

在 rapidly產品中有756篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅IELTS Nguyễn Huyền,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, TỔNG HỢP TỪ ĐỒNG NGHĨA PHỔ BIẾN TRONG IELTS WRITING TASK 1 [Kèm bài tập + đáp án chi tiết] PHẦN TỪ ĐỒNG NGHĨA - the percentage of ... ≈ the proportion...

 同時也有99部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過10萬的網紅bobbyjudo,也在其Youtube影片中提到,A comprehensive rundown of everything that went wrong on the way to the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, presented by Japan By River Cruise hosts, Bobby Judo and ...

rapidly 在 A PASSIONATE FOODIE Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-22 09:05:22

at the newly open @revolver_sg where Indian spices meet fire and finesse. (Invited) As word about the food prepared either in a Tandoor, over a Sigri ...

  • rapidly 在 IELTS Nguyễn Huyền Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-29 21:30:44
    有 1,023 人按讚

    TỔNG HỢP TỪ ĐỒNG NGHĨA PHỔ BIẾN TRONG IELTS WRITING TASK 1 [Kèm bài tập + đáp án chi tiết]
    - the percentage of ... ≈ the proportion of ...: tỷ lệ ...
    - to rise rapidly ≈ to experience a rapid increase: tăng nhanh
    - to decrease slowly ≈ to see a slow decline: giảm chậm
    - the chart ≈ the line graph/ the pie chart/ the bar chart/ the table/ the process/ ...: biểu đồ ...
    - to show ≈ to compare/ illustrate/ give information on/ show key data on ...: thế hiện/ so sánh ...
    - the 0 to 14 age group ≈ children aged 14 or under ≈ the youngest group: nhóm tuổi từ 0 tới 14
    - the 30 to 50 age group ≈ people aged 30 to 50 ≈ people between the ages of 30 and 50: nhóm tuổi từ 30 tới 50
    - the populations of ... ≈ the demographics of ...: dân số của ...
    - By contrast, ... ≈ ... illustrate a different pattern: Ngược lại, .../ ... thể hiện xu hướng trái ngược
    - Similarly, ... ≈ show a similar pattern: Tương tự vậy, .../ ... thể hiện xu hướng tương tự
    while ... ≈ whilst ... ≈ whereas ...: trong khi ...
    - in terms of ... ≈ regarding ... ≈ Looking at ..., it can be seen that ...: Khi nói về ...
    - over the given period ≈ during this time frame: trong suốt giai đoạn nào đó
    - over a 10-year period ≈ over a period of 10 years: trong giai đoạn 10 năm
    - from 1990 to 2000 ≈ between 1990 and 2000: từ năm 1990 tới 2000
    - in 1990 and 2000 ≈ in two different years, 1990 and 2000: trong 2 năm, 1990 và 2000
    - beginning with collecting ... ≈ starting with the collection of ...: bắt đầu bằng việc thu thập ...
    - ending with ... being packaged ... ≈ ending at the packing stage: kết thúc ở giai đoạn đóng gói
    - to be transported to ... ≈ to be delivered to ...: được vận chuyển tới ...
    - the life cycle of ... ≈ the development of ...: vòng đời/ sự phát triển của con gì

    PHẦN BÀI TẬP + ĐÁP ÁN page mình xem tại đây nhé: https://ielts-nguyenhuyen.com/20-cum-tu-dong-nghia-trong-ielts-writing-task-1/

    Chúc page mình học tốt nè <3

  • rapidly 在 IELTS Nguyễn Huyền Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-26 21:45:45
    有 1,202 人按讚

    ▪rapidly growing human populations: dân số tăng trưởng nhanh chóng
    ▪a population bomb = a population explosion: sự bùng nổ dân số
    ▪to increase at an alarming rate: tăng ở một mức độ đáng báo động
    ▪an increase in global birth rates: 1 sự tăng trong tỷ lệ sinh toàn cầu
    ▪to exceed the carrying capacity of the earth: vượt quá sức chứa của trái đất
    ▪to put an end to human survival: đặt dấu chấm hết cho sự tồn tại của con người
    ▪increased demands for water/ food/ fossil fuels/ natural resouces/…: nhu cầu tăng đối với nước/ thực phẩm/ nhiên liệu hóa thạch/ các nguồn tài nguyên thiên nhiên
    ▪to lead to the depletion of natural resources: dẫn tới sự cạn kiệt các nguồn tài nguyên thiên nhiên
    ▪to put heavy pressure on water/food supplies: đặt áp lực nặng nề lên nguồn cung cấp nước/ thực phẩm
    ▪to pose a serious threat to the well-being of planet Earth: gây ra mối đe dọa nghiêm trọng cho sức khỏe của trái đất
    ▪advances in science, technology, medicine, food production/ better medical services/ technological breakthroughs → a increase in life expectancy/ a decline in mortality rates: các tiến bộ trong khoa học, công nghệ, y tế, sản xuất thực phẩm/ dịch vụ y tế tốt hơn/ các đột phá trong lĩnh vực công nghệ → sự tăng trong tuổi thọ/ giảm tỷ lệ tỷ vong
    ▪to lead to environmental degradation/ air, water pollution/ soil contamination/ global warming/ deforestation/ desertification/ widespread famine/ conflicts and wars/ higher unemployment rates/ higher levels of crime/ other serious social problems: dẫn tới sự suy thoái môi trường/ ô nhiễm không khí, nước/ ô nhiễm đất/ nóng lên toàn cầu/ tàn phá rừng/ hoang mạc hóa/ đói nghèo trên diện rộng/ mâu thuẫn và chiến tranh/ tỷ lệ thất nghiệp cao hơn/ mức độ tội phạm cao hơn/ các vấn đề xã hội khác
    ▪population control methods: các phương pháp kiểm soát dân số
    family planning/ limit family sizes: kế hoạch hóa gia đình/ giới hạn kích cỡ gia đình
    ▪to raise public awareness of … : nâng cao ý thức cộng đồng về …
    ▪to provide sex education in schools: cung cấp giáo dục giới tính trong các trường học

    PHẦN Ý TƯỞNG --> Page mình xem tại đây nhé: https://ielts-nguyenhuyen.com/tu-vung-ielts-chu-de-overpopulation/

    Chúc page mình học tốt <3

  • rapidly 在 BCG in Taiwan Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-22 19:30:51
    有 166 人按讚

    🔎BCG 台北辦公室正在招募數據科學家! 🧑‍💻
    如果您對國際工作經驗、以及透過資料科學解決各種產業的商業問題有興趣,歡迎透過此連結進一步了解職缺內容: https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/2682961975

    BCG Taipei is hiring! We’re looking for a passionate and talented Data Scientist to join our rapidly growing team. In this role, you’ll have the chance to roll up your sleeves and apply data science methods and analytics to real-world business situations across a variety of industries. Please refer to this posting for more information: https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/2682961975

  • rapidly 在 bobbyjudo Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-23 09:56:19

    A comprehensive rundown of everything that went wrong on the way to the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, presented by Japan By River Cruise hosts, Bobby Judo and Ollie Horn.

    More like this every week at:

    Featuring Lying on the Olympic Bid, Buying Your Own Hype, Plagiarized Logos, Wacky Mascots, Bribery, Toilet Water, Heat Stroke, the Coronavirus, Coverups, Misogyny, Sexism, Racism, A Rapidly Aging Population, Zero Infrastructure, the Torch Relay, Evil IOC millionaires, Exploitative Contracts, DICK POUND, Thomas Bach, Poor Planning AND Poor Decision Making, Volunteers Quitting, Horrible Sponsorships, Infected Athletes, Super Mario Abe, Medical Worker Shortages, Anti-Japanese Sentiment, The Japanese People Turning Against the Olympics, Misallocated Vaccinations, Climate Crises, Alcohol Bans on everyone except The Olympics, Strong-arming Elementary School Children, a Missing Ugandan, a Fifth Wave, a FOURTH State of Emergency, a Spectatorless Olympics, AND MORE.

    With contributions from:
    Jake Adelstein
    Dr. Alexandra Hambleton
    Atsuro Tsujino
    Rochelle Kopp
    Brian in Fukuoka @mytwoyen

    Graphics and Editing (except for the terrible parts, that was Bobby) by Luqman Hadi

    Thanks to https://abandonedkansai.com for letting us use their toilet pictures.

  • rapidly 在 LoganDBeck 小貝 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-07-11 13:49:22


    美國人敢吃火雞睪丸嗎?Do I dare try Turkey Testicles?

    義大利人怎麼看台灣披薩? Italian Reacts to Taiwan Pizza!


    ❓你們敢吃巨型雞佛披薩嗎?Would you dare try this?

    Taiwan’s Pizza game has been expanding rapidly, but now they are selling Turkey Testicle Pizza!? Watch me challenge this “Manly” pizza and Manuel the Italian erupt into the flames! CAUTION: IT’S JUICY!!

    🎬 @Manuel Abeni 安銘宇

    🍕謝謝「陽光皇后」來提供給我披薩 👍

    請記得追我其他社會媒體 Follow Me:
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/ricemilkking
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/logandbeck

    歡迎大家加入米漿教 — 身為一個「米漿教徒」
    —— https://www.youtube.cofm/channel/UCXpbSh6g1ZWHxk-UQv86VzA/join 【加入 Join Now】

    #台灣 #雞佛披薩 #披薩

  • rapidly 在 lol-エルオーエル- Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-25 19:46:53

    2021年3月28日に昭和女子大学内 人見記念講堂でおこなわれた「lol 5th ANNIVERSARY LIVE 2020」のライヴの模様を公開!

    ★lol 5th ANNIVERSARY LIVE 2020
    「ladi dadi」
    「ice cream」

    A mixed dance and vocal group with the concept of "laugh out loud" and "smile".
    After auditioning in 2014, these five people who met each other were formed as lol.
    Members are Yusuke Sato, Naoto Komiyama, hibiki, honoka, moca
    Everyone is in charge of dance and vocals.
    Furthermore, he is active in multiple fields such as models and actors.
    The popularity is rising rapidly, especially among teens and 20s.
    Even before his debut, he won first place in the iTunes album overall ranking.
    Received the "57th Shining! Japan Record Award for New Artist" in 2015.
    On August 12, 2020, he released the 11th single "work it out" of Def Tech's Micro-produced song, and won the 1st place on the LINE MUSIC SONG TOP 100 weekly chart.

