

在 whether詞性產品中有66篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 我們到底應該用哪一種英文口音溝通? 真的要看同學的目的和說話場合是什麼。 若是為了跟聽眾產生共鳴,那可能用他們熟悉的口音和說話方式,你說的話才會直達到他們的心坎裡。 同學來看一下Presentality分析李光耀 (新加坡開國最主要的領導人)與人民溝通的方式和他選擇使用的口音。 ★★★★★★...

 同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過38萬的網紅CH Music Channel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,《夜の国》 トリル / Trill / 顫音 作詞 / Lyricist:aimerrhythm 作曲 / Composer:飛内将大 編曲 / Arranger:飛内将大、 玉井健二 歌 / Singer:Aimer 翻譯:CH(CH Music Channel) 意譯:CH(CH Music C...

whether詞性 在 陳曼蒂?TMI Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-02-03 08:38:02

#🖤 “I’m only #interested in LOVE” “Do not fade. Do not #wither Do not grow old” “#SamePerson #NoDifference at all...just a different sex” “She's lived...

whether詞性 在 Joe English|林軒英文 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-07-11 09:50:22

首先感謝「駭人不淺」的Iven邀稿,原本想說只是簡單的單字文,結果被cue到《天能》更多心得文,所以...來發個簡單心得文就好,不然認真寫的話會破3千字lol。⠀ /⠀ 以下肯定有雷XD⠀ /⠀ Nolan的片燒腦已經不用說了,也是我愛的導演之一(但最愛Fincher啦),《天能》這部玩了一下時間線...

  • whether詞性 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-31 16:30:16
    有 347 人按讚




    同學來看一下Presentality分析李光耀 (新加坡開國最主要的領導人)與人民溝通的方式和他選擇使用的口音。


    📌 不知為何,幾天前我的 Youtube 突然推薦了前新加坡總理李光耀 (Lee Kuan Yew) 接受西方媒體採訪的影片。

    我知道很多名人說李光耀是他們最敬佩的領導人之一,但我從來沒看過他說話的影片, 我就決定來看看他是否真的很會溝通。






    📌 如果這是你第一次聽他說話,你第一個注意到的,很可能是他的英文有多流利。畢竟人家可是在英國劍橋大學受教育的,英文根本就是母語。





    I would like to see a great deal more CAUTION, a more SELECTIVE EXERCISE of your enormous range of weapons you’ve got, and more BRAINS AND FEET — preferably Vietnamese brains and feet — rather than more power and GADGETRY.

    他回答這個問題的時候當然要小心,不能過度批評美國政府,所以他選的字,也符合了這位記者想要表達的 “restraint” (克制)

    •Caution — 會比 “Should use power more carefully” 要來的更溫和 (你可以自己唸出來看看,連 caution 的字本身都比較柔和)。

    •Selective — 他不告訴美國怎麼使用武力,只是說 be selective,就是要選擇性的使用。

    •Brains and feet, rather than gadgetry — 這邊也很巧妙,把當地的人,用 brains and feet 來代表,更能強調他們的長處,比 “local people” 更能夠有說服力。而且他選擇 gadgetry — 就是 fancy tools 的意思,但其實就是武器,但如果他說武器就太直白了,說成 “fancy tools” 又可以強調這個的短處,讓人覺得沒錯,brains and feet 確實比較好。



    I would like…

    … to see a great deal more caution…
    … a more selective exercise of…
    enormous range of weapons you’ve got, and uh…
    more brains and feet…



    停頓加上強調字眼的力道有多強大,我們看接下來這段就知道了,這也是我整個訪談中最喜歡的一段之一,在影片中的 17分25秒左右開始。



    You MUST demonstrate, and which…
    I’ve really come here to understand better…
    is whether YOU…
    as a PEOPLE…
    have got that resolution (註:不是解決的意思喔,是決心)…
    that stamina, that perseverance, AND…
    most important of all…
    infinite patience, AND…
    the capacity to hold back…
    your desire to settle this quickly and get it over with, because this is a very different kind of war…
    The other side is not in uniform. You are.


    我相信看上面的一段,就可以感受到他說話的力道,但還是推薦大家去看影片。這段話他 deliver 出去的方式,實在太好了。

    尤其是說到 “infinite patience” 的時候,他整個把音拉的超級長,似乎想要讓很長很長的音,來讓聽眾感受到那個 “infinite”。

    Note: 這是另一個演講技巧:就是讓你的音調、語氣、音量等等,來傳達字面上的意思。沈重的訊息,就用低沈緩慢的方式來說。要強調時間很長或過的很慢,就把字句的音本身拉長等等。



    📌 Speaking the Audience’s Language


    如上面提到,李光耀上面對西方媒體說話的用字,都是比較有學問的,完全展示他的知識水平。畢竟東方人到了西方,不能被看貶。如果他說的是 highly-educated English,西方聽眾會比較覺得 ah he’s on our level!


    I am not given to making sense out of life — or coming up with some grand narrative on it — other than to measure it by what you think you want to do in life.

    他不是寫 “I don’t try to make sense of life”,而是 “I am not given to making sense out of life”。他還在後面加個 “grand narrative”。滿文學的。





    I hope to tell you what merger means, why it’s good for all of us, why it’s coming, and why some people are deliberately creating trouble and difficulty…



    📌 完整文章請參考Presentality! Learn from their experience and expertise!


    📌 我以前一直認為,反正新加坡不算個民主,李光耀完全掌權,當然可以照他自己的意思去做事情。但看完這些影片,讀了一些分析,發現我想錯了。

    新加坡這麼小的地方,沒什麼資源,周圍環繞著這麼多的勢力,不但有東南亞的大國們,也有外來的勢力:美國、英國、澳洲、日本等等… 他是如何在這麼複雜的歷史背景下,不只持續掌權,生存,而且還打造今天的新加坡?


    It’s not just about speaking. It’s about speaking to achieve your goals.



    •accent 口音,腔調
    •pronunciation 發音
    •enunciate 清楚地念(字);清晰地發(音)
    •intonation (尤指對話語意義有影響的)語調,聲調
    •intelligibility 可解度,清晰度,可懂度,明瞭度,可理解性


  • whether詞性 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-26 11:57:56
    有 729 人按讚

    【國立臺灣大學 109學年度畢業典禮 校長致詞】
    Opening Remarks, National Taiwan University Commencement 2021
    President Dr. Chung-Ming Kuan

    各位師長同仁,各位畢業同學以及家長們,歡迎大家參加 109 學年度的線上畢業典禮。




    然而這個世界從不曾平靜。今年畢業的同學多數出生於1999 年,那正是規模達 7.3 的 921 大地震發生的那一年。時隔四年,亞洲(包括臺灣)爆發了罕見的急性呼吸道感染病 SARS。不過五年之後,源自美國的金融海嘯席捲全球,影響全世界經濟數年之久。2009 更是不平靜的一年,臺灣出現莫拉克風災,造成慘重傷亡;全球則爆發了 H1N1 流感大流行,數十萬人因此死亡。這些當時都曾被認為是數十年(甚至百年)一遇的重大災難。


    當然,新冠疫情的影響範圍遠超過 SARS 與 H1N1 流感,對世界的衝擊則更大於金融海嘯。近代能與這次疫情相比的是一百年前 (1918-1920) 的全球流感大流行;據後來估計,當時全世界人口三分之一染疫,約有五千萬人因此不幸喪生。






    *「美好新世界」(Brave New World) due to A. Huxley


    When the COVID-19 pandemic began last year, NTU was still able to hold graduation ceremonies in person but on a much smaller scale and with the absence of many faculty members, students, and parents. Earlier this year, we were hoping to gather for a traditional commencement. But the sudden outbreak in May had forced Taipei City to raise its epidemic alert level. So we postponed the Commencement and made the decision to hold the ceremony virtually. This is the first virtual Commencement in NTU history.

    To our faculty, new graduates, and parents, welcome to the National Taiwan University’s Commencement celebration for the Class of 2021.

    As the pandemic unfolds, digital is the new normal. While we gradually adapt to online learning, virtual meetings, social media, online shopping, and food delivery, it is inescapably disappointing for many students and parents to have to celebrate the achievements of our graduates this way after anticipating this event for four years. And because of this, the Office of Student Affairs has teamed up with the graduates to ensure that this unique virtual Commencement is a moment that everyone will remember fondly in the future.

    Some of you may ask, "why does this happen just when we are graduation?" And some of you may think optimistically that once the vaccines are available and the pandemic is contained, the world will be back to normal, and that we will all live peacefully.

    But the world has never been peaceful. Most of the graduates this year were born in 1999, when the magnitude 7.3 earthquake happened on September 21. Four years after, SARS broke out in Asia, including Taiwan. Within another 5 years, the financial crisis, originated in the United States, affected global economies for years. In 2009, Typhoon Morakot landed and caused severe casualties in Taiwan; the H1N1 flu pandemic took hundreds of thousands of lives. These disasters were, at the time, seen as rare catastrophes that would only take place once every few decades, or even centuries.

    Looking back to the past 20 years, we’d notice that, even just in Taiwan, catastrophes have never been in short supply. And they will probably never be in the future either.

    Of course, the effect of COVID is far beyond SARS and H1N1, and its impact is greater than the financial crises. What came close was the Spanish flu that took place a century ago (1918-1920), when, according to estimation, one-third of the global population was infected and about 50 million people died.

    The influenza pandemic outbreak took place at the end of WWI and hit the German military especially hard. And after the pandemic, Germany was forced to cede its territories to the great powers. What followed was the fall of the Austro-Hungarian and the Ottoman Empires. The series of events reset the international order and formed the settings for many conflicts in the years to come.

    While COVID did not break out during a world war, it came at a critical time when great powers bicker and the global supply chains face a reform. The post-pandemic ear is therefore full of uncertainty. I don’t know whether it’d be a "Brave New World"* once the international political and economic orders are reshuffled. But it will be a world we have to live in. There will be many challenges and opportunities, and it will be our new task to utilize what we have learned to tackle challenges and grasp opportunities. Unlike any standardize
    d test, you will have to answer and grade the answers yourselves.

    I also want to use this opportunity to remind the graduates, that we must have appreciation and gratitude for the healthcare workers who are on the frontlines fighting. Many of them are our faculty members and alums. When the waves of the pandemic hit, they stood up to save lives and protect Taiwan’s society. They are true heroes. As long as we work together, we will weather the crisis and win this battle.

    Finally, on behalf of the faculty and management, I send you our deepest best wishes. And congratulations to the parents and families who have supported the graduates for years. I wish you success and good health.

    One final thing, I remember reading an article by a foreign writer who said he had lived in Taiwan for years and had noticed that Taiwanese people have a strange habit of saying "be careful" when they part ways. When I read the article, this resonates with me from the heart. For years, my mother would say the same thing whenever I am leaving the house. Now I say the same thing to my children, too. So at this Commencement ceremony, I wish everyone great success in the future, good health, and "be careful."


    *「美好新世界」(Brave New World) due to A. Huxley


    #臺灣大學 #畢業典禮 #NTUCommencement2021 #校長致詞

  • whether詞性 在 Ken's Portable Classroom Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-03-25 19:05:33
    有 153 人按讚

    🖐🏽 五分鐘,Ken帶您看懂BBC報導

    🎁 第二波抽書活動:
    底下👍點讚 + 🔗分享 + ✏留言

    🎊 第一波中獎學員: 蔡馥如

    📰 Why self-promotion doesn't have to be taboo?

    🀄 為什麼自我推銷不必忌諱?

    Many of us instinctively hate the idea of blowing our own trumpets. Yet it's important to understand how best to highlight our skills – especially now.

    📌 第一段說明,我們許多人instinctively(本能地)討厭blowing our trumpets (自我吹捧)。然而,在這時代,要了解如何顯示我們的才能是很重要的。

    The mere idea of self-promotion makes many people wince. Trumpet-blowing is something a lot of us aren’t good at and that’s no surprise, given we’re taught as children that ‘boasting’ isn’t an attractive quality. “We get hung up on self-promotion coming across as arrogant,” explains Stefanie Sword-Williams, author of F*ck Being Humble: Why Self Promotion Isn’t a Dirty Word. “But if you’re not an arrogant person, you won’t deliver it in that way.”

    📌 本段說明,自我推銷的想法使許多人wince (畏縮)。Trumpet-blowing (自我吹捧) 是我們很多人都不擅長的事,其實不奇怪。因為我們從小就被教導說 boasting (吹牛) 並不是一種吸引人的特質。 《X你的謙虛》作者威廉史瓦特就說:「為什麼 self-promotion (自我推銷) 不是一個不好的詞? 但是,如果您不是一個 arrogant (自大的)人,您不會讓人有那樣的感覺。」

    In fact, taking pride in your professional accomplishments should be considered a normal part of life, not a taboo, experts say. Highlighting your skills well can feed into workplace success, and whether you’re changing jobs, want to move up at work or show your boss what you’ve been achieving, being able to self-promote effectively is an advantage.

    📌 本段說明,專家表示,實際上,以自己的專業 accomplishments (成就) 為榮,應該被視為生活的正常部分,而不是taboo (禁忌)。出色地展示自己的技能可以促進工作場所的成功,無論您是要換工作,想升職還是向老闆展示您所取得的成就,能夠effectively (有效)自我推銷都是一個優勢。

    Right now, the need to ‘self-sell’ has arguably never been greater, as pandemic-hit businesses weigh up what they do – and don’t – need going forward. It’s particularly true for some groups; women, who traditionally struggle to promote themselves, have been particularly affected by the Covid-19 recession, for example. Home workers could also benefit; research shows that they suffer from a lack of face-to-face time with managers, which negatively impacts career progression.

    📌 這段說到:目前,可以說“自售” 的需求從未如此強大,因為受到疫情打擊的企業weigh up (權衡)了他們要做的事情和不需要做的事情。對於某些群體來說尤其如此;例如,傳統上為提升自我而 struggle (奮鬥)的女性尤其受到 Covid-19 衰退的影響。家庭工人也可以受益;研究表明,他們缺乏與經理面對面的時間,這會對職業發展產生負面影響。

    “If we don’t invest the time in demonstrating our value, we run the risk of not being considered as ‘needed’,” explains Sword-Williams. “The content you put out about yourself is what you will be known for – so it’s essential that you control that narrative.”

    📌 Sword-Williams 解釋說:“如果我們不花時間 demonstrate(證明) 自己的價值,那麼我們就有被認為不是'需要'的 risk (風險)。” “發布給自己的內容就是您將廣為人知的內容—因此,控制該 narrative (敘述)至關重要。”

    Post-pandemic, how we promote ourselves could help determine whether we thrive in the workplace or linger, overlooked, on the side lines. That means overcoming squeamishness and learning how to explain our skillset properly. Fortunately, it’s something we can all master.

    📌 疫情發生之後,我們如何推銷自己可以幫助確定我們在工作場所 thrive (茁壯成長),或是在職場上 linger (徘徊)被忽視。這意味著要克服 squeamishness (神經質),學習如何正確地解釋我們的技能。幸運的是,這是我們所有人都能掌握的東西。

    In its simplest form, self-promotion is the act of drawing attention to your work and achievements. Whether it’s a post shared on your LinkedIn, an email check-in with your boss or a conversation with an important contact, self-promotion shines a spotlight on your successes with a view to developing a personal brand, furthering a career or asserting yourself in your field. It’s a skill that’s as important for someone trying to get on the employment ladder as it is for a CEO.

    📌 在最簡單的形式中,自我推銷是一種引起對您的工作和成就的關注的行為。無論是在LinkedIn上分享貼文,與老闆的電子郵件,還是與重要聯繫人對話,自我推銷都將 spotlight (聚焦) 於您的成功,以發展個人品牌,促進事業或在自己領域建立聲譽。對於想get on the employment (升職)的人來說,這項技能與對於首席執行官的一樣重要。

    全文: https://reurl.cc/OX61jv

    📓【Ken的文法筆記 I】
    🟠翻譯 X 詳解 已上傳資料庫🟣
    購買請至➜ https://is.gd/5Kp6M0

    📘【Ken的高頻單字筆記 I】
    購買請至➜ https://is.gd/zdxeF0

    購買請至➜ https://reurl.cc/m95QDl

  • whether詞性 在 CH Music Channel Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-13 18:00:19

    トリル / Trill / 顫音
    作詞 / Lyricist:aimerrhythm
    作曲 / Composer:飛内将大
    編曲 / Arranger:飛内将大、 玉井健二
    歌 / Singer:Aimer
    翻譯:CH(CH Music Channel)
    意譯:CH(CH Music Channel)
    English Translation: Genius Lyrics

    背景 / Background - "Yuru no Kuni" scene :

    上傳你的字幕吧!/ Submit your subtitles here!


    Copyright Info:
    Be aware this channel is for promotion purposes only without any illegal profit. All music's ownership belongs to the original creators.
    Please support the original creator.


    If you like my videos, please click like and subscribe! Thx :)

    Check my Facebook page for more information!

    中文翻譯 / Chinese Translation :

    英文翻譯 / English Translation :

    日文歌詞 / Japanese Lyrics :
    かすれた声のまま 消えた君は帰らないから
    冷たい夜空のよう 闇の中 滲んでゆくこと
    散らかったおもちゃや 吐き捨てたどろんこさえも

    ミッドナイトにカスタネットを どうかするくらい鳴らして
    It’s all rightとか いっそcryとか どうかしてるから言わないで
    10日前から こんな毎日 過ごした程度で怖がって
    Only oneのLonely night 眠れないまま

    失くした記憶の灯火を そっと胸の奥で揺らめかせて
    君は幻の翼で空に浮かんで 得意げな顔でおどける
    ふいにふりしぼる その笑顔が さよならの合図なんだと わかっていた

    明日になれば また この空は違って見えるかな?
    大人になれば ただ 目を閉じて眠ってしまうかな?
    繋がれた鎖や せわしない時計の針が

    交差点から高架線まで いっそライトは消し去って
    It’s all rightとか いっそcryとか どうかしてるから言わないで
    通り過ぎてく こんな毎日 過ごしてばっかじゃ ダメだって
    Only oneのLonely night 聞こえてるかな?

    君は瞬きと共に過ぎてく時間も 遠くから見てると微笑んで
    夜がつきつける その明日を あの日見た絵本のように 愛していて

    揺れるトレモロの夜にきらめく雫が 集めた奇跡を音にして
    ずっと憧れてた 夢見ていた おやすみの合図のように
    そして 思い出は二人の音を結んで 途切れないトリル奏でる
    夜がつきつける その明日を あの日見た絵本のように
    君を打ちつける その涙も 朝を待つ世界のように 愛していて


    中文歌詞 / Chinese Lyrics :








    英文歌詞 / English Lyrics :
    My voice is still hoarse since you disappeared, never to return
    Inside darkness resembling a cold night sky, tears blur my eyes
    As even within scattered toys and spilled mud, I'm searching
    For beautiful, shining pieces of stardust

    Somehow I'm able to ring the castanets at midnight
    Whether it's all right or whether I'd rather cry, I'll manage somehow, so don't tell me
    Ten days ago, the thought of spending, every day like this terrified me
    Only one lonely night, I'm still unable to sleep

    Like a wavering tremolo, the whispered words
    Make forgotten memories, as torches, gently flicker in the depths of my chest
    The seeming composure is just a lie
    Lifted by wings of fantasy, you float in the sky, joking with an elated expression on your face
    That smile in which you put forth your entire heart, somehow, I understood it was a sign of farewell

    If tomorrow comes, will this sky look different then, too?
    If I grow up, will I be able to fall asleep just by closing my eyes?
    The chains linking us together, and the rushing hand of the clock
    Are taking away with them the beautifully shining stardust

    From the intersection to the overhead train, I'd rather the light wipe it all away
    Whether it's all right or whether I'd rather cry, I'll manage somehow, so don't tell me
    Though day after day passes, I can't just spend each one like this
    Only one lonely night, will you be able to hear me?

    You're in the twinkling of the stars as well as the past we shared, watching over me from afar and smiling
    "When night confronts you in the coming days, like in those picture books we read back then, I'll always love you"

    In the night with a wavering tremolo, the sparkling droplets. Cause the gathered miracles to let out a sound
    Forever full of longing, I fell into dreams, as if it were a sign of farewell

    Then, our memories tie our sounds together, playing a trill that will never come to an end
    "When night confronts you in the coming days, like in the picture books we read back then"
    "Even those tears which drip heavily from you now. just like a world waiting for morning, I'll always love all of you"
    "I'll always love all of you"

  • whether詞性 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-11-12 12:00:12

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    1【clinical trial 臨床試驗】— 名詞
    Before the clinical trials end, we can’t be sure whether a vaccine is truly safe and effective.

    2 【feminist 女性主義者】— 名詞(支持女性擁有平等權力)
    Feminist protests across Mexico have turned increasingly violent.

    3【coup 重大成就】— 名詞(p 不發音)
    The truce will be a major diplomatic coup for Russia if it lasts long.


    4【mortality 人終將一死】— 名詞
    Generation Z knows fear and mortality.

    5 【wind turbine 風力發電機】— 名詞
    With one blade painted black, wind turbines can be bird-friendly.

    1)clinical trial 臨床試驗
    2)feminist 女性主義者
    3)coup 重大成就
    4)mortality 人終將一死
    5)wind turbine 風力發電機

    podcast 跟 IG 也有日更喔,各大平台搜尋「賓狗」就可以找到了!

  • whether詞性 在 渡辺レベッカ ☆ Rebecca Butler Watanabe Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-02-11 11:48:37

    今日は菅田将暉の「まちがいさがし」を英語で歌ってみました♪ Enjoy!


    曲情報 / SONG INFO

    作詞曲: 米津玄師

    リンク / LINKS

    ■HP⇒ http://BlueEyedUtaUtai.jimdo.com
    ■Facebook⇒ http://facebook.com/blueeyedutautai
    ■Twitter⇒ @BlueEyedUtaUtai


    Until we met, I felt alone
    And out of place, like I was born
    On the “mistake” side of a find-the-mistakes game
    But if I’d been born on the side
    That everybody says is right
    I doubt I’d have met you and had my life changed

    The way we’re able to laugh at each other freely
    I don’t know why it brings me to tears so easily

    When I saw your eyes, they brought me to life
    One look and they pierced straight through my heart
    And ever since then, how happy I’ve been
    ‘Cause you’ve given me a brand new start
    I want you to be, right here next to me
    In a boringly casual way
    In the depths of spring, that season when
    The wind makes us sway, please tell me you’ll stay

    If you look deep between the cracks
    The world is full of small mistakes
    We talk to death each others’ faults, it’s all so meaningless
    We desperately want to belong
    And when we can’t, we feel so damn wrong
    What do we get from that loneliness?

    I’ll search for each one, discover them steady and slow
    Just like a drowsy child who only just awoke

    When I felt your touch, I reached out to clutch
    Your fingers and entwine them with mine
    Whether it was wrong or right was one
    Detail that never even crossed my mind
    A blink of an eye, and I came alive
    Fell into a shining mist of love
    I just feel so strongly this can’t be wrong
    You’re my only one, my only one

    君の目が貫いた 僕の胸を真っ直ぐ
    kimi no me ga tsuranuita boku no mune wo massugu
    その日から何もかも 変わり果てた気がした
    sono hi kara nanimo kamo kawari-hateta ki ga shita
    風に飛ばされそうな 深い春の隅で
    kaze ni tobasaresou na fukai haru no sumi de
    dare ni mo misenai kao wo misete

    君の手が触れていた 指を重ね合わせ
    kimi no te ga furete ita yubi wo kasane-awase
    間違いか正解かだなんて どうでもよかった
    machigai ka seikai ka da nante dou demo yokatta
    瞬く間に落っこちた 淡い靄の中で
    matataku ma ni okkochita awai moya no naka de
    君じゃなきゃいけないと ただ強く 思うだけ
    kimi ja nakya ikenai to tada tsuyoku omou dake