

在 政大附中課表產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅Brett 林熙老師,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #1月29日SAT寒密班 https://goo.gl/v3MWmA #2月3日SAT衝刺班 #12月SAT分數目前回報狀況 新竹實驗Cindy 1450 (不是國際部~還這麼強! 1560+等著妳拿下… Keep asking the questions, Cindy and you’ll ...

  • 政大附中課表 在 Brett 林熙老師 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2017-12-26 23:37:42
    有 148 人按讚




    新竹實驗Cindy 1450 (不是國際部~還這麼強! 1560+等著妳拿下… Keep asking the questions, Cindy and you’ll continue to improve.)

    康橋Mxxxx 1450 (她說還不夠高,先不要透漏名字,等她下次更高… I’m really looking forward to you meeting your expectations.)

    TAS Justin 1430 (一步一腳印在累積實力。他這種學習態度,再練下去不得了…I love your attitude to learning – never lose your curiosity!)

    康橋 Evan 1420 (上課表現一副不太認真的樣子,其實是課後自發型的學生…It’s been great having you in the class – I enjoy the cool act.)

    中一中 Benjamin 1380 (雖然特別晚才決定準備SAT,但是他夠認真~考得很好… I hope you enjoy it over there.)

    康橋 Adam 1370 (聰明又認真,但學校課業真的過重。累斃了! 導致這次分數無法展現他真正的實力… You’ll do much better next time. Make sure you get more sleep in the week leading up to the next test.)

    TES King 1330 (腦袋很靈光,有1560+的實力,等他下次爆發… Even though the extra study may seem tiring at the moment, you’ll be happy you did it once you achieve your ideal score.)

    政大附中 Tim 1300 (數學很好! 也是很認真的好學生。但學習環境都是中文,所以SAT閱讀還是需要時間進步… There’s still plenty of time left. Just keep doing at least one passage a day, with review.)

    康橋 Tim 1300 (從ACT轉考SAT,沒想到是個大轉機… I’m so happy that you were able to trump your ACT scores the first SAT test you took!)

    #延伸閱讀 "ACT比較好考~比較容易拿高分"的背後真相

    To the students who haven’t told me their scores yet, remember to let me know asap so we can figure out what you need to do to improve.