

在 evacuate中文產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7,957的網紅堅庭通識,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【民陣強烈譴責警方腰斬元旦遊行】 CHRF Condemn HK Police Slashing New Year Rally (English version below) 警方於今日 5 時半,強行終止了民陣的遊行及集會,民陣對此予以強烈譴責!民陣亦嚴正聲明,疏散群眾是按不反對通知書...

evacuate中文 在 Keo Chow Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-07-14 02:55:29

從晚上七點半開始四小時,警員於中文大學對學生的催淚彈攻勢沒有停過 示威者只有2個訴求 1)警員完全離開中大校園 2)無條件釋放今日被捕的所有中大學生 但警員沒有回應,甚至多次出爾反爾,承諾撤退後反以催淚彈,橡膠子彈,水炮車等大型攻擊性武器攻擊學生,使得中大有逾50名學生受傷。 傷者以及學生被困...

  • evacuate中文 在 堅庭通識 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-01-01 19:21:22
    有 180 人按讚


    CHRF Condemn HK Police Slashing New Year Rally
    (English version below)

    警方於今日 5 時半,強行終止了民陣的遊行及集會,民陣對此予以強烈譴責!民陣亦嚴正聲明,疏散群眾是按不反對通知書要求迫於無奈的做法,民陣絕對不同意警方腰斬的決定,警方相關言論是充滿謊言、誤導及分化香港人。

    警察於盧押道的拘捕行動引發警民對峙,當時場面漸變溫和,防暴警察及後亦準備撤退,卻隨即向人群投擲催淚彈,激化矛盾。警方亦同時威逼遊行腰斬,更要求民陣 30 分鐘內疏散迫爆港島的數十萬市民,大批防暴警察更在地鐵站及各疏散路線截查、挑釁市民,成圍捕之勢。



    2020 年 1 月 1 日

    CHRF Condemn HK Police Slashing New Year Rally

    Hong Kong Police ceased CHRF’s New Year Rally and assembly today at 1730 HKT. CHRF condemn such a brutal decision. We reluctantly abided by the terms of “Letter of No Objection” to evacuate the crowd——we have never agreed upon the Police’s decision. The Police’s comment on our alleged “agreement” is falsified and maliciously diverging the public.

    Earlier tension at Luard Road after a Police arrest action was originally easing, and Riot Police were retreating. Unfortunately, Police fired tear gas to the crowd, escalated the scene. Police subsequently called off the rally and demanded CHRF to evacuate all the crowd in Hong Kong Island within 30 minutes. Riot Police at MTR stations and all exit routes kept searching and provoking citizens, threatening mass arrest.

    On the first day of year 2020, the Police dismissed the first licensed assembly of the year with absurd excuse. Hong Kong government have shown its unwillingness to listen to the voices of the mass, infringing the right of assembly of Hong Kong citizens.

    CHRF warn Hong Kong Government to respect and fulfill the Five Demands——Not One Less. Or else, Hong Kong-ers shall not back down, and peace shall not resume with on-going police brutality.

    Civil Human Right’s Front
    1st Jan 2020

    【民陣 TG】 t.me/CivilHumanRightsFront
    【民陣 Twitter】 twitter.com/chrf_hk

    民陣被捕法律支援熱線:6549 9452
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    1. 被捕地點
    2. 中文全名*
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    7. 所在警署
    8. 緊急聯絡人電話*
    9. 報料人電話*(若與緊急聯絡人不同)
    10. 其他詳情(如有)

  • evacuate中文 在 吳蔚蔚 Queenie Ng Facebook 的精選貼文

    2012-10-30 14:25:51
    有 1 人按讚

    前晚在溫哥華島以北 Haida Gwaii 島附近發生的 7.7 級地震,由於震央離地面 17 公里,而且地底板塊橫向震盪而非垂直震盪,因此未有引發大海嘯,或造成嚴重的禍害及傷亡。不過,地震局預計強度較小的餘震會持續數周。專家指出卑詩省是地震活躍的地區。那麼大家有沒有為地震作出充分的準備呢?


