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2020-09-07 17:55:30
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書名 Word Origins,The Secret Histories of English Words from A to Z(2nd Edition)
作者:John Ayto
出版社:A&C Black,London
另外一本則是 JOSEPH T. SHIPLEY 所寫的 (Dictionary of Word Origins)
http://0rz.tw/GyU6y (此為該書為線上全文網址,可直接用檢索查閱)
首先我們先以 John Ayto的書為例:
[OE] Etymologically, friend means ‘loving’.
It and its Germanic relatives (German freund, Dutch vriend,
Swedish frände, etc) go back to the present participle of
the prehistoric Germanic verb *frijōjan ‘love’
(historically, the German present participle ends in -nd, as in
FRIDAY, FRIENDmodern German -end; English -ng is an
alteration of this). *Frijōjan itself was a
derivative of the adjective *frijaz, from which
modern English gets free, but which originally
meant ‘dear, beloved’.
free free [OE] The prehistoric ancestor of free was a
term of affection uniting the members of a
family in a common bond, and implicitly
excluding their servants or slaves – those who (free是指免於奴役)
were not ‘free’. It comes ultimately from Indo-
FREEEuropean *prijos, whose signification ‘dear,
beloved’ is revealed in such collateral
descendants as Sanskrit priyás ‘dear’, Russian
prijatel’ ‘friend’, and indeed English friend. Its
Germanic offspring, *frijaz, displays the shift
from ‘affection’ to ‘liberty’, as shown in German
frei, Dutch vrij, Swedish and Danish fri, and
English free. Welsh rhydd ‘free’ comes from the
same Indo-European source.
Friday [OE] Friday was named for Frigg, in
Scandinavian mythology the wife of Odin and
goddess of married love and of the hearth (Frigg,
or in Old English Frīg, is thought to have come
from prehistoric Germanic *frijaz ‘noble’,
source of English free). ‘Frigg’s day’ was a
direct adaptation of Latin Veneris dies ‘Venus’s
RECOGNIZEday’ (whence French vendredi ‘Friday’), which
in turn was based on Greek Aphrodítēs hēméra
‘Aphrodite’s day’.
noble [13] Etymologically, to be noble is simply
to be ‘well known’. The word reached English 博學之人。
via Old French noble from Latin nōbilis. But this
was only a later form of an original gnōbilis
(preserved in the negative form ignoble [16]),
which was derived from the base *gnō- ‘know’, 知
source also of English notorious. It thus
originally meant ‘knowable’, hence ‘known’,
and only subsequently broadened out via ‘well
known’ to ‘noble’ (which in ancient Rome 在古羅馬指屬於
denoted ‘belonging to a family of which many state之中位居高
members had held high office in the state’). 位之成員。
以上大概是我透過friend, free, 以及friday所作的示範。
另外相關的字源的討論,最好可以配合Oxford English Dictionary
譬如JOSEPH T. SHIPLEY 所寫的 (Dictionary of Word Origins)
The man that calls himself heart-
free is not talking in terms of origins.
Free (OF..freon, to love, cognate with
Sansk. priya, dear : thus OE. freond,
whence Eng. friend) meant beloved. In
the early home were those one loved,
and the slaves — hence free came to mean,
not enslaved. Note that slave (Fr. esclave. 這裡順便解釋了slave
from LL. Sclavus) is the name of the
central European race, the Slav or
Slavic, which in their own tongue
means "glory ;" but they had been con- 指出slave與征服的榮耀有關
quered, and from them the Romans
and even the Franks drew their ser-
vants. Hence frank, from the tribe 再釋frank,是France名之源
that in tiie 0th c. conquered Gaul and 為free, open。
gave its name to France: free, open. 加上en,成為「使自由」
From this come franchise and en-
franchise (Fr. affranchir, to set free) ;
also the application of frank as the
privilege of jree mailing. Frankincense
(OFr. jranc encens: noble incense . . .)
from incendere, incensus, to blaze, to
set afire, from in, intensive + ^aw^^''^*
to glow. The inceptive of this, incan-
descere, gives us incandescent. To in-
cense is to set one's temper blazing.
※ 編輯: godsound 來自: (11/06 17:23)
※ 編輯: godsound 來自: (11/06 19:52)