[爆卦]Excused absence是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Excused absence鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Excused absence這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 excused產品中有35篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Hapa Eikaiwa,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, ================================= 「すみません」だけじゃない「Excuse」の用法 ================================= 「Excuse me?」は日本人にとってとても馴染のある表現ですが、この「Excuse」と言う言葉には「すみま...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過83萬的網紅serpentza,也在其Youtube影片中提到,I am going to prove to you that Chinese people are super friendly, I've always maintained that Chinese people are by far and in large very friendly an...

  • excused 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-05-30 20:55:12
    有 45 人按讚

    「Excuse me?」は日本人にとってとても馴染のある表現ですが、この「Excuse」と言う言葉には「すみませ」以外にも実は色々な意味があり、広範囲で使われます。今回は、日常生活の中でもよく使われる「Excuse」を使った表現を4つご紹介したいと思います。
    1) Excuse me
    ✔相手から失礼なことや侮辱的なことを言われ、イラっとした時に「Excuse me?」と「me」の部分を強調して返答することで、「何だって?」「もう一回言ってみろ」を意味する。
    Excuse me, is there a bank around here?
    Excuse me, sorry to interrupt but you have a visitor.
    Excuse me, I didn't catch that. Could you repeat that?
    Excuse me, what did you call me?
    2) Excuse my _____.
    この表現は、下品な言葉遣いをした時や小さなミスをした時、マナー違反をした時や知識不足で補足説明を求める時などに使われます。例えば、出会ったばかりの人にひどい上司について話をする際、「Excuse my language but my supervisor is an asshole.(下品な言葉遣いで申し訳ないのですが、私の上司は本当に最低な人で)」と表現することで、汚い言葉を使ったことに対して許して欲しい気持ちを込めることができます。
    ✔「Excuse my French」と言う決まり文句があり「下品な言葉を使ってすみません」を意味する。
    Excuse my poor pronunciation.
    Excuse my lack of knowledge but what does CPM stand for?
    Fuck! Sorry, excuse my French.
    3) Excuse someone from
    この表現は、本来ならば参加や出席をしなければならない行事から特別な理由で免除されることを意味し、正当な理由があり、且つ許可を得た上で免除される意味合いが含まれます。例えば、本来出張に行かなければならなかった同僚が、配偶者の入院で出張を免除されたと言いたい場合、「He was excused from his business trip because his wife’s sick.」という具合に使います。

    また似たような表現で、「Excuse oneself from _____」があります。この表現は、周りの許可を得てその場から抜けたり、退席することを意味します。例えば、ジョンさんは顧客対応ためミーティングから退席したと言う場合、「John excused himself from the meeting to deal with a client.」と表現します。
    ✔誰かとプライベートで話をするため、周りの人に「席を外してもらえないでしょうか?」と聞く場合、「Would you excuse us for a moment?」と言うのが定番。
    He was excused from class because he was feeling under the weather.
    She excused herself from dinner to take care of an urgent matter.
    Would you excuse us for a moment? I'd like to talk with Peter in private.
    4) Excuse
    日本人に比べアメリカ人は言い訳が多いと言われますが、会話の中で「言い訳」の意味としてExcuseを使っているシーンは実によく目にします。使い方の一例として、いつも言い訳をする友人にうんざりしていると表現する場合、「I’m tired of his excuses.」と言います。
    ✔「言い訳をする」は「Make an excuse」と表現する。
    ✔「No excuse」は「言い訳無用」や「言い訳にならない」を意味する。
    That just sounds like an excuse to me.
    That's no excuse for being late.
    He always makes excuses.

  • excused 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-04-22 06:00:39
    有 92 人按讚

    1) Let's eat!
    食べる直前に言う最も一般的なフレーズです。「Let's eat」の前に「I'm starving(お腹空いた)」や「It/That looks delicious(美味しそう)」、「Did everyone get their food?(みんなの食べ物は揃いましたか?)」のような表現を付け加えると、より自然な感じになります。
    Let's eat!
    I'm starving. Let's eat.
    That looks delicious. Let's eat.
    Did everyone get their food? OK, let's eat!
    2) Dig in

      ✔「Dig in」は元々「掘る」や「突っ込む」を意味しますが、食事シーンで使うと「食べる」の意味になります。ただし、とても口語的でカジュアルな表現なので、フォーマルな場面で使うのはなるべく避けましょう。

    「Dig in」の前に「Let's」を加えると「食べましょう」になる。
    The food is ready. Dig in.
    Let's dig in.
    Let's dig in before it gets cold.
    1) That was delicious
    食べた料理が美味しかったと素直に伝える代表的な表現の一つです。しかし、料理は必ず美味しいとは限りません。(笑)もし「まぁまぁ美味しかった」と言いたい場合は、「That was pretty good」や「That was OK」などと表現し、「まずかった・・・」場合は「That was awful」や「That was gross」などと言います。ただ、料理を作った人に対し「まずかった」とは普通は言わないので、「ごちそうさま」の代わりのフレーズにはなりませんね。
    ✔その他、「That was good/great/excellent」や「That was tasty」なども「美味しかった」を表すフレーズとしてよく使われます。
    That was delicious!
    That was pretty good. The pasta was a bit bland.
    That was awful. I'm never coming back.
    2) I'm done
    「I'm done」は「I'm done eating」の省略です。満腹で「もう食べれない」や、単に「食べ終わりました」の両方を意味します。レストランの店員にお皿をさげていいか尋ねられた時は「I'm done(食べ終わりました)」と返事をするが一般的です。
    ✔その他、「I'm full」や「I'm stuffed」なども「お腹がいっぱいです」を表すフレーズとしてよく使われます。
    I'm done. That was a lot of food.
    I'm stuffed. I can't eat anymore.
    3) May I be excused / Can I leave the table?
    日本では、「ごちそうさまを言うまでテーブルから離れてはいけない」と子供にマナーを教えている家庭は多いと思いますが、アメリカでは食後のマナーとして、子供が食事を済ませ席を離れる際、「May I leave the table? (テーブルから離れていい?)」と聞き、大人の返答を待ちます。
    また、May I be excusedは「(ここから)失礼していいですか?」と言う意味で、どちらも同じように使えますが、よりフォーマルな響きがあります。

    A: Mommy, I finished eating, can I leave the table?

    B: Yes you may. Please also clear the dishes.

    A: May I be excused?

    B: No, please wait until everyone is finished eating.

  • excused 在 Apple Daily - English Edition Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-11-27 01:00:45
    有 26 人按讚

    #Opinion by Martin Lee 李柱銘|"If the government keeps dodging the problem and refusing to bring things back to order, the SAR will be put in a predicament, and it will be difficult for the citizens to rebuild the trust. Under such a circumstance, it is hardly possible for any government to keep ruling."

    Read more: https://bit.ly/39c4Sxk

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  • excused 在 serpentza Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2017-04-14 22:37:52

    I am going to prove to you that Chinese people are super friendly, I've always maintained that Chinese people are by far and in large very friendly and hospitable, however if you read my comments section you would be excused for thinking that they're horrible, disgusting xenophobic racists. This is true only for the 50cent keyboard warriors and the ultranationalistic over sensitive homebodies who suffer from a lack of self worth, so let's go out on the street and talk to some real Chinese people and find out if they're friendly or not...

    What is an Evil Uncle?: https://youtu.be/VlxUZmXuKVw

    Globik Niestadt's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GLOBIKvideos

    ⚫ Watch Conquering Southern China (my documentary) and see China like no one outside of China has ever seen it before: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/conqueringsouthernchina
    ⚫ Support me on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/serpentza
    Join me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/winstoninchina
    Twitter: @serpentza
    Instagram: serpent_za
    My other channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/advchina
    Music used: Wayfinder/Azure - Morning Light

  • excused 在 Campus TV, HKUSU 香港大學學生會校園電視 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2012-12-31 18:47:13

    週年大選提名期突然結束 同學未能遞表參選
    As Annual Election Nomination Closed in a Sudden, Students Failed to Nominate Themselves

    The Campus TV reporter received the news from students this afternoon at 3pm that the Annual Election Nomination is closed already, according to the notification outside the Union office. Many students failed to submit the nomination forms within the nomination deadline which is 12 am on Dec 31. Up to now, no information is given on when the notification outside the Union office was put up.

    根據學生會憲章及選舉守則(According to the constitution and the election regulation of the HKUSU), Nomination for the next Union Session shall be opened on the first day of the First Semester, and the nominations shall be closed at 12 noon on any day which is at least four weeks before but not longer than six weeks before the Election Day.

    However, Annual Election Council Meeting concerning this year's Union Session has not yet been held. Neither have the regulations upon this year's Annual Election procedures and Election Day been passed. The validity of this notification of nomination deadline outside the Union office is subject to great doubts.

    According to a student who wants to participate in the nomination, a staff of Student Union excused that the Union office should be closed on Dec 31st due to the public holiday and did not know where the nomination forms were stored. Demanded by the student, the staff contacted the Chairperson of Student Union, Dan Chan, yet with no one picking up the phone. The staff, after a while, gave the student four nomination forms, but, already exceeding the nomination deadline, the student could not submit the nomination form.


    However, Internal Vice-chairperson, Ernest Cheung, was seen by Campus TV reporter entering the Student Union office today, yet he did not answer the door after continuous knocking by the reporter. Also, the reporter has made many urgent calls in attempt to contact Union Council Chairperson, Tam Chun Sing, General Secretary, Allen Or, and Internal Vice-chairperson Ernest Cheung, yet with no response at all. Meanwhile,Current Affairs Secretary, Bernice Lin, excused saying that she could not contact any responsible staff.

    Translated by: Mandy Huang

    Department of News, Campus TV, HKUSU, Session 2012

  • excused 在 pennyccw Youtube 的精選貼文

    2007-10-30 18:24:40

    Allen Iverson's eighth career 40-point game had a nice little unexpected bonus -- a victory for the Philadelphia 76ers.

    Iverson scored 41 points, upstaging Shaquille O'Neal and Kobe Bryant, as the 76ers defeated the Los Angeles Lakers, 105-90, for their fourth win in five games.

    In two-plus seasons, Iverson had seven previous games with 40 or more points and the 76ers lost them all. On February 12, the NBA scoring leader had a league season-high 46 points in a 98-94 loss to the San Antonio Spurs.

    "When I score 40 points, we've lost," Iverson said. "Tonight, we won, and I guess I finally got the monkey off my back. I didn't know what I had until I came out of the game at the end and looked up at the scoreboard. I saw what I had and said, `I hope it doesn't come back to haunt me.'"

    Working primarily against Philadelphia native Bryant, Iverson shot 17-of-36 from the field. He scored between nine and 12 points in every period and added a season-high 10 assists and five rebounds.

    "I wanted to get off to a good start," Iverson said. "Some earlier shots were going off the rim, then all of a sudden, my shots began to drop. My teammates began to get the ball to me, they did a good job as always of getting me the ball in the right spot, and I was able to make the big shots at the end."

    "The little kid was phenomenal," Sixers coach Larry Brown said. "I had to take him out at the beginning just to calm him down because he was really wired. Yeah, he took a lot of shots, but for the most part, his selection was good."

    With 55 seconds left, he exited to a thunderous ovation and a chant of "Beat LA" from the First Union Center crowd that recalled the rivalry between these teams from a generation ago.

    O'Neal and Bryant scored 23 points each for the Lakers, who fell to 1-3 on their six-game road trip. Los Angeles has lost its last three meetings with Philadelphia, with Iverson averaging 34.3 points. The 76ers had not beaten the Lakers three straight times since the 1981-82 and 1982-83 seasons, when the teams met in consecutive NBA Finals.

    "This team has come a long way," Brown said. "I hope we can keep a level head, where they can expect to play well against the good teams, as well as playing well against teams with records worse than theirs."

    Lakers forward Dennis Rodman missed his fourth straight game due to an excused absence for personal reasons. With the mercurial Rodman in the lineup, Los Angeles is 9-0. Without him, it is just 8-9.

    "We'll welcome him with open arms when he comes back," Lakers coach Kurt Rambis said. "But I have no idea when he's coming back."

    "He's obviously a factor," O'Neal said. "He has personal problems, whatever that means, nobody really knows. I don't think about it. I know the organization will do what they have to do."

    O'Neal was saddled by foul trouble, eventually fouling out with just four rebounds midway through the final period. He also missed 5-of-12 free throws and committed five turnovers.

    Iverson thoroughly outplayed O'Neal and Bryant in the third quarter, when the Sixers took control. After a 3-pointer by Glen Rice -- his first basket of the game -- gave the Lakers a 56-54 lead, Iverson made a jumper and 3-pointer and set up two baskets during a 12-2 burst that gave Philadelphia a 66-58 lead with 5:50 remaining.

    Iverson buried a 22-footer to trigger a 6-0 spurt. Tyrone Hill and Aaron Mckie made free throws before Iverson fed Theo Ratliff for a dunk and a 74-62 bulge with 2:02 left in the period.

    "For the most part, we did what we wanted to do," Lakers coach Kurt Rambis said. "We forced him (Iverson) to take a lot of outside shots. Unfortunately for us, he made a lot of them."

    "Coach Brown noticed that we didn't defend the pick-and-roll very well, so he let Allen run the pick-and-roll and they did a very good job of setting screens and getting him open," Bryant said.

    O'Neal and Bryant combined for no baskets in the third quarter as the Lakers shot just 17 percent (3-of-18). Iverson scored 11 in the period, which ended with Philadelphia holding a 76-67 lead.

    Iverson had a jumper and 3-pointer early in the fourth quarter before a 3-pointer by Rice and a dunk by Robert Horry pulled Los Angeles within 83-77 with 9:44 to go. Iverson made a pair of free throws and a technical foul shot on O'Neal. Matt Geiger hit a jumper and two free throws off O'Neal's fifth foul as the Sixers rebuilt the lead to 90-77 with 6:33 left.

