

在 though發音產品中有11篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過12萬的網紅浩爾譯世界,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 英文寫作新專欄登場! 從這週開始訓練你 #中翻英焦點閱讀法🎯 謝謝來自澳洲的 Alex 老師犀利好文筆 快來讀讀,累積寫作功力,一起升級 前幾天 #全球串連早安新聞 香港聽友上來分享的大消息 大科技公司提出可能撤出香港!超級重大,Alex 老師就是這麼勇猛 在他的課堂要用英文討論這題目 衛報標題...

 同時也有8部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8,030的網紅Angela Charlotte Cheng,也在其Youtube影片中提到,社群網站 Say Hi: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/angelacharlottecheng/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/angelacharlottecheng/ YouTube: https://www....

though發音 在 瘋查某尬英文 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-02-03 16:56:45

- 往右滑學「疲憊」的5種說法✨  #開聲音聽發音 #例句在內文 #記得收藏分享標記朋友❤️  剛迎接完 2021年的你們,是不是又繼續厭世的拼期末或努力工作了呢?  今天來學學「疲憊」的5種說法吧!🤓  🔥 By the time we arrived at the hote...

though發音 在 ViNCENT ?????? Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-03 00:08:00

#尖沙咀 其實有沒有人知道店名如何發音?🧐 ...共產車厘子?🍒🤔 被譽為法國第一的牛角包🇫🇷 登陸K11 Musea啦! 我是早上去買的, 所以排隊情況幸好沒有其他人說的惡劣。 但購買的時候的確沒有上限, 所以絕對有機會被前面的人買光喔!😖 至於味道, Oppa覺得不外如是。 可能是因為沒有當場...

  • though發音 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-08 21:22:44
    有 233 人按讚

    從這週開始訓練你 #中翻英焦點閱讀法🎯
    謝謝來自澳洲的 Alex 老師犀利好文筆

    前幾天 #全球串連早安新聞 香港聽友上來分享的大消息
    大科技公司提出可能撤出香港!超級重大,Alex 老師就是這麼勇猛

    Google, Facebook and other tech companies threaten to quit Hong Kong over privacy law

    Alex 老師的課超有趣、燒腦、挑戰!
    我覺得非常適合英文不錯,但 #聊到深入議題容易卡住 的學習者

    就應該到 Alex 的課練練!

    讓你們遊戲化,從閱讀中抓取實用 expressions

    而答案就在 Alex 寫的英文中,找到學起來!



    Do corporations usually act in the interests of the public, or do they act purely to protect their profits?

    That is one of the questions that should be considered in the latest threats from big tech companies to pull out of Hong Kong, and thus possibly leave China altogether.

    According to the accounts offered by various newspapers, an industry body known as the Asia Internet Coalition, which represents big technology companies such as Google, Apple, Twitter and Facebook, has indicated that their members will withdraw services from Hong Kong, ostensibly because they do not agree with the terms of new privacy laws being proposed there.

    To some commentators, it seems as though this action is being undertaken in support of a more open and free internet, and in defiance of China’s crackdown on freedoms in the territory.

    But is this really a decision made by tech companies in the interests of the people of Hong Kong specifically, and the internet in general?



    Alex 老師這社論等級的文筆,大家應該學到很多吧!我自己也是


    學習 50 個 #進階單字
    還有 #糾正發音 與 #文法錯誤


    【里茲螞蟻 Alex 應用英文班】
    - 第1梯 (18:00-20:00)
    8/2-9/27 [9/20 停課]
    - 第2梯 (20:10-22:10)
    8/2-9/27 [9/20 停課]

    歡迎正式來信至 service@leedsmayi.com.co


  • though發音 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-11-10 19:26:11
    有 537 人按讚

    [英文口說] When “experienced” IELTS teachers get together...






    雅思的評分標準告訴我們要注意流暢性及連貫性 (fluency and coherence)、詞彙多樣性 (lexical resource)、文法多樣性及準確性 (grammatical range and accuracy),以及發音 (pronunciation)。然而,這些評分標準並沒有提供太多關於我們該如何建構回答的資訊。第1部分要求考生回答三組日常生活相關的問題,第2部分要求考生具備連續兩分鐘口說的能力,第3部分則回答與第2部分相關但相對複雜與抽象的問題。




    在第一部分中,有六種方式可以擴展你的答案: 舉例 (provide examples) ,解釋原因 (explain) , 給相關細節 (give details) ,比較和對比(compare and contrast),頻率 (mention frequency) ,與未來計畫 (talk about future plans)


    My favourite colour is black.

    (Give an example) I’ve got lots of black clothes.


    (Explain) I wear a lot of black because I look thin in black.


    (Frequency) I think I wear black too often though. My entire wardrobe is black.



    關於第二部分,如果可以的話,使用心智圖 (mind mapping)的方式做筆記,這可以幫助你逐個破解子問題。心智圖還可以幫助你把想法串聯起來,增加回答的連貫性。需要電影「TENET天能」的心智圖例子請留言「All three teachers look very young」 。


    至於第三部分,討論部分,你可以使用 A-E-C (Answer, Example, Concede or Conclude) 的方法。


    Staying in hotels

    1. What things are important when people are choosing a hotel?


    (Answer) Well it really depends on the individual. (Example) Location is one important factor to consider. (Explanation) You wouldn’t want to stay in a hotel that is too far from public transport if you don’t have a car. (Example) Another important thing most people care about is the price. (Explanation) Wealthy travellers might not even look at the price, but for the majority of people, it’s important to find a hotel that’s good value. (Example) Then there are other considerations, like the reputation of the hotel, the décor and the services and facilities that they provide.



    更多的結構、例子和技巧都可以在Leeds Mayi的新課程中找到:

    里茲螞蟻: 三步邁向進階英文口說。


    https://bit.ly/35nVKmP (早鳥5折 11/10-11/16 23:59)!


  • though發音 在 QQmei Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-05-19 20:07:38
    有 19,797 人按讚

    #英國教育制度連載 #關於英文閱讀與寫作

    很多人會好奇,英國小學對於「英文」這個科目,究竟是如何進行教學? 其實比起亞洲背單字和文法,這裡更著重的是Reading Comprehension(閱讀理解),就是在看一段詩詞/文章之後回答問題,或是進一步發揮創意,創作出屬於自己的文章/故事。




    「奇怪,以前我們考作文的時候,都要字體故意寫很大,最後一行還會用一個句點來佔字數。 怎麼可能寫這麼多?」



    【Lost Rainforest, Lost Home】
    As the sun smiled with pride, my mother and I swung gracefully from tree to tree. The canopy kept us cool and it was just the right weather for us to go out, play with our friends and maybe pick some delicious oranges. High up in the trees, I could hear an orchestra of birds singing among the trees. It was a beautiful sight.

    At the darkest hour, horrible beasts came to destroy our lovely home. Callosal trucks came charging along the rainforest, destroying everything in its path. Many animals were massacred. Even though the sky was as dark as coal, it was easy to see the flashing red lights and the enormous metal. It was a terrifying sight.

    Not even opening her mouth, my mother grabbed my hand desperately, dragging me to the top of the highest tree we could see. As quick as our tired legs and arms could carry us, we climbed the tall tree. With no time to say anything, she used her expressions to tell me to keep going up. I understood perfectly. The monster’s claws grabbed her by hand and she was gone. She was lost. She was no longer there.

    Slowly, I opened my eyes to see a different home. There were no longer green trees, songbirds singing, sun shining; there was nothing. The colour of the lovely rainforest had turned dull and grey. Silence filled the air. I had no one to play with me, no one to talk with me, and worst of all, no one to take care of me. Hope was lost, and nothing will ever be the same.

  • though發音 在 Angela Charlotte Cheng Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-01-21 20:00:12

    社群網站 Say Hi:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/angelacharlottecheng/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/angelacharlottecheng/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/angelacheng1993

    if that
    life-threatening off the record stuff that
    tough things
    enough though drive-through
    give thanks
    have thoroughly

    [ UH vs AH ]
    bug – bog
    cub – cob
    bum – bomb
    buddy – body
    done –Don
    duck – dock
    got – gut
    hog – hug
    hot – hut
    hobby – hubby
    collar – color
    jog – jug
    luck – lock
    Ron – run
    pup – pop
    sock – suck
    putt – pot
    shot – shut

    Sliding Speech Practice

    1. I’ll call you later tonight.

    2. Nice to finally meet you.

    3. What time do you think you’ll get there?


  • though發音 在 九粒Jolie 你的英文Bestie Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-05-15 21:00:12

    #炮仔聲 #跟我一起 #宅在家 #完全娛樂
    各位寶寶們 歡迎回來~

    以前看美劇學英文 現在來看八點檔學英文!


    (請注意 這邊都是口語化的英文 口語化的英文 文法不會這麼制式化哦!)


    妍熙 剛才我一直問你說 今天怎麼這麼費工 還約我來餐廳吃燭光晚餐
    I kept asking you why did you go through all this today and invited me to a candlelit dinner at the restaurant?

    You won’t tell me why.

    現在已經吃完了 是不是可以跟我說 到底是為什麼
    Now we’re done dinner. Can you please tell me why?

    妍熙 你說這句話什麼意思 妍熙 What do you mean by that?
    什麼意思你 你要離開我? What do you mean? You’re leaving me?

    不是 你是不是因為 我跟麗玲那晚發生的事情
    Wait, is it because of what happened between 麗玲and I that night?

    你還在生氣 不肯原諒我 You’re still mad at me? And you won’t forgive me?

    不是你別這樣想 No, please don’t think like that.
    我一點都不覺得勉強 I don’t feel forced at all.

    沒有拉 妍熙 No 妍熙
    不好意思 I’m sorry.

    因為我之前一直不相信 你的靈魂附身在麗玲身上
    Because I wouldn’t believe that 麗玲’s body is possessed by your spirit.

    但是我現在非常確定 你就是我的妍熙寶貝
    But now I’m so sure that you’re my 妍熙 baby.

    So I don’t care if you’re in 麗玲’s body or somebody else’s body.

    不管你是高矮胖瘦 I don’t care if you’re tall short fat skinny
    是圓是扁 年長或年輕 Round or flat , old or young
    只要你是我的妍熙寶貝 as long as you’re my 妍熙寶貝
    我都愛你 I love you just the same. (不管你如何我都會一樣愛你的意思)

    所以我希望你可以給我一次機會 可以讓我親自證明 用行動來證明說
    我是完全接受你 而且非常愛你
    So I hope you can give me a chance so I can prove to you. I will show you by actions that I’ve completely accepted you and I love you very much.

    只要你別離開我身邊就好了 As long as you don’t leave me.

    當然是真的 Of course it’s true.
    只要留在我身邊 別離開我就可以了
    As long as you stay with me and don’t ever leave me

    就算你要用麗玲的身體 跟我生活一輩子
    Even if you need to use 麗玲’s body to live with me forever

    我也願意 I’m willing to do that.
    你不相信的話 我現在馬上跟你求婚
    if you don’t believe me I can propose to you right now.

    雖然我們已經結為夫妻了 Even though we’re already married
    但是你願意的話 But if you want to
    我可以再次地向你求婚 I can propose to you again.
    我可以向你求十遍 百遍 一千遍 我都願意 I can to propose to you ten times, a hundred times a thousand times. I’m willing to do that.
    就算你要用麗玲的身體跟我生活一輩子 Even if you need to use 麗玲’s body to live with me forever,
    只要你能留在我身邊 不要離開我 這樣我就滿足了
    as long as you stay with me and don’t leave me, that’s enough for me.

    我相信沒有人有辦法拆散我們兩個了 I believe no one is ever going to tear us apart anymore.

    Will you accept my proposal?





  • though發音 在 Fiona Vibes Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-06-29 11:39:30

    Welcome to ✶ Signs Talk with Fiona Vibes ✶ Fiona Vibes 星座解說 ✶

    ♥ Channel's About ♥
    Horoscope Love, Relationship Tips, Self Nature & Intuition

    ☀ Today's Topic ☀
    Why is so Hard to Meet Someone?
    At the beginning of meeting someone, you may stalk him/her a bit for reference, then you may be able get to know your crush more before you give in; on the other hand, what makes you to hold after all the hard work? Is meeting someone that difficult? Let's find out though this video about different signs!

    ㊟ You May Want to Know ㊟
    Zodiac signs are controlled by 4 main elements, earth, water, air and fire. There are magical chemistries between each signs and elements, through my videos, they will make you feel empowered, confident, and in control of your romantic destiny again. Use your intuition to guide you. If this message doesn’t resonate with you, feel peaceful and find the one that does. Ultimately, you must always use your own judgement, wisdom and discrimination when making life decisions.

    ☛ Time Stamps ☛
    Aries 00:11
    Taurus 00:56
    Gemini 01:46
    Cancer 02:31
    Leo 03:16
    Virgo 03:53
    Libra 04:35
    Scorpio 05:21
    Sagittarius 06:07
    Capricorn 06:57
    Aquarius 07:49
    Pisces 08:40

    ► More Videos ►
    ✶ Signs Talk with Fiona Vibes ✶ Why You Can't Seem to Let Love In? ✶ Fiona Vibes 星座解說 ✶ https://youtu.be/KgT2-pOJkhY

    ✔ Join the Family ✔
    Facebook: https://facebook.com/fionavibes
    Insta: @fionavibes https://instagram.com/fionavibes

    ✶ About me ✶
    I am interested in star signs, energy healing and elements although I graduated from an Art Uni - Central Saint Martins. Star signs have been bringing me a lot of improvement in mind reading and communication skills, therefore I am quite open to share my POV of start signs for you to know people better and easier.

