

在 resolved意思產品中有8篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1,913的網紅椪皮仔,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 「每日英文閱讀分享#037-你理想中的公司跟你的核心價值相同嗎?」​ ​ ▷文章:How to Tell If a Prospective Employer Shares Your Values​ ​ ▷總結:怎麼知道公司的價值與你的是否相同?​ ​ 1. 定義:identify your own ...

  • resolved意思 在 椪皮仔 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-10-13 20:49:53
    有 26 人按讚


    ▷文章:How to Tell If a Prospective Employer Shares Your Values​


    1. 定義:identify your own core values​
    讓讀者去搜尋自己的core values的方法。​

    2. 提問:ask the right questions during the interview process​
    • 舉一例:What’s an example of conflict at the company around strategy or direction? What led to the conflict? How was it resolved?​

    3. 評估:conduct your own assessment to see if your values match those of the organization​



    【land a job】: to find a job and be hired.​
    Example: As soon as I land a job and start to bring in some money, I’m going to get a stereo. –McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions​

    【flip the script】: To do the unexpected. To deviate from the norm.​
    Example: If you’re in the candidate’s seat, you can flip this script and use these same behavioral interviewing techniques to learn about the company’s values.--HBR​


  • resolved意思 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-04-11 17:11:33
    有 287 人按讚

    受肺炎疫情影響,近月來不少人都過著Work from home(WFH)的日子,從前每天在公司上班會嚮往WFH的美好時光,但原來長期WFH日子並不好過!工作和生活上的種種不便令人壓力大增,又不能出外透透氣,宅在家的你會做甚麼疏肝解鬱悶呢?以下疏肝四式你都有做嗎?
    .網購 / 將心儀貨品加入購物車
    .吸貓 / 寵物 / 嬰兒
    4 ways to relax at home
    Working from home (WFH) has become increasingly common in the wake of Covid-19. You used to look forward to the good times of WFH every day when sitting at the office, but it turns out that the long-term WFH days are not that great! The various inconveniences in work and daily life become stressful, and you can not go out to take a break. What can you do at home to reduce stress? Have you tried the following four ways to relax?
    .Online shopping / Adding products to your shopping cart
    The time you spend at home has greatly increased, corresponding to the increased frequency of online shopping. Many online stores have launched special discounts at this time. The online promo codes satisfy your shopping desire when you can not go out to shop. Online shopping is indeed one of the ways to reduce stress, but if you want to avoid impulsive shopping, you may wish to add your favorite items to the shopping cart, wait for three days to determine what are "must buy" and "not needes" items, to avoid excessive shopping.
    .Sniffing cat / pet / baby
    Cat lovers are in luck. “Cat sniffing” is an internet buzzword that means sniffing a cat to reduce stress because of its relieving fragrance. The situation is similar to a mother sniffing her baby. It will produce oxytocin which makes people feel good. If you have other pets, you may give it a try. If you do not have a pet, watching animal videos might also help!
    Cleaning sounds annoying and boring, but it is actually a good way to reduce stress, because in addition to a refreshed home environment, it also brings satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment, which help people feel that "everything is under control". When your mind feels chaotic, you may wish to put down the work at hand first and tidy up your home. The problem may be resolved.
    .Trying new recipes
    Cooking happens on a daily basis, but it is also a way to reduce stress. If you feel stressed at work, you may try cooking a new recipe. If you want to get the most satisfaction and sense of accomplishment, you may choose to make a less difficult but good looking cuisine. The good example is the trendy “Dalonga coffee”, use instant coffee, hot water and sugar to stir 400 times, you can make a very eye-catching milk foam caramel coffee, which is very satisfying.
    #男 #女 #我有壓力

  • resolved意思 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-07-17 22:38:34
    有 52 人按讚

    #GRE衝刺班搶位中 #免費公開課索取
    今晚的GRE 免費公開課,擠滿了上進的同學。😍

    我們共同看到了讓 GRE 考試文章特別困難的 4大特色之二: 「熟字僻義多」 (affect = 假裝、betray = 流露) 和 「充滿進階學術短語」 (e.g. as a function of、not so much X as Y、all but、anything but、on a par with)。

    除此之外,我們也用了兩份閱讀真經,來了解到了GRE在閱讀選項設計的縝密度,和 top-down 以及 bottom-up 的訓練法。更讓我們從表面意思、從而進步到能 read between the lines、最後能夠 anticipate(預測),以增進閱讀速度。


    在 AWA 的部分,我們看到了GRE分析寫作中,高分的必要的3要件:

    1️⃣ 要有 learnable model essays (不能是耶魯的哲學博士用90分鐘寫出來(你只有30分鐘)的範文、也不能是一般AW只考4.5 分的補教老師亂寫的範文)

    2️⃣ 除了要實際練習,還要能得到夠多的 constructive corrective feedback,才能知道「自己是這個意思的話,英文要怎樣更好地表達」。


    Real-world issues are always a combination of multiple disciplines. It can never be solved by people with only one specialty. (文意不清、過度武斷)

    Resolving real-world issues typically requires one to combine knowledge from multiple disciplines. As a result, these issues can hardly be resolved by individuals with only one specialty. 的過程。

    3️⃣ 做記錄和思考,才能讓議論文從頭到尾任何面向都不離題(不管是 topic sentence、elaboration、example、還是闡述例子與主題句的關係)。


    ✔︎ 欲線上試聽GRE公開課,請內信詢問,謝謝:)

