
為什麼這篇會計利潤經濟利潤鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在會計利潤經濟利潤這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者w22556778 (阿金)看板Economics標題Re: [考試] 關於經濟利潤和會計利潤的...

會計利潤經濟利潤 在 BusinessFocus | 商業、投資、創科平台 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-08-02 06:13:01

【@marketfocus.hk 】【賭業復活】金沙虧蝕減7成勝預期 刺激濠賭股反彈 大行:疫情放緩 看好金沙銀娛澳博 . 金沙中國(1928)公佈今年第二季業績,淨虧蝕較去年同期大幅收窄7成至1.66億美元,期內淨收入達8.49億美元,符合市場預期,令近期表現疲弱的濠賭股普遍反彈。由於內地疫情放緩...

※ 引述《zong2006 (小周鳥)》之銘言:
: 來源: 100 年度交大交管研究所考題
: 科目:經濟學
: 問題:Dolores used to work as a high school teacher for $40000 per year
: but quit in order to start her own catering business. To invest in her
: factory, she withdraw $20000 from her saving, which paid 3 percent interest
: and borrowed $30000 from her uncle, whom she pays 3 percent interest per year.
: Last year she paid $25000 for ingredients and had revenue of $60000. She asked
: Louis the accountant and Greg the economist to caculate her profit for her.
: a. Louis says her costs are $25900 and Greg says her costs are $66500
: b. Louis says her costs are $25000 and Greg says her costs are $65000
: c. Louis says her profit is $66500 and Greg say her costs are $66500
: d. Louis says her profit is $75000 and Greg say her costs are $41500
個人算出來是A 稱不上是高手(中手都稱不上?) 有錯請指教
先從會計成本著手 因為


餐飲業的機會成本就是當老師 又利潤等於收入減成本

因為沒有提到當老師時的成本 假設成本為零

所以 餐飲業經濟成本=會計成本+機會成本=25900+40600=66500

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
YLiLi:推強者我同學 01/06 23:36
hwp1006:怒推 01/06 23:37
zong2006:啊 關鍵在它說withdraw只是提出20000不能用 還沒說它花掉 01/08 23:43
zong2006:花掉25000材料費可能包含已經提出的20000在內了 重複計算 01/08 23:44
zong2006:謝謝 我了了!!~ 01/08 23:44

