大舌人:「EC,我不時『開口夾著脷』,容易咬到舌頭,而且舌頭側邊凹凸不平,是健康有問題嗎?」 CheckCheckCin:在健康狀態下舌頭大小適中、靈活自如,表示氣血充足。如果舌...
大舌人:「EC,我不時『開口夾著脷』,容易咬到舌頭,而且舌頭側邊凹凸不平,是健康有問題嗎?」 CheckCheckCin:在健康狀態下舌頭大小適中、靈活自如,表示氣血充足。如果舌頭肥大或邊有齒痕,中醫稱之為「胖大舌」及「齒痕舌」,多代表脾、陽虛,齒痕是因為舌體胖大而受齒緣壓迫所致,脾虛的人多伴有容易疲倦、食慾不振症狀;如伴有四肢發冷、面色暗啞為陽虛。當脾腎狀況改善,舌頭會變會正常大小。
1. 鮮淮山洗淨去皮後切粒狀;白米及洋薏米茨實洗淨。
2. 所有材料加入鍋中,加入約1000毫升水以武火煮至水滾,然後調至文火煮成粥,要留意火候,水減少了要適量添水,最後加鹽調味即可。
Got a fatty tongue with teeth marks?
EC, I always feel like I might bite my tongue by accident easily and the sides of my tongue feels rugged and uneven. Is there something wrong with my health?
CheckCheckCin: A healthy tongue is appropriately sized and moves easily representing sufficient qi and blood. If you tongue is fatty with teeth marks on the side, this could represent asthenic spleen and yang deficiency. The teeth marks occur due to fattened tongue edging up against your teeth. Those with asthenic spleen usually also experience fatigue and poor appetite. If you also have cold limbs, dull complexion, then that’s yang deficiency. As the health of your kidneys and spleen improve, size of your tongue will also adjust back to regular size.
Suggestion: have rice water daily and avoid cold/raw foods. Appropriately consume ingredients that strengthen the spleen such as sweet potato, Chinese yam, fox nut, and lotus seeds.
Congee to strengthen the spleen
Chinese medicine believes the spleen and stomach are closely related to your digestive functions so having more congee can nourish your stomach. Congee is mild in nature, and you can further strengthen the spleen if you add in Chinese yam and fox nuts.
Pearl barley congee with Chinese yam and fox nuts
Ingredients: half a fresh Chinese yam, 20g pearl barley, 10g fox nuts, ½ cup of white rice. #男 #女 #我疲憊 #我胖了 #濕熱 #痰濕
舌頭側邊痛 在 夏黃廉盈 Facebook 的最讚貼文
👓 #DIOR 恩瑞眼鏡 ERIC's eyewear
舌頭側邊痛 在 夏黃廉盈 Facebook 的最讚貼文
👓 #DIOR 恩瑞眼鏡 ERIC's eyewear