

在 strong用法產品中有32篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過62萬的網紅The News Lens 關鍵評論網,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【In your birthday suit表示一個人沒穿衣服?suit除了套裝還有多種用法】 Nancy去面試,面試官問他:What are your strong suits?她緊張地低下頭看著自己今天的穿著,心想:難道穿得不夠正式嗎?什麼是強勢的套裝? Suit我們最熟悉的用法是「套裝」,...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9,480的網紅GreenBeautyKoKo,也在其Youtube影片中提到,For those like organic, pure and safe skincare products fairies, BeautyKoKo shopping web site: http://beautykoko.gostorego.com/ BeautyKoKo Facebook ...

strong用法 在 D.A. ??|beauty|makeup|美妝保養|抽獎中 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-16 09:33:07

- #文末抽獎 @tsaiotw has launched some new products! Skincare for today! Aloe Vera soothing jelly mask 100g Has a great scent and doesn’t feel cold on m...

strong用法 在 LeedsMayi Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-10 22:26:19

其實你知道很多人看我IG學英文,但我的外國朋友則是看我IG學中文嗎?今天來教一下「撿到槍」的英文跟中文。 昨天看到 @a2zenglishtutor 的 Danny 老師在他IG教了一個片語 jump the gun,我忍不住在IG動態上發文說,我這個人不只常常 jump the gun,還外加 ...

strong用法 在 Foodie Lei Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-04-30 18:04:02

📍 #foodieleishenzhen ☕️ #三尺珈琲鋪 是這趟飲飲食食之旅的意外收穫。這間小小的社區咖啡店,裝修實而不華,店內大部分座位都是圍繞著吧枱,可以看著兩位店主慢工出細貨,認真地沖煮每一杯咖啡——而且咖啡真的很不錯,每一口也感受到店主對出品質素的用心和執著,由烘豆到沖煮都是二人包辦,...

  • strong用法 在 The News Lens 關鍵評論網 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-24 07:57:32
    有 10 人按讚

    【In your birthday suit表示一個人沒穿衣服?suit除了套裝還有多種用法】

    Nancy去面試,面試官問他:What are your strong suits?她緊張地低下頭看著自己今天的穿著,心想:難道穿得不夠正式嗎?什麼是強勢的套裝?

    Suit我們最熟悉的用法是「套裝」,但它還有很多其他的道地用法。像是Strong suit,指的是強項、專長;In your birthday suit則代表沒穿衣服,而非生日宴會服:

    ❙有話想說,你可以直接於文章之中提供更多想法: https://bit.ly/2VtklER

    #英文 #用法 #suit #面試 世界公民文化中心Core&Corner

  • strong用法 在 D.A. Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-02 18:15:03
    有 4 人按讚

    - #文末抽獎
    @tsaiotw has launched some new products! Skincare for today!

    Aloe Vera soothing jelly mask 100g
    Has a great scent and doesn’t feel cold on my skin! (Which I like) even on my bad skin days it doesn’t irritate my skin 🥰 There are two ways to use this, one is apply a thick layer on skin and wash it off after 10 minutes. Another is use a thin layer as the last step of skincare routine! It’s not something super hydrating, so all skin type could use it! I’m dry so I need to add other skincare products to moisturize my skin:) I do like this!

    Charcoal deep cleansing jelly mask 100g
    I rarely use cleansing masks at all, and this one has a weird smell which I don’t like 😳 It’s not like the normal cleansing masks out there that has a strong effect and might irritate the skin, it’s gentle. By rubbing it while washing it will lead to a better effect after all.

    More details and #textureshots 👉

    Do you guys use jelly mask on a daily skincare routine?
    I would love to know in the comments down below:)

    Have a wonderful day 🌸💕
    今天來分享 #上山採藥 的兩款晚安凍膜~

    蘆薈調理舒緩晚安凍膜 100g





    謝謝 上山採藥 提供產品!

    追蹤我& @tsaiotw
    🈲️ 抽獎帳、 50人以下小帳

    #抽獎 #抽獎中 #美妝抽獎 #抽獎活動 #抽獎文 #抽獎進行中 #抽獎禮物 #skincare #美妝保養 #保養 #保養品 #保養品推薦 #面膜 #面膜分享 #面膜推薦 #面膜控 #フェイシャルマスク #Washablemask #Washablemasks #凍膜 #jellymask #tsaio #植物妝藥家 #夜間進化極美肌 #蘆薈調理舒緩晚安凍膜 #竹炭毛孔淨化晚安凍膜

  • strong用法 在 D.A. Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-02 18:12:59
    有 3 人按讚

    - #文末抽獎
    @tsaiotw has launched some new products! Skincare for today!

    Aloe Vera soothing jelly mask 100g
    Has a great scent and doesn’t feel cold on my skin! (Which I like) even on my bad skin days it doesn’t irritate my skin 🥰 There are two ways to use this, one is apply a thick layer on skin and wash it off after 10 minutes. Another is use a thin layer as the last step of skincare routine! It’s not something super hydrating, so all skin type could use it! I’m dry so I need to add other skincare products to moisturize my skin:) I do like this!

    Charcoal deep cleansing jelly mask 100g
    I rarely use cleansing masks at all, and this one has a weird smell which I don’t like 😳 It’s not like the normal cleansing masks out there that has a strong effect and might irritate the skin, it’s gentle. By rubbing it while washing it will lead to a better effect after all.

    More details and #textureshots 👉

    Do you guys use jelly mask on a daily skincare routine?
    I would love to know in the comments down below:)

    Have a wonderful day 🌸💕
    今天來分享 #上山採藥 的兩款晚安凍膜~

    蘆薈調理舒緩晚安凍膜 100g





    謝謝 上山採藥 提供產品!

    追蹤我& @tsaiotw
    🈲️ 抽獎帳、 50人以下小帳

    #抽獎 #抽獎中 #美妝抽獎 #抽獎活動 #抽獎文 #抽獎進行中 #抽獎禮物 #skincare #美妝保養 #保養 #保養品 #保養品推薦 #面膜 #面膜分享 #面膜推薦 #面膜控 #フェイシャルマスク #Washablemask #Washablemasks #凍膜 #jellymask #tsaio #植物妝藥家 #夜間進化極美肌 #蘆薈調理舒緩晚安凍膜 #竹炭毛孔淨化晚安凍膜

  • strong用法 在 GreenBeautyKoKo Youtube 的精選貼文

    2012-11-07 03:19:25

    For those like organic, pure and safe skincare products fairies,

    BeautyKoKo shopping web site: http://beautykoko.gostorego.com/
    BeautyKoKo Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SmallsimpleBeauty
    BeautyKoKo email: smallsimplebeautie@gmail.com

    Congratulations to me!!I finished all my written and practical esthetic examinations last week. I am a licensed Aesthetician in USA.

    As your request, you want to have more organic and safe skincare products.I found a all in one serum - Hylunia Beyond Complex C.

    Let me talk about Hylunia's background. It was formed in 1988. The founder is Dr Link. He could not find any organic and safe skin care products for his daughter who broke out in hives and rashes. Thus he formed his company with dermatologists, physicians and scientists to provide top quality, organic, safe and pure skincare line. Their products are free of Parabens, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (these three ingredients are always related to cancers), Phthalates, Propylene Glycol and Fragrance (these three ingredients are strong skin irritants that are linked to sensitivities and allergic reactions.

    Hylunia Complex C can help you to hydrate, whitening, brightening your skin, minimize the fine lines and wrinkles, retard free radical damage. I have used this Beyond Complex C for three months. I found that my wrinkles in forehead and few freckles were gone. Also, my skin tone was more even. You can apply it around your eyes for removing the fine lines around your eyes.

    Since Hylunia Beyond Complex C is a safe products, it is highly recommend for you to use every night especially those who are received Laser, IPL and micro needle treatment. And it is safe for those who have sensitive skin and even for pregnant women. Use only one pump for each time.

    Since their products are free of those chemical bad ingredients, those products can also improve your body's immune system.

    If you are interested this products, please go to my facebook page to see more details:
    https://www.facebook.com/SmallsimpleBeauty or send us email smallsimplebeautie@gmail.com

    ♥Hylunia Beyond Complex C♥維他命C抗氧化精華素
    美白 淡班 保濕 抗氧化 去皺
    30ml HKD 680 including overseas shipping
    50ml HKD 990 Including overseas shipping

    有助減淡細紋 皺紋

    成份:L Asorbic酸(維生素C),酯化C,維生素A,維生素E,透明質酸,縮氨酸,脯氨酸,馬尾草,菊花,綠茶,金盞花,薑黃,南瓜籽

    用法: 每天早晚使用,或者根據需要, 臉部清潔後, 取出適量精華液於手掌心,輕輕按壓於臉部, 允許滲透到皮膚一分鐘,建議同時使用Hylunia的面霜效果更佳。

    BeautyKoKo's Tips: 維他命C最緊要是新鮮及穩定。Hylunia 採用真空包裝處理,確保維他命C每次用的時侯非常新鮮及穩定,同時提供10培抗氧化能力。

    Thank you for watching again!! ^^