

在 handicapped產品中有126篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 呢個舞台上 呢十八架輪椅就好似十八銅人陣咁大力量 👩‍🦽🧑‍🦽👨‍🦽👩‍🦼🧑‍🦼👨‍🦼👩‍🦽🧑‍🦽👨‍🦽👩‍🦼🧑‍🦼👨‍🦼👩‍🦽🧑‍🦽👨‍🦽👩‍🦼🧑‍🦼👨‍🦼 或許,佢哋曾經失去對自己既愛 但呢晚,佢哋既愛足以感染台下每一個 呢班先係人生武林高手😎 #失愛世界 #今次係全輪椅人士表演 #不容易 #好...

 同時也有25部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅chairman,也在其Youtube影片中提到,坐輪椅出門只能常常擔心沒有無障礙廁所而懶得出門甚至不敢出門??? 難道坐輪椅出門只能尿褲子?! 來看看哪裡會有廁所吧~ 其實不只有身障者會使用到無障礙廁所 許多的人也會使用到無障礙廁所 所以相信設立無障礙廁所會是可以讓社會更往前走的事情 不管你是否同意我的觀點都歡迎下方留言告訴我你的想法 本影...

handicapped 在 Carol Yeung Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-08-03 09:34:12

You know yourself the best 呢個世界總有好多人鍾意make comments 好多人鍾意比意見都唔夠 仲好想你採用佢既意見 相信好多懷孕中既姊妹們都好可以感受到 上至你要食咩維他命 用邊個陪月 邊個醫生 係邊到生 下至你點生 放幾耐假 食咩奶粉 請唔請姐姐等 身邊總有人...

  • handicapped 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-19 16:02:11
    有 505 人按讚

    #不容易 #好勁呀🥳
    路向四肢傷殘人士協會 Direction Association for the Handicapped

    #周末港藝力 專訪

  • handicapped 在 Carol Yeung Yoga Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-29 12:45:42
    有 306 人按讚

    You know yourself the best

    呢個世界總有好多人鍾意make comments
    好多人鍾意比意見都唔夠 仲好想你採用佢既意見
    上至你要食咩維他命 用邊個陪月 邊個醫生 係邊到生
    下至你點生 放幾耐假 食咩奶粉 請唔請姐姐等
    當然大部分都為你好 而且佢地親身經驗過
    所以好想share比你 等你可以撞少啲板
    但呢啲唔等於你認同 而你想採同既方法
    當然權衡兩者間 唔想得失比意見既人
    但又可以堅持自己既意向 的確係一門藝術
    運動左10年 由打拳 瑜伽到CrossFit
    除左handstand外 所有既inversion都唔駛warm up
    headstand hold 20分鐘 係輕鬆
    Deadlift 1RM 200lbs (依家我最多比自己去到135lbs)
    back squat 1RM 145lbs (依家最多比自己110lbs)
    bench press 1RM 85lbs (依家最多比自己65lbs)
    然後有好多人就會😱😱😱😱😱 你唔可以甘嫁。。你要點點點呀甘。。
    就算我deload極 hold短啲極 個肚大極
    可能都舉得重過你 耐過你 快過你
    ⚡️NO OFFENCE ⚡️但我既training係甘
    而我既身體get used to
    留意返 我已經將所有野減至6至7成
    I know what im doing and I know my body
    而我一直都強調⭐️you are pregnant but you are not handicapped⭐️
    ‼️懷孕期間 做能力範圍既野 唔係走去學新野 ‼️
    例如你未懷孕前未做到free handstand
    相信有大部分既媽媽 係懷孕後既防禦意識入面都好明白咩係有危險
    媽媽既 危機意識其實好強 只係其他人明白唔到
    係世俗既眼光下 勇敢行自己條路的確唔容易
    每個人都有唔同既框框 好想身邊既人去接受
    到最後點揀 係你既選擇
    you know yourself the best

    📸️ @keithl.fitnessphoto
    Photo taken at week 32

  • handicapped 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-06-09 10:22:30
    有 285 人按讚

    Practicing more self love, more honesty to the world, and embracing the bumps along the road.

    From wrist tendonitis problems to back problems to hormones to sleep problems - my postpartum journey back to recovery has been ROUGH. The body felt weaker than pregnancy, the breastfeeding was harder than childbirth. In fact I exercised way more during pregnancy than postpartum. Finding a good rhythm to actually have time to workout has been so tricky… and the moment I thought I could be consistent with something, I realized I really couldn’t. Because she comes first, and then I’d forget about me.

    I have forgotten how many times I felt defeated, handicapped, unable to face the world, I have forgotten how many times I just wanted to just give up on myself. I expected everything to be different and harder, but I never expected myself to feel so unable to handle any of it. #respecttoallmoms

    I have forgotten how to take care of myself even if I wanted to. I now understand why they say it takes a whole year to bounce back. At 7 months postpartum, the struggle is still there, but definitely feeling the recovery happening, especially after weaning from breastfeeding. My mind is more at peace, knowing that Naomi is doing great. I shall allow myself to take time to really enjoy her first year first, and enjoy this slow journey.

    Now I understand that, it’s not a race back to where I was. That was never the point, but to be elevated and be more than you ever used to be.

    Practicing more self love, more honesty to the world, and embracing the bumps along the road.

    #thisisnotarace #thisisjustarun
    #notsupposedtowin #justsupposedtolove

