

在 turning意思產品中有45篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5萬的網紅吳文遠 Avery Ng,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【616 兩百萬人遊行之排名不分先後左右】 Never Say Never! "It always seems impossible until it's done. " 616大遊行基本上是破了香港的歷史紀錄,我懷疑有機會甚至可能刷新了世界紀錄,在一個七百萬人的小都會中,居然有二百萬人上街...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過878的網紅時事英文 Podcast by ssyingwen,也在其Youtube影片中提到,從美國發起的一年一度六月「同志驕傲月」,近年來蔓延到了全球其他國家。在世界上許多主要城市,Pride 已成為主流。但在其他地方,仍然需要秘密慶祝,LGBT 人們也正在為自己的權益奮鬥。 Pride month 最後一天的今天, 帶給大家來自世界各地的五個故事。 🔓 全文朗讀錄音檔案在這 👉 h...

turning意思 在 小林賢伍 KengoKobayashi Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-03 15:19:41

自言自語:關於 a turning point in a person's life. 【你目前人生中因為發生哪些事情,讓你轉變了個性與人生觀?】 首先,我寫結論: 「自己差一點死去的經驗以及友人的離去,帶給我的人生很大的影響。」 大學四年級時,我遭遇了交通事故。 當時朋友開車右轉時,迎面撞上...

turning意思 在 Joyce | Sommelier|侍酒師 ???? Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-08-18 15:44:29

Dear friends and family, I’m so excited and proud to say 酒意思SIP WITH JOYCE is turning 1 year old! 🥳🎈🎉​ ​ I started 酒意思SIP WITH JOYCE, an omnichannel p...

turning意思 在 LeedsMayi Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-08-18 21:05:56

你想當 intelligent的人,還是 smart的人? Intelligent 跟 smart 的差別是什麼? 我很喜歡這個英國人的YT頻道 "The Art of Improvement",他的影片我幾乎全部看過了,很多我都還看好多遍。 幾週前看到其中一個舊影片,題目是 "Steve J...

  • turning意思 在 吳文遠 Avery Ng Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-16 11:37:08
    有 415 人按讚

    【616 兩百萬人遊行之排名不分先後左右】

    Never Say Never!

    "It always seems impossible until it's done. "



    各位要記著,可能兩年之後的現在,那些藍絲、KOL正在不斷洗板,不斷篡改歷史,將整件事情扭曲,以黑暴污名化,但大家要記著兩年前的6 月16日,是兩百萬香港人和平上街,而在那兩百萬人中,有很多人在投票是投給工聯會、民建聯,屬於傳統界定為藍絲和建制派的人,又或是重來也不問世事的人,但是當時他們為什麼也要上街,就是要求林鄭月娥撤回送中條例,啊,不對,林鄭月娥在6月16日前已經暫援了送中條例,暫援了送中條例都還有200萬人上街,這代表他們是在反對林鄭月娥這個政權,和反對香港警察在六月時所施行的警察暴力,所以他們才會全部湧出來!


    其實,我們香港人是否有可能再創紀錄,甚至破埋二百萬人的數字,大家可能會灰心,甚至乎覺得沒可能啦,亞哥,尤其是現在有國安法,民陣申請遊行又不獲淮,香港人顧著移民,我們的人又都全坐了監,但各位,我加入了社民連這麼久,大家都知我是比較天真的,就是 Never Say Never,就像我背上的文字, 是曼德拉的名句,It always seems impossible until it's done. 意思是事情永遠在成功前總像是沒可能實踐,其實616 就是最佳例子!




    【616 Two Million March: A March of People from all across the Political Spectrum】

    The 616 march is basically a record-breaking event in Hong Kong's history, and I suspect it may have even set a world record, as 2 million people took to the streets in a small city of 7 million, despite the fact that Carrie Lam still remains a stubborn bxtch.

    I was really moved by the 2 million people who took to the streets to oppose Carrie Lam's government, regardless of their political views. Perhaps now, 2 years after this march, these 'blue ribbons' and KOLs are now constantly whitewashing and falsifying history, distorting the whole incident and stigmatising it with black violence. However, we must remember that out of those two million people who went on the march, many of them voted for the FTU and the DAB, many of them are people who are traditionally defined as 'blue', many of them are members of the pro-establishment camp, and many of them were those who do not care about the world, but why did they take to the streets too? Did they want the withdrawal of the Extradition Bill? Nope. Carrie Lam has already withdrawn the Bill before the 16th, and 2 million people still decided to take to the streets, and this means they were against the regime, and they are in opposition to the police brutality that they witnessed in June.

    These 2 million people were just ordinary Hong Kong people, regardless of blue, yellow, left, centre or right. There were many opportunities for Mrs Lam to communicate with Hong Kong people, to improve and reform Hong Kong, and whether she admitted her mistakes or not, there was always a way for her to save Hong Kong as a whole. However, Carrie Lam, has been so stubborn that she is afraid that Hong Kong is not torn apart enough. She has been turning a blind eye to police violence, not reviewing herself and not listening to people's demands, which eventually led to a series of protests and even a bigger mass movement.

    In fact, today, we may be discouraged as to whether Hong Kong people can set another record, or even break the record of 2 million people, especially when there is a national security law and that the pro-democracy camp has been denied permission to demonstrate. A lot of Hong Kong people are thinking about migrating, and a lot of us are in jail. I've been in LSD for quite some time, and everyone knows I've always remained hopeful (some might say I’m naive). Never say never, and as what the back of my T shirt says, “It always seems impossible until it's done.” (A famous quote from Mandela) In fact, June 16 is the perfect example!

    I believe that a dictatorship will not last forever. I am in prison today, but I am already exercising. Prison food is not exactly pleasant, it's blend, but exercising with this diet, I'm gonna live longer! 😎

    I'll be out soon, and I promise I’ll be back with 6 packs. 💪🏻

    文遠交低話大家記住一定要撐 #文遠Patreon 呀!

    ⭐Please show your support by subscribing to Avery’s Patreon ⭐

  • turning意思 在 Janis Chan 陳貝兒 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-01-25 11:01:22
    有 1,387 人按讚

    一朝早收到 Lady M 送黎佢哋全新推出嘅全素朱古力撻。忍唔住,唔好意思已經食晒啦。Thx ❤️ Lady M Hong Kong

    新一年來點新突破、新嘗試!趁着一月 #Veganuary,Lady M 將推出品牌首款純素甜品 - 純素朱古力撻*,讓純素食者和一眾蛋糕迷均能品嘗到這款無罪惡感的甜點。每個純素朱古力撻以全植物材料製成,不含蛋奶成分,以杏仁粉取代傳統麵粉製成無麩質撻皮,內層的朱古力醬餡料則以椰子奶及純素黑朱古力調製而成,配搭底層的海鹽焦糖醬,味道香濃軟滑,再飾以脆可可碎增添口感,引發更醇厚朱古力味。

    純素朱古力撻於 Lady M 香港分店供應,稍後亦會於澳門分店有售及開放香港網上原個 6 吋純素朱古力撻預訂,請繼續留意我們的最新消息!
    We’re turning over a new leaf in 2021 with a wholesome new pastry! Introducing our first vegan confectionery, Vegan Chocolate Tart* in the Veganuary Month. Specially handmade as a guilt-free treat for vegan diners, the tart is filled with rich salted caramel sauce and vegan dark chocolate ganache, while the cacao nibs lined on top enhance the texture of the hearty tart with a nuanced chocolate flavor profile. Vegan Chocolate Tart will be available at Hong Kong boutiques starting from tomorrow! It will soon be available at Macau boutiques and online pre-order as well. Stay tuned to our updates!

    *Our kitchen also handles gluten, eggs and cow’s milk, so the product may contain traces of these allergens.
    #LadyMHK #VeganChocolateTart #LadyMCake #NewFlavour #LadyM #cakelover #hkcakeshop #hkig #chocolatetart #glutenfree #glutenfreefood #vegan #vegetarian #plantbased #hkvegan #veganfood #veganlife #veganfoodie #vegansweets #純素主義 #純素 #純素甜點 #純素飲食 #dessert #生日蛋糕 #朱古力 #ケーキ #チョコレート

  • turning意思 在 Pazu 薯伯伯 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-01-10 11:12:04
    有 1,209 人按讚

    誣蔑 Signal 的假新聞,一年後仍然有人翻炒假消息


    一年多前 Unwire 出了一篇新聞提及 Signal,有嚴重誤導之嫌。我及後寫了一篇文章提出質疑,而 Unwire 已即時在其 Facebook 上澄清並修改文章,雖然我覺得他們快速回應是抵讚,但正所謂「Fact Check 不出門,Fake News 傳千里」,所以過了一年多後,仍然有人找回 Unwire 該篇誤導的文章,以不實的理據去誣蔑 Signal。


    留意,日期是 2020 年,我在 2021 年重貼,不是鞭屍,而是因為近來又多了人用 Signal,然後又有人找回 UNWIRE 那篇沒有修改的文章轉貼(該篇錯誤的文章已經轉至 Line 及 MeWe 等地)。

    為甚麼 fake news 可以傳得那麼厲害呢?其中一個原因,是假新聞的內容通常引起恐慌情緒,讀者就會四處問,甚至四處幫手直接或間接宣傳開去。就算之後看到澄清,即使自己願意相信,但疑團已解,就不願意再花時間上去網站把相關消息貼出來,甚至乎不願意撤回之前自己貼過的質疑。

    這就是 Fact Check 不出門,Fake News 傳千里的其中一個原因。

    👉👉👉 標題黨誤導之嫌 👈👈👈

    《HKFP》在 2020 年 7 月 5 日刊出了一篇獨家報道,撮要三點:

    Telegram 告訴《HKFP》,暫停向香港法院提交香港用戶的資料。
    本來按 Telegram 的私隱協議,如有法院命令確認該人與恐怖活動有關,他們可以會把用戶的 IP 地址及電話號碼交給當局。
    近來越來越多人使用 Signal。
    然後當《Unwire》轉載該新聞,大字標題寫道〈Telegram 暫拒香港政府披露用戶數據ㅤSignal 條款:會就政府要求提供資料〉,卻有明顯的誤導之嫌。


    一,Telegram 暫拒向港府披露資料
    二,但 Signal 會向政府提交資料???

    兩家公司原本的用戶協議,都聲稱會向當地法院提供資料,《HKFP》只確認了 Telegram 會暫拒香港法院的要求,卻沒有同時向 Signal 查詢過最新針對香港情況的取態。

    《HKFP》原文提到 Signal 時,本來只是輕輕一句提到很多人用 Signal,但當《Unwire》轉載時,其標題卻一下子把意思扭曲成 Telegram 暫拒向香港政府提交資料,但 Signal 會就政府要求提供資料。


    標題裡轉述 Telegram 的取態,是他們就著香港最新情況向《HKFP》發出的聲明。而同一標題裡轉述 Signal 的做法,卻只是該公司用戶協議裡一般的陳述,當中根本就沒有嘗試了解 Signal 就香港情況會有甚麼最新取態。

    雖然《Unwire》的內文後來又說:「不過,Signal 條款亦有列明『會就政府執法機關要求披露用戶資料』,更未有指明會披露甚麼資料,但該企業會公開其處理政府要求的記錄,而對上一次被要求提交指定用戶資料時,只交出了用戶註冊日期以及最後上線時間。」

    而《Unwire》寫出「只交出了用戶註冊日期以及最後上線時間」這句話,正是引述了美國維珍尼亞州東區聯邦地區法院發出傳票一事,但《Unwire》沒有把事實交代清楚,因為 Signal 不是純粹「只交出了用戶註冊日期以及最後上線時間」,而是他們根本沒有保留用戶其他任何資料。


    而 Signal 在 Twitter 上有轉載《HKFP》的新聞,並稱:「We’d announce that we’re stopping too, but we never started turning over user data to HK police. Also, we don’t have user data to turn over.」(我們也會宣佈停止,但我們一直沒有開始向香港警方交出用戶數據。而且,我們也沒有用戶數據可交。)https://twitter.com/signalapp/status/1280166087577997312?lang=en

    之後我寫了一篇文章,提到 Signal 的 zero knowledge 的操作方式,但見仍有不少人因《Unwire》的文章而質疑 Signal 是否安全。



    2020 年 7 月 5 日:HKFP: Exclusive: Telegram to temporarily refuse data requests from Hong Kong courts amid security law ‘terrorism’ fears

    2020 年 7 月 6 日:Unwire 當時轉載的文章,原標題改為〈Telegram 暫拒香港政府披露用戶數據〉:https://unwire.hk/2020/07/06/telegram-signal/tech-secure/

    至於 Unwire 有誤導的原標題,在大網 MSN 上仍然保留:http://bit.ly/3sdtYCQ

    2020 年 7 月 6 日:Signal 在 Twitter 稱:「We’d announce that we’re stopping too, but we never started turning over user data to HK police. Also, we don’t have user data to turn over.」(我們也會宣佈停止,但我們一直沒有開始向香港警方交出用戶數據。而且,我們也沒有用戶數據可交。)https://twitter.com/signalapp/status/1280166087577997312?lang=en

    2020 年 7 月 7 日:Unwire 在發文翌日,已轉載了我的文章,並作澄清,當中這樣寫「UNWIRE.HK:對不起,我們在這篇新聞中處理失當。同事們已經修改文章,不過小編覺得越早給大家清楚越好,所以直接forward出來了(轉載了我寫的澄清文)。」https://www.facebook.com/unwirehk/posts/10164189187570495


    ▶️ 請訂閱 Patreon 頻道,支持不受干預的獨立創作及評論 | www.patreon.com/pazu

  • turning意思 在 時事英文 Podcast by ssyingwen Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-06-30 19:50:50

    從美國發起的一年一度六月「同志驕傲月」,近年來蔓延到了全球其他國家。在世界上許多主要城市,Pride 已成為主流。但在其他地方,仍然需要秘密慶祝,LGBT 人們也正在為自己的權益奮鬥。 Pride month 最後一天的今天, 帶給大家來自世界各地的五個故事。

    🔓 全文朗讀錄音檔案在這 👉 https://bit.ly/zzfullepisdoes

    0:00 Intro
    0:19 第一遍英文朗讀 (慢)
    4:14 新聞單字片語解說
    30:30 第二遍英文朗讀 (快)

    ❤️ 給我繼續為你們製作內容的能力 👉 https://bit.ly/zeczec_ssyingwen 


    📝 單字筆記:https://ssyingwen.com/ssep32
    🖼️ 單字卡在 IG: https://bit.ly/ssyingwenIG
    💬 我有建議:http://bit.ly/sssurveyform
    📪 ssyingwen@gmail.com


    👉 BBC 完整文章連結在:https://www.bbc.com/news/world-57604310.amp
    👉 Podcast 裡選讀片段文字在: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ssyingwen/posts/255368616349385/

    Pride Month 同志驕傲月
    Pride 自豪、驕傲
    Stonewall Uprising 石牆起義
    Stonewall Riots 石牆暴動
    Turning point 轉折點
    Lesbian 女同性戀者; dyke (slang)
    Gay 男同性戀者
    Bisexual 雙性戀者
    Transgender (trans) 跨性別者
    Questioning 還在探索自己的性取向
    Queer 酷兒
    Intersex 雙性人
    Asexual 無性戀、無性向
    Allies 盟友
    Non-binary  非二元性別
    Cis 順向的,認可的性別與出生時被賦予的性別吻合
    Canada 加拿大
    Syria 敘利亞
    Poland 波蘭
    Uruguay 烏拉圭
    United States 美國 New York 紐約
    Uganda 烏干達
    Mainstream 主流
    Homophobic 同性戀歧視
    Homophobia 同性戀恐懼
    Take / taking / took / taken for granted 理所當然
    Go / goes / get / going / went back to the drawing board 重新開始、從頭來過


    #podcast #lgbtqia #lgbtq #lgbt #pridemonth #同志議題 #同志新聞 #同志遊行 #酷兒 #酷兒是什麼 #酷兒文化 #酷兒什麼意思 #酷兒性別 #同性婚姻合法 #同性遊行 #學英文 #英文筆記 #英文學習 #英文 #每日英文 #托福 #雅思 #雅思英語 #雅思托福 #多益 #多益單字 #播客 #英文單字卡 #片語 #動詞 #國際新聞 #英文新聞 #英文聽力

  • turning意思 在 Gina music Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-08-23 19:01:22

    Don't forget to turn on the bell icon for future uploads 🔔✔️

    追蹤Gina music社群挖掘更多音樂🌹
    facebook👉 https://www.facebook.com/Ginamusicland
    spotify 歌單👉https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2EfPjFfdqN8NzUwj1XNoZC

    🌸本影片與Marin Hoxha合作宣傳🌸

    For business inquiries about copyright issues, photos and song submissions,
    please contact: https://www.facebook.com/Ginamusicland

    Social Media:

    ▶ Download / Stream link : https://fanlink.to/c6NY

    👑Marin Hoxha




    In and out
    人流穿梭 時聚時散
    We go in and out
    Keep turning the dial
    Till you find the right frequency

    Call me out
    Yeah, So call me out
    And maybe a light will click
    說不定 會有一盞燈
    On in the vacancy

    Funny how it all changes with one motion
    有意思的是 一個細微的動作足以改變一切
    Like a subtle roll in the waves causing erosion
    就如同一個微浪的翻滾 亦有侵蝕的力量
    And the pieces I hold onto are sliding out of reach
    零星碎片從我手心溜走 滑到了遙不可及的地方

    Keep running my way
    Yeah, keep fighting for me
    是阿 繼續為我奮鬥吧
    I'm nothing without you, nothing without you
    失去你我將一無所有 一無所有

    You're my hideaway
    When it's all diasrray
    I'm nothing without you, nothing without you
    失去你我將一無所有 一無所有

    If dynamite took hold of love
    The only flames to light it up
    Surround you (surround you)

    Keep running my way
    Yeah, keep fighting for me
    對 繼續為我奮鬥吧
    I'm nothing without you, nothing without you
    失去你我將一無所有 一無所有

    Play it out
    Yeah, I play it out
    是阿 我在預演
    A thousand more times in my mind just to guarantee
    我在腦海中無數次預演 只為確保
    I could not do better
    This life will mess my head up
    And you're the only one who keeps me sane

    Keep running my way
    Yeah, Keep fighting for me
    是阿 繼續為我奮鬥吧
    I'm nothing without you, nothing without you
    失去你我將一無所有 一無所有

    You're my hideaway
    When it's all diasrray
    I'm nothing without you, nothing without you
    失去你我將一無所有 一無所有

    If dynamite took hold of love
    The only flames to light it up
    Surround you (surround you)

    Keep running my way
    Yeah, Keep fighting for me
    是阿 繼續為我奮鬥吧
    I'm nothing without you, nothing without you
    失去你我將一無所有 一無所有

    Nights just get colder
    When you're not here holding me
    Will you promise to stay when it feels easier to leave?
    當離別變得加容易了 你還會保證留下來嗎?

    Keep running my way
    Yeah, Keep fighting for me
    是阿 繼續為我奮鬥吧
    I'm nothing without you, nothing without you
    失去你我將一無所有 一無所有

    You're my hideaway
    When it's all diasrray
    I'm nothing without you, nothing without you
    失去你我將一無所有 一無所有

    If dynamite took hold of love
    The only flames to light it up
    Surround you (surround you)

    Keep running my way
    Yeah, Keep fighting for me
    是阿 繼續為我奮鬥吧
    I'm nothing without you, nothing without you
    失去你我將一無所有 一無所有
    Nothing without you...