💥 Medial elbow pain(附中文)
“Golfer’s elbow”
📌 Ever experienced inner elbow pain while gripping the bar hard in bench press? OR long hours on your comp...
💥 Medial elbow pain(附中文)
“Golfer’s elbow”
📌 Ever experienced inner elbow pain while gripping the bar hard in bench press? OR long hours on your computer, the elbow starts to feel stiff? You may have suffered from Golfer’s elbow. As the term suggests Golfer’s elbow is commonly seen on professional golfers, but it is not confined to golfers only. -
📌 Symptoms include pain over the bony prominence of inner elbow, or referral patterns to inner side of forearm or even fingers. Apart from pain, tenderness over the common wrist flexor tendon will be noted along with stiffness, weakness of elbow musculature and grip strength is likely to be affected
📌 Strengthening exercises are important to restore tendon resiliency and adaptability. Pain in the early stage of Golfer’s elbow might paralyze the forearm but it does not mean that low-load exercises should be prohibited
👆🏻⬅️ Swipe left to watch :
✅ Tennis ball squeeze: Hold tight to tennis ball and squeeze for 2 seconds. Curl the ball towards your body. Twist it to the medial side
✅ Dumbbell rotations: Grab the bottom part of the dumbbell. Start from neutral position and rotate the dumbbell slowly in and out. Slow and controlled to avoid injury to the wrist
💯 It is recommended to perform 3 to 4 sets of 10. Stick to pain-free and clean repetitions
💥 手肘痛
📌 卧推手握槓時,手肘內側會疼痛?用滑鼠、鍵盤打字太久,手肘內側會疼痛?你可能有肱骨內上髁炎,或俗稱的高爾夫球肘。高爾夫球肘主要的成因是過度使用,常見於高爾夫球選手,並不代表一般人就不會有這個問題
📌 主要症狀為內側手肘疼痛,嚴重時疼痛會延伸至前臂尺側或手指。高爾夫球肘常伴隨著手肘內側的麻痛,手肘緊繃酸麻感。用手指按壓肘內側會引起疼痛,握力下降,等等都可能是內上髁正在發炎。臨床上常看到的是,健力或健美的選手,課表一直跑不休息,導致一拿起20公斤的槓片就會疼痛,當遇到這種情況時,建議還是儘早就醫
📌 急性期的疼痛下降後,需要物理治療的介入。除了徒手治療以外,運動治療也是高爾夫球肘是否能康復的一大原因。高爾夫球肘炎,也就是屈腕肌群的肌腱炎,利用訓練來增加肌腱的適應性,是很重要的。
✅ 手握網球:先用力握球一到兩秒,再將手腕往身體方向捲屈,往尺側偏移 (往內收)
✅ 啞鈴內外旋:握著啞鈴的底部,從正中位置開始,緩慢的讓啞鈴往內側、外側旋轉,要以緩慢的速度來控制啞鈴旋轉的動作
💯 建議以上運動進行三組,每組10下,以不引起疼痛為主。治療進度可以與你的物理治師討論
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forearm醫學 在 通勤學英語 Facebook 的最佳解答
【#每日跟讀單元 1014】醒著動手術 醫病關係新紀元
The operation Ilyas performed, called a De Quervain’s release, is usually done with the patient under anesthesia. But Voynow, her medical inquisitiveness piqued and her distaste for anesthesia pronounced, had chosen to remain awake, her forearm rendered numb with only an injection of a local anesthetic.
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forearm醫學 在 尤稚凱醫師 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Sharing one case u might already how to deal with. Last week, at prolo-Tpe workshop in Doc-tx-doc session, i encountered an attendee having the problem of R't medial elbow pain. Physical examination showed his shoulder and neck were good, but laxity over R't lateral elbow and DRUJ, and a tender point over R elbow medial epicondyle. I found no CFT tendinopathy or UCL lesion over his R medial elbow, but swollen of the post. branch of the medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve was noticed by tracing the nerve with the ultrasound from the axilla downwards. So i prolo his lateral elbow and wrist and hydrodissection his post. branch of the medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve with pure D5W. His R medial elbow pain pain was gone immediately after the treatment, but he will need more prolo for his forearm biotensegrity.
上個禮拜在疼痛醫學會的workshop治療一位來自印尼的醫師,主訴為手肘內側疼痛,除了增生欲重建他上肢的biotensegrity(生物張力完整性)外,手肘內側的肌腱及韌帶並沒有發現問題,但超音波他的medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve(內側前臂皮神經)發現posterior branch(後側分枝)在肱骨近端有腫脹,於是神經解套他的這條神經,痛當下解除,但因為他的上肢只做過一次治療,應該需要在當地繼續處理。
forearm醫學 在 臨床筆記 Facebook 的精選貼文
國際上建議年長男性或女性,每日鈣攝取量應達1,000到1,200毫克,讓頭腦健康 (這個沒有啦)、骨骼強壯。
參考資料:Effect of calcium supplements on risk of myocardial infarction
and cardiovascular events: meta-analysis. BMJ 2010;341:c3691.
最近刊登在英國醫學期刊 (BMJ) 上的兩篇文章想要回答這個問題,其中一篇,紐西蘭的研究者們收集了26篇臨床研究,補鈣對骨折風險的影響是:
(1) 所有部位骨折 (哪裡骨折都算) 補鈣顯著降低11%風險 (RR 0.89, 95% CI 0.81-0.96)
(2) 脊椎骨折,補鈣顯著降低14%風險 (RR 0.86, 95% CI 0.74-1.00)
(3) 其他部位骨折,補鈣並沒有顯著幫助
附註:此段語意不清,「其他部位」指的是非脊椎部位,包括「髖骨 hip」與上臂「forearm」在此說明。
值得注意的是,當鎖定較高品質的研究時 (不要懷疑,很多研究的品質"慘不忍睹"),用力補鈣並不能降低骨折風險。
也就是說,這可能只是一場空 (傻眼)。
參考資料:Calcium intake and risk of fracture: systematic review. BMJ 2015;351:h4580.