

在 resolve用法產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過16萬的網紅Goodbye HK, Hello UK,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, "The fundamental question is, are we going to follow the law?" 「拗咩吖,大家仲信唔信法律制度先?」 繼上次問到Twitter老細口啞之後,美國參議員Ted Cruz接受《Fox News》Sean Hannity訪問,評論大選兩邊嘅爭...

 同時也有15部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2,850的網紅Luis & Wendy - 路易士溫蒂 Español,也在其Youtube影片中提到,這次又讓你們久等了~ 因為我們的課越排越滿 😭 要擠出剪片的時間可能要犧牲吃飯和休息的時間了,不過不要擔心!我們會盡快找出辦法的~ Jerry 的頻道: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOyeVOXO7vyeZAr2jdsBHPw ==============...

resolve用法 在 goodbyehkhellouk Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-12-03 15:22:22

"The fundamental question is, are we going to follow the law?" 「拗咩吖,大家仲信唔信法律制度先?」 繼上次問到Twitter老細口啞之後,美國參議員Ted Cruz接受《Fox News》Sean Hannity訪問,評論大選兩邊嘅爭...

  • resolve用法 在 Goodbye HK, Hello UK Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-11-11 08:23:19
    有 4,442 人按讚

    "The fundamental question is, are we going to follow the law?"

    繼上次問到Twitter老細口啞之後,美國參議員Ted Cruz接受《Fox News》Sean Hannity訪問,評論大選兩邊嘅爭拗同輿論偏頗嘅情況,再提出一個跨黨派政見立場,值得所有人反思嘅問題,到底大家仲信唔信法律制度先?還是靠响social media打嘴炮或者記者講就得㗎?

    "The fundamental question is, are we going to follow the law?"

    "The way the system works is, you follow the law...You know, one of the frustrating things as a citizen, you see all these tweets going back and forth, you see allegations of this happened, that happened. It's hard to know, it's hard for anyone to know, all right, is this true, what's true?"

    "The only way to know is, we have a legal process -- we have state courts, we have federal courts that can hear legal claims."

    "And right now, it is incumbent on the Trump Campaign's lawyers to go in and prove their case in court -- to lay out evidence -- to lay out evidence of illegally cast votes, lay out evidence of what was done right and what was done wrong. And when the process is over, we're going to know the result..."

    "Now, the fact that you or I might say that or someone might tweet that -- that's not conclusive evidence. That needs to be determined in a court of law."

    "It's amazing that reporters are running around screaming, no, no, no, we can't resolve any of these legal matters."
    (最「奇妙」就係啲記者四周圍同人講「No, no, no,呢啲問題係唔可以用法律解決㗎」)

    其實Ted Cruz提出呢個概念,去到呢刻到底仲有幾多人明白呢?還是為咗個人政見、立場或者喜惡,而忘記咗?



    Photo Source:FoxNews

  • resolve用法 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答

    2013-06-25 10:13:29
    有 63 人按讚

    [文法與詞彙Q&A] although, but, yet, even though, though, whereas, despite, in spite of 的區別

    A. 表示「雖然、儘管、但是」
    1. although, but, yet

    -In theory it seems like a good idea, but I don’t think it’ll work in practice.

    -In theory it seems like a good idea, although I don’t think it’ll work in practice.
    -Although it seems like a good idea, I don’t think it will work in practice.

    ※注意:although, but 兩者只能取其一,不能同時並用

    Although it seems like a good idea, but I don’t think it will work in practice. (X)

    ※ 亦可用 still、anyway (依然、還是) 來加強but, although的語氣
    I wasn’t feeling very well, but I still went to work.
    I wasn’t feeling very well, but I went to work anyway.
    I still went to work, although I wasn’t feeling very well.
    Although I wasn’t feeling very well, I went to work anyway.

    ※亦可用yet來替代 but
    It’s a simple yet very effective system.
    In theory it seems like a good idea, (and) yet I don’t think it’ll work in practice.

    Used as a conjunction, "yet" is similar in meaning to "but," but it has a stronger effect on the reader or listener. There is perhaps more of a surprise associated with the former statement. Note that you can put "and" in front of "yet" when it comes at the beginning of a clause, but of course this is not possible with "but," so you can write the following sentence:

    "The cyclists were tired and hungry, all but exhausted, (and) yet they refused to give up in their attempt to finish the race."

    Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar/learnit/learnitv21.shtml


    2. though, even though
    though 比較口語,意思與although同,但though 可以放在句尾(當副詞用)

    -Though he has lived for years in London, he writes in French. (雖然)—連接詞

    -He has lived for years in London. He writes in French, though. (不過、但是)--副詞

    even though (即便、儘管)用法與although 同, 語氣更強烈
    -Even though I wasn’t feeling very well, I still went to work.


    B. 表示「而、卻、反之」(對照比較之用)
    -Indonesia has a lot of natural resources, whereas Singapore has none.

    -Whereas Indonesia has a lot of natural resources, Singapore has none.

    ※ although 與 whereas 的比較

    although 含有驚訝的意味 (通常是第二個子句所透漏的訊息令人意外) We had a reasonable year in Asia, although sales fell a little in Japan.

    Although sales fell a little in Japan, we had a reasonable year in the rest of Asia.

    Whereas 則強調對照,驚訝意味並不濃
    We had a reasonable year in Asia, whereas sales in Europe were quite disappointing.

    ※ while 的用法
    Inflation rose by 3% last year, while house prices went up 6%. (=whereas)
    While there are still some issues to resolve, I think we should go ahead. (=although)


    C. despite/in spite of 的用法
    despite 與 in spite of 意思同 although,但是用法不同;although 是連接詞,後面可接子句,despite/in spite of 為介係詞,後面必須接名詞或動名詞

    Although sales increased, profits fell.
    Despite the increase in sales, profits fell.

    Although I was ill, I went to work.
    In spite of my illness, I went to work.
    Despite my illness, I went to work.
    In spite of feeling ill, I went to work.
    Despite feeling ill, I went to work.

    Despite I felt ill, I went to work. (X)



