

在 boxes發音產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【學會拆解和拼裝自己的英文箱子】 我還記得我們都對語言學習有這樣的共識:"Don't just think outside the box. We should unpack the boxes and make our own boxes." (拆箱後,做自己的箱子) 2012 年的那天,我...

 同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3,600的網紅Kevin 英文不難,也在其Youtube影片中提到,你大學遇過恐怖的室友嗎?Teacher Kevin 在這次的英文 Podcast 分享網友在 Reddit 上訴說自己當年恐怖的遭遇。歡迎大家先不要看文稿,試著用聽的訓練自己的英文聽力。 訂閱: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-LfXeUtpvAczV1w1y...

  • boxes發音 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-10-18 10:37:49
    有 168 人按讚


    我還記得我們都對語言學習有這樣的共識:"Don't just think outside the box. We should unpack the boxes and make our own boxes." (拆箱後,做自己的箱子)

    2012 年的那天,我們幾個研究生ㄧ如往常地在哥大很有 Harry Potter 感的 Grace Dodge Hall 吃午餐,一如往常很 geeky 地藉由不同的理論、期刊文獻、個人經驗、實際例子的穿插,邊聊學好英文或任何外語,到底是怎樣的一個「過程」、有哪些「必要」條件、「有利」條件、和「阻力」,得到了上面的共識。(沒興趣的人一定覺得這午餐很難吃) 😆

    不管今天我們在「追劇」、「看英文電影」、「聽英文歌」、「聽英文 podcasts」、「看 CNN、BBC」、「讀紐約時報、空中英語教室雜誌、讀原子習慣英文原文書」都是接觸到一個個完整的英文箱子。




    前幾天在開募資影片會議時,跟 Hahow 好學校 的人分享了這個故事,當時記得大家反應很激烈,覺得「天啊!就是這個了!」

    這次我跟 Hahow 合作的線上課程「王梓沅的 3D 英語筆記術:打造最強「說」「寫」英語資料庫」中,我會帶你學習怎麼拆解箱子、再到怎樣打造自己的箱子,讓你整合過去發音、文法、字彙、聽、說、讀、寫,所有英語學習面向。

    現在就動手填課程問卷,可以搶先拿到 8 折優惠卷喔!

    另外最近創了 IG (alexwangenglish),會在上面跟大家分享了我看的美劇、聽的 podcasts、口語英文、看的原文書,以及各式各樣的學習資源。希望大家喜歡!

  • boxes發音 在 Yoomjji Fanpage 企鵝妹 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2018-10-22 17:48:22
    有 114 人按讚

    Hello! Today I am going to start stream at 9pm! Because I am still outside printing calendar and calendar boxes for assignment QQ

    I went to dentist today and he said I have to come 2-3 more times in order to complete the neurotherapy???

    It was so painful I cried like a baby (really)
    The green face cover from hospital only eye parts were wet coz i cried too much
    But it is still in pain QQ maybe a little better than yesterday XD so even if my pronunciation is weird please understand :3

    Today we are going to test new mic connected to audio interface just like pro!
    And if the quality is good, i m gonna upload one song from stream on Youtube

    After that, we are going to finish Visage!

    One good news is, i didnt go to class today but actually there was no class today!
    Cow Sai..?

    See you at 9pm!
    哈囉!今天我會在9pm(8pm in TW) 開始實況!因為我還在外面影印我的年曆跟年曆盒作業QQ


    我現在還在受難QQ可能比昨天好一些,所以如果我的發音有點奇怪,請你們見諒 :3




    9pm見(8pm in TW)

    안녕하세요! 오늘은 방송은 9시에 시작할게요! 치과다녀왔는데 와우 신경치료가 생각보다 엄청 힘들더라구요 두세번 더와야 한대요 ㅠㅠ

    으엉 치료받으면서 레알 욺 ㅠㅠ
    너무 서러워서 흑흑
    이를 열심히 닦읍시다

    오늘은 새로운 노래용 마이크가 있어서 그거 테스트 함 해보고 그담에 visage 공포겜을 마저 해보도록 할게요!!

    불행중 다행인건 아파서 수업못갔는데 알고보니 수업이 없었다는것! 개꿀 ㅋㅋㅋ
    그럼 9시에 만나용!

  • boxes發音 在 吉娜英文 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2017-12-26 21:35:42
    有 46 人按讚


    單字字尾 s, sh, ch, x, z + es 發音[ɪz]
    1. 單字字尾 s + es
    (1) bus 公車 - buses
    (2) kiss 親吻 - kisses
    (3) glass 玻璃杯 - glasses
    (4) dress 洋裝 - dresses

    2. 單字字尾 sh + es
    (1) dish 盤子 - dishes
    (2) wish 願望 - wishes
    (3) wash 洗 - washes
    (4) brush 刷子 - brushes

    3. 單字字尾 ch + es
    (1) watch 手錶 - watches
    (2) peach 水蜜桃 - peaches
    (3) church 教堂 - churches
    (4) teach 教書 - teaches

    4. 單字字尾 x + es
    (1) box 盒子 - boxes
    (2) fox 狐狸 - foxes
    (3) fix 修理 - fixes
    (4) mix 混合 - mixes

    5. 單字字尾 z + es
    (1) buzz 嗡嗡聲 - buzzes
    (2) quiz 小考 - quizzes

    (1) city 城市 - cities
    (2) cherry 櫻桃 - cherries
    (3) study 研讀 -studies
    (4) dictionary 字典 - dictionaries

    單字字尾o + s / es
    (1) potato 馬鈴薯 - potatoes
    (2) mango 芒果 -mangoes
    (3) zoo 動物園 - zoos
    (4) photo 照片- photos

    單字字尾f/fe + s 或是去掉f/fe加上ves
    (1) chief 首領 - chiefs
    (2) roof 屋頂 - roofs
    (3) knife 刀 - knives
    (4) thief 小偷 - thieves

    單字字尾發音 [ʒ] 和 [dʒ] 加上的s,發音[ɪz]
    (1) garage [gəˋrɑʒ] n. 車庫
    複數:garages [gəˋrɑdʒɪz]
    (2) orange [ˋɔrɪndʒ] n. 柳橙
    複數:oranges [ˋɔrɪndʒɪz]
    (3) bridge [brɪdʒ] n. 橋
    複數:bridges [ˋbrɪdʒɪz]
    (4) language [ˋlæŋgwɪdʒ] n. 語言
    複數:languages [ˋlæŋgwɪdʒɪz]


  • boxes發音 在 Kevin 英文不難 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-06-17 21:00:26

    你大學遇過恐怖的室友嗎?Teacher Kevin 在這次的英文 Podcast 分享網友在 Reddit 上訴說自己當年恐怖的遭遇。歡迎大家先不要看文稿,試著用聽的訓練自己的英文聽力。


    Podcast 連結
    APPLE: https://podcasts.apple.com/tw/podcast/%E8%8B%B1%E6%96%87%E5%96%AE%E5%AD%97-%E7%89%87%E8%AA%9E-%E6%96%87%E6%B3%95/id1462457142
    SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/7wqKj2KnfHXLRa8AaIeyOn

    上一部:恐怖大學室友 (1)|英文不難

    I had two roommates that kept eating all of my food. Although classes haven't started, I had already moved into my dorm. One day, I made myself a peanut butter sandwich. I put my sandwich on the table, and ten minutes later, it was gone. My roommate ate it. About a week later, I decided to make myself another peanut butter sandwich. I opened my cupboard and saw that my roommates left an empty jar in my cupboard. I flipped out because who eats a whole jar of peanut butter, without introducing themselves? These girls would scarf down all my food, and complain if they thought anyone was touching their food. So I started buying really fattening food such as doughnuts, pies, cakes. I was trying to teach them self-restraint, but these girls would go through these boxes within two days. So I kept buying doughnuts and desserts. And then one day they started complaining about how they couldn't fit their jeans. Success. I also put laxatives in my peanut butter.

    dorm 宿舍
    cupboard 櫃子
    flipped out 暴怒
    scarf down 狼吞虎嚥
    fattening 增肥
    restraint 節制
    laxatives 瀉藥

    My roommate freshman year got completely hammered, came back to the room around 1 in the morning, and accused me of stealing the pudding in her fridge that she *had ate* an hour before she went out. She waited until I fell asleep and then stabbed me in the arm with one of those clicky pencils…I had to go to the hospital to get it cleaned/stitched. She got kicked out.

    freshman year 大一
    hammered 嚴重酒醉
    accused 指控
    *had ate* 其實是錯的,應該是 had eaten。你有抓到嗎?XD
    stabbed 捅

    I got absolutely hammered and pissed all over my roommates desk the night before the end of the year. I woke up to him hanging up his money to dry out. Years later he ended up as my boss and ended up giving me a significant promotion. I guess he doesn't hold grudges.

    pissed 尿尿
    ended up 變成
    significant 大、有份量的
    promotion 升遷
    hold a grudge 記仇

    It was move out day and my roommate was working on a paper last minute. I was packing my stuff. His parents walked in and were absolutely pissed that he wasn't packed yet. They immediately started scolding him while I was still in the room, but thankfully I had a final to go to and figured I'd dodge the storm. I said my goodbyes, assuming they'd be gone by the time I got back from my two hour final and went on my way. As it happens, my final only took twenty minutes so I got back much sooner than they'd have expected. I opened the door, saw my roommate bent over his bed with his bare ass showing just as his mom wound up for a spank. I quickly closed the door and went over to a friend's dorm until I felt safe enough to return. I never brought it up to him after that.

    paper 這裡是指報告
    scolding 責罵
    dodge the storm 避風頭
    assuming 假設、預設
    bare 沒穿衣服的、光溜溜
    wound up 準備做某個動作
    spank 打巴掌
    bring something up 提及某事

    *歡迎收聽全台灣最有趣的英文 Podcast。英文單字,片語,文法由 Teacher Kevin 主持,本節目可以在 Apple Podcast, Spotify 及所有 Podcast 平台上找到,無論搭車、騎車、打掃、運動,都可以邊做事邊學英文。
    #英文 Podcast #英文不難 #英文單字

  • boxes發音 在 lifeintaiwan Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2018-11-28 19:00:00

    I'm back in 台灣 and as well as telling you why I choose to come back every time, I open up some boxes that will give you a clue as to some future videos I'm going to make!!

    HOPES Taiwan:
    108, Taipei City, Wanhua District, Section 2, Wuchang St, 77號4 樓


    Polar Ice Collection

    Check out my Patreon where you can help support the channel and access some AWESOME VVVIP Extra Features:

    Subscribe! 訂閱吧 ---- : https://www.youtube.com/c/lifeintaiwan
    Facebook/FB ---- : https://www.facebook.com/lifeintaiwan2017
    Instagram/IG ---- : https://www.instagram.com/lifeintaiwan2017

    Check out some other videos:
    我的姐姐第一次嘗試珍珠奶茶!Sister Tries BUBBLE Milk Tea for The FIRST TIME!
    Taiwanese Breakfast 台灣早餐
    AM I moving to IGTV?
    萬安演習!TAIWAN has an AIR RAID drill??
    台灣餐廳的六道餐點!A SIX COURSE meal in TAIWAN!
    台灣有多安全? IS TAIWAN SAFE?

    My Gear:
    My camera: http://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/YVbuNZN
    My camera & lens kit: http://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/fIa27iy
    My nighttime lens: http://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/uNzzneE
    My microphone: http://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/RfAUR3F
    My video light: http://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/Eu3jmMb
    My cheap tripod: http://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/ji2JAee
    My computer: http://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/Q7Qn2Z7

    Shooting Location:

    #台灣 #hopestaiwan #subs

    送給我信吧!Send me something interesting!
    196 Hankou Road, Section 4, Taichung City, TAIWAN 404

    Paraclet by Amarià https://soundcloud.com/amariamusique
    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/lSguSF985Y4

  • boxes發音 在 ようき楽園 / 玉其樂園 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2018-02-02 21:00:01


    中文Blog: http://bit.ly/2lNzPOe

    えび漬け 醃蝦(Queen Victoria Market)
    寿司サンド 壽司三文治 (Sushi Hub)
    玉ねぎの漬物 醃洋蔥 (Mekong Vietnamese Restaurant)
    アイスキャンディー 巧克力冰捧 (ブランド 牌子:Connoisseur)
    ホットチョコ 熱可可 (KoKo Black – Royal Arcade)
    ストリートアート 塗鴉 (メルボルンの街 墨爾本的街)

    ★広東語字幕 / 廣東話字幕★
    「字幕」の「中文 (香港)」のポタンを押すと、広東語の字幕を見えるよ!
    點一下「字幕」裡的「中文 (香港)」按扭,可以看到廣東話字幕哦!

    *-。日文翻譯 / 日本語翻訳。-*
    Raymond Leong: https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=raymond%20leong

    *-。玉其喜歡的 Youtube 頻道 / ようきが好きな Youtube チャンナル-*
    (廣東話教學 / 広東語レッスン)
    殿下在香港-香港在世界 (Hong Kong in the World)
    海恩奶油 Hein Cream

    (澳門 Youtuber / マカオのユーチューバー)
    Sulin Ip 蘇霖
    Bowie Kou

    (其他中文頻道 / 中国語のチャンナル)
    Ryuuu TV
    Chacha TV/看新加坡
    曾鈺嫻 AliSon Tsang
    聖嫂 DODO
    head lemon lemon
    办公室小野 Ms Yeah
    Ryuuu TV / 學日文看日本
    三原慧悟 Sanyuan_JAPAN
    Papi酱 Papi Jiang

    *-。Follow 玉其 / フォローしてね。-*
    Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/youki_rakuen/
    Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/YoukiLand/
    Twitter ► https://twitter.com/Youki_Rakuen

    *-。業務查詢 / ビジネスのお問い合わせ。-*
    E-mail / メール: [email protected]

    *-。Welcome to add subtitle for your language。-*
    關鍵字 / Keywords:
    廣東話,學廣東話,廣東話教學,廣東話教室,廣東話字幕,廣東話 講座,粵語,白話,廣東話 聲調,廣東話 發音,香港話,澳門話,香港,澳門,澳門人,澳門女仔,澳門女生,広東語,広東語勉強,広東語 発音,広東語 講座,マカオ,中国語,Cantonese,Hong Kong,HK,Macau,Macao,Guangdong,日本語字幕,日文字幕,廣東話字幕,中文字幕,広東語字幕,中国語字幕, 廣東話 時間,広東語 時間,香港話,澳門話,中文,中國話,中国語,澳門 Youtuber,Macau Youtuber,マカオ ユーチューバー,マカオ Youtuber,香港 Youtuber,香港 ユーチューバー,hong kong youtuber,HK youtuber,広東語 会話,広州,広東語 声調,広東語 ありがとう 発音,広東語 アナウンス,廣東話粗口,广东话,广东话教学,澳洲 旅行,澳洲 旅遊,墨爾本 旅行,墨爾本 旅遊,墨爾本 當地團,墨爾本 一日遊,墨爾本 維多利亞女王市場,Flinders Street Station,墨爾本 越南河粉,墨爾本 唐人街,澳洲 墨爾本 樹熊,澳洲 墨爾本 袋鼠,澳洲 墨爾本 企鵝,Brighton Beach Boxes,Royal Arcade,墨爾本 塗鴉街,墨爾本 City Circle,メルボルン 旅行,メルボルン Queen Victoria Market,メルボルン 日帰り ツアー,メルボルン フーティウ,メルボルン 中華街,オーストラリア メルボルン コアラ,オーストラリア メルボルン カンガルー,オーストラリア メルボルン ペンギン,メルボルン グラフィティ街,オーストラリア 旅行

    「Kevin MacLeod」創作的「Matt's Blues」獲得「Creative Commons Attribution」的授權使用 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

    「Kevin MacLeod」創作的「Awesome Call - Rollin at 5」獲得「Creative Commons Attribution」的授權使用 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

    「Kevin MacLeod」創作的「Life of Riley」獲得「Creative Commons Attribution」的授權使用 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

