

在 metabolize產品中有18篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3,582的網紅通勤學英語,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【#每日跟讀單元 K125】營養師說兩種人要小心天天吃鳳梨 👉老師唸給你聽: https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/3h8599 摘要: Pineapples are relatively vitamin-rich. Vitamin B1 helps to metaboliz...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅王大喜,也在其Youtube影片中提到,2021/02/25生命與工作觀察紀錄 (此視頻為早期基礎議題) 許多人由於早期或上一代曾經施打疫苗,導致身體DNA無法跟著菌叢的遷徙一同進化,進而體內天生缺乏某種酵素,導致腦內迴路容易纏結負面缺光的毒素,不容易代謝,因此惡性循環,嗜甜、暴食、情緒低落、無夢、睡眠障礙,夢境現實調節功能失衡,間接導致...

metabolize 在 мαʏα ʜᴀᴢᴇʟ ǫɪɴ マヤ • sɪɴɢᴀᴘᴏʀᴇ Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-06-22 10:44:26

take time to care for yourself with @orbis_sg’s 𝗡𝗘𝗪 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗱𝘂𝗰𝘁𝘀, especially when you using handphones & computers much, with dry skin that moisturizer di...

metabolize 在 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-04-03 03:53:28

对于爱喝酒的人来说,喝酒必须喝到尽兴才舒服。但第二天早上就难受了,头疼到炸裂,浑身无力🤯; 有了韩国𝗗𝗮𝘄𝗻 𝟴𝟬𝟴 解酒神器在身, 就可以和宿醉说拜拜囖✨ 𝗚𝗿𝗮𝗯 𝗮 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗳𝗲𝗲𝗹 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗶𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝘆𝗼! 𝗖𝗵𝗲𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗱𝗮𝘆𝘀! 🍻      ...

metabolize 在 GLADYS LIM?ATG Coach Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-24 19:04:05

WHY I STOP COUNTING CALORIES. 我為何不再計算卡路里。 CALORIES are made differently. They metabolize differently, and they nourish (or don’t nourish) our bodies ...

  • metabolize 在 通勤學英語 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-28 07:30:48
    有 2 人按讚

    【#每日跟讀單元 K125】營養師說兩種人要小心天天吃鳳梨

    👉老師唸給你聽: https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/3h8599

    Pineapples are relatively vitamin-rich. Vitamin B1 helps to metabolize carbohydrates and maintain good nerve conductivity and repair, and also helps to relieve fatigue and stimulates the appetite. Vitamin C protects blood vessels by reducing oxidative damage to their inner lining, the endothelium.


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  • metabolize 在 AppWorks Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-12-14 15:45:56
    有 16 人按讚

    Interview with A Founder: Conor McLaughlin (Co-founder of 99.co)

    By David Wu (AppWorks Associate)

    Conor McLaughlin was previously the Co-founder and CTO of 99.co, the real estate marketplace in Singapore and Indonesia. He spent six and a half years at the startup, whose backers include Sequoia Capital, 500 Startups, and Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin, helping to grow it into a $100 million company. As a member of AppWorks Accelerator #21, he is currently working on his next big project, a yet-to-be-named language learning startup.

    【What advice do you have for first-time founders?】

    First, you need to decide: do I want to run a sprint or a marathon? For a sprint, you may be open to acquisition from the beginning, delay non-startup aspects of your life, give yourself two years where you drop everything to test an idea, choose to raise more money earlier on and thus be more diluted, or do anything else that implies a shorter time horizon. Typically 1-5 years - this can lead to a major boon in a short period of time if executed well. If you decide you are in the sprinting business, you will most likely be pushed toward binary outcomes because of how many investors and employees you have on your cap table. As a first-time founder, you need to be clear with yourself on what you are willing to put on the line. As Reid Hoffman says, it’s like jumping off a cliff and building a plane on the way down… hopefully you build a plane in time.

    If you are running a marathon, you are deciding that your competitive advantage is consistency over intensity. You are in this for 10, 15 years. With this time horizon, you will realize you need ways to metabolize stress and maintain emotional, spiritual, and mental health. You need to maintain relationships with friends, family, and romantic partners. When you are looking at this 10 year period, you realize the people around you can only put up with so much. Unfortunately, while work is something people can generally bounce back from, there are many things in life where you cannot - an example is your relationship with your partner. If you’re going to run a marathon, you need to be clear with yourself about what time you have for other aspects of your life and what time you have for your company. Eventually you need to learn what the right speed is where you can run as long as possible. It’s amazing how often it is that those people that keep going, assuming you have chosen the right problem to solve, eventually find daylight. Part of that is just lasting long enough.

    Second, you need to revisit and continually ask yourself: should I still be running a sprint or a marathon? Circumstances change. Maybe you sprinted for the first two years to secure interesting results and funding; now it's time to transition to a marathon and clean up the life debt a bit. Or inversely, maybe you're finally leaving the trough of sorrow and it's time to sprint for a bit. Most founders will be in a long distance race with periodic sprinting. From my observation, founders most often stop because of two reasons: They either A) run out of money or B) run out of energy. There’s plenty of advice out there for scenario A (hint: don’t). But in my experience, scenario B is far more pernicious and dangerous to would-be successful founders. If you are in a marathon but fail to pace yourself and run it like one long sprint, you are unlikely to make it to the end.

    Much founder advice speaks to this: Don’t let your startup make you fat. Exercise 5-10% of the time. Pick up a hobby outside of your startup. Go home for holidays. All of it leads back to one thing: You need to take care of yourself. Because injury will be far worse for your progress than being a little slower. “Slow is smooth, smooth is fast”, as the US Navy Seals say. This is surprisingly difficult advice for intrinsically motivated founders to follow, because in the event of failure, it makes them vulnerable to the thought, “Well, you didn’t work hard enough.” But for those that already have the hustle, your job is to avoid the moment of epiphany where you look in the mirror and think, “This isn’t worth it.”

    All founders will have to sacrifice some things. The point is to not sacrifice everything. It will make you more resilient. Not less. It will give you the space to see situations more objectively and make better decisions. And most importantly, it will let you love what you do because it will remind you that the work isn’t just in service of yourself, it’s in the service of others. I do not think you can judge hard work over a day, or even a year, but I do think you can judge hard work over 5-10 years. Hard work is not just about the next 1-2 months. There will be times when you need to run as fast as possible, but if that is happening all the time you are probably not being smart about the situation. So don’t hurt yourself, be consistent, keep disciplined, and keep going.

    Lastly, focus on your metaskills. Public speaking, reading, writing - skills applied in every aspect of your life. Generally what they reflect is learning how to think better. As a founder you need to think about - how can I think more clearly, be more creative, rigorous, analytical? As Warren Buffett and others have said: I have never seen a successful person that did not read as often as they could. Actual books and long form scare a lot of people. That’s your competitive advantage. Read blog posts from smart people, follow smart people on Twitter, listen to podcasts. Always be focused on how you can develop yourself to think better. Fostering the habit of improving your thinking will foster discipline in yourself. And discipline will let you turn that rigorous thinking into action.

    【I imagine running the “race” has been especially tough this year. How have you gotten through 2020?】

    I have leaned on routine and community. I’ve spent a lot of time trying to foster discipline in myself. I make my bed every morning, meditate every morning, make sure that I go to the gym 3-4 times a week. There’s so much uncertainty in both the world and the entrepreneurial space. Keeping certain things consistent gives me a spine to my life that I can fall back on. If I’m not feeling well, my discipline takes over and I’ll go to the gym. That helps me relieve stress - falling back to routine and having some mainstays of consistency and structure.

    And community - it’s been the big mental health zeitgeist of this year. Everyone is recognizing that without the people around us, our mental health diminishes. Joining AppWorks was very intentional so I could surround myself with like-minded people who could question me, hold me accountable, and inspire me. And also just forming personal connections where I felt that I was still taking care of my mental health by connecting with others. Being a founder is an incredibly lonely journey. In the early days, there’s not a lot of people around. Later, when you do hire lots of people, you need to be the boss, the leader - for certain things, you can’t tell the employees everything, and even if you do, there will always be a bit of distance. You need people to relate to - people want to be seen for who they are, and appreciated for what they give. When you are a founder, sometimes it’s hard to feel that you are seen. So I intentionally put myself in situations where I can be inspired, be held accountable, and more importantly connect with others, and feel that I’m not alone. And that me and my co-founders are part of a communal journey with those around us.

    【When you talk about how to run the race, I get the sense that you’re drawing from previous experiences and, perhaps, mistakes. What are the mistakes you’ve made in your founder journey and the takeaways?】

    I think you could take a calendar, point to a random week, and we could list out all the mistakes from that week (laughs). I do subscribe to Steve Jobs’ philosophy: mistakes will happen, but mistakes happening means we are making decisions. Not making decisions is perhaps the biggest mistake. It’s often the reason for frustration, loss of speed, loss of momentum - so many of the issues you encounter in startups. Not making enough mistakes is probably the #1 mistake that I’ve made.

    Second, going back to my advice to first-time founders, is not understanding what game I’m playing. Not understanding that all the money in the world is not going to be worth it if your spouse or partner decides to leave you because you have relegated them to a second-class citizen in your life. I think I forgot that at points. There is more to life than just the company.

    Third, be careful about who you choose to work with. At minimum, if you’re doing a standard 8-9 hours at the office five times a week, that’s a lot of time with those people. You want to like the people that you work with - you want to know they’re high integrity, you want to respect their values, and you want to have common values. Choosing the right people that give you energy rather than take it away just makes running the marathon so much easier.

    【We welcome all AI, Blockchain, or Southeast Asia founders to join AppWorks Accelerator: https://bit.ly/3r4lLR8

  • metabolize 在 YAYA Online Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-08-11 12:15:12
    有 0 人按讚

    Your blood sugar levels reflect the foods you choose. 🍴 4Life Transfer Factor GluCoach features fenugreek seed extract. Native to southern Europe and Asia, this plant supports the body’s ability to metabolize glucose, which helps maintain healthy sugar levels. 📊

    您的血糖水平反映了您選擇的食物。 🍴4Life轉移因子GluCoach含有葫蘆巴種子提取物。 這種植物原產於南歐和亞洲,可支持人體代謝葡萄糖的能力,有助於維持健康的糖水平。 📊

  • metabolize 在 王大喜 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-10-15 07:54:27


    *進階療癒工作生命紀錄請至: I'm listening to Dream Walker Rasta Wang | 時空門,時空重置時的新鏈接,身體元素及DNA的重置。 on Podbean, check it out! https://www.podbean.com/ei/pb-ipd6j-ef7c0c

    Dream Walker™: RastaWang.com

    #NicoleMarksDNAwork #RastaWang

    2021/02/25 Life and Work Observation Record
    (Video is an early basic topic)
    Many people have been vaccinated in the early or previous generations, causing the body's DNA to fail to evolve along with the migration of the flora, and thus the body is born with a lack of certain enzymes, causing the brain circuits to be easily tangled with negatively lacking light toxins and not easy to metabolize. Vicious circle, sweetness, binge eating, low mood, dreamlessness, sleep disturbance, dream reality adjustment function imbalance, indirectly lead to hormone imbalance, dementia, but if you contact the correct healing and materials, modern medical observations are DNA parallel The phenomena of stickiness, degeneration, and aging, which we call parallel time-space entanglement phenomena, can actually be cured fundamentally.
    -Rasta Wang

    *For advanced healing work life record, please go to: I'm listening to Dream Walker Rasta Wang | Time and Space Gate, the new link when time and space are reset, the reset of body elements and DNA. on Podbean, check it out! https://www.podbean.com/ei/pb-ipd6j-ef7c0c

    (Currently focusing on healing and life records, online consultation and donations are also resumed, if you need surgery, please visit the official website below. ☀️🙏)
    Dream Walker™: RastaWang.com
    (Dreamwalker,™, Dreamer)

    失智症心因性成因及預防#王大喜 #夢行者 #RastaWang #RealizationWorkRastaWang #失智症
    警語:言論所有內容為生命紀實,所有發現為原創,許多文字為新創,請高度注意他台最初發佈時間是否為實!發布時間是否為錯誤時間!自行判斷!大量來信,為保存體力及能量給予真正需要的人,已不回答任何問題,敬請見諒, 基礎問題如「如何冥想」、「個人人生困擾」「夢境」請勿一再重複提問,為保護自己及客戶,能量思維模式若嚴重為他台竊取並扭曲原創訊息、雜訊、或是其他隱藏動機而導致扭曲/偷竊/耗弱/捏造論據間接負面信念植入能量纏結,過於嚴重者,為避免浪費時間彼此寶貴時間,恕刪,不再耗費時間另行通知。
    Donation for my new videos/APP as below☀️🙏:
    BTC: 1LW86yGoywzTt3H2uTZNcAChbBgiyL49fX
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    Dream Walker Studio: RastaWang.com

