

在 帕瑪森起司脆餅產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅海兒Perlette,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 之前就看到詹姆士大廚的食譜👉🏻「蔥雞湯」~今晚終於有感覺來煮「蔥花雞湯麵」,🍴去骨雞腿1隻、鹽、白胡椒,煮一碗水,大量的蔥切成蔥花,雞皮面朝下,大火下,小火乾煎至表面金黃(不用另外倒油)雞腿取出切成條狀後,將雞油濾出,再將雞肉丟回鍋內炒熟。將煮開的滾水倒進炒鍋內,適量加入鹽巴、白胡椒,大火煮好雞湯...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅This Family,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Beef Tartare by Jimmy's Table If you know me, you know I love my beef tartare. It's something about raw beef that gets me excited, and whenever I see...

帕瑪森起司脆餅 在 爸爸 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-03 17:54:50

空氣 | 來自某某 @quelques_p 揉捻藍莓、葡萄、杜松子,以「鼻息的存留」為空氣實踐的過程,印記在心底。 都市 | 以卡拉威籽與多香果醃漬的發酵鳳梨、蘋果,搭配奶油乳酪。以台灣櫻花蝦餅與三年陳放帕瑪森起司脆餅夾起,灑上竹炭粉,呈現都市饒富層次的芬芳與陳韻,和染塵的浮動。 海洋 |青蒜與...

  • 帕瑪森起司脆餅 在 海兒Perlette Facebook 的精選貼文

    2017-09-09 22:43:12
    有 84 人按讚

    之前就看到詹姆士大廚的食譜👉🏻「蔥雞湯」~今晚終於有感覺來煮「蔥花雞湯麵」,🍴去骨雞腿1隻、鹽、白胡椒,煮一碗水,大量的蔥切成蔥花,雞皮面朝下,大火下,小火乾煎至表面金黃(不用另外倒油)雞腿取出切成條狀後,將雞油濾出,再將雞肉丟回鍋內炒熟。將煮開的滾水倒進炒鍋內,適量加入鹽巴、白胡椒,大火煮好雞湯,在最滾熱的狀態下,倒進裝滿生蔥的碗裡,蔥雞湯完成🍲 (想要吃麵的人記得煮一把麵加進去)


    傍晚還烤了「Tuiles de Parmesan 帕瑪森起司脆餅」簡單的兩樣食材(蒜粉、帕瑪森),五分鐘準備時間+200度烤箱五分鐘,就能有高鈣美味的脆餅,單吃當零嘴或是放在沙拉、菜餚上點綴都很搭,也能出爐後趁熱放在桿麵棍上變成彎曲狀,調製好的起司絲,裝在玻璃瓶中隨時料理可用😘


    蔥雞湯原食譜網址 https://www.facebook.com/148985881781429/videos/1738993232780678/

  • 帕瑪森起司脆餅 在 This Family Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-11-26 18:00:00

    Beef Tartare by Jimmy's Table

    If you know me, you know I love my beef tartare. It's something about raw beef that gets me excited, and whenever I see this on a menu, I always order it. This is one of my favorite dishes to eat when dining out. Making this dish is much easier than it looks. My version is a bit elevated with more ingredients to give it more layers. I hope you like it!

    Ingredients 食材:
    10-16 ounces of raw beef tenderloin or sirloin (沙朗)
    2 tablespoons of finely minced shallots (生紅蔥頭)
    3 tablespoons of fried shallots (炸紅蔥頭)
    1 tablespoon of capers (酸豆)
    2 tablespoons of Whole grain mustard (顆粒芥末醬)
    2 tablespoons of Dijon mustard (傳統芥末醬)
    1 tablespoon of Horseradish (optional) (西洋山葵)
    2 tablespoons of Sriracha chili sauce (是拉差香甜辣椒醬)
    2 tablespoons of Balsamic vinegar (巴薩米克醋)
    2 tablespoons of Extra virgin olive oil (橄欖油)
    Black pepper - for taste (黑胡椒)
    Salt - for taste (鹽)

    Finishing Ingredients 撒料調味:
    Arugula (芝麻葉)
    Balsamic vinegar (巴薩米克醋)
    Extra virgin olive oil (橄欖油)
    Parmesan cheese (帕瑪森起司)
    Crackers (saltines or wheat crisps) or toasted french bread slices (薄脆餅乾or法國吐司)
    Raw egg (yoke only) (生蛋黃)

    STEP 1
    Prepare the beef for cutting. If the beef is already frozen, then let it defrost a little. If the beef is already defrosted, put the beef in the freezer for 15-20 minutes so that the meat freezes a little and is hard to easily slice. If the beef is too soft (aka defrosted all the way), then it will be really hard to cut the beef into fine slices, strips and cubes. By the time you finish making the dish, the beef will be perfectly cold to eat.
    步驟 1

    STEP 2
    Cut beef slices about 1-2 mm thick. Then take the slices and cut them into 1-2 mm strips. Lastly, turn the beef around and cut the strips into small beef cubes/pieces. Put beef into a large mixing bowl.
    步驟 2

    STEP 3
    In the bowl, add in 2 tablespoons of whole grain mustard, 2 tablespoons of dijon mustard, 1 tablespoons of horseradish, 3 tablespoons finely minced shallots, 3 tablespoons of fried shallots.
    步驟 3

    STEP 4
    Add in 2 tablespoons of Extra virgin olive oil, 2 tablespoons of Balsamic vinegar, 2 tablespoons of Sriracha chili sauce and 1 tablespoon of capers. Add 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt and black pepper. Finally mix everything together evenly.
    步驟 4

    STEP 5
    For plating, start with a bowl of arugula leaves. Add in balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Grind a bit of black pepper for taste.
    步驟 5

    STEP 6
    Drain and lay arugula salad onto plate. Use a metal ring (optional) and lay on top of the salad. Fill in the ring with beef tartare until it is full. Press down on the top to flatten the top. Remove metal ring.
    步驟 6

    STEP 7
    Carefully crack an egg and separate the egg white and egg yoke. Carefully place the egg yoke on top of the beef tartare.
    步驟 7

    STEP 8
    Shred some parmesan cheese on top. Grind a bit of black pepper for taste and plating. Place a spoonful of whole grain mustard on the plate and add a few crackers to the side.
    步驟 8

    Directed&Edited by Apple

  • 帕瑪森起司脆餅 在 Ting's Bistro克里斯丁 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2018-05-24 17:00:03


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