

在 tolerant產品中有206篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅英倫酒哥說說酒,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 終於結束14+7的 #檢疫+#自主健康管理!!! 看著疫情中心每天下午的記者會...恩...我還在家裡沒被抓走,看來是一切大丈夫! 從上機前到檢疫結束,短短16天內一共戳了四次鼻子,特別是最後一次,讓我用親身體驗,#鼻孔跟喉嚨真的是連在一起的沒騙你。 慶祝結束自主健康管理,...

 同時也有16部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過21萬的網紅ぴんふ,也在其Youtube影片中提到,いつもごまを追い回すうめが、何を喋っているのか聞いてみたら・・・ ■twitter https://twitter.com/pase_ume ■Instagram https://www.instagram.com/umegoma_bros/?hl=ja #おしゃべりインコ #うめごまブラザーズ...

tolerant 在 Nicole Fung Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-03 12:52:29

The Gelinaz grand shuffle happens once a year, where chefs swap kitchens for one day only. This year was a little different due to the pandemic, and c...

  • tolerant 在 英倫酒哥說說酒 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-02 17:00:54
    有 256 人按讚

    終於結束14+7的 #檢疫+#自主健康管理!!!
    慶祝結束自主健康管理,只好開一隻Opus One了!
    剛開始接觸葡萄酒的前兩年,可能是歐洲No.1的心理作祟,雖然知道Opus One好像很猛很厲害,但心中並沒有甚麼好感,在這之前接觸過的加州酒大多都是濃醇香路線,跟我當年傲嬌的氣質不合。
    當時主要的任務,是到舊金山參加INFOCOM學術研討會,刻意提早買了機票,趁會議開始前走訪了一趟 Napa Valley。
    Opus One 當天雖然無法參訪,但接待的小姐姐還是將我引導至他們的品飲室,並為我斟上了一杯2010年份的Opus One...
    #USA #NapaValley
    #VINOType #Tolerant

  • tolerant 在 That Food Cray Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-02 11:31:42
    有 3 人按讚

    The Gelinaz grand shuffle happens once a year, where chefs swap kitchens for one day only. This year was a little different due to the pandemic, and chefs swapped recipes instead. In Hong Kong, seven chefs teamed up to recreate eight recipes from a restaurant that was kept anonymous so that chefs could reinterpret the recipes to their own liking and guests would have fun guessing. 🧐

    At the end of the evening, it was revealed that the recipes belong to a chef in Ghana named Selassie Atadika of Midunu, a nomadic dining concept featuring what Selassie calls New African Cuisine.

    To bring this meal to life, the chefs involved worked with the @africacenterhk as cultural and culinary advisors.

    Swipe through to see what went down!

    👉 West African Spice — The Blázquez pork in this dish featured a West African spice blend consisting of prekese, grains of paradise, Selim pepper, cubeb, and African nutmeg aged for 60 days, and served with udon and collard greens.

    👉 Goat Cheese Cassava Katsu with osmanthus infused honey — This dish touches on ingredients from the Sahelian regions of West Africa such as Fulani cheese, cassava, and the drought-tolerant wild hibiscus.

    👉 Pineapple — At Midunu, this pineapple dessert was served warm, and cut tableside. It was made with ginger, star anise, and orange. Here we have a deconstructed version.

    👉 Hong Kong Made Chocolate — Last but not least, Chef Ricardo highlighted hibiscus and chocolate, using his locally made chocolate and pairing it with hibiscus sorbet and smoked chipotle chili.

  • tolerant 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-28 23:13:20
    有 1 人按讚

    Taiwan is like a diamond in Asia: Veteran educator Doris M. Brougham

    “Taiwan is like a diamond in Asia,” U.S. educator and the founder ( ) of “Studio Classroom,” Doris M. Brougham, said on Wednesday.

    “The Diamond is very small, but diamonds shine all around,” she added.

    Doris M. Brougham, who has been working in Taiwan for more than 70 years, gave a speech at the opening event of the exhibition ( ) “Foreigners Love Taiwan” organized ( ) by the Taipei City Archives on Wednesday at the West Benevent Square ( ).

    Echoing ( ) the theme of the exhibition, Brougham, 95, said she has stayed in Taiwan for more than 70 years and recalled ( ) that when she first came to Taiwan, the land was still developing and many people were facing illnesses.

    The veteran educator explained that “the great thing about Taiwan is that people are very willing ( ) to change and to learn.”

    She added that Taiwan is a beautiful place and that although “there are many beautiful places around the world, the place is not the most important thing, the most important thing is the people.”

    The 95-year-old who has dedicated ( ) several decades to English education in Taiwan amusingly ( ) shared that buffaloes ( ) could even be seen on Zhongshan Road when she first arrived in Taiwan.

    She recalled that she learned to speak Mandarin, Taiwanese, and even some indigenous ( ) languages. Yet, she stressed ( ) that the most important thing is to be able to communicate no matter what language we speak.

    And we all communicate with each other based on the connection that we are all part of this beautiful island, she remarked ( ).

    Brougham ended her speech by stressing that Taiwanese people are very tolerant ( ), and those who have been here all agree that Taiwanese people are very friendly.

    “No matter what languages we speak, we are all people living in Taiwan and we are all Taiwanese.”

    The “Foreigners Love Taiwan’ exhibition will open from March 10 to April 8, between 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

    ‘The exhibition features three major sections ( ): “Foreigners Who Love Taiwan,” “Sentiments Beyond 100 Years,” and “High-Five Love Taiwan,” featuring ( ) the stories of foreigners who have made selfless ( ) contributions to Taiwan, such as Mackay, Marjorie Ingeleiv, Robert Swinhoe, Sidney Barton and Marjorie Landsborough, Yoichi Hatta and more.

    資深教育家彭蒙惠女士 讚許台灣如鑽石般瑰麗









    #高雄人 #學習英文 請找 #多益達人林立英文
    #高中英文 #成人英文
    #多益家教班 #商用英文

  • tolerant 在 ぴんふ Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-12-25 18:30:03




  • tolerant 在 Maria Arango Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-06-21 22:00:12

    Hope you enjoy it :) Remember to be tolerant and understand the person next to you.

    Personal IG: https://instagram.com/maria.arangoz?igshid=xqnopstibwdx
    Homemade Goodies IG: https://instagram.com/homemade.goodiess?igshid=73776p0vud9h

    🌍 Mother Agency: Figaro IMG https://www.figaromodels.com/
    🇨🇴 Colombian Agency: We Are Models http://wearemodels.com.co/

  • tolerant 在 Kevin 英文不難 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-06-10 21:00:25

    你大學遇過恐怖的室友嗎?Teacher Kevin 在這次的英文 Podcast 分享網友在 Reddit 上訴說自己當年恐怖的遭遇。歡迎大家先不要看文稿,試著用聽的訓練自己的英文聽力。


    Podcast 連結
    APPLE: https://podcasts.apple.com/tw/podcast/%E8%8B%B1%E6%96%87%E5%96%AE%E5%AD%97-%E7%89%87%E8%AA%9E-%E6%96%87%E6%B3%95/id1462457142
    SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/7wqKj2KnfHXLRa8AaIeyOn

    *horror 恐怖
    --I like horror movies.
    *entertainment 娛樂
    *comparison 比較
    *start off 開始
    --Let me start off by saying how much I hate you.
    *brilliant 很厲害
    --Jack is a brilliant scientist.
    *confirm 確認
    --I need to confirm my schedule.
    *kind 種類
    --What kind of music do you like?
    *horrendous: terrible, very bad
    --He developed a horrendous snoring problem the week of finals.
    *finals 期末考
    *intolerant 不寬容
    *tolerant 寬容
    *sexist 性別歧視
    *racist 種族歧視

    標題:Do you have a college roommate horror story?
    I would like to hear your stories about terrible college roommates, if not for entertainment, at least for comparison. I'll start off. I go to a school where the students are a bit weirder than the rest of the country, and my roommate is considered weird, so that should give you an idea. As best I can describe, he was like a child, in a child's body, but with the age of someone in college. Don't get me wrong, the kid is brilliant… but he was terrible at life. I'll start the description in the way that I got to know him. He scratched, a LOT, noisily and mainly his face. He talked to himself, and not the “confirming things I need to do” kind of talk to himself, the Gollum to Sméagol talk to himself. He developed a horrendous snoring problem the week of finals. He was incredibly intolerant, as well as sexist. So if you have some good stories, share them!

    *歡迎收聽全台灣最有趣的英文 Podcast。英文單字,片語,文法由 Teacher Kevin 主持,本節目可以在 Apple Podcast, Spotify 及所有 Podcast 平台上找到,無論搭車、騎車、打掃、運動,都可以邊做事邊學英文。
    #英文 Podcast #英文不難 #英文單字

