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雖然這篇Drug smuggling鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Drug smuggling這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 drug產品中有2460篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過40萬的網紅報導者 The Reporter,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #舊文重溫【前電競選手Toyz涉毒被逮新聞背後,是讓醫界憂心的成癮破口】 昨天(29日),前《英雄聯盟》(LOL)電競冠軍選手劉偉健(Toyz)被台中檢警查獲住處藏有200顆大麻煙彈,因數量極多,有網路販毒之嫌,今天(30日)凌晨被台中地院裁定羈押。 「大麻煙彈」是什麼?指的就是電子煙的「煙油」...

 同時也有1249部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過15萬的網紅くぎけん.KugiKen.,也在其Youtube影片中提到,くぎけん音楽チャンネル ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ https://youtube.com/channel/UCefAzrQ10LE057OSMO4LmVQ 🍊くぎけん🍊 Twitter https://twitter.com/kugiken031098​ Instagram https://www....

  • drug 在 報導者 The Reporter Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-30 20:00:44
    有 420 人按讚




    「青少年不抽菸,但很可能從電子煙開始,作為使用物質濫用的入門(gateway drug)。」新興毒品被放到新型菸品載具裡,是前衛生署管制藥品管理局局長、現高雄醫學大學藥學系教授、專長毒理學研究的李志恒如今最憂心的。

    對於電子煙油是否比紙菸減少害處?醫界與電子煙業者爭論不休。《報導者》多方採訪業者、擁煙者、醫師、學者,整理出4大爭論的關鍵,試圖幫助大眾釐清各自論點: https://bit.ly/3naenEm


    #電子煙 #英雄聯盟 #Toyz #大麻 #煙油 #新型菸品 #報導者

  • drug 在 國際狗語日報 X 百靈果News Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-29 17:10:01
    有 286 人按讚

    繼《Fear》、《Rage》之後,Bob Woodward又寫出一本揭露 #川普 時期內幕的重磅新書《Peril》。這本書造成超大迴響,連昨天(9/28)現任「美軍參謀首長聯席會議主席」陸軍上將Mark Milley在出席 #美軍撤出阿富汗 的聽證會時,都針對《Peril》爆料的內容澄清:自己和中共 #解放軍 高層李作成的通話,是時任國防部長的Mark Esper所下的指示、通話過程不只有他一人,事後Milley也有向上級回報通話內容。

    9/21出版的《#Peril》分成「選前、選後、拜登上台」三部份作討論。「選前」在講拜登和川普在總統大選前有什麼動作、拜登如何脫穎而出,還有COVID-19疫情來了,大家怎麼應對。「選後」主要在說川普不願意面對事實和 #國會山莊 之亂。最後「拜登上台」新官上任的他有頒布哪些命令、做什麼改變。


    大選年美國遇上 #BLM(Black Lives Matter)這個擴及全國的抗議運動。有次川普到去一個白宮附近的教堂,教堂周圍聚集滿滿的抗議群眾,結果川普竟然讓執法人員用催淚瓦斯、橡膠子彈「清場」,場面鬧得很難看,這讓時任參謀總長的Mark Milley很錯愕,因為外界開始認為軍隊是川普世界的一份子,他覺得自己根本被川普設計了。

    2020年還有件大事是 #COVID19疫情大爆發。川普非常想在11月大選前,讓全國人民打到國產疫苗,以取得Vaccine Win,所以他拚命催催催,要求大家趕快開發就算了,還一直說U.S. Food and Drug Administration(FDA)在擋疫苗認證,根本是在幫另一個陣營搞他。殊不知當時負責疫苗專案的人,是一個共和黨的大金主,川普事後才意識到自己根本不懂認證過程就在那邊亂講話,但FDA裡面沒日沒夜工作的共和黨支持者已經賭爛川普、不想投給他了。

    選前川普不停在自爆,拜登靜靜不說話就順利贏得大選。書中提到,時任參謀總長的Mark Milley一直很擔心川普會對中國發動戰爭,以保住總統大位,所以Milley曾打兩通電話給解放軍高層李作成。雙方的通話一次是在 #美國大選前四天,另一次是在 #國會山莊之亂後兩天。電話中Milley向李作成保證:美國政府很穩定,不會對中國動武;如果美軍真的展開攻擊,一定會預先通知中國政府。事後Milley也和眾議院議長Nancy Pelosi通過電話,保證不會讓川普啟動核武,然後Nancy Pelosi轉身就跟記者說一切都OK啦,自己和Milley喬好了。

    選後川普把自己的落選歸咎於疫苗認證慢五天、某地區在做票… … 不停怪東怪西,但像共和黨大佬Mitch McConnell,還有很挺川普的前白宮顧問Kellyanne Conway都有跟川普說,是他一直失言、太過自信,才會輸了這場選舉。(Kellyanne還說川普第二次選得很希拉蕊,這讓川普很怒)

    後來拜登上台了,他最想解決的就是 #阿富汗撤軍問題。其實歐巴馬執政時期,拜登就有進諫,希望裁減在阿富汗的美軍、讓他們逐漸撤離阿富汗,但當時的歐巴馬還太年輕太嫩了,對外交和軍事都不熟,周圍卻有像希拉蕊和其他老練的政治人物,他們都希望歐巴馬繼續在阿富汗增軍,最後只能真的增軍。




  • drug 在 KAKA LAM 嘉嘉 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-29 11:55:34
    有 104 人按讚


    1. N°37 30ml

    💡DETAILS: [Dropper bottle: CBD Raspberry Seed Oil, Sandalwood Essential] Raspberry oil with CBD is a very effective natural cosmetic product that is quickly absorbed, supports skin regeneration and protects against oxidative stress. Hydrates and revitalizes the skin. It removes pores of impurities and dead cells. It contains sandalwood, which helps to concentrate and harmonizes during emotional stress. It can be used as a tonic for hair nutrition or in the bath as aromatherapy.

    🔴MY REVIEW: MOIA ELIXIRS N°37 with CBD formula can also be used as a daily hair care oil. Using it on my scalp, my scalp is healthier than before. In addition to protecting the skin, this product can also help keep the scalp healthy. Using one to two drops each time can effectively calm my scalp and keep my hair shiny without frizzy feeling. Highly recommend.

    2. N°01 50ml

    💡DETAILS: [Dropper bottle: CBD Marula Oil, Secret Essential Oils] It is quickly absorbed and supports skin regeneration. Hydrates and revitalizes the skin. The secret essential extracts contained in the product help with emotional strain, stress and at the same time have a stimulating effect. The oil also contains omega fatty acids, which are the key to healthy skin, as well as vitamins D and E. It can be used as a tonic for hair nutrition, or in the bath as aromatherapy.

    🔴MY REVIEW: CBD has recently become a new favorite in the beauty industry. Its excellent calming, soothing and anti-inflammatory effects can effectively improve skin problems. My skin is sensitive to redness, so I will use this CBD-containing Marula skin care oil before going to bed. Only two to three drops each time can calm the skin, reduce redness, and protect the skin. The barrier is strengthened. If you have sensitive skin like me, then MOIA ELIXIRS N°01 is definitely worth a try! MOIA ELIXIRS N°01 can reduce skin inflammation, soothe the skin and balance oil. Another key effect is that CBD is rich in fatty acids, which can fill the gaps between skin cells and increase the water retention of skin cells, thereby achieving a very good moisturizing effect. Good product worth recommending!

    3. 5% CBD drops 10ml
    4. 10% CBD drops 10ml
    5. 15% CBD drops 10ml

    💡[3-5] DETAILS: [Full Spectrum Elixirs] Activates the endocannabinoid system, thereby supporting the immune system and beneficially acting on the body's natural processes, helping the immune system to be in balance. According to studies, it has a demonstrable effect on anxiety or depression, positively stimulates the brain and more. MOIA ELIXIRS with CBD harmonize the natural processes in the body, have a positive effect on heart rate, cholesterol levels, skin condition, muscle and joint function.

    🔴[3-5] MY REVIEW: CBD is very popular in Asia in recent years. The reason is that CBD, an ingredient, has many functions to help the body and skin recover. Aiming at reducing fine lines and wrinkles, it has a skin repair and balance effect, helps moisturize dry skin, relieves skin redness and evens skin tone. Don't be scared by the literal meaning of CBD. CBD extracted from natural ingredients, although extracted from cannabis plants, is absolutely free of drugs and can be used legally and safely. CBD also has powerful benefits in oral health products. Because of its non-drug and non-toxicity, CBD will not cause problems such as dependence, drug resistance or addiction, and eating edible products with different contents of CBD can achieve different physical and mental effects. For example, the 5% low content I tried can help calm the mood and increase concentration. A moderate content of 10% can relax the mood and have a significant effect on reducing stress and anxiety. The high content of 15% is very effective in improving the quality and state of sleep, entering a deep golden sleep, allowing the body and spirit to be truly rested and restored. The non-medicinal sedative effect of CBD can help the body and muscles to relieve pain and rest, and accelerate the recovery of muscle cells. The above three products have a clear oil body, a light and non-greasy texture. They are easy to mix with saliva and quickly absorbed when eaten directly, or can be easily mixed with drinks for drinking without affecting the taste. I have used these three products for more than a month, and the products help relax stress, mental tension and other states. Significantly improve mood quality and achieve a relaxed, happy feeling of myself. It relieves body and muscle pain, and also helps muscle tissue to recover. After use, it can help sleep easier to fall asleep. Definitely recommend these.

    📌Disclaimer: The above review is purely personal opinion. Not everyone likes what I like. Please note that what may work for me, may not work for anyone else. Results may vary from person to person, so please take this into consideration if you decide to try those products.

    🔎OFFICIAL WEBSITE - https://www.moiaelixirs.com
    🔎FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/moiaelixirs/
    🔎IG - @moiaelixirs

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