

在 mention中文產品中有45篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【安靜是種超能力:美國 FOREWORD INDIES 獲獎】 上週一直處在混亂忙碌的狀況,幾乎都忘了一封靜靜躺在 email 信箱裡的信。今天重新看之後才發現:我的書真的在美國得獎了! FOREWORD INDIES獎舉辦了十六屆,只有獨立出版社和大學的作品能參加。評審分兩階段,主辦單位評審委...

 同時也有202部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6,760的網紅FengXu Ch. 風絮,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Infinity Paradox 是 風絮 在的一隻小隊伍,打算今後參加一些大小型賽事~!! Q: Infinity Sight是甚麼? A:《APEX 英雄》Inifinity Sight(下略稱為「本賽事」)是由 藍兔電子競技工作室 (ALGS ) 與 艾菲卡直播股份有限公司 共同主辦,於臺灣...

mention中文 在 Foodie Taiwan | 台北美食 | 台灣美食 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-02 04:22:17

📍台北市 | 圓山站 ❤️清原芋圓 👉🏻 @chingyuanzb ⠀ 🌐台北市 | Taipei City ⠀ 🇹🇼(中文) 從北到南都有分店的💜清原芋圓💜 高人氣的祕密就是料多豐盛的 芋頭系列飲品!🙌 真材實料,豐富口感,芋頭控一定愛!💞 ⠀ 💜清原芋圓💜的經典飲品就是這杯 有著漂亮漸層的紫芋波...

mention中文 在 Foodie Taiwan | 台北美食 | 台灣美食 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-07-11 07:38:51

#EatatHome #在家吃美食 ❤️ Orchid Restaurant 蘭 👉🏻 @orchid.no83 ⠀ 🇹🇼(中文) Orchid by Nobu Lee蘭餐廳外帶防疫美食2.0 精彩攜手上海米其林二星名廚簡捷明廚齡近60年首創跨海四手聯烹 獨家推出星級私房家常美味 邀您一起宅饗米其林...

mention中文 在 Foodie Taiwan | 台北美食 | 台灣美食 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-05-31 04:41:45

📍新北市 | 三峽區 ❤️炒飯了沒 ⠀ 🌐新北市 | New Taipei City ⠀ 🇹🇼(中文) Salty生日快樂!🎂🎁🥳 ⠀ 大火燒得炒鍋滾燙🔥,飯與配料隨即下鍋 炒出焦香,炒出鍋氣!💪 也是炒飯了沒引以為傲的熱炒魅力!😍 ⠀ 先吃吃看高人氣的牛肉炒飯🐮 牛肉炒得彈牙,逼出油脂香氣😋 再與...

  • mention中文 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-07-05 12:22:32
    有 2,042 人按讚

    【安靜是種超能力:美國 FOREWORD INDIES 獲獎】

    上週一直處在混亂忙碌的狀況,幾乎都忘了一封靜靜躺在 email 信箱裡的信。今天重新看之後才發現:我的書真的在美國得獎了!

    FOREWORD INDIES獎舉辦了十六屆,只有獨立出版社和大學的作品能參加。評審分兩階段,主辦單位評審委員會選出九位入圍者之後,再將這些作品給上百位出版界人士、書店店員、圖書館員分出名次。這屆聽說參賽者爆量(是因為疫情大家都在家寫書嗎?),「#安靜是種超能力(Quiet Is a Superpower)」得到職場(Career)類的榮譽獎(Honorable Mention,像佳作的意思)。

    美國是個外國作者極度難打入的市場(聽說只有5%的作品來自外國?),在 #職場類 得獎(而不是為外國人特別設的類別)對我來意義重大。






    文化內容策進院 Taiwan Creative Content Agency
    Books from Taiwan
    數感實驗室 Numeracy Lab @賴以威
    Wang Kai Yun 王愷云


    Jerry Dandy 對不起這個獎晚了幾天,來不及跟你分享,我知道你在天上看得到。


    IG: injillchang
    LinkedIn: 張瀞仁Jill Chang

  • mention中文 在 Openbook閱讀誌 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-05-27 18:18:31
    有 73 人按讚

    插畫家阿尼默再度揚名國際,新作臺語詩繪本《#情批》(大塊文化)榮獲今年(2021)#波隆那書展拉加茲獎年度主題「#詩類別」評審優選獎(BolognaRagazzi Award- POETRY - 2021 SPECIAL CATEGORY-SPECIAL MENTION)

    2021年義大利波隆那兒童書展拉加茲獎的特別項目為「詩 Poetry」,共有來自28國/地域的210件作品報名,從中選出一位首獎(Winner),以及四位優選(Special Mention)。

    🏆評審評語:「這首由台灣插畫家暨作家阿尼默創作的詩,既溫柔又充滿張力,且帶著些許神祕氣息,搭配了極其優美的畫作。在文字開始之前,本作先以數張驚人的連續跨頁地景開場,有山、樹、海和屋舍。接下來,每一頁的詩都搭著一幅引人入勝的絕美插畫──畫面不僅僅是文字的映照,更能夠激發讀者進一步思考和探索。本書畫作之美讓人為之屏息。而整首詩文帶著日式俳句/短歌的謎樣氣質,沒有明確的敘事線。當書末揭露令人驚訝的結局,讀者的期待也將受到挑戰。特別值得一 提的是,這首詩的原文是以台語寫就,也是台灣大多數人的母語,但是並未被當地列為官方語言。」

    阿尼默作品面相多元多產,擔任過劇照師、電視與電影美術指導、動畫導演與18年插畫家資歷。2019年10月推出首部漫畫集《小輓》,贏得當年Openbook好書獎,成為中文創作類別有史以來第一本漫畫作品,更一舉榮獲波隆那兒童書展拉加茲(BolognaRagazzi Award)2020年新增設的青年漫畫首獎(Comics - Young Adult - WINNER)。

    ⭐2019 年度好書.中文創作》《小輓》完整評審推薦&阿尼默得獎感言https://reurl.cc/0jz3Do

    👉追蹤Openbook IG:https://goo.gl/Enkzy3

  • mention中文 在 小桃 Siutao Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-05-03 21:19:50
    有 1,588 人按讚


    本專頁的帳號為 siutaoCOS,而該帳號則用了siutaoC0S,把cos中的英文字「O」轉為了數字「0」以混淆視聽。


    以FB專頁也只此一個,並沒其他分頁!!!(Singapore及Vietnam Fans Page為本人認可,不是什麼假帳。)



    This post will be describing the incident that has happened earlier today, and I would like everyone to be aware and not accidentally give away personal information to a fake account.

    This morning when I woke up, I received notifications and questions from friends and everyone, regarding a Facebook account pretending to be mine. *I would like to remind everyone again that this account is not created by me!!!*
    This account was recently created and used the same name and profile as my own. My page link is siutaoCOS, and this fake account used siutaoC0S, changing the capitalized [O] in the link name to the numeral [0] zero to befuddle everyone.

    During that time, the account created a post that asked everyone to fill in their information in a suspicious website, which was created under a fake identity, attempting to scam personal and credit card information.
    Upon discovery, I have posted clarifications and requested everyone to assist in reporting the post. My clarifications were posted on my page, Instagram and personal account.
    The scammer messaged my page directly after my revealing that the account was a fake, and asked why I wanted to ruin him, and even harshly scolded me in return for no reason. After that, with the assistance of everyone, the scammer deleted all related information to the attempted scam and changed his profile and cover picture to avoid Facebook’s automated investigation system. In the end, Facebook declared that there was no issue with the scammer’s account.

    At this point I was powerless to do anything. 😢
    I would like to thank everyone’s efforts in reporting the account, and though it was not successful, I would like to take this opportunity to inform everyone to be aware, and not get scammed by impersonation efforts.😭🙏🏻💦
    If by any chance you had filled in personal information or other information, please immediately change all passwords and information, and contact relevant agencies if necessary. This is to prevent misuse of your information and linked accounts.

    *****I would also like to mention, that I would not randomly add friends into my personal account, unless it was a public notice, privately discussed or agreed upon.
    (I would like everyone to understand that I need some personal space as well🙏🏻😢).
    This is my only page on Facebook and I have no other pages!!! (The Singapore and Vietnam Fan Pages were approved by me, and they are not fake accounts or impersonators.)
    Apart from direct sales, I will never request for information from anyone. This information from sales will not be disclosed to anyone else or to a third party! In the future, if anyone notices an impersonator or fake account, please help me to report them!😭🙏🏻******

    Once again, I would like to thank everyone who has supported me, believed in me and helped out! Love you all! 😭🙏🏻❤️

  • mention中文 在 FengXu Ch. 風絮 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-09-30 01:20:05

    Infinity Paradox 是 風絮 在的一隻小隊伍,打算今後參加一些大小型賽事~!!

    Q: Infinity Sight是甚麼?
    A:《APEX 英雄》Inifinity Sight(下略稱為「本賽事」)是由 藍兔電子競技工作室
    (ALGS ) 與 艾菲卡直播股份有限公司 共同主辦,於臺灣、香港與澳門使用PC

    Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/aftwapex
    AfreecaTV: https://play.afreecatv.com/aftwapex

    直播/影片按喜歡👍,風絮會hen愛你的 (*´∀`)~♥



    🌪Chat rules🌪

    ►Try not to spam in the chat or use some bad words
    ►Unless FengXu mention it, try not to discuss other Vtuber/Youtuber in the chat.
    ►If you see anyone doing things above, just ignored it or block it. Try not to fight with them in the chat.
    ►Last one is just respect each other and enjoy the stream!

    #台V #台灣Vtuber #Vtuber

    🌪Live Tag : #阿絮起風了
    🌪Casual Tag : #阿絮日常
    🌪Fan Name : #風信子
    🌪Fan Art : #WindofArt ※可能作為素材使用
    🌪R18 Tag : #NSFWind

    FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/FengXuVTB
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/FengXu_vtb
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYPS...
    棉花糖: https://reurl.cc/L0d6eX
    Discord: https://discord.com/invite/TMc2VPrEzj

    背板房間美術設計: 鱷魚 (@WaniVtuber)
    部分動態: 花茶 (@huacha_oc)
    Logo設計: 緋千夜 (@Hisenya)
    BGM: https://mixkit.co​
    APEX Overlay: https://twitter.com/kageroiyuragu

  • mention中文 在 FengXu Ch. 風絮 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-29 14:33:08


    Infinity Paradox 是 風絮 在的一個小隊伍,打算今後參加一些大小型賽事~!!

    | 隊友 |
    波比: https://www.twitch.tv/bobbybao
    AJ: https://www.twitch.tv/xxajxx
    | 教練 |
    無為: https://www.youtube.com/c/WuWei%E7%84%A1%E7%82%BA

    直播/影片按喜歡👍,風絮會hen愛你的 (*´∀`)~♥



    🌪Chat rules🌪

    ►Try not to spam in the chat or use some bad words
    ►Unless FengXu mention it, try not to discuss other Vtuber/Youtuber in the chat.
    ►If you see anyone doing things above, just ignored it or block it. Try not to fight with them in the chat.
    ►Last one is just respect each other and enjoy the stream!

    #台V #台灣Vtuber #Vtuber

    🌪Live Tag : #阿絮起風了
    🌪Casual Tag : #阿絮日常
    🌪Fan Name : #風信子
    🌪Fan Art : #WindofArt ※可能作為素材使用
    🌪R18 Tag : #NSFWind

    FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/FengXuVTB
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/FengXu_vtb
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYPS...
    棉花糖: https://reurl.cc/L0d6eX
    Discord: https://discord.com/invite/TMc2VPrEzj

    背板房間美術設計: 鱷魚 (@WaniVtuber)
    部分動態: 花茶 (@huacha_oc)
    Logo設計: 緋千夜 (@Hisenya)
    BGM: https://mixkit.co​
    APEX Overlay: https://twitter.com/kageroiyuragu

  • mention中文 在 FengXu Ch. 風絮 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-28 16:22:43

    yoyo check it out!!

    Infinity Paradox 是 風絮 在的一個小隊伍,打算今後參加一些大小型賽事~!!

    | 隊友 |
    波比: https://www.twitch.tv/bobbybao
    AJ: https://www.twitch.tv/xxajxx
    | 教練 |
    無為: https://www.youtube.com/c/WuWei%E7%84%A1%E7%82%BA

    直播/影片按喜歡👍,風絮會hen愛你的 (*´∀`)~♥



    🌪Chat rules🌪

    ►Try not to spam in the chat or use some bad words
    ►Unless FengXu mention it, try not to discuss other Vtuber/Youtuber in the chat.
    ►If you see anyone doing things above, just ignored it or block it. Try not to fight with them in the chat.
    ►Last one is just respect each other and enjoy the stream!

    #台V #台灣Vtuber #Vtuber

    🌪Live Tag : #阿絮起風了
    🌪Casual Tag : #阿絮日常
    🌪Fan Name : #風信子
    🌪Fan Art : #WindofArt ※可能作為素材使用
    🌪R18 Tag : #NSFWind

    FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/FengXuVTB
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/FengXu_vtb
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYPS...
    棉花糖: https://reurl.cc/L0d6eX
    Discord: https://discord.com/invite/TMc2VPrEzj

    背板房間美術設計: 鱷魚 (@WaniVtuber)
    部分動態: 花茶 (@huacha_oc)
    Logo設計: 緋千夜 (@Hisenya)
    BGM: https://mixkit.co​
    APEX Overlay: https://twitter.com/kageroiyuragu