

在 exactly中文意思產品中有10篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過12萬的網紅浩爾譯世界,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 早安,你今天 Q 了嗎? 一起來認識台灣美食的獨特口感 🇹🇼 In Italy, ‘Al Dente’ Is Prized. In Taiwan, It’s All About Food That’s ‘Q.’ 台灣美食為什麼那麼「Q」? 🍭 NEW TAIPEI CITY, Taiwan —...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅大麻煩翻譯組JackO,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#StevenUniverse #CartoonNetwork 我並不擁有此影片 影片所有權歸屬於Maxi Brizuela ツ & Cartoon Network I do NOT own this video All rights goes to Maxi Brizuela ツ & Cartoo...

exactly中文意思 在 DSE英文|港大英文系+翻譯系 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-07 14:35:53

#Synonyms🌋 首先我想講嘅係呢個世界冇exactly the same嘅synonyms (英文冇 中文粗口有好多 我知我知),所以上面我係專登分咗幾組,請各位留意,唔好背曬啲字然後亂用呀😂第二係我唔用平時嘅方法解呢啲字,focus多啲係usage, 希望更清晰。 // 先講咗gloomy先...

  • exactly中文意思 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-04-12 07:01:00
    有 499 人按讚

    早安,你今天 Q 了嗎?

    🇹🇼 In Italy, ‘Al Dente’ Is Prized. In Taiwan, It’s All About Food That’s ‘Q.’

    🍭 NEW TAIPEI CITY, Taiwan — As dusk falls at Lehua Night Market, the fluorescent lights flicker on and the hungry customers start trickling in, anxious for a taste of the local delicacies that give this island its reputation as one of Asia’s finest culinary capitals. Neatly arranged pyramids of plump fish balls. Bowls brimming with tapioca balls bathed in lightly sweetened syrup. Sizzling oyster omelets, hot off the griddle. Deep-fried sweet potato puffs, still dripping with oil.

    -fluorescent: 發出螢光的
    -trickle in: 三三兩兩地抵達
    -reputation: 名聲
    -culinary: 烹飪的
    -griddle: 鐵板、煎鍋
    -deep-fried: 油炸的

    🍡 Take a bite of any of these dishes and you’ll discover a unique texture. But how exactly do you describe that perfectly calibrated “mouth feel” so sought after by local cooks and eaters alike?
    Slippery? Chewy? Globby? Not exactly the most flattering adjectives in the culinary world.
    Luckily, the Taiwanese have a word for this texture. Well, actually, it’s not a word, it’s a letter — one that even non-Chinese speakers can pronounce.
    It’s “Q.”


    -texture: 口感、質地、韻味
    -calibrate: 校準、調整、調配
    -be sought after: 趨之若鶩
    -chewy: 有嚼勁的

    🥤 “It’s difficult to explain what Q means exactly,” said Liu Yen-ling, a manager at Chun Shui Tang, a popular teahouse chain that claims to have invented tapioca milk tea in Taiwan. “Basically it means springy, soft, elastic.”
    Q texture is to Taiwanese what umami is to Japanese and al dente is to Italians — that is, cherished and essential. Around Taiwan, the letter Q can often be glimpsed amid a jumble of Chinese characters on shop signs and food packages and in convenience stores and advertisements.

    「Q」的口感之於台灣人,就等於「umami」(鮮)之於日本人,「al dente」(有嚼勁)之於義大利人——備受珍視,也必不可少。在台灣各地,可以在店鋪招牌和便利店、廣告的食物包裝中的一堆中文字裡瞥見「Q」這個字母。

    -tapioca milk tea: 珍珠奶茶
    -springy: 有彈性的、彈牙的
    -umami: 鮮味
    -al dente: 彈牙、有嚼勁
    -glimpse: 瞥見

    加入每日國際選讀計畫,發揚台灣 QQ 美食



    #告訴我✍🏻 「你覺得哪家珍珠最 Q? 」

    #小孩子才做選擇 #我全都要

  • exactly中文意思 在 賓狗單字 Bingo Bilingual Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-03-22 11:55:30
    有 31 人按讚

    #職場在走 #俚語要有 #推薦學習資源
    職場在走,small talk 真的要有。賓狗畢業以來,曾經在公司工作、出來自由接案翻譯、現在自己在外打滾,真的覺得,small talk(閒聊)非常重要!
    工作跟人脈,全部都需要 small talk 來潤滑,一切才能水到渠成、順順利利。
    英文的 small talk,更是超級重要!在英文環境中,寒暄閒聊是一定要的。閒聊的時候,就會碰上「英文俚語」這個大魔王。
    1 【You tell me】 -- 超級同意、我也覺得、「還用你說嘛!」
    A: It’s a scorcher today!
    B: You tell me!
    A: What do you say we go grab a drink?
    或是變化成現在進行式:You’re telling me.
    "Mom’s in such a bad mood today."
    "You're telling me!"
    I agree.
    I agree with you.
    I’m with you.
    I feel exactly the way you do.
    2 【go big or go home】-- 豁出去、卯足全力
    Go big or go home. I have faith in you.
    A: You sure you wanna spend that much time making your podcast?
    B: Go big or go home. I have faith in myself.
    Go all out: His team will go all out for a win.
    go to great lengths: She'll go to great lengths to fulfill her dreams.
    bet the farm: Don't bet the farm on these stocks. You’ll regret it!
    3【be one sandwich short of a picnic】-- 少一根筋;怪怪的
    This guy is really one sandwich short of a picnic.
    be the meat in the sandwich -- 兩方爭論,你夾在中間的狀況
    I’m fed up being the meat in the sandwich.
    * 兩者很像,不要混淆了喔!
    這些俚語是不是很有趣啊!如果你意猶未盡,希望英文變得更道地,我推薦你 VoiceTube 的這檔線上課程《Dr. J 的道地英文俚語課 !ncredible !diom》。
    Dr.J(J 博士)的母語是英文,畢業於哈佛大學,現在在台科大 MBA 教書,同時是外語教育機構格林希爾的 CEO,絕對專業。
    我自己試上的心得是:Dr. J 發音非常清楚好懂、速度適中、很適合學習者,而且雖然慢慢講,但抑揚頓挫還是很漂亮,還會不時搭配中文講解、幽默風趣,我覺得很親切、很喜歡。
    現在,這檔課程,正在早早鳥售價!45 折!從 4,800 折到 2,160 元,非常划算,而且只到 3/23,只剩兩天。
    而且而且,小星星有專屬優惠碼 bingovip200,使用專屬優惠碼,直接再折 200 元。推薦各位,趕快透過賓狗的專屬連結,使用專屬優惠碼,這兩天內立刻下訂課程,就可以拿到 45 折優惠,再折 200 元喔~
    重要資訊如下,你要把握這兩天的優惠,趕快下訂唷,英語俚語是絕對必修、絕對用得到的 💪
    👇👇👇 優惠連結 👇👇👇
    《Dr. J 的道地英文俚語課 !ncredible !diom》
    賓狗的專屬連結: https://bit.ly/3cNjOBY
    你的專屬優惠碼:bingovip200(直接現折 200 元)
    !! 現正早早鳥優惠,下殺到 45 折,趕快搭配優惠碼,直接 45 折後再折 200 元 !!
    #賓狗 #線上課程 #業配 #英文 #學英文 #英文學習 #道地 #道地英文 #英文俚語 #播客 #podcast #中文podcast

  • exactly中文意思 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-12-13 17:36:53
    有 23 人按讚

    #EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事 #英文考零分不是用鴨蛋講
    Food Idioms 美國生活用語:更多蛋More Eggs 🥚

    Everybody loves eggs, so how about some more egg idioms this week? 每個人都喜歡吃蛋,所以這週我們繼續來談更多的蛋。

    1⃣ tough/hard egg to crack
    2⃣ sb. can’t boil an egg
    3⃣ kill the goose that laid the golden eggs
    4⃣ goose egg
    5⃣ lay an egg
    Remember the expression “tough/hard nut to crack”? Well, 1⃣ “tough/hard egg to crack” has exactly the same meaning. Ex: For many language learners, English is a tough egg to crack.
    還記得之前介紹過的tough/hard nut to crack「難搞的人事物」嗎?呃,把nut換成egg也是一樣的意思:For many language learners, English is a tough egg to crack.(對許多英語學習者來說,英語還蠻難搞的。)

    Eggs are probably one of the easiest things to cook—just plop them in a pot and boil for three minutes. 2⃣ So if someone “can’t boil an egg,” it means they’re a bad cook, or can’t cook at all. Ex: Lots of millennials can’t boil an egg.
    蛋大概是最容易料理的食物──只要把蛋丟進鍋中煮個三分鐘就好。所以,萬一有人是can’t boil an egg「連水煮蛋都不會煮」,那他一定是位很糟糕的廚師,或者根本沒有下廚天份。如:Lots of millennials can’t boil an egg.(許多九年級生連水煮蛋都不會。)

    If you’ve read Aesop’s Fables, you know the story The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs. A farmer owns a goose that lays a golden egg every day, and thinks there must be a big lump of gold inside it. So he kills it and cuts it open, only to find no gold. 3⃣ “Kill the goose that laid the golden eggs” therefore came to mean to destroy a source of wealth through stupidity or greed. Ex: Why would he quit his civil service job? That would be killing the goose that laid the golden eggs.
    如果你有看過伊索寓言,你應該聽過「下金蛋的鵝」這個故事。有位農夫有隻每天會下一顆金蛋的鵝。他心想,這隻鵝身體裡頭一定有塊黃金,所以把鵝給宰了,切開身體,卻找不到任何黃金。所以kill the goose that laid the gold eggs可延伸為「(因貪心或愚笨而)自斷財路」,如:Why would he quit his civil service job? That would be killing the goose that laid the golden eggs.(為什麼他要辭掉那個公務員工作?這根本是自斷財路。)

    Speaking of goose eggs, 4⃣ a goose egg can also mean a score of zero in a game/contest or on a test. Ex: I got a goose egg on the quiz this morning. And finally, 5⃣ “lay an egg” can mean to fail in a publicly embarrassing way. Ex: The teacher tried to tell a funny joke, but he laid an egg.
    提到goose egg鵝蛋,在英文裡也可以指競賽中沒有獲得任何分數,也就是中文的「零分,拿鴨蛋」意思。如:I got a goose egg on the quiz this morning.(我今天早上小考考了零分。)最後,lay an egg原本指「下蛋」,也可以延伸為「在公共場合下出糗,搞砸事情」,如:The teacher tried to tell a funny joke, but he laid an egg.(那位老師本來想說個笑話,但他搞砸了。)

    1. plop「扔」:當動詞。
    2. millennial「千禧年世代」:指西元2000年左右出生的一代,相當於台灣的九年級生。
    3. lay「下蛋;放置」:其過去式變化為lay-laid-laid。lay也可以當lie「躺著」的過去式,請注意區分。

    🔔 按下「搶先看」,每週五【美國大小事】,由 Judd 編審分享最即時美國新鮮事!想知道更多美國文化,請看 👉 http://bit.ly/EZTalk嚴選

  • exactly中文意思 在 大麻煩翻譯組JackO Youtube 的精選貼文

    2018-11-26 02:22:38

    #StevenUniverse #CartoonNetwork
    影片所有權歸屬於Maxi Brizuela ツ & Cartoon Network
    I do NOT own this video
    All rights goes to Maxi Brizuela ツ & Cartoon Network


    Steven Universe (史蒂芬宇宙) (台譯:神奇小捲毛) 要繼續出下一季了!!
    看到這個前導預告就翻下去了 這部真的推! 音樂劇情都很棒
    製作人就是我們之前提過的Rebecca Sugar 大大啦~
    有她在 音樂絕對是可以期待的!

    老實說 我個人近代的美式卡通幾乎不看台灣電視的翻譯版本

    0:10 藍鑽說"Does that... call herself a Garnet?"

    0:31 "Gems who don't fit their purpose exactly."
    don't fit their purpose就是 無法達成他們當初被製造時配給的工作
    這幾位寶石人因有瑕疵, 或異種融合不被大眾接受

    0:44 "Can the Crystal Gems play by homeworlds rules?"
    Play by .... rules 就是字面上的感覺 "按照...的規局玩遊戲"
    這句話延伸的意思也就是不管到哪 就要用當地規矩辦事
    可是Crystal Gems本來與母星對立,因此這邊旁白這句說出了"真的可以在母星的規則下撐下去嗎?"

    0:45 黃珍珠說"Everyone stays where they belong."
    "待在屬於自己的地方" 也就是 "好好安分守己自己的崗位"

    首先 影片中史*蒂*芬 之後影片將全數改為 "史帝芬"
    0:08 石*柳* 應更正為 石榴(ㄌ一ㄡˊ) (感謝利歐告知)
    0:55 史*提*芬 這個錯字錯的有夠徹底, 應更正為 史帝芬

    極高品質 註解十分詳細用心 的翻譯影片
    (我發現我史蒂芬的蒂 應該去掉草字頭讓它男性化一點的...)
    為了不給K大添版權上的麻煩 這邊不貼出她的網址
    只要搜尋"Steven Universe翻譯 或者Kate什麼(咳咳) Steven Universe" (咳咳咳)一定有的啦~

    關於我們翻譯組: https://home.gamer.com.tw/creationDetail.php?sn=4035888
    我們的Twitter: https://twitter.com/TransWeed

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