

在 favor中文產品中有47篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5萬的網紅護台胖犬 劉仕傑,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 如果可以,我希望大家在接受資訊時,盡量去看原文,並且做出判斷。 蘋果新聞網今早出了一篇獨家,大意是,該報電郵詢問歐盟藥管局(EMA)關於免疫橋接的看法,EMA也回覆給蘋果。 這是一個重要的資訊,所以我仔細看了這篇報導內容。蘋果也很盡責,將歐盟的回覆原文貼在報導下方,讓讀者自行參照。 但參照之後...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7,240的網紅English Island英語島,也在其Youtube影片中提到,想了解更多「做」的差別嗎? Click here: http://www.core-corner.com/Web/Main.php?stat=a_hbLwUSR More information: ◃ 訂閱雜誌Here! ▹ www.eisland.com.tw/MagReg.php?stat=...

favor中文 在 Emily Chu 空姐報報 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-07-02 23:06:12

🍹 Mojito的旋律實在是太洗腦了 聽到我好想要跳salsa啊💃🏻 身為拉丁人的我 怎麼可以不唱一下呢😂😂  我第二段把第一段的中文 翻成西班牙文再唱一次  因為只有周董的中文歌詞 所以最累人的就是又要翻譯歌詞啦  超級燒腦 翻完已經來好幾杯Mojito了🍹  是否有...

favor中文 在 Kathy | Visual Content Creator Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-07-05 00:28:50

Happy Chinese New Year 🧧 (底下有中文) I planned to make a incredible Chinese New Year vedio with @tommy.vision this year which is even crazier than the one...

favor中文 在 放映雞x放電影 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-07-11 10:09:33

A Simple Favor 《失蹤網紅》2018 改編自達西貝爾的英文同名小說, 融合了懸疑、喜劇和一點驚悚,兩小時充滿瘋狂的劇情轉折,下面會解析不合理的幾處,但除此之外觀影經驗非常過癮!演技爆發且充滿驚喜的一部☄ 劇透之前,必須先說中文片名翻的有夠爛,失蹤的不是網紅,是網紅的朋友啦!原著小說的...

  • favor中文 在 護台胖犬 劉仕傑 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-18 11:27:46
    有 999 人按讚








    "EMA is currently considering the scenarios in which an immune-bridging approach could be acceptable for approval of second generation vaccines. The topic has been discussed with the World Health Organisation (WHO), COVAX and international regulators.

    Please note that the aspects of clinical trial design that could support a demonstration of adequate immune response are under consideration. EMA will communicate further when new information becomes available."

    1. 歐盟強調的是「尚在討論」,並沒有暗示會「開綠燈」。

    2. 第一段第一句用的是could,這是一個開放式的回答,意思是對於「免疫橋接能否被接受」的各種劇本還在討論。

    3. 第二段回覆又再次強調,目前正在討論此事,EMA正在等待新的資訊。



    蘋果報導為歐盟「考慮開綠燈」,坦白說我覺得已經超譯了歐盟給的回覆。It's inaccurate, to be honest, and even misleading.


    歐盟的回覆是針對second generation vaccines,中文應該翻譯成「第二代的疫苗」。



    究竟,歐盟回覆所稱second generation vaccines,是針對例如輝瑞或莫德納等已經經過認證疫苗的第二代疫苗(例如輝瑞第二代、莫德納第二代等)?或是針對台灣的國產疫苗?




    再者,我支持國產疫苗,但必須是在一個 #安全且有效 的原則。這也是為何,我認為蘋果報導中這個來自歐盟的回覆,值得進一步釐清。



  • favor中文 在 YK樂團 - YK band - Yerko Lorca & Kuan Yin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-15 21:00:40
    有 9 人按讚

    歌曲〈Caminando Sentado〉& 某個生命片刻
    Read the adventures with song “Caminando Sentado "

    《En busca del hombre》
    Una vez en Mali, subió a un taxi y el conductor le preguntó la dirección. Yerko le enseñó el CD y le dijo:
    —A casa de este señor, por favor.
    El taxista le miró incrédulo:
    —Disculpe, no sé donde vive este hombre.
    —Pero alguien lo sabrá, —le animó Yerko con una sonrisa —, podemos preguntar juntos hasta encontrarlo.

    Una hora más tarde, a mediodía, encontraron la casa de Toumani.

    —El maestro está,
    —le dijo el chico de la puerta —. Yerko pensó que estaba realmente de suerte, ya que Toumani viaja muchísimo. Ni en sueños había imaginado coincidir con el famoso músico, su máxima expectativa era recibir clase de alguno de sus alumnos.
    —Pero tendrás que esperar, —prosiguió el muchacho —, ya que él duerme de día y se despierta por la noche. Pero se ha levantado para conocerte.

    Foto: Álbum que Yerko llevó a Mali.







    《In search of the man》
    Upon arriving in Mali, Yerko found a taxi. He got in, showed the driver the CD, and said, “To this man's house, please”.

    The taxi driver looked at him in disbelief and replied, “I’m sorry, but I don’t know where this man lives”.

    Like a man with a mission, Yerko urged him on with a smile: “But somebody will know… we can ask together until we find him”.

    An hour later, at noon, they found Toumani’s house.

    At the door stood a boy, who simply said: “The maestro is here”.

    Yerko couldn’t believe his luck, because he knew that Toumani is constantly travelling. Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined that he would cross paths with the maestro himself. The most he had hoped for was to have kora lessons with one of Toumani’s students.“But you'll have to wait,” the boy went on. “He usually sleeps during the day and stays awake at night, but he has gotten up to come and meet you.”

    Photo: The album took Yerko to the travel of Kora

    ◉ 實體收藏:https://yerkolorca.com/shop/kora-album/
    ◉ 數位聆聽:https://snd.click/rdb
    #Kora #koramusic #Lira #lyre #framedrum
    #worldmusic #rareinstrument
    #ancient #videogamemusic
    #ykband #yk樂團

  • favor中文 在 Jocelyn Kao Illustration. Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-08-24 12:00:04
    有 101 人按讚


    去年完成的兩本作品是和台灣出版社 - 企鵝創意出版合作的繪本童書系列伊索的異想世界,我繪製了兩個故事, 鴿子與螞蟻以及渴望國王的青蛙。伊索寓言是我小時喜愛的讀物,充滿寓意和想像力,很開心有機會繪製我對故事的想像,也希望你們喜歡!😊




    New Books published!🐸

    The porject I completed last year were the picture book series Aesop's Fabels published by Ta Chien publishing house in Taiwan. I illustrated two stories, the dove and the ant and the frogs who desired a king. Aesop’s Fables is one of my favorite series when I was young, full of morals and imagination. I am very happy to have the opportunity to share my interpretation of the story. I hope you like it!😊

    The picture books are available in Chinese and English versions. If you are interested, please visit the publisher’s website to find out more informations.

    There are so many chapters in Aesop’s Fabels. Which one is your favor?
