

在 發酵英文產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過33萬的網紅潘小濤,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 請傳給你認識的外國朋友 (繼續發酵!英文翻譯上線!幫手推!)🔥 有外媒相繼報道了關於袁國勇、龍振邦兩位教授疑似因壓力而撤回《明報》專欄文章一事,有手足更花了時間,把文章譯作英文。西方社會是需要知道真相的,請廣傳給在外國的朋友: [On Mar 18 2020, Professor Davi...

 同時也有173部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過12萬的網紅朱學恒的阿宅萬事通事務所,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【贊助專區】 Paypal傳送門: https://paypal.me/HsuehHeng 綠界傳送門: https://p.ecpay.com.tw/706363D 歐付寶傳送門: https://reurl.cc/eENAEm 下午直播加映場!台北市議員 #李明賢 要來跟我們一起聊聊國民...

發酵英文 在 ?簡易食譜分享 @ ????’? ???????? Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-17 20:12:21

花雕花蟹蒸蛋白🦀𝒮𝓉𝑒𝒶𝓂𝑒𝒹 𝑒𝑔𝑔 𝓌𝒽𝒾𝓉𝑒 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝒸𝓇𝒶𝒷 . . 想買部蒸爐好耐!今次第一次用呢部2021年全新型號 @toshiba_lifestyle_hong_kong Q20 蒸焗爐 (MS2-TQ20SC)!選了這個鮮味十足的花雕花蟹蒸蛋白來為這個蒸焗爐開光🤍蟹和花雕的酒香十...

發酵英文 在 彪媽和毛寶的生活揭載 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-03 17:49:34

右滑有影片! 崇尚環保和不喜歡化學劑的我, 在家裡是不放殺蟲劑的! 我都物理殺蟲➡️就是用拖鞋 想不到野田實驗室解鎖的我的恐懼, 標榜「植物系」出了一系列清潔用品兼具驅蟲,而且能讓我不用跟臭蟑螂面對面,用天然精油之力的蟲之呼吸,就能讓壞蟲自然而然離我遠去, 成分是天然發酵乳酸,非化學強酸鹼洗劑,對...

  • 發酵英文 在 潘小濤 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-03-20 13:56:28
    有 841 人按讚


    (繼續發酵!英文翻譯上線!幫手推!)🔥 有外媒相繼報道了關於袁國勇、龍振邦兩位教授疑似因壓力而撤回《明報》專欄文章一事,有手足更花了時間,把文章譯作英文。西方社會是需要知道真相的,請廣傳給在外國的朋友:

    [On Mar 18 2020, Professor David Lung at the University of Hong Kong and his colleague Professor Yuen Kwok-yung, a world-renowned expert in microbiology and infectious diseases, withdrew their op-ed in the Chinese-language newspaper Ming Pao, in which they elucidated the origin and naming of the Wuhan Coronavirus, and criticized "inferior Chinese culture" for being the origin of the present pandemic. This led to allegations that the Chinese and Hong Kong governments are covering up the truth and suppressing academic freedom. Below is an English translation of this op-ed. Please spread the word and expose the truth!]

    Outbreak in Wuhan shows that lessons from seventeen years ago are forgotten - David Lung and Yuen Kwok-yung, University of Hong Kong [translated from Chinese]

    The novel coronavirus outbreak began in Wuhan in Winter 2019, and engulfed the entire province of Hubei by Spring 2020; the number of cases in China grew to over 80,000, with at least 3,000 deaths. The outbreak in China slowed down only after a month-long lockdown, which has failed to curtail the spread of the disease overseas by March 2020. The World Health Organization (WHO) was sluggish in response and failed to declare this a pandemic in a timely fashion. Shortage of relevant measures and protective gear around the world contributed to the global outbreak. Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, and the Republic of China have so far been spared of the pandemic, though cases linked to overseas travel have yet to cease.

    This pandemic is caused by a coronavirus, thus named because of its shape. From 2015 onwards, the WHO has ceased to name diseases using monikers for people, places, animals, food, culture, or occupations. As such, they labeled the disease using the year of the outbreak; thus the designation COVID-19. The International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) used viral genome sequencing as the sole criterion for the naming of viruses; because the similarity between the genetic sequences of the SARS coronavirus and the present novel coronavirus, which therefore is not truly "novel", the ICTV designated the novel coronavirus as "SARS-CoV-2.0". Media organizations and the public call this the Wuhan Coronavirus or the Wuhan Pneumonia; this is perfectly fine because of its simplicity.

    There has been heated debate over the naming of the pandemic. As a matter of fact, the disease is named by the WHO and the virus is named by the ICTV; the common name is purely a customary matter and suffices to serves it purpose as long as it is simple and clear. The official names of COVID-19 for the disease, or SARS-CoV-2 for the virus, must be used in scientific and academic discourse. However, the simplicity of the popular designations "Wuhan Coronavirus" and "Wuhan Pneumonia" are far more conducive to daily communication and conversations in the media.

    The 2020 pandemic originated in Wuhan

    Roughly 75% of novel diseases can be traced to wild animals; the ancestral virus from which several mammalian coronaviruses descend can be traced to bats or birds, both of which can fly over a distance of several thousands of kilometers to the location of first discovery of the virus. As such, the nomenclature of viruses may utilize the name of the location of discovery. The most accurate and objective means to identify the origin of the virus is to isolate the virus from the animal host. However, the Huanan Seafood Market had been cleared, and live wild animals vacated, by the time researchers had arrived for live samples. Consequently, the identity of the natural and intermediate hosts of the coronavirus is unclear. According to local personnel, the wild games in the Huanan Seafood Market are shipped and smuggled from various locations in China, Southeast Asia, and Africa; it remains impossible to identify the ancestry of the Wuhan Coronavirus.

    Viral genome sequencing shows a 96% similarity between the Wuhan Coronavirus and the viral strain RaTG13 found in bats, lending credence to the belief that the RaTG13 strain is the ancestral virus for the Wuhan Coronavirus. This viral strain can be isolated from the bat species Rhinolophus sinicus found in Yunnan, China; thus bats are believed to be the natural host to the Wuhan Coronavirus. Epidemiological studies show definitively that the Huanan Seafood Market was the amplification epicenter, where the transmission of the virus from the natural host to the intermediate host likely occurred, before a mutation to a form that can adapt to the human body, followed by human-to-human transmission.

    The identity of the intermediate host remains unclear; viral genome sequencing, however, reveals a 90% similarity between the spike receptor-binding domain of the Wuhan Coronavirus and of the coronavirus strain found in pangolins. While uncertainties remain for us to unambiguously identify the pangolin as the intermediate host, it is extremely likely that the pangolin coronavirus strain donated the spike receptor-binding domain genetic sequence, or even the entire gene section, to the bat coronavirus strain, culminating in the novel coronavirus upon DNA shuffling.

    Wild animal market: the origin of numerous viruses

    The SARS outbreak in 2003 can be traced to Heyuan prior to engulfing Guangdong and ravaging Hong Kong. The SARS Coronavirus was found in the masked palm civet; China has subsequently outlawed the sales of live wild animals. Seventeen years later, wild animal markets have instead grown unabashed, in flagrant violation of the law. The Chinese people have forgotten the lessons of SARS in their entirety. The glaring appearance of live wild animal markets in city centers, and the egregious acts of selling, cooking, and eating these wild animals, constitute a stunning and blatant disregard for the laws. The feces of these wild animals carry large concentrations of bacteria and viruses; the crowded set-up, the poor hygiene, and the proximity of different animal species are extremely conducive to DNA shuffling and genetic mutations. As such, these markets need to be banned outright.

    Remodeling of markets is key to the prevention of epidemics. The Chinese and Hong Kong governments must promptly improve the set-up of markets by enhancing ventilation and getting rid of rats and pests. Before the elimination of all live poultry markets becomes a reality, animal feces found in these markets must be handled properly to lower the chances of genetic shuffling between viruses.

    Internet conspiracies of an U.S. origin of the virus is not supported by facts, and only serves to mislead the public. The dissemination of conspiracy theories needs to stop. Transparency is first and foremost in the fight against an epidemic; we need cool heads and rational analysis in place of hearsay and falsehood. The failure to close all live wild animal markets post-SARS was a colossal mistake; to win the battle over the pandemic, we must face reality, and not repeat the same mistakes while leaving the blame upon others. The Wuhan Coronavirus is a product of inferior Chinese culture -\-\ the culture of recklessly catching and eating wild animals, and treating animals inhumanely, with an utter disrespect and disregard of lives. This inferior culture of the Chinese people -\-\ specifically the consumption of wild animals to satiate themselves -\-\ is the true origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus. If these habits and attitudes remain in place, SARS 3.0 will certainly happen in a matter of a decade or so.




  • 發酵英文 在 朱學恒的阿宅萬事通事務所 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-14 17:05:42

    Paypal傳送門: https://paypal.me/HsuehHeng
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    下午直播加映場!台北市議員 #李明賢 要來跟我們一起聊聊國民黨主席戰的茶壺風暴,還會聊到2022的北市長之爭與台北市的「精準」疫調~~


    根據TVBS報導,【 #國民黨黨主席選舉 監察委員會昨天決議,將候選人張亞中移送考紀會查明。張亞中今(14)日親上火線說明,砲轟黨中央因為他民調走高就被送考紀會,甚至可能會沒收他的參選資格,這比民進黨初選當時蔡英文鬥賴清德還要粗暴。張亞中更質疑考紀會的程序與結果,並要求黨中央有人負起政治責任,「我何錯之有?」他提出的所有質疑都可受公評,考紀會卻拿刀亂砍,「黨中央的做法會讓所有黨員寒心!」】


    根據 CTWANT 報導,【五月新冠肺炎疫情大爆發直至七月二十七日,中央流行疫情指揮中心才宣布疫情警戒降為二級,其間疫情釀成八百多人死亡,疫苗政策又爭議不斷,種種因素皆讓綠營政治人物嗅到「民意逆風」,進而改變未來動向,直接打亂台北市、新北市、桃園市和新竹市等近一千萬人口地盤的選舉佈局,尤其是身兼中央流行疫情中心指揮官的衛福部長 #陳時中 ,個人政治聲望有明顯起伏,恐已非民進黨內台北市長的不二人選。】文中還提到,【「陳時中去選桃園市比較有機會,在台北市比較難。」前立委郭正亮也認為,台北市選民的民調最容易變動,很容易受各種議題影響,例如今年底的四大公投,特別是萊豬這項考題,民進黨必輸,其後果就會傷害到陳時中,因此陳時中避開台北,去選桃園比較有機會贏,綠營高層有意將陳時中這一關鍵棋子從台北轉向桃園,這項計畫已在政壇逐漸發酵。】


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  • 發酵英文 在 簡單哥 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-06 19:00:31



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  • 發酵英文 在 少康戰情室 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-09-04 12:31:46




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