

在 mention例句產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3,582的網紅通勤學英語,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【#精選詞彙單元 Vocab 079】救援全民醫療外的無國界醫生 文章摘要: The article highlights how COVID-19 is impacting the world as we see it as well as the world that we don’t see...

mention例句 在 藍橘子 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-13 10:11:29

【每次見到人講Touch Wood時拍枱,我就會打冷震…】 有好多潮語其實都好柒,當有人搭唔到嘴時講「講呢啲~」其實都幾肉酸。 . .不過潮流嘅嘢,都勉強接受到。但係,一句唔算新亦唔知有幾耐歷史嘅Touch wood,講嘅時候仲要懶風趣咁拍張枱,我每次見到都頂唔順打冷震。 . .「藍橙仔,你成日都...

  • mention例句 在 通勤學英語 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-11-21 10:00:55
    有 5 人按讚

    【#精選詞彙單元 Vocab 079】救援全民醫療外的無國界醫生

    The article highlights how COVID-19 is impacting the world as we see it as well as the world that we don’t see. People who are excluded from society, like those without identification, without access to water and electricity, without access to healthcare because of geographical location, poverty, not to mention displaced by regional conflict are the worst hit. Those who were struggling before COVID 19, will be the hardest hit in this pandemic. This is why universal healthcare plays such an important role. MSF, aka Doctors without Borders, is an international independent medical humanitarian organization that provides medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemic, disaster, or exclusion from healthcare. MSF has been providing assistance since 1971 around the world. In 2016, MSF established a branch office in Taiwan, and as of last year (2019) they have formally established themselves as the MSF /Doctors without Borders Taiwan Foundation.

    更多無國界醫生資訊: https://www.msf.org.tw

    原文章討論: https://www.15mins.today/blog/ep-984-msf-what-the-coronavirus-pandemic-can-teach-us-about

    This episode is sponsored by Médecins Sans Frontières/ Doctors Without Borders Taiwan Foundation

    利用15分鐘跟讀精選詞彙單元,即刻加深記憶, 文章例句朗朗上口!


    官網: www.15mins.today
    更多跟讀單元: https://pse.is/E8BNC
    Apple Podcast收聽: https://pse.is/DLMCK

  • mention例句 在 通勤學英語 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-11-16 08:30:52
    有 12 人按讚

    【#精選詞彙單元 Vocab 034】西班牙的氣候變遷 & 希臘的零工經濟

    The effects of climate change is becoming more and more severe every year. New study predicts that by 2050, London will be as warm as the climate in Barcelona. Not to mention that hundreds of other major cities worldwide could be facing droughts, flooding, storms, and other climate catastrophes.

    Full article: https://www.15mins.today/blog/657-about-europe-climate-change-and-greece-s-gig-economy

    利用15分鐘跟讀精選詞彙單元,即刻加深記憶, 文章例句朗朗上口!


    官網: www.15mins.today
    更多跟讀單元: https://pse.is/E8BNC
    Apple Podcast收聽: https://pse.is/DLMCK


  • mention例句 在 吉娜英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2018-03-03 10:30:00
    有 115 人按讚


    片語是組成語言很重要的部分,不會使用片語,很多你想說的話會表達不出來。 我個人覺得比起背單字學文法,片語要花更多的心思學習,因為很多片語不是字面意思,重點是,學了好像也用不太出來。一般教材的例句,常以文法為思考方式去撰寫,必較不適用於口說。


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    P01: as a matter of fact 事實上
    P02: as a result 因此;所以,結果
    P03: be based on 根據;基於
    L04: be fed up with 受夠了;厭煩
    L05: be used to / get used to 習慣;適應
    L06: break down 拋錨;故障 / 分成若干部分 / 崩潰
    P07: as a whole 作為整體
    L08: be supposed to 應該;認為必要;期望
    L09: break up 打碎;碎成多片 / 驅散 / 分手
    L10: bring about 造成;導致
    L11: bring up 養育;撫養 / 談到;提及
    L12: call for 呼籲;要求 / 需要;值得
    L13: call off 取消
    L14: carry out 執行;完成
    L15: cath up (with) 敘舊 / 趕上;追上 / 自食其果;自作自受
    L16: come across 偶然發現 / 似乎是;給人印象
    L17: come up with 想出;籌措金錢
    L18: count on 依靠;指望
    L19: deal with 處理;關於
    L20: depend on 依靠;信賴;視~而定
    L21: end up 最後處於;結果成為;到達某地方
    L22: fall behind 落後; 趕不上
    L23: figure out 想出;理解;弄明白
    L24: find out 發現;得知;找出,查明
    L25: get along with 與~和睦相處
    L26: get over 恢復(從情感受傷中復原)
    L27: get rid of 擺脫;處理掉;清除,除去
    L28: go off 熄滅;停止運轉 / 爆炸或開火 / 發出聲響 / 生氣
    L29: go through 經過;通過 / 經歷;遭受 / 透過某人做~ / 通過;批准
    L30: hang out (with) 和好友打發時間;經常去某處
    L31: instead of 作為~的替代
    L32: let alone 更不用說;遑論
    L33: live up with 符合;達到
    L34: look forward to 期待;期盼
    L35: make sense 有道理;合情理;有意義;講得通
    L36: make up 杜撰;虛構 / 和好;言歸於好 / 組成;構成
    L37: not to mention 更不用說
    L38: once in a while 偶爾;有時
    L39: put up with 忍受;忍耐
    L40: result from 起因於
    L41: run out of 用完;耗盡
    L42: settle down 安靜;平靜下來 / 安頓下來;成家定下來
    L43: set up 準備;設定 / 建立;創立 / 陷害 / 撮合;牽線
    L44: stand for 支持;主張 / 代表;字母是~縮寫
    L45: take advantage of 利用;占人便宜
    L46: take for granted 視為理所當然
    L47: take place 發生;舉行
    L48: used to 過去常常做~
    L49: work on 從事;致力於做某件事
    L50: work out 解決問題 / 解決紛爭;和好 / 運動;鍛鍊