

在 proper用法產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【選對食用油】身體運作需要適量油脂 ⭐要懂得分辨好油壞油 ⭐按烹調方式選擇用哪種油 #星期四食材 認識健康油脂食物 有些女生為了減肥,視油脂為大敵,自煮時不添加油份,外出進食亦「走油」,以為這種飲食方法很健康,但久久未能成孕,最後發現原來因為飲食中缺少了油脂!膽固醇是合成多種荷爾蒙的重要原料,如...

proper用法 在 Rena Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-06-16 14:28:53

【注意:ネット上でハイドロキノン・トレチノイン入り化粧品を買わないでください】 私からのお願いです🙋🏾‍♀️ ・ 最近レチノールやハイドロキノン入りの化粧品(エンビロン・ゼオスキン)をアップしていますが、これらはクリニカルテスト済みの化粧品です。ゼオスキンセラピューティックプログラムはハイドロキノ...

  • proper用法 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-05-20 18:03:12
    有 107 人按讚








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    Get to know healthy high-fat foods
    Some women view fats as their archnemesis when they wish to shed some pounds. They would either avoid using oil in their cooking or request restaurants to remove additional fats when ordering take-outs. They thought this is a healthy dietary practice, but the lack of fats in the body is one of the main reasons they cannot get pregnant!

    In fact, cholesterol is the precursor of many hormones. The lack of fats in the body would affect the secretion of hormones, leading to infertility. We should learn more about healthy fats, consume them in an appropriate quantity, and avoid fats that are bad for us. There are many types of fats and oils in the market, and each of them has their own pros and cons. It is best to prepare 2 to 3 different types of oils and use them interchangeably in cooking from time to time.

    Saturated fatty acids: in white solid state at room temperature; can be found in lard, butter, animal fats, cheese, cream, coconut oil, and palm oil
    Pros: chemically stable, not easily oxidized
    Cons: excessive consumption can cause the hardening of the arteries (vascular sclerosis), stroke, and heart diseases
    Proper way of use: dishes to be cooked at high temperature and for a long period

    Monounsaturated fatty acids: liquid at room temperature; often seen in olive oil, camellia seed oil, peanut oil, nuts, and avocado
    Pros: contains Omega-9; can help increase the good cholesterols and reduce the bad cholesterol
    Cons: chemically unstable, oxidized easily when exposed to high temperature
    Proper way of use: cold dishes, and can be used for frying at low temperature

    Polyunsaturated fatty acids: liquid at room temperature, commonly found in corn oil, sesame oil, sunflower oil, linseed oil, rapeseed oil, soybean oil, walnut oil, salmon, and sardine
    Pros: contains Omega-3 and Omega-6, which humans could not produce; can help increase the good cholesterols and reduce the bad cholesterol
    Cons: chemically unstable, oxidized easily when exposed to high temperature
    Proper way of use: normal pan-fried dishes

    Trans-fatty acids: vegetable oils that have gone through hydrogenation; often seen in margarine and shortening
    Pros: none
    Cons: increase the bad cholesterol and reduce the good cholesterol in the blood; excessive consumption can cause the hardening of the arteries (vascular sclerosis), stroke, and heart diseases
    Common foods that contain trans-fatty acids: Egg tart, cookies, puff pastries, cakes, biscuits, coconut cream bun, fried chicken, pineapple bun, Chinese fried dough and creamer

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

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  • proper用法 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-11-04 22:15:15
    有 739 人按讚

    [時事英文] 美國總統大選陷入膠著

    It ain’t over till every vote is counted.



    President Donald Trump claimed victory over Democratic rival Joe Biden on Wednesday with millions of votes still uncounted in a White House race that will not be decided until tallying is completed over the coming hours or days.

    1. claim victory 聲稱勝利
    2. rival 競爭者;對手;敵手
    3. uncounted (adj.) 未計算過的
    4. tally (v.) 計算;清點



    By early Wednesday, the race was down to a handful of states, and both Trump, 74 and Biden, 77, had possible paths to reach the needed 270 Electoral College votes to win the White House.

    5. be down to 由⋯⋯決定
    6. Electoral College votes 選舉人團票



    Shortly after Biden said he was confident of winning the contest once the votes are counted, Trump appeared at the White House to declare victory and said his lawyers would be taking his case to the U.S. Supreme Court, without specifying what they would claim.

    7. be confident of… 對⋯⋯有信心
    8. declare victory 宣布獲勝
    9. take his case to 將他的案子提交到⋯⋯
    10. the Supreme Court of the United States 美國最高法院
    11. specify 具體指定;明確說明



    “We were getting ready to win this election. Frankly, we did win this election,” Trump said. “This is a major fraud on our nation. We want the law to be used in a proper manner. So we’ll be going to the U.S. Supreme Court. We want all voting to stop.” He provided no evidence to back up his claim of fraud.

    12. frankly 直率地;坦白地
    13. a major fraud 重大的詐欺
    14. in a proper manner 以適當的方式
    15. back up 支持



    Polls have closed and voting has stopped across the country, but election laws in U.S. states require all votes to be counted, and many states routinely take days to finish counting ballots. More votes stood to be counted this year than in the past as people voted early by mail and in person because of the coronavirus pandemic.

    16. the polls 投票處
    17. count ballots 統計選票
    18. in person 親自
    19. the coronavirus pandemic 新冠病毒大流行疫情



    Global stocks gyrated in early trade as results streamed in, with a final call now seen unlikely for days and the outcome raising the potential for gridlock that complicates the chance of a quick U.S. government spending boost to counter the effects of the pandemic.

    20. gyrate(通常指很快地)旋轉;迴旋;轉動
    21. stream in 流入
    22. a final call 最後的決定
    23. raise the potential for 提高⋯⋯的可能性
    24. gridlock 僵局
    25. complicate the chance 使機率複雜化
    26. counter the effects of 抵消⋯⋯


    資料來源: https://reut.rs/3oWNEcI

    最新開票動態: https://politi.co/34U5ipm



    時事英文音檔: https://bit.ly/3emRtTt



  • proper用法 在 李阿思浪跡天涯小筆記 - 英國闖蕩日記 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-02-25 08:19:23
    有 309 人按讚










    「我不管你以前學的是什麼,美國人說的英文是錯的英文,有些錯字我們聽到就覺得不舒服,英國人從不講Authorization,你現在人在英國,就應該說正確的英文(Proper English)。」



    其實這不是我第一次被英國人糾正拼法,比如「Color」跟「Colour」,「traveling 」跟「travelling」,其實就是美式跟英式的差別,上網查,都說兩者皆對。






