    5. Meanwhile, add an egg and an egg yolk in a small bowl, whisk slightly. Set aside.
    6. Spoon 2 tablespoon of flour and sift into the cointreau soaked fruits and toss to coat the fruits. Set aside.
    7. Cream the softened butter and pour powdered sugar together, then beat over medium speed until light and fluffy.
    8. Add the half of egg mixture at a time, beating well after each addition until all are incorporated. Scrape down the sides of the bowl as needed.
    9. Sift the remaining flour and baking powder into the bowl and fold until all dry ingredients are just absorbed.
    10. Add the fruits to the batter and mix again until everything is well combined.
    11. Scrape the batter into the prepared pan and make a slight depression on the top, then draw a line by knife or anything else.
    12. Preheat the oven to 170°C and bake for 35~40 minutes.
    13. Once baked, leave the cake in the pan to cool. Unmold the cake and store in an airtight box when cool and chill in the fridge.


  • 磅蛋糕食譜 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-11-14 20:15:02

    嗨!大家好,我是 Cassandre, 今天的『食不相瞞』,我們要跟大家分享一款簡單好做,又很合當作家庭常備甜點的酒漬果乾蛋糕 (Dried Fruits Fruitcake, Cake Aux Fruits Confits, 水果磅蛋糕)。



    這支影片還有無人聲的 #ASMR 版本:
    法式酒漬果乾蛋糕 怎麼作呢?
    下面是這款 法式酒漬果乾蛋糕 的做法與食譜:

    ☞ 烤模尺寸:17x8x6cm

    ✎ 材料 / Ingredients
    無花果乾 40g
    葡萄乾 20g
    杏桃乾 40g
    君度橙酒 10g, 也可用蘭姆酒替代
    中筋麵粉 110g
    室溫軟化奶油 110g
    純糖粉 80g
    大型蛋 1顆,約 60g
    大型蛋的蛋黃 1個, 約20g
    無鋁泡打粉 1.5g

    ✎ 做法 / Instructions
    1. 將葡萄乾涮一下熱水,不需太久,把表面的多餘油脂和糖粉涮掉,然後用廚房紙巾或乾淨的布吸乾水份
    2. 把無花果乾跟杏桃乾切成小塊,備用
    3. 準備一個碗,將葡萄乾、無花果乾、杏桃乾放進去,倒入君度橙酒混勻,稍微淺漬最少十分鐘,若無君度酒也可以用蘭姆酒,或者不想用酒也可以用等量檸檬汁或柳橙汁替代
    4. 烤模裡刷上一層薄薄的軟化的奶油,備用
    5. 在小碗裡加入一顆全蛋跟一個蛋黃,稍微打散,備用
    6. 從預先準備的麵粉裡取2大匙出來,篩入酒漬好的果乾裡,用湯匙充份混勻,讓每粒果乾都沾上薄薄一層乾粉以防止沾黏結團,備用
    7. 準備來做蛋糕糊,打發盆裡加入軟化的奶油跟糖粉,用刮刀先充份混勻,再用打蛋器或者手持攪拌器以中速攪打到膨鬆泛白,猶如奶油霜的質地
    8. 加入一半的蛋液,繼續以中速攪打至完全乳化,接著再加入剩餘的蛋液,也是要確保打到完全乳化,這個步驟很重要,一定要確實做到
    9. 將剩餘的麵粉和泡打粉篩入,然後改用橡皮刮刀以切拌法充份混勻到看不見乾粉
    10. 加入果乾,一樣是充份混合均勻
    11. 因為蛋糕糊很稠, 所以把蛋糕糊填入烤模時要稍微整型一下,可以先填入抹平,再稍微把中間堆一點點高,像山一樣,然後在中間劃一條線幫助裂口
    12. 烤箱預熱 170°C,烘烤 35~40 分鐘
    13. 出爐後,在烤模裡稍微放涼,微溫時即可倒扣取出放在烤架上完全放涼,或者這個時候可以直接享用,非常美味,放涼後以密封盒收納並冷藏保存

    更詳盡的作法與 Tips,可以參考我們的食譜網站喔:



    本片是以 Panasonic Lumix GX85/GX80 4K 影片拍攝。
    Panasonic LEICA DG SUMMILUX 15mm F1.7,
    Panasonic LUMIX G 25mm F1.7 ASPH.

    More Info:

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  • 磅蛋糕食譜 在 料理之王 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-09-20 08:00:00

    訂閱《料理之王》頻道: https://bit.ly/32n7bIS
    2.砂糖 60g
    3.雞蛋 1顆
    4.鹽巴 少許
    5.泡打粉 1/4匙
    6.低筋麵粉 50g
    7.杏仁粉 10g
    8.抹茶粉 1茶匙


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