

在 disqualify產品中有161篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, “In order to be a great salesperson, you shouldn’t be a salesperson” When I say the word “salesperson”, what words come to mind? Hyped and aggressive...

 同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過13萬的網紅The World TODAY,也在其Youtube影片中提到,11/11 中國的全國人大常務委員會發表一項決議,說香港立法會議員如果有宣揚或支持「#港獨」、或做出其他危害中國國家安全的行為,即刻喪失議員資格。 這項決議出來後,#香港4名立法會的泛民主派議員馬上被取消資格。政府沒來由 #DQ(Disqualify)具民意基礎的議員,一國兩制名存實亡了嗎? 《...

disqualify 在 Renee Ng ?? Content Creator Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-18 08:58:51

📣 #GIVEAWAY 📣 Win Attiva Hair Care products worth RM100 🎁🎁🎁 !! . Today I was so excited to try a new shampoo from @attivahairbeauty 🥰 It was Attiva ...

disqualify 在 灣的玩具公寓? 桃園·新竹美食玩具分享✨ Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-03 12:27:43

- 這次的配色真的豪美又可愛😍 希望能幸運獲得第一隻夢兔❤️ 喜歡的朋友也一起抽起來吧🙌🏻 MAR2INA ❌ KORI & ED 夢兔達摩100%sugar 全糖系列 🌟🌟🌟蜜葡萄🌟🌟🌟夢幻登場🌟🌟🌟🌟 【作品資訊 / information】 售價PRICE:3500 TWD / 133 ...

disqualify 在 Lin Linda Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-08-02 03:55:30

💜💜💜 MAR2INA ❌ KORI & ED @mar2ina_f X @a548405 夢兔達摩100%sugar 全糖系列 🌟🌟🌟蜜葡萄🌟🌟🌟夢幻登場🌟🌟🌟🌟 【作品資訊 / information】 售價PRICE:3500 TWD / 133 USD (Including handli...

  • disqualify 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-08 22:00:01
    有 1,243 人按讚

    “In order to be a great salesperson, you shouldn’t be a salesperson”
    When I say the word “salesperson”, what words come to mind?

    Hyped and aggressive?


    Used car salesman?

    The word itself has become negative.

    What most people don’t know is, some of the highest paid and most successful businessmen and women on the planet are salespeople.

    Elon Musk is a salesperson - when he announces the new Tesla, he is closing.

    Steve Jobs was a salesperson - when he announced the new iPhone in front of millions of people, he was closing.

    And Warren Buffet, when he’s hosting the shareholder meeting, he is closing.

    So why do people only see the bad, slimy, and pushy salespeople, and not the others?

    That’s because the highest paid and most successful salesmen are NOT salesmen… ... 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲'𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐬.

    When the “doctors” get on the phone, they diagnose the prospect before prescribing the medicine.

    They ask the prospect questions about them to find out their needs and pain points.

    They qualify the prospect… (and disqualify them, if they’re not a good fit)

    They’re calm and listen more than they talk.


    Right after you’ve gotten to know the prospect in the beginning:

    𝘠𝘰𝘶: "𝘛𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘦 𝘢 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘣𝘪𝘵 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯." After they’ve opened up about their situation, you could say…

    𝘠𝘰𝘶: "𝘖𝘬𝘢𝘺 [𝘕𝘈𝘔𝘌], 𝘴𝘰 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰𝘥𝘢𝘺?" At the end of the day, there are many ways you can close more sales faster and become the highest performer in your industry.

    Did you find this helpful? Let me know below.

  • disqualify 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-06-05 09:29:13
    有 132 人按讚

    Wisdom is not Measured by Age

    “The glory of young men is their [physical] strength, And the honor of aged men is their gray head [representing wisdom and experience].” (Proverbs‬ ‭20:29‬ ‭AMP‬‬)

    Have you met any gray-haired men who are foolish? There are some who surprise me because I am expecting that at their ripe age, they would not behave immaturely like an unwise youth, and yet they still do.

    Then there are also old Christian men who are storehouses of godly wisdom. You can tell that they had cultivated their relationship with God for decades. They can teach you a lot about a life of faith.

    Being old does not automatically make you wise, and being young does not automatically disqualify you from being wise either.

    “Let no man despise your youth; but be an example to those who believe, in word, in your way of life, in love, in spirit, in faith, and in purity. Until I come, pay attention to reading, to exhortation, and to teaching. Don’t neglect the gift that is in you, which was given to you by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the elders. Be diligent in these things. Give yourself wholly to them, that your progress may be revealed to all. Pay attention to yourself, and to your teaching. Continue in these things, for in doing this you will save both yourself and those who hear you.” (1 Timothy‬ ‭4:12-16‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    The key thing is consistently cultivating your relationship with the Lord, no matter what age you are.

    Two beneficial activities: reading the Scriptures, and teaching the Scriptures. When doing either one, you are receiving godly wisdom, and believing in God’s word transforms you for the better.

    Someone who prioritizes receiving God’s word daily is on a journey of improvement. The potential power residing in the Gospel saves and delivers you and others from all troubles, supplying every lack. The progress of such a person will be apparent to all!

    In our Patreon community, we receive God’s word together daily, and there is a safe space for discussion as well. The patron group chat where I share Bible Study teachings in is called “God Every Morning (GEM)” because we can live a victorious Christian life when we receive an abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness consistently, and not just once a week. Start your mornings with fresh teachings of God’s word; become a “God Every Morning” tier or above patron on Patreon: http://patreon.com/miltongohblog

  • disqualify 在 Apple Daily - English Edition Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-04-23 01:30:38
    有 6 人按讚

    #Opinion by Leung Kai Chi 梁啟智|"Originally, there was not a consensus among the populace how to response to the revised electoral system. The various solutions I have heard about so far include enduring all the disgrace and insults just in order to run for office, and putting election under a boycott as proposed by a lot of people. The difference between the two is whether you cast a blank or invalid vote, or abstain from voting. Some advocate running in election in a jeering manner by making “the Coriander Party” and ‘the Siu Mai(Cantonese steamed dumping with shrimp) Concern Group” bricks-and-mortar political groups that send candidates to stand in election to see what reasons the vetting committee will be able to come up with to disqualify them from taking part. However, it was not anticipated that the government adopted a high profile to dress down anyone who calls on others to cast a blank vote, which, to everyone’s surprise, unified what the populace thought in a short while. Everyone is now convinced that casting a blank vote is a solution worth considering. As far as incitement to casting blank vote made a criminal offence is concerned, I am afraid that the government is the first one culpable for it."

    Read more: https://bit.ly/3dFwQDx

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  • disqualify 在 The World TODAY Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-11-14 00:00:08

    11/11 中國的全國人大常務委員會發表一項決議,說香港立法會議員如果有宣揚或支持「#港獨」、或做出其他危害中國國家安全的行為,即刻喪失議員資格。

    這項決議出來後,#香港4名立法會的泛民主派議員馬上被取消資格。政府沒來由 #DQ(Disqualify)具民意基礎的議員,一國兩制名存實亡了嗎?

    《TODAY 看世界》每日精選國際話題,帶你秒懂世界大事!
    ↳ 看所有報導 https://lin.ee/7MAbPS0

    馬上訂閱 LINE TODAY 官方帳號,全球脈動隨時掌握!
    ↳ 訂閱起來 https://lin.ee/19eXmdD

  • disqualify 在 Joseph Prince Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2017-10-12 15:31:17

    You are what you think and say, so think young, talk young, and stay youthful and energetic! Joseph Prince preaches an inspiring message to both the young and the young at heart. You’re never too young to be used by the Lord, so why disqualify yourself and waste precious years in idle pursuits? And who says you need to grow old and weak like the people of the world? The more you give thanks and praise to the Lord, the happier and stronger you’ll feel. Listen to the biblical truths shared and start seeing how your age can really just be a number!

    Get the full message at:
    JosephPrince.com - http://bit.ly/2gwMpiP

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  • disqualify 在 Joseph Prince Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2017-07-27 17:22:48

    Think your weaknesses disqualify you from being used mightily by God? That they limit your success and future? In this encouraging message by Joseph Prince, see how God’s grace abounds in the areas of your weakness. If you’ve experienced loss or feel like you are the least and last compared to everyone else, discover from Scripture how that makes you a prime candidate to experience God’s undeserved favor and miracle-working power. Whether it’s a bad temper, an addiction, or a past you’re ashamed of, trust Him today for His restoration and see Him turn every weakness into an amazing testimony for His glory!

    Get the full message at:
    JosephPrince.com - http://bit.ly/2tLenjj

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