

在 tough衣服產品中有38篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅NYDeTour,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 台灣目前面臨COVID-19疫情以來最大的傳染危機,不少人認為是因為民眾在台灣疫情控制非常好的情況下,防禦的心態日漸鬆散,在許多群聚的場合戴口罩的人變少了,出門時隨時噴酒精和做消毒工作也沒在做了。 現在疫情升溫,很多人又開始緊張,也傳出民眾搶購口罩酒精等。我想台灣民眾群體意識很高的習性下,要控制住...

 同時也有10部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過67萬的網紅Yuci's Channel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,成為瑀熙的小寶們並獲得專屬頭像與獎勵: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjL1yWauBeI6WoQNVLyxwqQ/join 熙語錄: 這次跟婕翎 天菜娘娘 Sandy 子玄 可凡 貝莉莓 一起交換不要的衣服! 沒想到我抽到一個"辣妹" 這個穿著打扮真的很毋湯...

tough衣服 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-05-10 00:43:50

【媽媽唔易做】你是事事介入的緊張型媽媽嗎? ⭐過份保護小朋友會變溫室小花 ⭐適度關心也要適度放手 #星期六隻眼閉 別做焦慮型媽媽 現今世代媽媽不易做,總想為小朋友做最好的選擇,結果不知不覺間變成焦慮型媽媽,小孩從小被照顧周到會產生依賴,不如放鬆一點吧! 細心想想平日有哪些令媽媽您「發火」的事,換...

tough衣服 在 Yu Hsiao Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-03-04 20:10:45

I’ve always struggled to find the right clothing for cycling during California winter. Yes we do have one in NorCal, at least I feel we do please don’...

  • tough衣服 在 NYDeTour Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-13 21:37:41
    有 431 人按讚






    除了身上準備的,是否還記得出入公寓大門時,有沒有先在門把上噴一些酒精才敢用手去開?開車門時,有沒有用酒精濕布把門把與方向盤都擦拭乾淨?如果要搭地鐵,握扶手的那一隻手一定會戴上手套,出站後就丟掉?每天有沒有用酒精棉片把手機前前後後擦過一遍?回家後馬上把身上衣服脫下準備送洗,外套包包也都要噴一輪Lysol才敢吊掛起來。收到包裹也先用Lysol 噴好噴滿,不然就是放在一邊等三天後才敢去拆開。




    Be Taiwan Smart! Be Taiwan Tough! 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼

  • tough衣服 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-08 08:52:43
    有 50 人按讚









    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Don’t be an anxious mom

    Being a mother in this modern era is tough, as they wish to make the best choices for their children. As a result, they turn into mothers who worry too much. Mothers who take good care of the children in every aspect might cause the little ones to be heavily dependent on them. Hence, it is important to let loose from time to time!

    Can you think of scenarios that have driven you mad? Getting mad over little things in life can cause the stagnation of the qi in the liver and disrupt the circulation of the qi and blood, hence, causing us to experience pain and discomfort. We might even lose the radiance on our skin! As mothers, we might feel better if we can learn not to be hypercritical of all the things around us.

    Scenario 1 – When helping the baby change, dad flipped the clothes inside out.
    Anxious mom: starts bashing the dad and help the baby wear properly
    Chill mom: Nah, let him be, as long as the baby has clothes on.

    Scenario 2 – The child insists on wearing clothes of his/her own choice but do not look good.
    Anxious mom: advises the child to put on clothes we prepared for him/her
    Chill mom: Nah, let him/her be, as long as he/she is happy.

    Scenario 3 – Cream smeared all over the child’s face when he/she is eating cakes.
    Anxious mom: keeps on cleaning his/her face; wants to spoon-feed the child
    Chill mom: Nah, let him/her be. We will do the cleaning once he/she finished the cakes.

    Scenario 4 – The child trips and falls.
    Anxious mom: carries the child and comfort him/her
    Chill mom: encourages the child to stand up on his/her own

    Scenario 5 – The child wants to touch the beautiful flowers by the road
    Anxious mom: pulls the child away and yells: “Don’t touch! It’s dirty!”
    Chill mom: tells the child to pat the flower gently and reminds him/her to wash hands before eating

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我有壓力 #氣滯

  • tough衣服 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-02-23 08:44:43
    有 435 人按讚

    我一直都沒有找到最佳的單車上衣, 因為加州有太陽沒有風超級熱,沒有太陽有風會把你凍死。

    以前你們會看到我穿背心或是薄的外套,但下坡有時候還是不夠保暖。但zoot 新的elite thermal jersey 真的剛剛好,可以4 度 到15 度都不會太冷太熱,流汗也乾的很快,中間停下來喝咖啡不會凍死,吃寒氣

    這件是我用自己的錢買的,好到我大概還會再買一件,當然是老闆LD 批准後....

    I’ve always struggled to find the right clothing for cycling during California winter. Yes we do have one in NorCal, at least I feel we do please don’t hate, generating body heat is not one of my skills. I finally found the perfect thermal jersey for winter. @zootsports elite thermal jersey.

    In California, the tough thing is it’s really cold in the mountains when there’s no sun, but also really hot when there is sun. Sometimes you go up a long climb at lower speeds, less cooling more sweating, and you’re sweaty at the top. Then you have to descend in cold damp wet clothes. And in NorCal it always seems like the descents never have sun and it’s always damp and windy. I found a solution in carrying a light jacket or vest in my pocket and putting it on for the descents but sometimes it’s not enough for my wimpy non heat producing body.

    With other thermal jerseys, I’ve had bad experience with overheating and being even more sweaty for descents after climbs.

    But with @zootsports new elite thermal jersey, I don’t need a vest and don’t need a jacket, in as cold as 39-40F (4 C), and as warm as 60F (15C). I don’t over heat and even if I do sweat, it evaporates quickly keeping me warm for coffee stops.

    I bought this thermal jersey with my own money so this is not a sponsored post. I’m telling you man this thermal jersey is the shit for Californians in winter, and I might just buy another one if my wife approves lol

