在 ingrained中文產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過19萬的網紅Claudia Mo/毛孟靜,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #死因與fixation 明報英文 | 毛孟靜 //一些新聞,看了後會永誌不忘,在腦海中深深烙印: lodged in one's mind 、 burned into one's memory。 像最近就一名15歲少女裸屍在海中被發現的死因研訊 death inquest,結論既非自殺 suic...
ingrained中文 在 Claudia Mo/毛孟靜 Facebook 的最讚貼文
明報英文 | 毛孟靜
//一些新聞,看了後會永誌不忘,在腦海中深深烙印: lodged in one's mind 、 burned into one's memory。
像最近就一名15歲少女裸屍在海中被發現的死因研訊 death inquest,結論既非自殺 suicide,也非被殺 homicide,那是不是意外呢?不知道,因為沒有證據,裁決死因存疑。問題是,這宗案件本來就疑點重重。
· The case has been ingrained in the psyche of this city. 案件已根深蒂固栽進這個城市的精神中。
· Why Hong Kong is fixated on the death of a teenage girl whose body was found at sea.
Fixated ?這個字泛指「沉迷於一套想法而不能自拔」,含意頗為負面。一翻手頭的牛津字典, 解說為 having an abnormal emotional attachment to someone or something ;中文是「迷戀某人某事,異常依戀」。
Fixated ,也就是附帶一點病態。不用這字,改用 keen 着緊、focused 聚焦,也許會比較好。
那篇報道的副題形容學生陳彥霖的死亡個案,是 the subject of wild conspiracies and unsubstantiated rumours ,游談無根的陰謀論和謠言皆從中取材。雖然報道內容也不過是把事件始末敘述一遍。
· The report didn't actually reject the conspiracies nor dispel the rumours. 報道並未駁回有關的陰謀論,也沒有闢謠。
案件的重重疑點,已有眾多的報道及評論,在此不贅。回說 fixated 一字,視乎上文下理,當然也可以有正面肯定的意思。譬如說,會用來形容激情、矢志要達到目標:passionately motivated to achieve one's goal。
· They are fixated to win the championship.他們一心一意要贏得冠軍。這句的 fixated ,就等同 unwavering 堅定不移、 dedicated 專心一意。
但仍要小心,fixated 改用名詞 fixation,就幾乎等同負面及批評的話。看以下新聞標題:
· Airport Authority's fixation with third runway is blinding it to other options. 機管局對第三跑道的盲戀,令其看不見其他選項。
· Singapore is right to question university rankings fixation. 新加坡對沉迷大學排名的質疑,是對的。
· I fail to understand your fixation with donuts. They are so grossly sweet. 我不明白你對「冬甩」的迷戀,它們甜得怕人。//
ingrained中文 在 城寨 Facebook 的最佳貼文
較早前我上載了昨晚在尖沙咀黑幫挑釁外國記者的影片,之後網友Max Goldman在城寨fb以英文留言,現翻譯為中文,供大家參考:
在香港,這羣偽愛國者是收到共產黨的指示,變成僱傭兵,與執法機關並肩作戰,有「真心膠」則認為,現在是雪恥「打鬼佬」的時候,他們沉迷在仇外情緒當中, 要真正了解他們,並不是聽其言,而是觀其行。
Pro-Beijing zealots and netizens have somehow seemed as a horde of exhilarated "patriots" who would tirelessly harangue, and mostly rebuke, dissenters (or being regarded as non-patriots) with baseless, ill-founded and even ill-bred arguments. They always easily get adrenaline going and strive to turn a flurry of ire into (either physical, virtual or both) bullying and sometimes even mindless act of violence when they see any sort of denunciation of China in any degree. But I cast doubt on whether these foreigners had actually said or done anything to insult China or CCP.
In HK, some pseudo-patriots receive the party's decree, execute the orders alongside the law enforcement agencies and get paid, whereas others do truly and preposterously believe that it's time for them to pay foreign countries back for the century of humiliation despite some of their inner minds are obsessed with xenophilia in an extremely high degree - it's better to know the real temperament of a Chinese dude from what he does than what he says.
When a party with its roots in bloody history and autocratic regime has today to present itself as the bastion of justice, prosperity and stability, common tactics such as economic incentives, increasingly assertive foreign policies, sovereignty and territorial integrity, and conspiracy theories of foreign meddling are proved, at least temporarily, effectual for passing all bucks from their corrupted governance and for reining in an egotistic populace whose minds are utterly ingrained with inferiority complex and ruthlessness, as a replacement of traditional values and morality, over the course of many violent and self-inflicted sociopolitical movements ever since CCP came into power in 1949. In this vicious circle, not only are the regime and most officials perfectly corrupted but also a country's traditional cultural values, righteousness and morality are buried.