

在 etymology產品中有22篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅每日一冷,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #冷分享 Mandarin 來自「滿大人」?迷思啦。 蹭個時事關鍵字=梁朝偉。此為 @麻瓜的語言學 的文章。 簡短正解:mandarin 是西方傳教士用來描述東方官僚的字,來自梵語→馬來語→葡萄牙語→其他歐語。大寫 Mandarin 形容一種方言,就是「官」話。 利瑪竇表示:別瞎掰。這字我早用過...

 同時也有24部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅howtindog,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Patreon 特約金鑽贊助商: jim_jim, 小玫子, Phyllis Sin, Kalam Hsu, Elsa Hung, BB8, Sam Chan, Big Tom, Ricky Lee, Ka Chun Tam, 東仔, 喂呀哥, Xenophon Wong, LuLu, kit, ...

etymology 在 Phương Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-02-01 05:00:15

Today's mood: Bốn núi bủa vây một sáng thức dậy thấy mình là cây. - Pháp Hoan Four mountains surround one morning arouse a tree I ...

etymology 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-08-22 12:57:03

Wow! 提到英文自我介紹, 好多學生提到想改英文名字, 頻頻詢問俐媽什麼名字比較好? (我超想每個人都回答:C~A~R~O~L~~~🤣🤣🤣) 感謝學生介紹這個網站: https://www.behindthename.com 只要輸入自己的名字, 可以知道它的意思(meaning)、起源(o...

  • etymology 在 每日一冷 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-06 09:17:25
    有 268 人按讚

    #冷分享 Mandarin 來自「滿大人」?迷思啦。
    蹭個時事關鍵字=梁朝偉。此為 @麻瓜的語言學 的文章。

    簡短正解:mandarin 是西方傳教士用來描述東方官僚的字,來自梵語→馬來語→葡萄牙語→其他歐語。大寫 Mandarin 形容一種方言,就是「官」話。


    在語言學,有個和善的名稱叫「民俗語源」(folk etymology),但其實就是指一些諧音之類,沒什麼道理、腦補出的「由來」。

    但畢竟凡人都很容易望文生義,要怎麼避免自己衝動說出、寫出沒根據的(夢到的)說法呢?那一定要配 google,而且不是證明自己對,而是自虐的主動尋找自己錯的證據了。

    * 不過以科宅編最喜愛的「應用迷因學」來看,觀察謠言怎麼順應人心期望而演變,更是有趣啊。


    在乏味的日常,那類不得了的東西通常付之闕如。所以偶爾人會想旅遊,去到由思想心靈發明出的無盡的可能世界。偶爾也有人愛用幻想世界的規則在這個世上行走,像一種擴增實境遊戲 #中二。suspension of disbelief 久了對於真假的判定......迷走而且複雜。以上離題 😅

  • etymology 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-11 08:39:27
    有 165 人按讚

    How to Avoid Being Dragged Off Like a Slave

    “Tell me, you that desire to be under the law, don’t you listen to the law? For it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by the servant, and one by the free woman. However, the son by the servant was born according to the flesh, but the son by the free woman was born through promise. These things contain an allegory, for these are two covenants. One is from Mount Sinai, bearing children to bondage, which is Hagar. For this Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia, and answers to the Jerusalem that exists now, for she is in bondage with her children. But the Jerusalem that is above is free, which is the mother of us all.” (Galatians‬ ‭4:21-26‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    Hi dear patron,

    Hagar was Sarah’s maidservant. The name “Hagar” has three probable meanings based on its etymology: 1) To flee, 2) To be dragged off, 3) To be forced into service.

    None of the three meanings have positive connotations.

    The Apostle Paul revealed in his epistle to the Galatians that Hagar is a picture of the Law of Moses, whereas Sarah represents Grace.

    When God gave Abraham and Sarah the promise of a son, they tried to ‘help’ God to fulfill that promise according to their own understanding.

    Sarah was barren, so she gave Hagar to Abraham for her (Sarah) to obtain a son through Hagar.

    This decision which was born of the flesh led to lots of domestic strife between Sarah and Hagar, as well as eventually between Israel and Ishmael.

    Whenever you introduce the Law of Moses into your mind and in your actions, you’re subjecting yourself to the three meanings of the name “Hagar”.

    Fleeing implies fear. Instead of faith, you’ll be living under fear.

    When you try to live by the Law, you’re being dragged off from being established in righteousness by faith.

    Lastly, you are forced into service like a slave, because the curse of the Law is upon whoever tries to put themselves under the Law. You have effectively taken the position of a slave instead of a son.

    Can you see why the devil wants to deceive people into legalism and religiosity?
    If he can trick you into trying performance-based justification, you’ll be fearful, unprofitable and living as one who is accursed.

    The Law of Moses is holy, righteous and true, but man is unable to become righteous through it.

    If man tries to keep the Law and fails, the Law confers its curse without any mercy. Can you see how the devil has wielded the Law to become his ultimate cloaked weapon?

    Man thinks he’s doing the right thing by trying to keep the Law, but actually he is just subjecting himself to death and the curse!

    If Hagar never came into the picture, and Abraham just waited for God to fulfill His promise at the right time by His power, there would be no suffering.

    God wants us to rest in His promises, have faith in Him and just wait for Him to cause the breakthrough to happen at His appointed time.

    Don’t let yourself be dragged off from the Gospel which is righteousness by faith in Christ Jesus. Stand firm in the gift of righteousness and rely on God’s abundant grace which is constantly being supplied to you!

    Just like Abraham and Sarah, we need to learn how to flow with God’s system of times and seasons by which He does everything under Heaven. This will break the cycle of disappointment and acting by the flesh. Understand this important revelation from “God’s Appointed Time: Being Fruitful in Every Season of Life”:

  • etymology 在 食。習。義大利 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-04-07 08:47:35
    有 18 人按讚

    Insalata di verdure “bianche” con salsa di Gorgonzola e nocciole


    Salad 翻成中文的生菜沙拉(以及沙律或色拉),在不少人的心中應該會喚起一盆沒煮過的蔬菜,或許還會搭配凱薩醬、千島醬或者油醋醬等「沙拉醬」dressing。但其實英文Salad或義大利文Insalata字源(etymology)於拉丁文herba salata(以鹽調味/鹹的菜)簡稱salata。現今英文中的salad不限於蔬菜,也可以是fruit salad(水果)、pasta salad(義大利麵)、或各種海鮮或肉類做成的龍蝦沙拉、雞肉沙拉;還有以地區特色命名的,像是南法的尼斯沙拉(salade niçoise )或美國南部經典的聖塔菲沙拉(Santa Fe Salad)。


    而這個白沙拉的食譜,也是皮蒙特的鄉村料理,不過沒有另外加鹽!因為鹹味來自於Gorgonzola 這種「霉」妙的藍紋乳酪(以及少許的芥末)。真正的義大利戈貢左拉(Gorgonzola DOP)僅產自米蘭附近的十來個小村莊,係以全脂牛乳製成,熟成約需3至4個月,並會依照熟成時間分為甘口(dolce)與辛辣(picante),而特殊藍紋是屬於Penicillium glaucum盤尼西林,青黴素的一種。很多人懼怕藍紋乳酪(覺得看起來恐怖,或害怕其味道重),卻也有不少人趨之若鶩(想成外國的臭豆腐),而一塊上好的Gorgonzola入口濃郁有如白巧克力,錯綜復雜的鹹香中帶有蘑菇、烤大蒜、鮮高湯、白胡椒與些許金屬感的無敵umami旨味。無論是放到pizza上、放入沙拉或者做成醬料都美味獨到 



    Leek韭蔥、celery芹菜、endive菊苣/苦苣、thistle朝鮮薊、turnip蕪菁、radish櫻桃蘿蔔、celery root根芹、cabbage捲心菜、cauliflower白花椰、Jerusalem artichoke菊芋 (雖然這些蔬菜不見得都是白色… 但相較於一般的葉菜沙拉,這些蔬菜的香氣與口感更為特殊立體,不同的搭配組合,也會交錯產生有趣的變化。)


    100g的Gorgonzola藍紋乳酪(也可以法國的Roquefort或類似的藍紋乳酪),加上冷壓初榨橄欖油(EVOO)、檸檬汁、芥末醬、一把的核桃或榛果(walnut or hazelnut 去皮且稍微烘烤)。建議用食物調理機攪打均勻。

    (或參考:用約50g Gorgonzola藍紋乳酪、1/2 TSB Dijon mustard第戎芥末、半顆黃檸檬汁、2 TSB的EVOO與少許現磨黑胡椒放在沙拉碗/攪拌盆中,用手持打蛋器或叉子混合,再加入切好的蔬菜和堅果後涼拌即可。另外,也可以用EVOO、鹽與現磨黑胡椒烤白花椰菜、菊芋或者其他白色的根莖蔬菜,用烤箱烤到金黃,作為不同口感與溫度的搭配。)

    Ps. 彩色胡蘿蔔、蘿蔔葉和茴香葉都是能增添視覺與味覺上的滿足感,也可以淋上一點蜂蜜平衡某些蔬菜的苦味。


