

在 trip中文產品中有396篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3,168的網紅Parkbus Taiwan,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Parkbus Got Me Here. And you’ve gotten us to where we are today as a community and outdoor project. (中文在下方) ONLY 1 DAY LEFT! On behalf of the wh...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2,700的網紅hohoho rebec,也在其Youtube影片中提到,就算韓文零分如我,都一樣可以到慶熙大學由基礎班讀起!為期6日的韓文班,小班教學!想睇下我的外語校園生活係點?立即CLICK入短片! Fun Korean Language Trip 費用 一共 600,000 韓元,包括: 5 天 合共20 小時的韓語課程、6 晚的家庭住宿 (含早餐);機票需自費...

trip中文 在 ChanChing. /Chucky Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-07-05 13:19:40

一直不知如何下筆寫下這一星期的感受,直至昨日為同事的紀錄受訪傾談時,終於找到情緒出口,大哭一場然後感覺好很多了。 如坐過山車的一星期終於過去,記得星期一得知星期五或要完結時,我抱着秋婷哭了一段時間。可擦乾眼淚後就投入開會討論哪些影片能趕及完成及出街,大約算算至少有15條影片,我們問剪片大佬能完成嗎...

  • trip中文 在 Parkbus Taiwan Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-14 15:08:19
    有 5 人按讚

    Parkbus Got Me Here.

    And you’ve gotten us to where we are today as a community and outdoor project.



    On behalf of the whole Parkbus Taiwan team, we wanted to thank you for your trust, support and interest in our little project that encourages more people to get outdoors and improve access to nature in Taiwan. We also want to make sure that you were well taken care of on your trip.

    So how was your experience with Parkbus Taiwan?

    Whether your experience was great or not, we’d like to know so we can improve and develop a better experience for everyone.
    Would you be willing to share your thoughts with us?

    We’re asking our past guests to leave a review on Tripadvisor or Facebook or BOTH!

    We’re showing our appreciation for guests who leave a review by September 15th by entering them into a draw to win two free tickets to an upcoming Parkbus Taiwan trip*!

    1) Leave us a review on ONE of the sites above and you’ll receive 1 entry into the draw!

    2) Leave us a review on BOTH SITES above and you’ll receive 5 entries into the draw!

    3) When you left a review, take a screenshot of your review and send us an email with your full name to [email protected]

    What do you think? Interested in supporting a small business? We appreciate you!!

    TripAdvisor: https://www.tripadvisor.ca/Attraction_Review-g293913-d21507905-Reviews-Parkbus_Taiwan_s_Ride_to_Get_Outside-Taipei.html

    Parkbus Taiwan 團隊感謝您對我們的信任和支持,我們希望可以鼓勵更多的人安全又開心地到戶外活動,未來更將更致力於改善台灣的自然環境。

    現在我們想請您協助 Parkbus Taiwan 變得更好,不論您對參與我們旅程的回憶是好是壞,我們希望您可以在 Tripadvisor 或 Facebook 上分享對 Parkbus Taiwan 的任何想法跟建議。
    9月15日前有在 Tripadvisor 或 Facebook 的朋友們,您將有機會得到兩張未來 Parkbus Taiwan 之旅的免費門票*,規則如下:

    1) 在 Tripadvisor 或 Facebook 其中一個平台上留下評論的朋友將收到 1 次的抽獎機會

    2) 在兩個平台留下評論的話將會收到 5 次的抽獎機會

    3) 當您留下評論時,請將評論截圖並發送電子郵件至 [email protected]

    這些評論不只是協助 Parkbus Taiwan 持續改善下去的建議,更是鼓勵我們對台灣的環境和永續生態旅遊領域繼續努力下去的動力,一起到 Tripadvisor 或 Facebook 下評論吧。



  • trip中文 在 Parkbus Taiwan Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-06 10:22:21
    有 9 人按讚



    On behalf of the whole Parkbus Taiwan team, we wanted to thank you for your trust, support and interest in our little project that encourages more people to get outdoors and improve access to nature in Taiwan. We also want to make sure that you were well taken care of on your trip.

    So how was your experience with Parkbus Taiwan?

    Whether your experience was great or not, we’d like to know so we can improve and develop a better experience for everyone.
    Would you be willing to share your thoughts with us?

    We’re asking our past guests to leave a review on Tripadvisor or Facebook or BOTH!

    We’re showing our appreciation for guests who leave a review by September 15th by entering them into a draw to win two free tickets to an upcoming Parkbus Taiwan trip*!

    1) Leave us a review on ONE of the sites above and you’ll receive 1 entry into the draw!
    2) Leave us a review on BOTH SITES above and you’ll receive 5 entries into the draw!
    3) When you left a review, take a screenshot of your review and send us an email with your full name to [email protected]

    What do you think? Interested in supporting a small business? We appreciate you!!

    TripAdvisor: https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g293913...


    Parkbus Taiwan 團隊感謝您對我們的信任和支持,我們希望可以鼓勵更多的人安全又開心地到戶外活動,未來更將更致力於改善台灣的自然環境。

    現在我們想請您協助 Parkbus Taiwan 變得更好,不論您對參與我們旅程的回憶是好是壞,我們希望您可以在 Tripadvisor 或 Facebook 上分享對 Parkbus Taiwan 的任何想法跟建議。
    9月15日前有在 Tripadvisor 或 Facebook 的朋友們,您將有機會得到兩張未來 Parkbus Taiwan 之旅的免費門票*,規則如下:

    1) 在 Tripadvisor 或 Facebook 其中一個平台上留下評論的朋友將收到 1 次的抽獎機會
    2) 在兩個平台留下評論的話將會收到 5 次的抽獎機會
    3) 當您留下評論時,請將評論截圖並發送電子郵件至 [email protected]

    這些評論不只是協助 Parkbus Taiwan 持續改善下去的建議,更是鼓勵我們對台灣的環境和永續生態旅遊領域繼續努力下去的動力,一起到 Tripadvisor 或 Facebook 下評論吧。


  • trip中文 在 MeetHK.com 旅遊情報網 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-13 12:11:22
    有 64 人按讚



    Trip. com Weekend Sale好多5星酒店都有份!當中文華東方住兩晚優惠又返嚟啦!首100位減多$200!包每日早餐+首晚文華閣禮遇(下午茶、黃昏雞尾酒)+次晚三道菜晚餐,連續入住兩晚連服務費$3,788起,平均一晚低至$1,893起!


  • trip中文 在 hohoho rebec Youtube 的精選貼文

    2016-08-29 22:00:11


    Fun Korean Language Trip 費用 一共 600,000 韓元,包括: 5 天 合共20 小時的韓語課程、6 晚的家庭住宿 (含早餐);機票需自費。詳情參閱:http://www.koreaplaza.hk/upload/(20160304)Mar%2032016-%20Fun%20Korean%20Language%20Trip_v1.pdf


    《好好好女遊 首爾2016-17加強版》
    熱愛旅遊的Rebec HoHoHo,設計全新「女遊」路線。最新短途出走地 -清邁,新增精彩全新內容超過90版!全書接近300頁,精選大女孩小女孩最愛的食、買、玩、學、看!!!全線《好好好女遊》,包括:台北、廣州、清邁、首爾、釜山.濟州及沖繩,現已於各大書店:三聯、商務、中華、誠品、Page One有售。

    Rebec HoHoHo (何穎),出生於香港,曾旅居北京,學歷為銀河系地球大學遊樂系一級榮譽生畢業,主修離家出走,副修飲飲食食。2010年初,出版《50+1》私家旅遊系列,先後推出香港、台北、上海、北京、紐約;2013年,出版《好好好女遊》系列,女遊城市包括:台北、廣州、首爾、 清邁、釜山·濟州、沖繩;並於多本中港雜誌開社旅遊及食譜專欄:《MILK 新潮流雙周刊》、《汽車消費報告》、《TAO淘寶天下》、《GO OUT》。正職去旅行,副業寫字、煮飯。
