

在 vin車輛識別號碼產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅看電影學英文,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Morning. The holiday is near.....Two days to go!! :P 電影 The Bounty Hunter –賞金獵人, 10 句精彩對話 Part 13 Both Nicole and Milo are Bobby’s good friends. ...


  • vin車輛識別號碼 在 看電影學英文 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2013-03-28 08:30:00
    有 11 人按讚

    Morning. The holiday is near.....Two days to go!! :P

    電影 The Bounty Hunter –賞金獵人, 10 句精彩對話 Part 13

    Both Nicole and Milo are Bobby’s good friends.

    1. He was afraid of heights and it's still ruled as a suicide? Come on.
    他有懼高症 (afraid of heights) 這樣還被判定 (ruled) 為自殺? 拜託!

    2. Nicole: You can't be serious. Milo: Oh, you wanna bet?
    Nicole: 你不會是認真的吧? Milo: 哦, 要不要賭賭看?

    3. Watch yourself. Okay? Very, very thin ice here.
    (說話) 當心哦, 好嗎? 妳要知道講這話的嚴重性 (on thin ice)

    4. No, this is not an accusation. This is simply connecting the dots.
    不, 這不是指控, 這只是建立關聯 (connecting the dots, 把事情的關聯性建立起來) 後的結果

    5. No, this is about you caring about someone, then, all of a sudden, no warning, you don't care about him anymore and you're out the door.
    不, 這是關於妳關心某個人, 然後, 突然間 (all of a sudden), 無預警的, 妳不再關心他了, 然後掉頭就走

    6. Bobby walked you down the aisle.
    是Bobby牽著妳 (walk you) 走進結婚禮堂的
    (walk down the aisle, to get married)

    7. I am not gonna stand around with my head in the sand.
    我可不會坐視不管, 抱著駝鳥心態
    (stand around, to wait around)

    8. No VIN number. No registration.
    (VIN, Vehicle Identification Number車輛識別號碼)

    9. These clubs have barely been used. Plus, they're lefties.
    這些球桿幾乎沒 (have barely been) 打過, 而且還是左撇子 (lefty) 用的

    10. Not to mention the fact that all the pockets are empty.
    所有的口袋都是空的, 那就更不用說 (not to mention)了

    Milo is going to investigate the suicide to prove Bobby innocent.

    To be continued...

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