

在 intense中文產品中有23篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過28萬的網紅美國在台協會 AIT,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 💕「愛台灣,我的選擇」系列第16發:熱愛台灣詩的美國學者白瑞梅(Amie Parry) 「我在加州內陸地區一個叫做聖伯納迪諾的小城市長大,隨後在聖地牙哥念大學和研究所,並獲得文學博士學位。求學期間我們必須至少選修一門外語,所以我就選了中文。1987年我大學畢業之後,跟朋友來了台灣一趟,在台灣教英文...

 同時也有83部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過71萬的網紅VOGUE Taiwan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,演出《美少女的謊言》的女星露西·海爾,在 Vogue Taiwan 的「大明星化妝間」分享她現代感好萊塢風美妝造型的例行化妝步驟。這位美國演員使用放在冰箱保鮮的乳清與乳霜保養肌膚,並且展示她用刮痧進行淋巴排放的技巧,以便達成透亮而濕潤的肌膚基底。自己承認熱愛美妝與肌膚保養的她,非常信賴打上多層次的遮...

intense中文 在 怡安 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-02-22 18:13:58

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intense中文 在 Foodie Taiwan | 台北美食 | 台灣美食 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-02-20 10:20:17

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  • intense中文 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-19 19:48:01
    有 6,906 人按讚

    💕「愛台灣,我的選擇」系列第16發:熱愛台灣詩的美國學者白瑞梅(Amie Parry)






    ✨白瑞梅 Amie Parry 現為中央大學英美語文學系 專任教授

    💕Why I chose Taiwan #16 – Amie Parry

    “I grew up in a small city in inland California called San Bernardino. I went to college and graduate school in San Diego. I got my PhD in literature. We were all expected to learn at least one language, so I did Chinese. I traveled to Taiwan with a friend right after I graduated from college in 1987. We came here to teach English and study Chinese for six months, then I traveled around Asia by myself with a backpack.

    I originally wanted to study classical Chinese poetry. I got a Fulbright grant and I came back here. I started going to the poetry nights that were happening at that time. I met some of the modernist poets, and I switched my focus to the modernist poetry of the 60s, 70s, and 80s in Taiwan. I wrote my dissertation on modernism as a way of understanding the parts of modernity that are hard to know in the existing political language that we inherit. I think that experience in historical formation is always more complicated than the language.

    These poems are not explicitly political; they're very experimental and strange. At the time, the modernist poets I met were mostly 外省, men who had been drafted and come over with the KMT, so they had experienced war and displacement, and a very intense and traumatic historical moment. People experienced it differently, and at that time, it was a hard thing to talk about. Later, I wrote a book about poetry, but I just focused on one or two poets I find really, really fascinating. And I was asking some of the same kinds of questions: how can these poems help you think about certain topics that are hard to think about?

    At that time, Modernist poetry was a kind of an institution already. There was a journal called 現代詩, “Modern Poetry,” a really important journal that most of these poets were published in. Some of them combined poetry and theater. There's just so much going on in Taiwan in terms of poetry and performance and literature. It's just amazing. And I'm very interested in it at all, but I haven't kept up. After I finished my dissertation, I got a job offer at 交大. I thought, wow, there's something really amazing happening intellectually here. When my first book came out, it actually got an award in the U.S., and I was so surprised. I didn't even know it had been nominated. I asked them, ‘Why did you choose my book?’ And they said, because one of the chapters has a transnational of framework for the whole argument, so it wasn't like you used Western theories and Eastern texts, it's like the whole knowledge part is coming out of both places.

    I currently teach in the English department at National Central University. I'm the chair and I teach writing classes, literature classes, and literary and cultural theory classes. Since my first visit to Taiwan in 1987, I think people are a little more comfortable talking to people from different places. In my personal interactions, I feel a difference, like a greater openness. Back then, there were so many interesting things happening here, all at one time, and that's the time that I happened to be here. And I made good friends in my personal life and in my intellectual life. And I think those are the things that made me come back: like if you feel that there's something interesting happening and there's some way that you can support it. I guess that's a way of feeling at home.” — Amie Parry

    ✨Amie Parry is professor of the Department of English at the National Central University

  • intense中文 在 每天為你讀一首詩 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-03-17 15:18:37
    有 37 人按讚

    ◎蘿拉-布蕾斯・麥朵薇 Laura-Blaise McDowell
    "Sure Home"
    By Laura-Blaise McDowell
    Eighteen hundred miles, the geese fly to Ireland for winter, from the glittering tundras and icy cities of the northern world, arriving here,
    their silhouettes scratched like Ogham into the skies above the suburbs
    They descend on Bull Island, alight in Ringsend
    On a still March morning, I am awoken by the calls, announcing their arrival in the warmer climate as they scatter across the field outside my window
    Geese have an intense need to communicate, always chattering
    they have come to the right place
    The home of storytellers, a land where there is no solid word for yes, only specific confirmation, ‘I did,’ ‘we are,’ ‘it is’, a certainty at our core
    And so a thousand geese and I, at this moment, gather in the warmth of our shared shore
    there is no doubt we are together, in the surest place on Earth
    When I see the geese I think of our travelled distance, to be a warmer country, one where those with stories come and share in the way in which we let love grow
    like gorse alight across our hills and when I see more birds
    coming steadily in
    With the thrill of the V formation, an easy understanding
    the gentle music of unified wings
    An ancient sense of belonging
    註:三月17日為愛爾蘭的聖派翠克節,也就是愛爾蘭的國慶日,在這一天愛爾蘭會以大量的綠色以及幸運草圖案的裝飾來慶祝這一天。「駐愛爾蘭台北代表處」和「每天為你讀一首詩」合作,邀請 Laura-Blaise McDowell特地為今天寫下這首詩〈可靠的家園〉,我們也邀請陳育虹為我們翻譯和朗讀。詩中以愛爾蘭最常見的野雁為象徵,以其空間的移動隱喻時間的推移,而聯想到愛爾蘭是這樣輾轉走過長久的歷史,從被英國殖民,復活節起義,到最後的獨立,以及和英格蘭的和解。這樣的歷史無疑是經過漫長殖民,在尋求出路的台灣值得認識而喜愛的。
    ☘️ 英文朗讀影片:https://youtu.be/9aYrXhCCRhk
    ☘️ 中文朗讀影片:https://youtu.be/MtYY0eVPs6Y
    ☘️ 代表處新聞稿(有詩的簡介):https://www.roc-taiwan.org/ie/post/5205.html
    #每天為你讀一首詩 #陳育虹 #可靠的家園 #Laura_Blaise_McDowell #Sure_Home #駐愛爾蘭台北代表處 #聖派翠克節 #St_Patricks_Day #Ireland #愛爾蘭

  • intense中文 在 萬芳 One-Fang Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-10-19 16:14:52
    有 998 人按讚




    這集節目,我的話不多,因為 萬芳 One-Fang 有好多話要說,關於這張專輯。





    結果,這張專輯並沒有完全依照流行音樂「主流」的「慣行工法」執行,她特別感謝專輯的A&R也是老友「玻璃」,在一開始徵歌的時候寫了長長的說明信件給每位創作人,那封信後來也收在了專輯裡。時至今日,所謂獨立音樂人和所謂主流唱片工業之間早就不是你死我活、「中心 / 邊陲」的關係,有才華的創作者是不大可能被埋沒的。你看:萬芳這張專輯用了詹森淮、知更、法蘭、「十九兩」瑞奇的作品,和老友陳柔錚、徐譽庭、陳建騏、(久違的)葉樹茵、還有她自己的創作放在一起。專輯仍然寫著濃濃的「獨立血統」,但當然,這些音樂人加起來或許有兩三百年的業界資歷,讓這些歌出落得新鮮、細膩、銳利、飽滿、成熟,卻也充滿不按牌理出牌的奇想。




    : 在製作《給你們》專輯之前
    : 我和專輯的A&R 玻璃說著我的想法
    : 大都是自身的體會與觀察

    : 包括很多生命陷入討厭自己的苦、面對離別的很深的愛、進入不同階段對於老的恐懼、和轉大人的過程將自己扭曲變形要裝入世界期待的價值觀的容器裡的自我痛恨、和經過一切之後的還原⋯⋯

    : 我想把這些唱進歌裡

    : 而宇宙聚合了這些歌來到這張專輯
    : 一張專輯說不完
    : 也許以後再繼續
    : 或者延伸在見面分享會




    週一、週二 18:00–20:00(CST) FM96.3 Alian 原住民族廣播電台。亦可利用 hichannel 網路收聽:



  • intense中文 在 VOGUE Taiwan Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-04-12 18:23:37

    演出《美少女的謊言》的女星露西·海爾,在 Vogue Taiwan 的「大明星化妝間」分享她現代感好萊塢風美妝造型的例行化妝步驟。這位美國演員使用放在冰箱保鮮的乳清與乳霜保養肌膚,並且展示她用刮痧進行淋巴排放的技巧,以便達成透亮而濕潤的肌膚基底。自己承認熱愛美妝與肌膚保養的她,非常信賴打上多層次的遮瑕膏、大量睫毛膏,也透露了用古銅色化妝品營造日曬光澤感的秘招。露西提醒著我們「如果你不太確定,那就混在一起用」,然後以翼狀的眼線與艷紅色的口紅完成造型,既向她華麗風格的阿嬤致敬,也用一點現代版的新花樣打造出最強的老派好萊塢風妝容。
    #露西海爾 #大明星化妝間 #好萊塢

    CASTING: Nurrrr

    Beauty Credits:
    Lotion P50 1970, by Biologique Recherche
    Banana Bright™ Eye Crème, by Ole Henriksen
    Noni Bright Vitamin C Serum, by Kora Organics
    Cosmic Glow Oil, by Supernal
    Bain Gua Sha, Black/Gold, by Ava Kensington
    Cryo Face Lift and Tightening Massager, Black Silver, by Ava Kensington
    Sérum Placenta, by Biologique Recherche
    Luminous Silk Foundation, 5 & 5.5, by Armani Beauty
    Shape Tape™ Concealer, 22N Light Neutral, by Tarte Cosmetics
    Radiant Corrector For Eyes, Beige, by Clé de Peau Beauté
    Pro Airbrush Concealer Brush, No 57 Sephora Collection, by Sephora
    Concealer SPF 25, Beige, by Clé de Peau Beauté
    Tinted "Un" Powder, 0-1, by RMS Beauty
    Les Beiges Bronzing Cream, by Chanel
    Sublimage Mini Kabuki Brush, by Chanel
    Show Curl XL Lash Curler for Round Eyes, Sephora Collection by Sephora
    EF 2 Brush, by Mario Makeup
    Filmstar Bronze & Glow Contour Palette, Light to Medium, by Charlotte Tilbury
    Master Mattes™ Eyeshadow Palette, Warm Tan, by Makeup by Mario
    All-Day Intense Gel Eyeliner™, Deep Chestnut (140), by Almay
    Master Pigment™ Pro Pencil, The Perfect Brown, by Makeup by Mario
    Master Mattes™ Brightening Pencil, by Makeup by Mario
    Length & Lift Mascara™, Black (030), by Almay
    Positive Light Liquid Luminizer, Transcend, by Rare Beauty
    Stay Vulnerable Melting Blush, Nearly Mauve, by Rare Beauty
    Pro Cream Brow Brush, 68, Sephora Collection, by Sephora
    Brow Defining Pencil, DP Brown, by Kelley Baker
    Brow Styler™ Brow Mascara, Clear (040), by Almay
    Major Headlines - Precision Lip Crayon, That's Why She's Late, by Patrick Ta
    Major Headlines - Matte Suede Lipstick, That's Why She's Late, by Patrick Ta

    【 其他熱門主題】
    讓喜歡的事變生活!Good Job! ► http://smarturl.it/r7si6s
    芭蕾舞者們的血淚史 ► http://smarturl.it/uhot5l
    唐綺陽12星座深入剖析 ► http://smarturl.it/in8eqp
    美容編輯正芳隨你問 ► http://smarturl.it/zf5840
    口音、服裝專家拆解經典電影 ► http://smarturl.it/zcbgmf
    ★訂閱VOGUE TAIWAN Youtube:http://smarturl.it/xbtuuy
    ★VOGUE TAIWAN 官網:http://www.vogue.com.tw/live/
    ★VOGUE TAIWAN Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/VogueTW/
    ★VOGUE TAIWAN Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/voguetaiwan/
    ★VOGUE TAIWAN LINE:https://reurl.cc/V66qNn
    ★美人會不會 FB社團:http://hyperurl.co/rgfitl
    ★訂閱GQ TAIWAN Youtube:http://bit.ly/2fBjdcD
    ★GQ TAIWAN官網:http://www.gq.com.tw/
    ★GQ TAIWAN粉絲專頁:http://smarturl.it/r9gauv
    ★GQ TAIWAN Instagram:https://pse.is/JVNES
    ★GQ TAIWAN LINE:https://pse.is/FX7T4

    ▷ Make sure you subscribe to my channel and hit the notification bell, so you don’t miss any of my new videos → http://smarturl.it/xbtuuy
    ※關於時尚,VOGUE說了算!自從1892年第一本VOGUE在美國出版以來,至今已有122年的歷史,始終被時尚專業人士所推崇,因此榮譽為Fashion Bible時尚聖經。
    ※台灣VOGUE隸屬Condé Nast Interculture Group,相關國外影片皆由國外授權提供給台灣使用,台灣VOGUE秉持服務網友,讓更多中文語系觀眾可以看到國際影片跟中文字幕,所以在此頻道分享給大家,如果喜歡我們的頻道,請訂閱我們,我們將會持續努力帶來更多優質內容。

  • intense中文 在 ClumsyCynthia 黃可樂 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-07-04 21:08:17

    ▼ You can also find me here!
    » Instagram: https://bit.ly/2QRx52C
    » Drawing Instagram: https://bit.ly/2xrpUY2
    » Facebook: https://bit.ly/3bv7tQQ
    » Second channel: https://bit.ly/2QPFNyj

    這14天裡做的abs workout :)
    Day 1: Sarah’s Day - Core & Abs pilates workout - https://bit.ly/2ZECRYD
    Day 2: Pamela Reif - 10 mins abs workout - https://bit.ly/2NRScQn
    Day 3: Chloe Ting - Best 10 mins lower abs workout - https://bit.ly/2Z0VIhM
    Day 4: Natasha Ocean - 10 mins abs workout - https://bit.ly/3dYb5vz
    Day 5: Mad Fit - 10 mins lower abs workout - https://bit.ly/31NwzbZ
    Day 6: Chloe Ting - Love handle workout - https://bit.ly/2Zz9N56
    Day 7: Chloe Ting - Get that 11 line abs in 35 days - https://bit.ly/31Kp85e
    Day 8: Pamela Reif - 6 packs abs workout - https://bit.ly/2NUi123
    Day 9: Chloe Ting - Get abs in 2 weeks - https://bit.ly/2Z2T9vH
    Day 10: Chloe Ting - Get abs in 2 weeks - https://bit.ly/2Z2T9vH
    Day 11: Chloe Ting - Get that 11 line abs in 35 days - https://bit.ly/31Kp85e
    Day 12: Sarah’s Day - Core & Abs pilates workout - https://bit.ly/2ZECRYD
    Day 13: Chloe Ting - Intense lower abs workout - https://bit.ly/3dZpUho
    Day 14: Chloe Ting - Get abs in 2 weeks - https://bit.ly/2Z2T9vH

    Chloe Ting - Get abs in 2 weeks - https://bit.ly/2Z2T9vH
    Chloe Ting - Love handle workout - https://bit.ly/2Zz9N56
    Chloe Ting - Get that 11 line abs in 35 days - https://bit.ly/31Kp85e

    Sarah’s Day - Core & Abs pilates workout - https://bit.ly/2ZECRYD
    Pamela Reif - 10 mins abs workout - https://bit.ly/2NRScQn
    Pamela Reif - 6 packs abs workout - https://bit.ly/2NUi123

    ✂ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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    » 加入香港芭蕾舞團?! http://bit.ly/2QwAW5J

    ▼ Cynthia的觀眾福利? | Some FREE BONUS!
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    http://bit.ly/2ky4ked (此為affiliated link, 大家可以多獲得2個月的訂閱!)

    ▼ 關於我 | About Me
    我是Cynthia 黃可樂,正值年過20半的尷尬年紀
    If no one has told you this yet, you’re beautiful :)

    ▼ What I use 拍攝相關
    » 相機: Canon M50
    » 剪輯軟體: Final Cut Pro X
    » Ending Music: Eric Reprid, Basement - https://thmatc.co/?l=15C8AAFF
    » LOGO設計:writehanded2.0 - https://bit.ly/2wLIObQ
    » Music used:

    Strawberry by Jeff Kaale - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTll4pc_A2A
    Music by Eric Reprid - Test Me - https://thmatc.co/?l=2DD93C27
    Music by Fiji Blue - Home - https://thmatc.co/?l=9016DED1
    B JYUN - BREEZE - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XvzloNY2mk
    Music by no suits - Blue Jeans - https://thmatc.co/?l=EDA2B4AB
    D2ear - Love Pillow - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2wtTyHfnvU
    deadman - Omae Wa Mou - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ejv0Gk-mGko
    Music by VALNTN - Mona Lisa (Acoustic Version) - https://thmatc.co/?l=29AFB47B
    Music by Jonny Boston - Ray's Idea - https://thmatc.co/?l=B91F8F3C
    Music by Eric Reprid - Coffee - https://thmatc.co/?l=6AD0CE2C
    Music by Chinsaku - Blossom - https://thmatc.co/?l=6835D14
    Music by Eric Reprid - Basement - https://thmatc.co/?l=15C8AAFF

    ▼ key words 關鍵字
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    Cynthia 台灣 美國留學生 遠距離 日本 大阪 台灣 情侶
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    腹肌訓練 腹肌 運動

    ▼ Disclaimer:
    **This is not a sponsored video

  • intense中文 在 MissPearlTam Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-04-04 19:13:17

    Find me on:
    Instagram: http://instagram.com/misspearltamm/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/misspearltam/

    Products mentioned:
    - Furla Like S Top Handle (Onyx)
    - Furla Bi-Fold Business Card Holder (Lino)
    - Mulberry Medium Darley Wallet
    - Chanel La Crème Main
    - Bath & Body Works Hot Cocoa Cream Hand Sanitiser
    - 眼涼潤眼藥水
    - 曼秀雷敦軟膏
    - Curel Moisture Care Lip Balm
    - NudeStix Intense Matte Lip and Cheek Pencil (Belle)
    - Laneige Lip Glows Balm (Berry)


    This video was not sponsored, however links attached are affiliated.

