[爆卦]Disqualified synonym是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Disqualified synonym鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Disqualified synonym這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 disqualified產品中有345篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, The Tragedy of “Almost” “For the king knows of these things, to whom also I speak freely. For I am persuaded that none of these things is hidden from...

 同時也有27部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過119萬的網紅Laowu老吳,也在其Youtube影片中提到,特別感謝Impulse Gaming和EpicSoft Asia的合作 也非常感謝X寳為各位準備的抽獎贊助 希望各位有興趣的大大們有機會抽到哦! Impulse Gaming : https://web.facebook.com/impulsejb 參加抽獎方式及步驟: 1. 點贊且關注老吳的官...

  • disqualified 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-24 20:10:09
    有 227 人按讚

    The Tragedy of “Almost”

    “For the king knows of these things, to whom also I speak freely. For I am persuaded that none of these things is hidden from him, for this has not been done in a corner. King Agrippa, do you believe the prophets? I know that you believe.” Agrippa said to Paul, “With a little persuasion are you trying to make me a Christian?” Paul said, “I pray to God, that whether with little or with much, not only you, but also all that hear me today, might become such as I am, except for these bonds.” The king rose up with the governor, and Bernice, and those who sat with them.” (Acts‬ ‭26:26-30‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    The passage above records a very tragic moment. King Agrippa was on the verge of believing in Jesus as Lord, but he hardened his heart and stood up, rejecting the free gift of eternal life.

    His actions are essentially saying this, “Stop it. I don’t want to hear anymore. I refuse to accept Jesus Christ as Lord.”

    Other translations render Agrippa’s words like this:

    “Then Agrippa said to Paul, “In a short time [and with so little effort] you [almost] persuade me to become a Christian.”” (Acts‬ ‭26:28‬ ‭AMP‬‬)

    The word “almost” is the great tragedy.

    It is like coming so close to the finish line in a race but fainting and being disqualified when you are just a hair’s breadth away.

    Hell contains many souls who are “almosts”.

    “I should have responded when that preacher asked for us to place our faith in Jesus. Why did I harden my heart? I almost got saved, but now it is too late...”

    “Therefore, even as the Holy Spirit says, “Today if you will hear his voice, don’t harden your hearts, as in the rebellion, like as in the day of the trial in the wilderness, where your fathers tested me by proving me, and saw my deeds for forty years. Therefore I was displeased with that generation, and said, ‘They always err in their heart, but they didn’t know my ways;’ as I swore in my wrath, ‘They will not enter into my rest.’”” (Hebrews‬ ‭3:7-11‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    It is possible to know with the mind that Jesus is the Son of God and everything that He claims to be, and yet not be saved.

    A person has to believe and confess Him as Lord. If you just believe that He is the Son of God but don’t receive Him as Lord, you are not saved.

    Even the demons believe that God is real, but they don’t submit to Him as Lord.

    The Holy Spirit convicts the hearts of unbelievers about their sinfulness and woos them to receive Jesus Christ as Lord. But they can choose to reject it. Every individual must choose to accept or reject the gift of eternal life.

    Yet, it is God’s will for all to hear the Gospel and to be saved. No matter how dark someone’s past is, he can freely receive forgiveness of sins when he places his faith in Jesus as Lord!

    If you are already a born-again believer, through faith in Jesus, you have entered God’s rest—the rest of your conscience and also rest from works-based justification.

    You are a saint who is already sanctified, justified, saved, holy, righteous, pure, and blameless. The next time you read these words in the Bible, don’t feel condemned or shrink away. These words describe who you already are in Christ.

    “Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ. For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.” (Colossians‬ ‭2:8-10‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)

    Dear brethren, you are not an “almost”. You are complete in Christ.

    Let someone know the Gospel so that they are not almost, but fully saved through faith in Jesus Christ!

    If you are blessed by the daily teachings/devotionals I share freely on this page, you can become a patron on Patreon if you want to receive an additional daily Bible Study teaching, as well as all my eBooks! Your patronage supports this ministry and enables us to “reach more and teach more” in the body of Christ: http://Patreon.com/miltongohblog

  • disqualified 在 GIGAZINE Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-14 22:45:18
    有 65 人按讚


  • disqualified 在 Monster Taipei Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-13 15:00:48
    有 106 人按讚

    Dino Gangster 恐龍黑幫 腕龍酒保 豪斯.巴克利 - 標準情人配色

    「Dino Gangster 恐龍黑幫」是由台灣設計師 Spawnmax 米腸駿筆下的原創作品,以恐龍未滅絕的世代為創作題材,進而展開一連串熱血有趣的恐龍黑幫文化故事。

    一年一度的七夕情人節又要到了,相較於之前的怪力豪斯原色版,本次恐龍黑幫推出腕龍酒保 豪斯‧巴克利的標準情人配色,外號是「怪力豪斯」,小清新的文青風格,一改重現江湖氣的對比配色,以粉紅豹紋搭配牛仔褲刷白,還帶著可愛的電子錶,準備來一場牛郎織女般的邂逅。


    但豪斯早有準備,話鋒一轉:「妳看 現在都幾點了?」
    女友一看他的手錶說:「你剛剛打架打壞了嗎? 現在怎麼是 13:14 還5月20咧?!」
    靖茹:「吼呦,討M啦 ~///~」

    此次 MONSTER TAIPEI 獨家開放抽選14隻,喜愛恐龍黑幫系列作品的朋友,千萬不要錯過了!

    Dino Gangster 恐龍黑幫 品牌介紹:
    恐龍牙齒做為品牌標誌,表示恐龍激烈衝突感,目前出品了四款角色,包含三角龍老大 腹黑-羅伯 . 維克多、暴龍拳王 拳帝-麥可 . 雷克斯、怪力酒保腕龍-豪斯 . 巴克利、劍龍清道夫-漢諾克,富有特色原創設計,不設限的持續發展出更多熱血有趣的故事。

    台灣原創設計師-Spawnmax 米腸駿,擔任遊戲公司人物及服裝主設計,還是一名插畫家,目前在玩具公司任職,於2017年推出原創故事「小飛腸」系列軟膠,直到2019年推出「恐龍黑幫」系列軟膠,創作題材不斷推陳出新,期待未來會帶給大家更多不一樣的作品。

    Facebook: Dino Gangster 恐龍黑幫

    Dino Gangster 恐龍黑幫 腕龍酒保 豪斯.巴克利 - 標準情人配色
    尺寸:全高約 29cm (H)
    材質:軟膠 soft vinyl、施華洛世奇水晶貼鑽、乾燥花束
    ※ MONSTER TAIPEI 獨家開放抽選14隻,頭卡均附上設計師親簽及限量編號。

    2021/08/13 (五) 15:00 ~ 2021/08/14 (六) 20:00


    1. 此商品採線上抽選方式販售,欲參加抽選的朋友請填寫 Google 表單,需登入 Google 帳號,一人一個帳號限填寫一次,如有重複填寫資料者或資料填寫不齊全者將直接取消抽選資格。


    3.抽選將會使用電腦亂數程式隨機抽選,抽選結果將於 2021/08/15 (日) 當天 21:00 前以簡訊及 e-mail 通知中選者,未中選者不另行通知。

    4.中選者需於收到中選通知後三日內 2021/08/18 (三) 結束前完成付款,如中選者未在時間內完成交易將直接取消購買資格並列入永久黑名單,請務必確認是否能在規定時間內付款再參與抽選活動。

    (1) 台灣地區中選者
    a. Monster Taipei實體門市取貨付款 (現金/刷卡) 。
    b. 提供上海商銀帳戶匯款郵寄。 (運費$80)
    (2) 海外地區中選者
    僅提供 PayPal 付款 (需另加 5% PayPal 手續費),依所在地區的不同,運費金額將會另行估算,隨中選信通知附上運費金額。

    (1) 選擇至 Monster Taipei 實體門市自取:請務必於指定時間內攜帶身份證件至門市取貨付款,非本人無法領取,不接受親朋好友代領等行為。
    (2) 選擇郵寄:請務必於指定時間內付款,抽選表單上填寫的收件人及地址無法更改,欲更改者視同放棄購買資格。

    7.申請抽選將視為皆已同意以上規則,Monster Taipei 保有最終販售及修改之權利。

    Monster Taipei 台北怪獸國際有限公司

    International Lottery Sale Item:
    Dino Gangster Bartender Brachiosaurus House Barkley – Valentine’s Day Ver.
    Size: 29cm (H)
    Material:Soft Vinyl、Swarovski Rhinestones、Dry Bouquet

    NOTE : The flowers attached are natural color Baby's Breath, imported from abroad, which can last for about a year. All damages are regarded as natural wear and tear, will not sent spare parts, sorry for the inconvenient.

    ※MONSTER TAIPEI exclusive lottory for 14 pieces, the head card are attached with the designer's signature and limited number.
    Opening hours for lottery:
    2021/08/13 (FRI) 15:00 ~ 2021/08/14 (SAT) 20:00

    Google form link for lottery:

    Sales rules:
    1. This item is sold by global online lottery. Friends who want to participate in the lottery, please fill out the Google form by your Google account. Each account is limited to one time only. If you fill in the information repeatedly or fill in the information incompletely, you will be directly disqualified from the lottery. .

    2. Please fill in the form within the opening hours, overtime filing will not be accepted.

    3. The lottery will be randomly selected using a computer random number program. The results of the lottery will be notified on 2021/08/15(SUN) by SMS and e-mail before 21:00. Those who lost the chance will not be notified.

    4. Winners of the lottery need to complete the payment within three days 2021/08/18(WED) after receiving the notification. If they didn't complete the payment within the time limit, the purchase qualification will be directly cancelled and be included in the permanent blacklist. Please confirm whether able to pay within the specified time before participating in the lottery.

    5. Way of purchase
    (1) Winners in Taiwan :
    a. Pay on site and pick up in Monster Taipei store.
    b. Delivery inside Taiwan and provide Shanghai Commercial Bank Account to remit. (TWD.80 for shipping)
    (2) Winners from Overseas :
    Only PayPal payment is available (additional 5% PayPal handling fee is required). Depending on the region, the shipping amount will be estimated separately, and the shipping amount will be attached to the notification.

    6. The recipient and address on the lottery form cannot be changed, and those who wish to change will be regard as giving up the qualification.

    7. Application for lottery will be deemed to have agreed to the above rules, Monster Taipei reserves the right to final sales and modification.


  • disqualified 在 Laowu老吳 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-12-22 00:24:47

    特別感謝Impulse Gaming和EpicSoft Asia的合作

    Impulse Gaming :

    1. 點贊且關注老吳的官方臉書專頁:
    2. 到專頁中尋找並且“公開”分享該視頻至自己的臉書賬號 :
    3. 臉書該影片下留言任何一句話
    4. 耐心等待2020年12月28號晚上8點的抽獎直播,將會公佈4位的得獎者
    5. 得獎者請留意自己的信箱平且提供郵寄資料

    抽獎規則 :
    - 沒有臉書賬號的大大們不行參加
    - 一個臉書賬號只能留言(參加)一次
    - 得獎者如果是新創的假賬號將取消資格
    - 沒有年齡限制,沒有國家限制,無論是台灣還是香港的大大都可以參加
    - 參加前請完成以上步驟,被抽到后才分享,被抽到后才LIKE,被抽到后才設置公開則將取消資格
    - 請留意抽獎直播,被抽到的觀衆2天内沒有收到回復將取消資格

    How to Enter Giveaway :
    1. LIKE & FOLLOW Laowu Official Facebook Page :
    2. Share the video from Laowu Page to your personal facebook account and set as PUBLIC
    3. Drop a comment on that video
    4. 4 giveaway winners will be announced LIVE on 8pm, 28th December 2020 at Laowu Page
    5. Provide your shipping detail if you are one of the winner thru FB messenger.

    Terms and Conditions:
    - This giveaway only for people who have a personal facebook account.
    - One entry for one facebook account only.
    - Winner who enter the giveaway with fake facebook account will be disqualified.
    - Everyone on everywhere including Taiwan or Hongkong are also valid to enter this giveaway.
    - Winner who failed to follow the 5 steps above will be disqualified.
    - Please be make sure do not skip the LIVE for Announcement of Winners, failed to provide shipping detail within 2 days will be disqualified.

    副頻道 : http://a0.pise.pw/RK3J6
    關注我的Youtube : http://goo.gl/3TVkJT
    關注老吳FB: http://goo.gl/c0a2DW

  • disqualified 在 Campus TV, HKUSU 香港大學學生會校園電視 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-08-15 12:44:15


    The Legislative Council Election 2020 is supposed to be held next month. As the very first Legislative Council Election after the 2019 Anti-extradition Bill Movement, this election is vitally important to Hong Kong politics. Unfortunately, Electoral Officers disqualified a number of applicants and even postponed the election. We have collaborated with Current Affairs Committee to produce a video which allows students to express their views and to acquire political knowledge.

    Follow Us for Lastest Update
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hkucampustv
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/campustv_hkusu
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/campustv_hkusu

    Our Website

  • disqualified 在 Joseph Prince Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-05-29 22:00:09

    In a season of uncertainty, disappointments and loss, it can feel like you are left to figure out how to fend for yourself and your family. But today, we want you to know that more important than knowing what to do is knowing who you can turn to. And you can run to your heavenly Father who isn't just a loving Father but is also your Provider and Protector. Beloved, you are not doing this alone, you are not left to fend for yourself.

    Check out this compilation of videos we have curated for you and be encouraged, knowing that the Lord is your good Father whose heart is not out to get you but to love, to provide and to take care of you. ?

    These clips are from:
    1. Find Hope And Refuge In Dark Times (4 Sep 2016) & Jesus Our True Jubilee And Sabbath (30 Sep 2004)
    2. Double Honor For Your Shame (16 Mar 2014)
    3. The Four Gospels Unlocked For Your Blessings (9 Oct 2016)
    4. Live Bold Without Guild And Fear (8 April 2018)
    5. Feel Disqualified? God Can Use You! (25 Feb 2018)
    6. Experience God’s Sure Kindness Toward You (19 June 2016)

    Musicbed SyncID: MB01ULGFCXW42YA

    Decibel.one: A digital magazine and online channel by Joseph Prince Ministries. Check out at https://decibel.one/ for more grace-centered content.

    Stay Connected –

    Decibel Website: https://decibel.one/
    Decibel Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dcbl.one/
    Decibel Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/decibel.one/

    #decibelone #decibel #JosephPrince