

在 butterflies英文產品中有31篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過8,650的網紅17.5英文寫作教室,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, nervous 緊張的、焦慮不安的 (a.)​ E.g. Too much pressure led to Peter’s nervous breakdown.​ 壓力太大導致 Peter 精神崩潰。​ ​ ​ anxious / concerned / distressed / jittery /...

 同時也有7部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅九粒Jolie 你的英文Bestie,也在其Youtube影片中提到,已中毒的請舉手🙋🏻 Are you currently stuck in this voodoo zone? Love is blind. 😵 愛丟卡慘戲。💀 Kangaroo 🦘 影片打錯還唱錯整個🥲🥲🥲 我對不起你kangaroo🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️ ❣️記得按下右邊的收藏小內褲...

butterflies英文 在 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-24 16:15:10

👯‍♀️💓 We met each other since we were nine. We’ve been through ups and down throughout the 19 years we’ve known each other. We always say it’s like we...

butterflies英文 在 WUWOW 趣味英文┃走到哪學到哪 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-18 22:02:50

#知識wu遠弗屆 #跟wow編一起學英文 👉想知道怎麼用英文成為「撩妹王」嗎? 一年一度的七夕就快到了 各位有想好要怎麼度過了嗎? 還沒有想法的朋友們別擔心 把WOW編今天教的英文撩妹金句 通通學起來就對了🤙🤙🤙 底下留言分享你平常最愛用的語錄 🔎你也可以這樣表達愛意 🔅flirt (v...

butterflies英文 在 每天德意一點 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-08-18 21:23:56

【 #凱派德諺語 】 Ich führe meine Freundin regelmäßig in die besten Restaurants der Stadt aus, denn Liebe geht durch den Magen. 我會固定帶我女友去城裡最好的餐廳,因為要抓住她的心,得先抓...

  • butterflies英文 在 17.5英文寫作教室 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-06-22 22:14:01
    有 28 人按讚

    nervous 緊張的、焦慮不安的 (a.)​
    E.g. Too much pressure led to Peter’s nervous breakdown.​
    壓力太大導致 Peter 精神崩潰。​

    anxious / concerned / distressed / jittery / nervous 擔心的、焦慮的 (a.)​
    E.g. Jordan felt all jittery before the final examination.​

    anxiety /apprehension / angst / jitters / restlessness 焦慮、擔憂 (n.)​
    E.g. It's usual to feel a little apprehension before living in a new place.​

    ✨同場加映 ✨​
    have / get butterflies in my stomach 感到緊張、焦慮的​
    E.g. Andrew got butterflies in his stomach before the performance.​

    get / have pins and needles 感到如坐針氈​
    E.g. Tina has been staying in a cool room for too long and now she has pins and needles in her hand.​


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  • butterflies英文 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-16 14:16:04
    有 5,786 人按讚





    ✨馬耐德(Nate Maynard)連續兩年(2014及2015 年)榮獲美國傅爾布萊特獎助學金,現為「鬼島之音Waste Not Why Not」節目製作及主持人,及銳思碳管理顧問股份有限公司高級顧問。

    💕Why I chose Taiwan #14 – Environmental sciences scholar Nate Maynard discover Taiwan’s and its key role in supply chains

    "I’m from San Diego California originally. My undergrad was from Soka University of America; liberal arts with a concentration in environmental studies, and I work on fresh-water fishes mostly and basic fisheries. And then my Master’s program was at the Monterey Institute of International Studies with a concentration in ocean and coastal resource management. One of my professors was Taiwanese, and she said: ‘you gotta go to Taiwan,’ as most Taiwanese people living abroad will tell foreigners.

    And I did go visit Taiwan for a cross-Strait research trip, and as the only environment person, I had to come up with something I could talk about in Taipei and Shanghai, and garbage was the most obvious thing. Because when you come to Taiwan, there’s no garbage, and I became fascinated: Why is there no garbage? I realized there really wasn’t much information in English about Taiwan’s waste management transformation, and that’s sort of how I got hooked and decided I wanted to live in Taiwan. That was 2013. And then I got the Fulbright Fellowship and spent a year at the National Aquarium in Kenting....and they haven’t been able to get me to leave. About six months ago, I started working for a private consulting firm called Reset Carbon. We help major brands and their supply chains set and achieve carbon supply chain targets. This is a new office that we just set up in Taiwan. The company’s headquarter is in Hong Kong, but we wanted to pivot to Taiwan because Taiwan’s the key supply chain link. We expect to see Taiwan growing in terms of sustainability reporting, carbon reduction goals, and Taiwan’s just a nice place.

    There’s a couple things that I really enjoy about Taiwan. I think the best thing that doesn’t get enough coverage is biodiversity. Taiwan is a sub-tropical island. It’s full of native and endemic species, beautiful butterflies, fireflies, coral, whale sharks, tuna, bears...I can list the animals for hours. It’s easy for me to go and get access to nature, even without a car. I also enjoy biking and Taiwan has excellent biking infrastructure, and great bike companies that make fine products. Most aspects of my life in Taiwan are pretty good. I can’t complain. Food is great too. I think there’s also a general trust and enthusiasm for science in Taiwan. I mean there’s a lot of elected officials that are doctors, scientists, engineers, and the president has published papers as a PhD. And you know, the vice president was probably the most qualified person on Earth to lead the COVID response. In Taiwan, it feels like the scientists are pretty well-represented, and like being a nerd is kinda okay." -- Nate Maynard

    ✨Nate Maynard won Fulbright Fellowship two times in a row (2014-15, 2015-16), now serving as a program host and producer of “Waste Not Why Not” with Ghost Island Media and a senior consultant at Reset Carbon.

  • butterflies英文 在 九粒 Jolie - 你的英文 Bestie Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-04-22 21:55:06
    有 55 人按讚

    Love is blind.


    Kangaroo 🦘

    ❣️記得按下右邊的收藏小內褲 🩲才可以隨時回來複習吶👏🏼


    1️⃣ figure out 想出
    2️⃣ type 菜
    3️⃣ vibe 契合
    4️⃣ tight 緊/ 合得來
    5️⃣ love at first sight 一見鍾情
    6️⃣ worship 崇拜
    7️⃣ been through 經歷
    8️⃣ kangaroo 袋鼠(影片拼錯了)
    9️⃣ get butterflies (in my stomach) 肚子癢癢的
    🔟 electrify 使觸電
    ⏸ voodoo 巫毒法術

    📝 Lyrics

    I can’t figure out why why you’re my type
    But we just vibe I’m so glad I swiped right
    You look like a nice guy seems like we could be tight
    No lie I think it was love at first sight
    說起來很奇怪 你看起來不壞
    可是卻是我的菜 讓我快樂崇拜
    So should we give this a try?

    I get so high next to you
    You don’t know what I’ve been through
    fallen since the zoo when we saw kangaroo
    I know you feel the same too
    Every time I think of you
    I get butterflies
    As if I were electrified by you

    What kind of voodoo did you do?

    Amazing Beats by @gc.beats “Honey”

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    #English #englishlearning

