

在 mature名詞產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Hapa Eikaiwa,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, ☆ネイティブの生の会話からリアルな英語を学ぶ☆ ================================= 1) Censorship(検閲) ================================= censorshipはテレビやネット、出版物といった表現物を事前に調べ、...

  • mature名詞 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-14 13:00:29
    有 46 人按讚

    1) Censorship(検閲)
    Are you for or against censorship?
    Recently, YouTube has been censoring controversial videos.
    There are certain expressions that are censored from mainstream media.
    2) Narrow down(絞り込む)
    narrow downは、条件を定めて多くの中から絞り込むことを意味します。narrowは「狭い」を意味し、範囲や選択肢がどんどん狭くなっていくニュアンスが含まれます。ネットで調べ物をするときに具体的なキーワードを入力して検索結果を絞り込んだり、旅行中に訪れたい場所を数か所に絞り込むような状況で使えます。
    You should be more specific and narrow down your search.
    I narrowed down the guest list to ten people.
    There’s no way we can visit all of these places in one day. We have to narrow them down.
    3) Go too far(〜をやり過ぎる)
    go too farは本来、遠くに行き過ぎることを意味しますが、日常会話では「やり過ぎ」や「言い過ぎ」など度が過ぎることを表します。カッとなって言い過ぎてしまったり、冗談の度を過ぎるような状況で使われます。「ちょっとやり過ぎ」はgo a little too farのように、a littleを加えるだけでOKです。
    You went too far. You should apologize to her.
    I know you were trying to be funny but you went too far.
    Do you think I went too far? I didn’t mean to offend him.
    4) Average American(平均的なアメリカ人)
    この表現は「平均的なアメリカ人」を意味し、特に典型的なアメリカ人と比較をする時に、「____ than your average American.」という表現がよく使われます。例えば、「彼は典型的なアメリカ人より控えめだ」と言う場合は、「He is more reserved than your average American.」と言います。この表現はアメリカ人に限らず、average Japanese person(平均的な日本人)、average child(平均的な子供)、average student(平均的な学生)のように別の名詞に置き換えることができます。
    She is a lot more mature than your average teenager.
    He’s much bigger than your average Japanese guy.
    The burgers here are a little pricy but they’re way bigger than your average burgers at fast food restaurants.
    5) Come on(いい加減にして)
    come onは使い方によって色々な意味がありますが、今日の会話では「いい加減にして」という意味で使われています。特に、しつこい相手に何かをやめて欲しい時や勘弁して欲しい時などに「Come on!」と言います。
    Come on! Cut it out.
    Come on! I’m trying to study. Stop bothering me.
    Come on, give me a break. I didn’t drop your camera on purpose. It was an accident.
    本日ご紹介したフレーズは、iTunes Japanの「ベストポッドキャスト」に2017から4年連続選出されたHapa英会話の人気コンテンツPodcast第337回「表現の自由と検閲の必要性」の内容の一部です。Podcastの全内容をご覧になりたい方は、Hapa英会話のブログをチェック!会話の全文、会話の要約、ピックアップしたフレーズ、ポッドキャストでは説明できなかった表現や言い回しが掲載されています。

  • mature名詞 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-04-09 13:48:37
    有 1,290 人按讚

    [時事英文] 世界衛生組織祕書長譚德塞的「指控」
    Umm…no. Red herring much?
    red herring 紅鯡魚謬誤
    Red herring fallacies are frequently used in public relations and political propaganda. Media and politicians often use new events or misinterpreting issues to shift the attention of the masses from core issues. The fallacy is often used to deal with governmental or corporate crises.
    The origin of the term red herring is debatable. One popular tale states that escaping convicts used the pungent fish to throw off hounds in pursuit.
    An Open Letter to Dr Tedros(一封致予譚德塞博士的公開信):https://youtu.be/EKh6qiAGDfA
    TAIPEI — Taiwan's Foreign Ministry on Thursday condemned "groundless" accusations from the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) that racist slurs against him had come from the island, as Taipei escalated its feud with the body.
    1、groundless accusations 沒有根據的指責
    2、racist slurs 種族主義言論
    3、escalate 使⋯⋯逐步升級
    Taiwan's lack of membership of the WHO, due to pressure from China which claims the island as its own, has infuriated the Taipei government during the coronavirus outbreak, which says it has been unable to get timely information and that Taiwanese lives have become political pawns. The WHO denies the criticisms.
    4、infuriate 激怒
    5、timely information 即時資訊
    6、political pawns 政治棋子
    On Wednesday, WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus rejected "racist slurs" against him, which he said had originated in Taiwan.

    Taiwan's Foreign Ministry said it "strongly condemned and protested the groundless accusations" which it labeled "imaginary".
    7、label somebody/something (as) something 將某人/某物貼上標籤
    8、strongly condemn 強烈譴責
    "We are a mature and highly-accomplished advanced democratic country, and have absolutely not instigated our people to personally attack the WHO's Director General, and have absolutely not made any racist comments," it said.
    9、highly-accomplished 高素養
    10、democratic country 民主國家
    11、instigate 煽動
    12、make racist comments 發表種族主義評論
    Taiwan condemns any form of discrimination, and any attacks on the internet against the WHO's boss have nothing to do with Taiwan's Foreign Ministry nor have been instigated by it, the ministry added.
    13、condemn discrimination 譴責歧視
    14、have nothing to do with 與⋯⋯不相干
    Tedros' comments were irresponsible and he should clarify them and apologize to Taiwan, it said.

    Taiwan has been proud of its early and so far effective measures against the coronavirus, logging just 379 cases and five deaths to date, far lower than many of its neighbors, even as it has been excluded from the WHO.
    15、effective measure 有效措施
    16、log (v.) 記錄;記載
    17、exclude……from 阻止⋯⋯進入;把⋯⋯排除在外
    The WHO, in a rare statement about Taiwan last month, said it was closely following the development of the coronavirus there, is learning lessons from how they are fighting it, and detailing how the WHO has been working with Taiwanese health experts.
    18、in a rare statement 在罕見的陳述中
    19、detail (v.) 詳述
    Taiwan says the WHO ignored its questions at the start of the coronavirus outbreak and has not shared with member states information Taiwan has provided on the coronavirus including details on its cases and prevention methods. This is part of what it has long described as a pattern that puts it at risk because of Chinese pressure to exclude it from international bodies.
    20、prevention methods 預防方法
    21、at the start of 在⋯⋯之初
    22、put……at risk 讓⋯⋯處於危險之中
    23、international bodies 國際組織;國際機構
    Full video(完整影片):https://youtu.be/-8b8Vj6lg3Q

