

在 沙參玉竹功效忌食產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【聖誕快樂!】皮膚應節地「下雪」了怎麼辦? #深層補濕需要調整生活模式 #BBQ火鍋燒肉約會要節制啊 #星期三CheckCheckMail 皮膚脫皮要潤燥 小白:「冬天到皮膚乾燥到不得了,痕癢時不斷抓,皮屑就如下雪般飄出來,塗抹潤膚乳都好像治標不治本。」 CheckCheckCin:不少人都期...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過60萬的網紅飲食男女,也在其Youtube影片中提到,山斑魚滋陰強身,一般用作手術後調理,有助加速傷口癒合。其實將食材配搭調整,配合健脾青木瓜,補而不燥猴頭菇,還有疏肝理氣合掌瓜。做到滋陰降火,補而不燥、安神的效果,飲後可以好好睡一覺。 1)山斑魚 3-4條 滋陰強身,增強抵抗力,有助傷口癒合,生肌功效。氣血不足,身體虛弱特別適合 食用禁忌:手術後待...

沙參玉竹功效忌食 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-09 01:34:20

【聖誕快樂!】皮膚應節地「下雪」了怎麼辦?  #深層補濕需要調整生活模式 #BBQ火鍋燒肉約會要節制啊 #星期三CheckCheckMail  皮膚脫皮要潤燥 小白:「冬天到皮膚乾燥到不得了,痕癢時不斷抓,皮屑就如下雪般飄出來,塗抹潤膚乳都好像治標不治本。」  CheckCheck...

沙參玉竹功效忌食 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-09 02:17:20

【輪班人生】逆時鐘的生活不是人人可以 #航空警察消防醫護酒店採訪界人士辛苦了 #要自己找回生活作息規律 #星期三問題多多 輪班人要識滋陰 白衣天使:「我工作是輪班制的,經常覺得人很乾,容易出暗瘡,精神狀態又差,可以如何調理?」 CheckCheckCin:根據中醫古籍《黃帝內經》記載:「法於陰陽...

沙參玉竹功效忌食 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-09 02:17:43

【春日皮膚候診室】以為面紅紅可以慳返胭脂? #又紅又赤甚至痕癢一點也不好受 #經常熬夜症狀更嚴重 #星期二正能量 面頰通紅陰虛作怪 看到BB面珠紅通通覺得很可愛,但如果大人面頰泛紅不退,又有灼熱感,就令人很困擾了。從中醫角度來看,面頰泛紅,多因為體內有熱的象徵,以陰虛者最為常見,這種熱為虛熱,伴...

  • 沙參玉竹功效忌食 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-12-25 15:34:11
    有 319 人按讚






    Moisturize to relieve skin peeling
    “My skin is extremely dry in the winter. The more I scratch, the more skin starts to peel like snowflakes. Applying moisturizer does not seem to help.”

    CheckCheckCin: Many people are expecting snow in winter, but if the skin is dry and peeling skin shred like "snow", it is very distressing. Weather is dry during autumn and winter. If you have blood deficiency or yin deficiency body type, skin dryness may be even more serious. Applying moisturizer only hydrates the skin surface. It does not improve the overall body dryness. What you need is deep moisturization. The diet should be light. Eat more foods that can nourish yin and relieve dryness, such as radix adenophorae, radix ophiopogonis, radix ophiopogonis, sea coconut, lily bulb, fig. Avoid having milk tea, coffee, and spicy and oily and hot-natured foods. Avoid staying up late. The water temperature should not be too high when taking a bath, and the time should be shortened to avoid worsening skin dryness. After drying your body with a towel, it is better to apply moisturizer while the body is still damp. If the skin dryness is serious, choose a moisturizer with higher oil content. Drinking water slowly, and use humidifiers at office and home to alleviate the symptoms of dryness.

    Tea to nourish skin
    Effects: nourishes yin, relieves dryness and nourishes skin
    Ingredients: 9g radix ophiopogonis, 9g figwort root, 9g radix ophiopogonis, 2-3 slices of dried pear
    Preparation: rinse all ingredients thoroughly and cut into pieces then place into thermos, rinse with hot water once. Then add in hot water again and steep for 20 minutes. You can re-brew for 2-3 times until its flavor weakens. For best results, drink consecutively for 3-4 days when the weather is dry.

    #男 #女 #我枯燥 #血虛 #陰虛

  • 沙參玉竹功效忌食 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-04-17 12:48:20
    有 562 人按讚





    1) 自訂三餐時間,每隔4-6小時吃下一餐,令進食有規律
    2) 沒時間進食也要吃一份三文治或喝一杯米水,不會傷到脾胃
    3) 飲食宜清淡,適量進食粥品、米粉等容易消化的食物
    4) 適量進食清熱滋陰食物如雪梨、花旗參、百合、沙參、玉竹、海底椰、蜂蜜等
    5) 忌吃辛辣、油膩、香口及偏熱性食物
    6) 不宜喝薑茶、紅棗水、桂圓水等溫補食材
    7) 睡覺時要自行調節光線,白天睡覺要關上窗簾,起床儘量令環境明亮,讓身體更好適應


    Shift workers should learn to nourish yin

    I am a shift worker and always feel quite dry, am prone to acne and feel tired. What can I do about it?

    According to ancient Chinese medicine book “Huangdi Neijing”, those with healthy regular routines and habits will have healthy bodies and sound spirits. However, some people have shift work and can create confusion in their biological clocks. This can hurt the core of the body and lead to yin deficiency and heat-related symptoms like dry mouth, canker sores, acne and constipation. Shift workers have to reverse day and night, so it is best to fine-tune diet and lifestyle habits to reduce the damage.

    Healthy tips for shift workers
    1) Tailor make your meals times and try to eat every 4-6 hours.
    2) Eat a sandwich or drink a cup of rice water when you are busy to protect your spleen and stomach.
    3) Eat lighter meals and bland foods such as congee and rice noodles.
    4) Appropriately consume foods that can clear heat and nourish Yin such as pear, American ginseng, lily bulbs, radix adenophorae, radix polygonatum, sea coconut, honey
    5) Avoid eating spicy, greasy, flavourful and hot natured food.
    6) Avoid warm natured tonic drinks such as ginger tea, Chinese red dates water, dried longan water
    7) Adjust the lighting during sleep. Close the curtains if you sleeo during the day and bring in light when you wake up to let your body adapt to the environment.

    Tea for busy people to clear heat and nourish yin
    Effects: Nourishes yin and clears heat, relieves dryness and replenishes the lungs
    Ingredients: 1 tablespoon American ginseng powder, 2 tablespoon dendrobium powder
    Preparation: Add hot water and powder into thermos and steep for 15 minutes. Remember to drink it slowly instead of drink all at once.

    #男 #女 #我枯燥 #陰虛 #口瘡 #暗瘡 #喉嚨痛 #失眠

  • 沙參玉竹功效忌食 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-03-05 16:33:24
    有 121 人按讚




    - 飲食宜清淡
    - 適量進食滋陰食物如百合、沙參、玉竹、海底椰、花旗參、石斛、雪梨等
    - 忌吃辛辣、油膩、偏熱性食物
    - 忌熬夜晚睡


    Yin deficiency can cause redness in the face

    We always find rosy cheeks on children to be cute, but it could be frustrating if there are signs of flushing cheeks on adults. From Chinese medicine perspective, redness in the face is usually a sign of heat in your body, and mostly as a result of yin deficiency. This type of heat is called asthenic heat, accompanying symptoms are heat flushed cheeks in the afternoon, dry skin, night sweats, dry mouth, hot palms, hot chest, yellow urination, dry stool, and even constipation.

    There are big temperature fluctuations during spring season, skin will easily be stimulated and show signs of redness, however do not jump to conclusion and assume your body is hot and have a cup of herbal tea. Even if you decided to drink herbal tea, it should be in moderation. What you should do instead is to nourish yin to get rid the heat caused by yin deficiency. Then the redness will naturally subside.

    Tips to regulate yin deficiency body type
    - Eat a light diet
    - Consume yin nourishing food in moderation: lily bulb, glehnia root, polygonatum, sea coconut, American ginseng, dendrobium, pear etc
    - Avoid eating spicy, greasy, hot natured food
    - Avoid late nights

    American Ginseng tea with radix ophiopogonis
    Effects: nourishes yin, clears heat and relieves dryness, alleviates symptoms such as dry skin and thirst.
    Ingredients: 3g American ginseng, 10g radix ophiopogonis, 2 tsp of honey
    Preparation: Rinse ingredients and put into thermos, rinse once with hot water, and add hot water, steep for 20 mins. Lastly add in honey. This tea could be rebrewed until flavor weakens. For best results, drink for 2-3 days.
    (con’t in comment)

  • 沙參玉竹功效忌食 在 飲食男女 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2016-11-22 18:04:25


    1)山斑魚 3-4條

    2)青木瓜 1個

    3)合掌瓜 1-2個(視乎大小)

    4)猴頭菇 3個

    5)北沙參 約 2両
    清熱養陰 祛痰、健脾胃,舒緩因虛勞、陰虛火旺的發熱

    6)無花果 6-8粒

    7)海竹頭 2両

    8)生曬淮山 2両

    9)百合 約2両

    10)陳皮 1個
    11)肉眼 1斤

    1)猴頭菇洗淨,用清水浸3-4 小時,榨水再換水浸一會。用手榨出多餘水分,可以令猴頭菇更加乾淨,湯會更加清甜











