

在 yet用法句尾產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過12萬的網紅浩爾譯世界,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【如何用好的英文,發揮超大影響力?】 如果請你用 50 個英文字 描述一下正在使用的手機 你會怎麼寫呢? 來看英文寫作權威 Sonny老師的翻譯&教學札記 專業解析 以下為 Sonny 老師第一人稱視角 - 多年前 iPhone 6 剛出品時 英國專業評論家 Evan Kypreos 寫了一篇...

  • yet用法句尾 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-04-14 21:40:48
    有 276 人按讚

    如果請你用 50 個英文字

    來看英文寫作權威 Sonny老師的翻譯&教學札記 專業解析
    以下為 Sonny 老師第一人稱視角


    多年前 iPhone 6 剛出品時
    英國專業評論家 Evan Kypreos

    1️⃣ The iPhone 6 opts for soft curves and seamless joins between the screen and the back.
    (iPhone 6 選擇了柔和曲線,螢幕和背面一體成型。)

    👉 動詞用了 opt (v.) 選擇,在視覺上或發音上都簡短有力
    👉 seam 指「縫隙」,因此 seamless 意即「無縫隙的」
    👉 把 join 轉為名詞用,意指「結合(處)」
    👉 第一句就可看出作者對英文詞性強大的駕馭功力

    2️⃣ As always with Apple’s phones the iPhone 6 has superb balance, it just feels right in your hand.
    (一如其他蘋果手機,iPhone 6 的平衡也相當突出,手感相當卓越。)

    👉 句首用 as always with 三字簡單推一下蘋果先前的作品
    👉 superb (卓越、超凡)這個字選得非常好,比使用其他形容詞最高級更為精準有力
    👉 句尾使用較口語的用法 feel right in your hand,讓文風活潑些

    3️⃣ The 6.9mm thickness makes it feel sleek yet strong.
    (6.9 mm 的厚度使它既雅緻,又耐用。)

    👉 英文評論或文宣很強調「數據」或「資訊」,而這個句子完美帶入確切的數據,提升讀者的信任感
    👉 iPhone 6 的厚度比前幾代都還薄,但與其用 thin 這個比較平凡的字,作者選了 sleek,把「薄」轉成一種正面的印象(雅緻),別具巧思
    👉 sleek 和 strong 都是 s 開頭,押頭韻,能加深讀者的印象




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  • yet用法句尾 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文

    2013-06-25 10:13:29
    有 63 人按讚

    [文法與詞彙Q&A] although, but, yet, even though, though, whereas, despite, in spite of 的區別

    A. 表示「雖然、儘管、但是」
    1. although, but, yet

    -In theory it seems like a good idea, but I don’t think it’ll work in practice.

    -In theory it seems like a good idea, although I don’t think it’ll work in practice.
    -Although it seems like a good idea, I don’t think it will work in practice.

    ※注意:although, but 兩者只能取其一,不能同時並用

    Although it seems like a good idea, but I don’t think it will work in practice. (X)

    ※ 亦可用 still、anyway (依然、還是) 來加強but, although的語氣
    I wasn’t feeling very well, but I still went to work.
    I wasn’t feeling very well, but I went to work anyway.
    I still went to work, although I wasn’t feeling very well.
    Although I wasn’t feeling very well, I went to work anyway.

    ※亦可用yet來替代 but
    It’s a simple yet very effective system.
    In theory it seems like a good idea, (and) yet I don’t think it’ll work in practice.

    Used as a conjunction, "yet" is similar in meaning to "but," but it has a stronger effect on the reader or listener. There is perhaps more of a surprise associated with the former statement. Note that you can put "and" in front of "yet" when it comes at the beginning of a clause, but of course this is not possible with "but," so you can write the following sentence:

    "The cyclists were tired and hungry, all but exhausted, (and) yet they refused to give up in their attempt to finish the race."

    Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar/learnit/learnitv21.shtml


    2. though, even though
    though 比較口語,意思與although同,但though 可以放在句尾(當副詞用)

    -Though he has lived for years in London, he writes in French. (雖然)—連接詞

    -He has lived for years in London. He writes in French, though. (不過、但是)--副詞

    even though (即便、儘管)用法與although 同, 語氣更強烈
    -Even though I wasn’t feeling very well, I still went to work.


    B. 表示「而、卻、反之」(對照比較之用)
    -Indonesia has a lot of natural resources, whereas Singapore has none.

    -Whereas Indonesia has a lot of natural resources, Singapore has none.

    ※ although 與 whereas 的比較

    although 含有驚訝的意味 (通常是第二個子句所透漏的訊息令人意外) We had a reasonable year in Asia, although sales fell a little in Japan.

    Although sales fell a little in Japan, we had a reasonable year in the rest of Asia.

    Whereas 則強調對照,驚訝意味並不濃
    We had a reasonable year in Asia, whereas sales in Europe were quite disappointing.

    ※ while 的用法
    Inflation rose by 3% last year, while house prices went up 6%. (=whereas)
    While there are still some issues to resolve, I think we should go ahead. (=although)


    C. despite/in spite of 的用法
    despite 與 in spite of 意思同 although,但是用法不同;although 是連接詞,後面可接子句,despite/in spite of 為介係詞,後面必須接名詞或動名詞

    Although sales increased, profits fell.
    Despite the increase in sales, profits fell.

    Although I was ill, I went to work.
    In spite of my illness, I went to work.
    Despite my illness, I went to work.
    In spite of feeling ill, I went to work.
    Despite feeling ill, I went to work.

    Despite I felt ill, I went to work. (X)



