珠女:「農曆新年來到我就感到壓力,因為美食當前恐怕會打亂我的瘦身大計,見到全盒裡的瓜子、糖果我就忍不住想吃,有方法打救我嗎醫師?」 CheckCheckCin:...
珠女:「農曆新年來到我就感到壓力,因為美食當前恐怕會打亂我的瘦身大計,見到全盒裡的瓜子、糖果我就忍不住想吃,有方法打救我嗎醫師?」 CheckCheckCin:傳統全盒裡擺放的都是糖冬瓜、糖蓮子、糖果及朱古力,全部不是高脂就高糖,的確不宜多吃。我建議不如將家裡全盒裡的食物組合換成較為健康的小吃,例如原味南瓜子、烤焗果仁、無添加糖份的乾果、低鈉米餅、低調味的蔬果脆片等等,當然食用份量也要注意,每日每款吃幾粒好了。在別人家拜年的時候就放鬆心情開懷大吃,回家後再喝杯消滯纖纖茶吧!
- 南瓜子:驅蟲、利水消腫
- 開心果:溫腎暖脾、潤腸通便
- 夏威夷果仁:養血補氣、補腦益智
- 腰果:止咳除痰、止渴、去心煩 .無添加糖份的乾果
- 杏脯肉:潤肺定喘
- 桂圓肉:補血安神
- 葡萄乾:補氣血、健脾胃 .低鈉米餅
Turn your new year candy box into a healthy treasure
I always feel anxious when Chinese New Year comes around as all the yummy things can hurt my weight loss plan. I can’t resist the temptation of all the seeds and candies in the Chinese New Year candy boxes, help me!
CheckCheckCin: Traditionally, candy boxes would have candied winter melon, candied lotus seed, candies and chocolate. They are high in calories and sugar, so you should avoid when you can. How about try replacing all the items in your candy box with healthier snacks such as pumpkin seeds, baked nuts, and dried fruits without additives, low sodium rice crackers, vegetable chips with little seasoning. You should also note not to over eat. Let yourself enjoy while visiting friends and relatives during the new year and have a cup of slimming tea when you get home!
Healthy candy box selection:
Baked Nuts
- Pumpkin seeds: dispels bugs, promotes diuresis and relieves bloating
- Pistachio: warm the kidneys and stomach, moistens the intestines to relieve constipation
- Macadamia nuts: nourishes blood and replenishes qi, replenishes the brain - Cashews: relieves cough and phlegm, relieves irritability
Dried fruits with no additives:
- Apricot: moistens the lungs and relieves shortness of breath
- Longan: nourishes blood and calms the mind
- Grapes: replenishes qi and blood, strengthens the spleen and stomach
Low sodium rice cracker
Vegetable chips with little seasoning
#男 #女 #我胖了 #減肥
boxes意思 在 杰希嘉巴黎通訊Paris is Paris is Paris Facebook 的最佳貼文
【Dumpling Queen?】
從來沒吃過這家外送館子的東西,倒是時不時會經過。店名叫做Dumpling Queen(餃子女王),自己愛極了餃子,認為這種一口下去連麵帶菜的食物實在經濟方便又美味。當初走在對街第一次瞄到店招時就快步衝了過去,到了店門口卻又納悶了起來:左邊一大片牆面貼著各式中國食物的照片,但沒看到其中有餃子,右邊櫥窗掛著的菜單則有Dumplings和Rice Boxes兩大項,Rice Boxes顯而易見指的就是便當了,Dumplings項目下面則列了幾種SJB。SJB⋯?這不可能是「神經病(Shen Jing Bing)」吧!!? 如果是,倒是很有興趣弄個明白。又有豬肉又有素的,想了想,一定是「生煎包(Sheng Jian Bao)」,莞爾,可惜吾愛餃子勝過包子。Dumpling指的是餃子,也可指鍋貼,甚至是包子也沒問題,概略指涉包有餡料的麵點,所以,這家Dumpling Queen應該是「包子女王」才對!一開始誤會了,不好意思。
boxes意思 在 Leng Yein Facebook 的精選貼文
https://bit.ly/3fY7BMg (Malaysia)
www.epureskin.com.sg (Sg & Overseas)
Discount code : lengyein
Epure 送出價值 RM1650限量版禮盒給6位粉絲
1/ Follow Epure FB 和 IG @epuremy
2/ Follow Leng Yein FB 和 IG @lengyein
3/ Follow Youtube : LENG YEIN 在看完了任何影片下面留言自己的感想 寫上(想贏取Epure 限量版禮盒)
4/ Screenshot了全部 tag 姐姐和 @epuremy ig story證明 (戶口必須要是開放的 不然看不到)
最有意思 有意義的6個感想會被 回覆 然後你就可以贏取 限量版禮盒了
éPure特别推出了【6套超值圣诞礼盒+精美包装和圣诞卡】,价格从RM150起至RM400!男女老少都适用 自己用到好用,budget考虑范围还可以送家人朋友!注:只限马来西亚地区,配套赠品有限,先到先得,送完为止!
请到 https://bit.ly/3fY7BMg 下单购买
还有éPure这次为了回馈大家, 准备了幸运抽奖!买上RM399还有机会参与幸运抽奖赢Dyson吹风筒和其它奖品总价值高达RM8000!送礼同时自己还有机会赢取圣诞礼物! 快来看看还有其它哪些奖品吧~
🌟幸运大抽奖参与步骤& 活动条规🌟
请到 https://bit.ly/2JxWb5O 查询
请到 www.epureskin.com.sg 下单购买
éPure just launched 6 types of beautifully curated X’mas Edition Gift Boxes 🎁 + Greeting Card as the best gift idea for your friends & your family! Price ranges as low as RM150!
Order🎄 X’mas Edition Gift Boxes 🎁 now at https://bit.ly/3fY7BMg (no promo code needed)
-For Single Item & other Discounted Combo set , apply
PROMO CODE: LENGYEIN , for 5% discount
éPure X’mas Treats🎅💫
SPEND & WIN Dyson Hairdryer & other gifts total value up to RM8000+++🔥🔥🔥
Spend min RM399 will entitle one ☝️ Draw. For Lucky Draw details :
*🎄X’mas Edition Gift Boxes & 🔥Lucky Draw are valid for Malaysia only.
For Singapore & Overseas
-All items & Combo are already discounted at 10%
-Apply jie’s promo code for additional 10% discount
Promo code : LENGYEIN
Order at
boxes意思 在 Leng Yein Facebook 的精選貼文
https://bit.ly/3fY7BMg (Malaysia)
www.epureskin.com.sg (Sg & Overseas)
Discount code : lengyein
Epure 送出價值 RM1650限量版禮盒給6位粉絲
1/ Follow Epure FB 和 IG @epuremy
2/ Follow Leng Yein FB 和 IG @lengyein
3/ Follow Youtube : LENG YEIN 在看完了任何影片下面留言自己的感想 寫上(想贏取Epure 限量版禮盒)
4/ Screenshot了全部 tag 姐姐和 @epuremy ig story證明 (戶口必須要是開放的 不然看不到)
最有意思 有意義的6個感想會被 回覆 然後你就可以贏取 限量版禮盒了
éPure特别推出了【6套超值圣诞礼盒+精美包装和圣诞卡】,价格从RM150起至RM400!男女老少都适用 自己用到好用,budget考虑范围还可以送家人朋友!注:只限马来西亚地区,配套赠品有限,先到先得,送完为止!
请到 https://bit.ly/3fY7BMg 下单购买
还有éPure这次为了回馈大家, 准备了幸运抽奖!买上RM399还有机会参与幸运抽奖赢Dyson吹风筒和其它奖品总价值高达RM8000!送礼同时自己还有机会赢取圣诞礼物! 快来看看还有其它哪些奖品吧~
🌟幸运大抽奖参与步骤& 活动条规🌟
请到 https://bit.ly/2JxWb5O 查询
请到 www.epureskin.com.sg 下单购买
éPure just launched 6 types of beautifully curated X’mas Edition Gift Boxes 🎁 + Greeting Card as the best gift idea for your friends & your family! Price ranges as low as RM150!
Order🎄 X’mas Edition Gift Boxes 🎁 now at https://bit.ly/3fY7BMg (no promo code needed)
-For Single Item & other Discounted Combo set , apply
PROMO CODE: LENGYEIN , for 5% discount
éPure X’mas Treats🎅💫
SPEND & WIN Dyson Hairdryer & other gifts total value up to RM8000+++🔥🔥🔥
Spend min RM399 will entitle one ☝️ Draw. For Lucky Draw details :
*🎄X’mas Edition Gift Boxes & 🔥Lucky Draw are valid for Malaysia only.
For Singapore & Overseas
-All items & Combo are already discounted at 10%
-Apply jie’s promo code for additional 10% discount
Promo code : LENGYEIN
Order at