☆Sweet Corn, Beet, Kelp and Pork Bone Soup☆
#blwasianfood 5 ways to make beet
This week we are doing something different. We ar...
☆Sweet Corn, Beet, Kelp and Pork Bone Soup☆
#blwasianfood 5 ways to make beet
This week we are doing something different. We are happy to be featuring a recipe of Min from @kidfriendly.meals presented to you by @norababydiary - Kid-friendly Bibimbap with Beet Sauce.
If you don't know her already (which is highly unlikely), Min is a Registered Dietitian with a Masters in Nutrition. She has a son C who is 3 yo, and a daughter due in September! I’ve been following her since the beginning of A’s BLW journey and her recipes and posts have been very inspirational. Love it all, kind of like my role model 🥰 on IG and as a Mom
Check out mjandhungryman.com for more details, subscribe to her mail to get awesome emails in your inbox!
For our 4th collaboration we bring you beet! My take on it is a chinese soup! I turned a classic sweet corn turnip bone soup into one with beets! This soup was definitely A approved, swipe to see ⇒
To be honest this is my first time eating & cooking beets, can you believe it 🥳? This is why I love this platform here, because I continue to learn everyday. I learned that beets are a great source of fibre, protein, potassium, iron AND vitamin C! I’ll definitely use beets again to make something else for A!
In A’s bowl:
. Sweet Corn, Beet, Kelp and Pork Bone Soup
Swipe to see the recipe and more of A ⇒
Also don’t forget to check out the other amazing beets recipes by the other girls!
. Kid-Friendly Bibimbap with Beet Sauce @norababydiary
. Beetroot Coconut Icecream @lala.thefoodie
. Steamed Beetroot Cake @zo_bear_eats
. Beetroot Rice Noodle Rolls @owen_xplores
If we inspired you remember to tag us and use the hashtag #blwasianfood We’d love to see what you have made too, even if it’s not one of our recipes 😘 Thank you! ▼
#blw寶寶料理 5種煮甜菜根的方法
. 玉米甜菜根海帶排骨湯
. 寶寶甜菜根韓式拌飯
. 甜菜根椰奶冰淇淋
. 甜菜根發糕
. 甜菜根腸粉
如果我們有提供領感給你們記得標註我們和用 #blw寶寶料理 的hashtag喔!我們也想看到你的作品和你其他自己的創作!謝謝
unlikely中文 在 健吾 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Very very sad, but Very very true.
《Sky News》日前關於BNO港人心聲的新聞故事,原來在視象版本中,還有另一名受訪者現身說法。大家不用興奮,那個不是我,是另一名沒打算離港的年輕人。(唔駛諗住有機會笑我!)既然,大家都看過帖文,那就讓我們賞析一下記者的報道和寫作手法,又可藉機學好英語。
This isn’t how Mrs. Lee imagine her middle age in HK. Anonymous interview, using a pseudonym, her voice altered, all for safety as she prepares to leave her home. Beijing imposed a tough new National Security Law. Britain offered the way out. Still it is not an easy choice for an unlikely refugee.
But not everyone wants to take up that offer. Pong is a filmmaker who documented last year’s protest. His BNO passport expired more than a decade ago and he doesn’t plan on getting another one.
The mood in HK is different now. Exuberance and violence of last year’s protest replaced by anxiety and resignation. Arnold, another pseudonym, protested the last long year.
Arnold’s never imagined leaving HK. Now he said his home has become unfamiliar to him. It is only the name that remains.
三個個案無論走與不走,都充滿無奈。大家看到中年入晚的,會義無反顧的帶著子女離開,但作為「非一般難民」也不是個容易的決定。港人的身份(身世)複雜,此刻是難民?移民?英國海外國民?還是殖民地遺民?以「Unlikely refugee」來表達,就完全交待了這種身份角色上的矛盾和衝突。
雖然,大家看到較年輕的會選擇留守,但也滲出淡淡的無力感。去年運動期間的熱情和暴力不再,換來的是憂慮和無奈接受。 ( Exuberance and violence of last year’s protest replaced by anxiety and resignation.) 這句詩化的文字,道出香港過去一年的變化。由激情陷入無力;由動態走入靜止;再由有聲進入無聲。情景交融下,再畫龍點睛地形容阿樂抗爭了漫長的一年(last long year) 。說一年、太漫長。觀眾亦無不唏噓嘆息。
最後結語則簡潔而有力,「(香港)留下的只有一個名號。」(It is only the name that remains.) 再一次把觀眾由歎息,帶入無語狀態,再一次有聲入無聲⋯⋯
影片傳送門: https://youtu.be/eNIA8zSPyHQ
文字版重溫: https://news.sky.com/…/this-is-for-my-children-hong-kongers…
圖片來源:Sky News
unlikely中文 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的精選貼文
每天早晨可以做和英語相關的學習很多。為減少頭腦的記憶成本,我喜歡用傳統的書寫方式,將今天要做的事情一項項用英文或中文寫下來,想練口說的人可以嘗試用未來式講出來(晚上睡覺前再做一次,用past tense;沒做的呢?嘗試說 I haven’t pp.....because...)。我也會嘗試看一點英文,幾分鐘都好,但要做學習記錄(如下)。有時也邊刷牙 or 整理頭髮時邊聽 podcast (中英文的都可,聽中文的話可以邊聽邊想裡面講的東西,如何用英文表達 e.g. 關稅、美中貿易大戰)。
學英文的方法真的很多,台灣的學習環境已不算差。第一步驟還是: start doing it,再來就是 make it a habit,最後 stick to it。其實讓英文融入生活,一點也不難。
今日王老師の早晨私人學習 notes (今日自Foreign affairs 雜誌整理,分享私人筆記而非教學用,恕無中譯):
1. The United States should make the defense of openness the overarching goal of its global strategy. (OS: overarching goal 在 collocation 和學寫課教了好多次,好例句來著)
2. An openness-based strategy would represent a clear departure from the principles of liberal universalism that have guided US strategy since the end of the Cold War. (Os: represent a clear departure...好美的句子,GRE 填空句子常看到的熟字僻義,記下來和學生分享....that have 一定有人寫 that has, 記下來當 agreement 的例子)
3. As new forms of conflict emerge, traditional forms of cooperation are unlikely to keep pace. (背起來吧,emerge 很 keep pace 用得美美的、記下來在文法課解釋 as 和 when 的差異時當例句之一)
4. Thanks to the separation of powers within the US government, no one foreign policy camp could accrue too much influence. (OS: 恩。。這個 camp 用法在學寫課講過、accrue 的用法練習產出)
5. Their recognition need not—and, indeed, must not—entail the acceptance of closed spheres of influence, emerging either by design or by default. (OS: 帶學生模寫、分析這句話的邏輯、層次、結構、need not 用法)
unlikely中文 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳解答
每天早晨可以做和英語相關的學習很多。為減少頭腦的記憶成本,我喜歡用傳統的書寫方式,將今天要做的事情一項項用英文或中文寫下來,想練口說的人可以嘗試用未來式講出來(晚上睡覺前再做一次,用past tense;沒做的呢?嘗試說 I haven’t pp.....because...)。我也會嘗試看一點英文,幾分鐘都好,但要做學習記錄(如下)。有時也邊刷牙 or 整理頭髮時邊聽 podcast (中英文的都可,聽中文的話可以邊聽邊想裡面講的東西,如何用英文表達 e.g. 關稅、美中貿易大戰)。
學英文的方法真的很多,台灣的學習環境已不算差。第一步驟還是: start doing it,再來就是 make it a habit,最後 stick to it。其實讓英文融入生活,一點也不難。
今日王老師の早晨私人學習 notes (今日自Foreign affairs 雜誌整理,分享私人筆記而非教學用,恕無中譯):
1. The United States should make the defense of openness the overarching goal of its global strategy. (OS: overarching goal 在 collocation 和學寫課教了好多次,好例句來著)
2. An openness-based strategy would represent a clear departure from the principles of liberal universalism that have guided US strategy since the end of the Cold War. (Os: represent a clear departure...好美的句子,GRE 填空句子常看到的熟字僻義,記下來和學生分享....that have 一定有人寫 that has, 記下來當 agreement 的例子)
3. As new forms of conflict emerge, traditional forms of cooperation are unlikely to keep pace. (背起來吧,emerge 很 keep pace 用得美美的、記下來在文法課解釋 as 和 when 的差異時當例句之一)
4. Thanks to the separation of powers within the US government, no one foreign policy camp could accrue too much influence. (OS: 恩。。這個 camp 用法在學寫課講過、accrue 的用法練習產出)
5. Their recognition need not—and, indeed, must not—entail the acceptance of closed spheres of influence, emerging either by design or by default. (OS: 帶學生模寫、分析這句話的邏輯、層次、結構、need not 用法)