

在 aroo老闆產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅宜蘭瓜哥總賣場,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 這家運動品牌服飾肯定大家都知道! #它叫aroo #連夢多都瘋狂 #各大健身房很多人超愛它 #不黏不臭超透氣 #價格也超一般的確物超所值划算啦 #很多運動明星藝人都很愛 什毀啦? 上衣600上下! 😳 長褲980! 😳 我終於體驗到想要潮,真的不需...

aroo老闆 在 Dawen 王大文 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-03 04:58:56

天啊,我完全沒想到會有這麼棒的機會!我明明是創作歌手,以前只管音樂,不重視健康也不運動。沒想到出道一陣子之後,還會有這種新的體驗。一聽到要接下斯巴達障礙跑推廣大使,我就很興奮,很開心。只想尖叫: AROO! 謝謝我的教練 @stanup1224 和 @core_space 的老闆George。Co...

  • aroo老闆 在 宜蘭瓜哥總賣場 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-10-26 17:43:41
    有 64 人按讚


    #它叫aroo #連夢多都瘋狂 #各大健身房很多人超愛它 #不黏不臭超透氣 #價格也超一般的確物超所值划算啦 #很多運動明星藝人都很愛

    上衣600上下! 😳 長褲980! 😳


    這網址給各位去搜尋本公司不抽成: https://www.aroo.com.tw/?utm_campaign=melon&utm_medium=melon&utm_source=melon



    😊😊 趕快去點吧! 這品牌你絕對不要錯過啦!

    擁有它…… 你明天就是路上的超級主角! 😏😏

  • aroo老闆 在 Dawen 王大文 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-06-02 17:32:14
    有 445 人按讚

    What in the what?!! Just found out I’ve been selected to be the new ambassador spokesman for the Spartan Games Taiwan!

    天啊,我完全沒想到會有這麼棒的機會!我明明是創作歌手,以前只管音樂,不重視健康也不運動。沒想到出道一陣子之後,還會有這種新的體驗。一聽到要接下斯巴達障礙跑推廣大使,我就很興奮,很開心。只想尖叫: AROO!

    謝謝我的教練Stan 和Core Space的老闆George。Corespace真的是一間很適合我的健身房。

    對其他的斯巴達們:我太榮幸了當你們的野獸隊長。對我而言,我永遠是學生。這位新人來報到,所以請大家多多指教!Spartan Race Taiwan

    最後我必須要謝謝我經過的憂鬱,我的低潮期。因為有那段的不快樂,才會有現在的幸福。感恩。#斯巴達障礙賽 #spartanracetw

    Never in a billion years did I ever think I’d have an opportunity like this. Last time I checked, I was and still am a Mandopop singer-songwriter. 🙂

    I guess truth really is stranger than fiction. Thank you Spartan Games Taiwan for this honor. And fellow Spartans, thank you for having me. I will always be a newb at heart, so please, any advice is welcome!

    Thank you to my trainer Stan, George, and friends at Corespace. Stepping thru the door was one of the best decisions I ever made. (Thanks GTM-鄧加樂Eugene , 劉明湘 Rose Liu.)

    Lastly, I want to thank my former friend, depression. If it weren’t for you this scrawny kid would have stayed mentally weak forever. Let’s be honest, I’m still pretty scrawny, (just look at the photo) but at least I’m on my way! Let’s do it together! September in Taichung, AROO! #stadion

  • aroo老闆 在 Dawen 王大文 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-06-02 08:00:00
    有 447 人按讚

    What in the what?!! Just found out I’ve been selected to be the new ambassador spokesman for the Spartan Games Taiwan!

    天啊,我完全沒想到會有這麼棒的機會!我明明是創作歌手,以前只管音樂,不重視健康也不運動。沒想到出道一陣子之後,還會有這種新的體驗。一聽到要接下斯巴達障礙跑推廣大使,我就很興奮,很開心。只想尖叫: AROO!

    謝謝我的教練Stan 和Core Space的老闆George。Corespace真的是一間很適合我的健身房。

    對其他的斯巴達們:我太榮幸了當你們的野獸隊長。對我而言,我永遠是學生。這位新人來報到,所以請大家多多指教!Spartan Race Taiwan

    最後我必須要謝謝我經過的憂鬱,我的低潮期。因為有那段的不快樂,才會有現在的幸福。感恩。#斯巴達障礙賽 #spartanracetw

    Never in a billion years did I ever think I’d have an opportunity like this. Last time I checked, I was and still am a Mandopop singer-songwriter. 🙂

    I guess truth really is stranger than fiction. Thank you Spartan Games Taiwan for this honor. And fellow Spartans, thank you for having me. I will always be a newb at heart, so please, any advice is welcome!

    Thank you to my trainer Stan, George, and friends at Corespace. Stepping thru the door was one of the best decisions I ever made. (Thanks GTM-鄧加樂Eugene , 劉明湘 Rose Liu.)

    Lastly, I want to thank my former friend, depression. If it weren’t for you this scrawny kid would have stayed mentally weak forever. Let’s be honest, I’m still pretty scrawny, (just look at the photo) but at least I’m on my way! Let’s do it together! September in Taichung, AROO! #stadion