

在 mention名詞產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過18萬的網紅林柏妤,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 錯過的快來補課!現在還很懷念古坑的咖啡香呢! #timefortaiwan 如果你不想長途開車、也不想參加旅行團,台灣好行是個不錯的選擇,在雲林,有兩條路線可以安排,今天我搭乘的是斗六古坑線,它會帶我去一些好玩的地方。 If you don’t want to drive your own...

mention名詞 在 Em Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-09 07:18:49

. #emilychan_english_grammar教室 大家成日都搞錯worth / worthy / worthwhile嘅用法,宜家等我逐個講一講🙂 1. 記住worth不是動詞,唔好寫成worths/ it worths咁! 😒 2. 某件事值得,可以寫成It’s worth it. ...

  • mention名詞 在 林柏妤 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2017-04-03 19:25:51
    有 463 人按讚



    If you don’t want to drive your own car or join a tour group, the Taiwan Tourist Shuttle service is a great way to get around. In Yunlin, the shuttles run on two routes. The one I’m taking today is the Douliu Gukeng route, which passes through a bunch of fun places.

    2016-2017 Episode 26 Douliu Gukeng Shuttle Bus 斗六、古坑真好玩(雲林)

    Yunlin’s Douliu has a pretty famous attraction that’s hidden along the city’s quiet Yunzhong Street. Built in 1937 during the Japanese colonial period, this complex was used as housing for the city’s police force, before it was redeveloped as a village for creative industry.

    Before, my only impressions of old-style black vinyl records all came from movies and TV shows. But today, I’ve got the chance to listen to and experience their special sound firsthand.

    Nostalgia is a funny thing. In the right surroundings, you can get a sense of a place’s unique history, no matter where you’re from or whether you lived through that era. This is the kind of place that can let you feel like you’re really taking a step back into the past.

    This is Huashan Coffee Street. Take a look at all the shop signs. I think this street must have the world’s highest concentration of coffee shops.

    In terms of climate and environment, Yunlin’s Gukeng Township is highly suited to growing coffee.

    我從未吃過咖啡的果實。I’ve never tested coffee cherry before.

    甜甜的,味道滿像棗子的。It’s sweet and teste like a jujube.

    It’s been said that both English and Dutch settlers used to grow coffee here. In 1931, the Japanese started large-scale cultivation of the Arabica variety of coffee beans in Gukeng, shipping most of their production back to Japan.

    After harvesting,coffee cherries need to be spread out in the sun.This is called dry processing.

    Up until the last decade or so, coffee-drinking wasn’t common in Taiwan, and Gukeng’s coffee fields were left unplanted during periods of low demand. Then, in 2003, the Gukeng Township office started holding the yearly “Taiwan Coffee Festival,” which proved a success in popularizing coffee among Taiwanese. The festival also made Yunlin’s Gukeng synonymous with the drink.

    I’m not a coffee expert, so I can’t really make out the fruity notes that they mention. But I really like the taste!

    Aside from being a place to drink coffee, Huashan Coffee Street has over 14 themed walking itineraries, which you can take to discover all kinds of surprises.

    哇~!你看那個,好酷哦!Wow! Look at that! So cool!

    Mushroom-shaped structures like these were actually used as storehouses for grain back in the day. To preserve some idea of what Gukeng used to look like, one person designed these buildings to resemble the town’s old-fashioned granaries.

    In Yunlin, the agricultural base of central Taiwan, you can see a different side of Taiwan. If you get the opportunity, you should definitely come and take a look.

    I am Poyu Lin, enjoy your time in Taiwan! Ciao~see you next time.

  • mention名詞 在 泰臣 Tyson Chak Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2017-03-05 02:03:22
    有 32 人按讚

    呢套經典邪靈戲Re-run第九次嘞,我都忍唔住要友情嚇串一吓!呢朵白菊花又爆笑又感動,one-woman-show來回破地獄又折返人間,各位嚟自靈界同人間煉獄界嘅朋友,快啲幫忙share啦。(pls mention which界u come from噃) (share夠肆百肆拾肆次我叫導演拍下集:結扎心事) 黃詠詩


    陳可辛: 充滿魅力的個人表演,搞到觀眾,即我,又笑又感動,香港舞台的一大發現。
    黃子華: 再多幾個詩詩有自己世界的女孩,港女這名詞便不再有貶義了。
    杜國威: 笑中有淚的鋪陳,對家庭的愛與怨,恨還恕都出來了。
    黃偉文: 80前要信黃韻詩,80後要拜黃詠詩!
    潘惠森: 在惡搞的敍事背後,我聽到一首灰飛煙滅的哀歌,深受感動。
    容祖兒: 又喊又笑,好似排毒咁,睇完成身輕了。
    林奕華: 地獄來的天使,污泥中的菊花。
    張敬軒: 當我三番四次睇完黃詠詩破地獄,我只有一個諗法:呢位女仕係癲嘅。可唔可以教埋我破?我想學埋打小人。
    吳君如: 好笑得來居然有淡淡哀愁,很地道的香港作品。
    何韻詩: 假如【賈寶玉】同【破地獄】撞期,我一定會選擇睇【白菊花】。
    王菀之: 聽到個劇名確實嚇一嚇,但我睇到喊住笑,笑住感動,之後就睇左N次重演了。
    于逸堯: 黃詠詩是我認識的工作伙伴和朋友之中,為人最靈異的一位。由她編導演如此靈異益智課題最有說服力和權威性,兼送黑色幽默。
    林一峰: 跟死亡開的玩笑,比生命更大的幽默。




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