

在 unknown意思產品中有58篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 有人說旅行時最該放下的是成見,用心去感受這世界。 藝術的鑑賞也莫過於此,很多時候我們會先被所謂的”知名度“定義其價值。 之前得知郭彥甫 創作繪畫的新聞,會想說藝人炒作新聞罷了,但當我看到他的「行李箱」系列作品,透過行李箱看人性,藉由藝術表達對心理的觀察,覺得那一系列作品相當有意思,也從那一刻開始...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過285萬的網紅Namewee,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【BABI/你是豬】將在11月20日,於全台灣戲院正式上映! 並在11月6及7號在《金馬影展》世界首映。 【BABI/你是豬】由真人真事改編, 這起大型的校園種族暴動事件,發生在2000年馬來西亞南方小鎮的一所學校裡。 當時的馬來西亞處在一黨獨大,爛權腐敗,媒體被嚴格控管及消息封鎖的階段。因此這...

unknown意思 在 Chloe Wang Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-03 16:53:14

《THE LOST BOOK OF ADVENTURE》⁣ ⁣ I found this book at a local book store in Bath. Initially, I was intrigued by the mysterious author. According to the...

unknown意思 在 Joyce | Sommelier|侍酒師 ???? Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-08-03 14:21:11

Have you ever tasted rosé made with Saint Laurent? Saint Laurent, a highly aromatic dark-skinned grape variety, is believed to be an offspring of Pino...

  • unknown意思 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-09 09:54:46
    有 224 人按讚



    之前得知郭彥甫 創作繪畫的新聞,會想說藝人炒作新聞罷了,但當我看到他的「行李箱」系列作品,透過行李箱看人性,藉由藝術表達對心理的觀察,覺得那一系列作品相當有意思,也從那一刻開始,覺得傢伙有兩把刷子!



    未知傑作 ▎
    The unknown masterpiece ▎
    郭彥甫 Kuo Yen Fu ▎

    展覽日期 ▎2021.08.27 (預展) –2021.09.13
    開幕日期 ▎2021.08.28 (下午兩點起接受預約參觀)
    展覽地點 ▎FOMO 台北市大安區四維路76巷9號
    參觀時段 ▎11:00 -19:00 (週日休館)
    聯絡電話 ▎02-27066669

  • unknown意思 在 Kimy.Hu Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-07-03 22:38:53
    有 483 人按讚

    🖤套裝 Unknown - Women's Clothes
    坑條細針織短版上衣窄裙套裝 https://reurl.cc/En6Ypm
    🖤鞋、包代購 Seattle Closet歐洲美國精品代購 西雅圖的衣櫃

  • unknown意思 在 Vera Lui Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-05 11:28:05
    有 186 人按讚

    仲有兩星期就到預產期,有幸被邀請去星光照相館 @glow.inuf 影張 Aura Photography 睇吓自己嘅氣場係點樣,估唔到成張都係藍色。🤣🤣 雖然我唔係好識睇,亦對 Aura 呢家野認識唔深,但睇到自己氣場嘅顏色,再睇埋係代表乜嘢意思之後,的確會有種能肯定自己嘅奇妙感覺。

    Royal blue is related to communication, self-expression, intuition, and clarity. People with blue aura share a strong connection with the unknown and enjoy the depth of life.

    They use their imagination, wisdom, intuition, and creativity to express themselves. They value honesty, self-expression, good speech and communication skills.

    Blue energy is very calm and stable. A person with a blue aura is trustworthy and will be by your side through the ups and the downs. These people have a relaxing and grounding presence that many will admire in a partner. 💙

    多謝 @olivewongchui 嘅邀請!

  • unknown意思 在 Namewee Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-10-30 18:00:10

    【BABI/你是豬】將在11月20日,於全台灣戲院正式上映! 並在11月6及7號在《金馬影展》世界首映。

    【BABI/你是豬】由真人真事改編, 這起大型的校園種族暴動事件,發生在2000年馬來西亞南方小鎮的一所學校裡。









    ‘Babi’ will be available in all Taiwan cinemas on November 20 onwards! The film is also scheduled to debut internationally at the ‘Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival’ on the 6 and 7 of November 2020.

    ‘BABI’ is a film which is based on an actual real-life event, the movie sheds light on a massive school racial riot, the incident took place in year 2000 in a small town somewhere Southern in Malaysia.

    During that time Malaysia was still under the authoritarian rule of one-dominant party, abuse of power and corruption were frequent, media and news were being stringently controlled or filtered. Thus, the incident was being ‘compromised’ by relevant authority, the case was unknown to most of the Malaysians.

    I want to disclose the story though art and filming but most importantly sending a message to all Malaysians that we must be more unified disregard of our ethnicity and race. In short, we shall always lend a helping hand to each other and communicate with our hearts and souls therefore we won’t be exploited by politicians who incite racial sentiment to reach their end goal. Otherwise, we will only be trapped in this tragic never-ending cycle…

    ‘BABI’ in Malay means ‘PIG’. In someone’s eyes, ‘BABI’ is purely just a name for an animal but in Muslim’s eyes, pig resembles unholiness, a word which would radiate sin even mutter from one’s mouth, a taboo word which would spark controversy on any given media or comment section. Hence, this movie is built upon how the word ‘BABI’ triggered a chain reaction which ultimately resulted a series of misfortunes.

    ‘BABI’ is not passed for screening in Malaysia, a banned film. Due to this reason, the budget for this movie was very limited, I have had only a little of resources to finish this project, the process was arduous and agonizing. Luckily, we have not only completed the film under such immense pressure but being invited to Berlin International Film Festival, International Thai Film Festival and Golden Horse Film Festival as well, I’m relief that our labour and passion bore fruit right in the very end.

    I want to thank the judging panel for all the recognition. I hope that in the future more people would know about the film and able to watch it.

    We stand firm against any race policy and structural racism, we strongly oppose nepotism and government controlled media. I wish my home country Malaysia, to be ever united against racial policy and has a brighter future ahead.

    I would like to thank Taiwan for welcoming all different kind of voices and art, thank you Taiwan. Lastly, shout-out to the ‘Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival’, ‘Golden Horse Awards’ and the film’s distributor ‘CPT Entertainment’ for their acknowledgment.

    See you in the cinemas on November 20!


    【你是豬|BABI】購票連結 Ticketing Link: https://www.ezding.com.tw/movieInfo?movieid=1fb7e4b914af42a3b44c268aba72fa75


    【你是豬|BABI】電影插曲【Happy Family】https://youtu.be/tdnfe3lALd8

    【你是豬|BABI】解釋 Penjelasan:https://bit.ly/3mog7ps


    配合《BABI 你是豬》正式在台灣上映,黃明志決定開放福利給粉絲啦‼

    黃明志將會於11月13日 - 16日在台灣舉辦《BABI 你是豬》電影見面會。屆時你將會和黃明志一同看電影,還有機會能在電影結束後向黃明志提問,無論你心中有什麼疑惑都可以大膽地提出來!

    除了和黃明志近距離接觸外,還有機會獲得簽名海報喔!看到這裡你心動了嗎?心動不如行動,趕快點擊連結買票吧 ?


    11/13(五) 桃園 - 美麗新台茂影城 19:00


    11/14(六) 台中 - 台中站前秀泰影城S2館 13:30


    11/14(六) 嘉義 - 嘉義秀泰 18:30


    11/15(日) 台南 - 台南大遠百威秀影城 13:00


    11/15(日) 高雄 - 高雄喜滿客夢時代影城 17:30


    11/16(一) 台北 - in89豪華數位影城 19:00


    欲網購黃明志最新實體專輯《亞洲通才》及歷年專輯和周邊商品請到。Purchase Namewee Latest 《Asian Polymath》 , Others Music Albums & Merchandises Please log in to https://namewee4896.com/

    Namewee 黃明志 Official Facebook Fan Page:

    Namewee YouTube Channel Link:

    #Namewee #黃明志

